Chapter Thirty Two


You had no clue why everything had felt so awkward and angsty, but that was the whole car ride as Taehyung kept his mouth shut and his eyes on the road. It wasn’t like him to be this silent—at least from what you got from him he was a pretty talkative guy and loved to light up the room. You glanced over at him, immediately averting your eyes as soon as he looked over at you.

Letting out a deep breath you stared out the window, crossing your arms. You had asked to turn on the radio a few minutes earlier and he completely ignored you. As much as you wanted to turn it on without his agreement you feared for your hand; you didn’t want to know what he would do to it if he didn’t want the radio on.

Noticing how out of place you felt, Taehyung began to strike up a conversation in hopes of creating a better mood in the car.

“So, how are you?” he asked, already regretting what he had said. You looked over at him as if he was crazy, and proceeded to answer his question with the utmost amount of sass you could muster up.

“Well it seems like just some odd days ago I decided to get into a club I had been waiting in line forever for, some random guy snatching me up and pulling me into a world of drug lords, gangs,” you faced the window once more, frowning as you continued. “Car wrecks, scars, emotional and physical damage, guys dying right in front of you, one guy risking his life for you even though he’s only just met you…” you trailed off, swallowing hard.

Turning to him once more, you flashed a smile.

“So all in all pretty good. What about you?”

Taehyung looked over at you, an uneasy expression on his face. Diverting his eyes from yours he pressed on the gas.

“I could be better,” he started. “Feeling remorseful about some things,” cracking his neck he gave you a small grin. “But I’m sure all that will be sorted out soon.”

You were unsure if he was talking about you, or whatever was going to happen with Jaebum, Suga and Jungkook, but either way it left you confused. You shook it off, cracking your knuckles and stretching out in your seat.

“Real talk though,” he said, that unique smile of his present. “Tell me a little bit more about you and Hoseok. I heard you talk about him earlier and… yeah.”

“If you keep your eyes on the road for more than two minutes I’ll tell you.” You joked, adjusting the seat belt’s position over your chest. Taehyung laughed, nodding and putting his head forward.

“Okay, so what exactly do you want to know?” you asked, digging into the back of your mind. You didn’t know what to talk about, where to start, when to end, when it got too personal or saucy, etc.

“Well, what’s it like with Hoseok?” he asked, making a smooth turn to the right.

You shrugged.

“He’s really nice, cares about me, he went out of his way to beat you up after you smooched me-“

Taehyung laugh, waving his hand at you.

“No no no, not that.”

You turned to him, your eyebrows furrowed.

“You’re so innocent!” he cooed, letting out another small laugh.

“What’s the like with him? What’s he like? I’ve always seen him as the kind of guy who would be really soft, but I think that one night he broke the bed,” Taehyung mentioned, his laughter increasing.

“Oh my god shut up!” you yelled, a small smile on your face as blood rushed to your cheeks.

“No I’m genuinely curious!” he exclaimed. “Come on, just a little bit of information. I swear I won’t tell him we ever had this talk.”

You groaned loudly, fidgeting in your seat. With a smile still on your face you looked over to him.

“He’s rough.”

Taehyung looked to you, his eyebrows raised.

“Really? How so?” he asked, trying to contain his giggles.

“He pulled out a knife and-“

“He cut your clothes off?” Taehyung yelled, nearly slamming on the breaks. “Hoseok you dog!” he added, his jaw nearly hitting the floor.

You hit Taehyung’s arm, telling him to shut up as he went on and on about how dirty Hoseok was.

“What else did he do? How did it get? I never knew Hoseok was like that—this is like a whole new world being opened up.”

Hitting him once more you sighed.

“He’s not all too as he is like… I don’t really know how to describe it. It’s kind of like he was all about me?” you said, trying to find the right words. Taehyung let out a loud laugh, throwing his head back.

“Oh my god, the things he does for you,” he mumbled, his head slowly hanging down. Once more he cracked his neck, letting out a deep breath. He glanced over at you, letting out a small chuckle.

“Well, we’re here I guess,” he pointed out, nearly missing the turn into the old abandoned school. You rolled down your window, getting a better look at the building. A frown formed across your face as you saw the decaying playground, the falling bricks and sad looking atmosphere compared to the other side of the road.

“They really hang out here? It looks like this place could drop at any second.”

Taehyung shrugged.

“I guess that’s a good thing.”

You looked over at him and nodded, unbuckling. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Taehyung reach into the back seat and grab a small handgun, tucking it into his belt before stepping out of the car.

You stepped out as well, slamming the car door shut behind you. You didn’t have any sort of weapon, so you walked closely behind Taehyung. Noticing how anxious you seemed, Taehyung pulled something out of his pocket. He paused in place, handing you a pocket knife with a smile.

You happily accepted it, flicking it in and out as the two of you walked into the small building. Needless to say your heart was pounding as soon you found yourself only a few inches behind Taehyung, trying to look intimidating with your knife out. You looked up at Taehyung who didn’t need a knife to look threatening; he really didn’t need anything but his face to give off that ‘Don’t with me’ vibe.

Taehyung walked through the halls with a sense of power, looking down and running his fingers along the walls of the building and taking in all the memories. He peeked in through every door, keeping his pace incredibly slow. He would look to you every once in a while, making sure that you were still following behind, but soon he found it irritating.

“Walk in front of me,” he commanded, looking through the window of another classroom. You hit his leg, looking at him like he was insane.

“I don’t know this building at all!” you whispered.

Taehyung gave you a stare.

“I just want to make sure that you’re here easily. Looking back every eight seconds is a little annoying.”

You pouted, understanding what he meant. He led you down the halls slowly opening doors and listening for any kind of noise. As soon as he was about to give up, he heard something being dropped down the next hall.

Quickly he walked towards the source of the sound, letting out a soft sigh seeing a small soda can rolling around on the floor. He approached the can slowly, kicking it softly while looking around. You glanced out the window, frowning at all the dead plants.

“What the …” Taehyung mumbled as he picked the can up. You turned back to him, noticing that he was pulling a small white piece of paper out of the small aluminum can. He threw the can on the floor when the paper was out, slowly unrolling it. There was a small sense of fear in his eyes as he read the paper, a scowl on Taehyung’s face as he looked around.

“What did it say?” you asked, shyly taking a few steps towards Taehyung. He looked down at you, visibly swallowing as he stared. After a few seconds he blinked, turning his head and walking down the halls.

“Taehyung!” you called out, jogging to catch up with him. You put your knife away, grabbing onto the back of Taehyung’s shirt to keep him from going any faster.

He turned another corner, meeting a small stairway. He looked up, his breathing heavy as he looked like he was going to cry. Once more he looked back at you, grabbing your hand and whispering “Come on,” before dragging you up the steps.

You followed him as best as you could, nearly tripping up a few stairs. Finally the steps had ended, Taehyung continuing to pull you around. He met a dead end hallway, taking long strides down to the end of the hall. In fear you pulled out your pocketknife, a nervous look on your face as Taehyung’s grip on your hand increased.

At the end of the hallway was a lone door, the front looking scratched up as it barely hung onto the hinges. Despite its condition, Taehyung quickly opened the door, yanking you inside and shutting the door behind you.

As you regained your balance your eyes locked with the scene in front of you, your heart nearly jumping to your throat.

Jaebum, Jackson and Yugyeom stood in front of the small chalkboard, Suga and Jungkook kneeling in front of Jackson and Yugyeom respectively. They had bags over their heads and their hands were tied behind their backs, both of the boys breathing heavily.

Jaebum smiled, signaling for the boys to unbag Suga and Jungkook. As soon as the bags were off their heads they breathed in fresh air, both of their eyes drifting to you. As soon as they caught sight of you, their faces were flushed of all color. Jungkook looked up to Taehyung, his eyes wide as Taehyung looked down at Jungkook with pity.

“Is the trade still on?” Taehyung asked, his hand still gripping yours.

Jaebum nodded, resting his hand on Suga’s shoulder. “Only if you want it to be, my friend.”

Looking at you, Taehyung gave you an emotionless stare before shoving you forward. Jackson grabbed you as soon as you were close enough, quickly putting your hands behind your back.

“Taehyung?” you called out, feeling a mix of emotions as you were handed over to the enemy. Taehyung avoided your eyes, keeping his stare on Suga and Jungkook. Once more Jaebum nodded, Yugyeom standing the boys up one by one and sending them back over to Taehyung.

“Taehyung you can’t do this,” Jungkook said, refusing to cross the invisible line that would officially separate him from you. He stared at Taehyung, Suga doing the same.

“You need to find a better way,” Suga added, looking to Jaebum. “Push her back and go ahead and keep us, I don’t care what you do just put her back with them.”

Jaebum tilted his head, resting his hand on his heart.

“That’s so sweet, but, we had a deal.”

Without another word Yugyeom pushed Suga and Jungkook over that invisible line, leaving you all by yourself in the arms of the enemy. You stared at Taehyung, your eyes pleading for him to say something. Instead he just nodded, beginning to walk out of the room.

“Taehyung!” you called out once more, this time anger rising in you more than any other emotion. “What the !”

Before Jungkook could run to help you, Taehyung grabbed their hands, yanking them out of the room and shutting the door. From the small window you could see him reach for the gun he kept in his back pocket, aiming it at the two of them to make sure they walked away.

You tugged away from Jackson, letting out huff as you watched your only hopes walk away.

Jaebum let out a soft sigh, standing in front of you with a frown.

“I’m sorry he did that to you, princess,” he cooed, running his hand down your cheek. You wanted to pull away from his touch, but Jackson wouldn’t let you move. Jaebum gave you a small smile, brushing a strand of hair out of your face.

“Don’t worry, we’ll treat you better than they ever would have.”

You felt yourself choke up as Taehyung and the other went out of sight, feeling all of you trust in them being pushed out of your system as Jackson led you out of the room.

“Be easy on her, okay?” Jaebum added, patting Jackson’s back.

“Who knows what she’s been through up until now.”

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kirbykirbykitty11 #1
Chapter 36: I just spent two days of my life reading this and I must say, it's totally been worth it! Thanks for an entertaining and thrilling read! I was just wondering if you were ever going to continue the story or if I've reached the end 0.o (I hope not)! Regardless, I understand what it's like to be busy! Take your time!
minleo #2
Chapter 36: I love this so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Please update soon~~~
minleo #3
Chapter 36: OMG!! This fanfic is amazing!!! T^T I love it sooooo much~~~ <3 <3 <3 Please update soon, author-nim!!
ByunhunnieUnicorn #4
Chapter 36: Please tell me this is not the end ;-; this is one of the best fanfics I ever read
Bookie1698 #5
Chapter 36: Whaaaaaaat? Noon! They both can't die? Whyyyyy?
exotic_kpopforever #6
Chapter 36: “I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” This is like my fav thing
exotic_kpopforever #7
Chapter 35: This may or may not be my favorite BTS fanfic ever
oo96 #8
Chapter 35: This story is just... I'm at a loss of words! Seriously, you deserve much more credit! Please update soon!!!