Twenty Two


The remainder of the car ride was silent. Jungkook leaned on the window, his eyes on your throughout the ride. Uncomfortably, you sat on the other side of him, trying your best to not look at him. You felt like if your eyes ever locked with his that you’d be into a little black hole.

You let out a small sigh, looking out the window and wondering. Once more you found yourself thinking about how you got caught up in this mess. You wondered if your family was wondering where you were, or if your friends had told the police-- But you doubted it. You were known to hop from place to place without warning, so they probably assumed that it was just that again.

You crossed your arms, looking down at your feet as your thoughts continued.

You could leave at any time. You could have left when you were with Hoseok, you could have somehow escaped when you were with Taehyung. Yet, you always stuck with them. You furrowed your brows, a small frown coming across your face.

Why in the world would you have stayed with them? They’re bad people-- They have horrible reputations-- They commit crimes on such a high scale. And yet you somehow found a way to trust them?

You bit your lip.

Tonight you would do it. Tonight you were going to escape, leave this mess and put it behind you. You’d somehow find your way back home and be able to forget about all this madness. You smiled at the thought of your bed, all of your comfy clothes, and the food that you had in there.

You glanced over at Jungkook, who was sleeping. His head was hanging down, his arms still crossed. He definitely fell asleep watching you.

You felt a shiver up your spine as you turned away from him. You could see Jimin eyeing you in the back mirror, unaware that his little buddy fell asleep. As soon as he saw that you were looking at him while he looked at you, he averted his eyes back to the road.

“Is he asleep?”

You looked over at Jungkook once more, nodding at Jimin.

“Ahh, he still acts like a little kid.”

You looked over at Jimin, a small frown still on your face.

“How old is he?”

Jimin sighed.


You looked over at Jungkook, completely surprised. He sure as hell didn’t look like he was seventeen! As you stared at Jungkook, Jimin continued on with his little monologue about Jungkook.

“It’s really funny, actually. He ended up with us when he was sixteen. Although it’s only been a year this boy has been doing some crazy .”

“What does he even do?” you asked. “What do you even do?”

Jimin chuckled, putting one hand on his chest.

“Me? I’m just the strength of the group. Not meaning I keep the group together, but, I’m the fists. The more hand to hand combat person. I take down people in secret, really, catch them while they’re alone and defenseless.”

Putting his hand back on the wheel, he continued.

“Jungkook is our assassin.”

You quickly looked back up at Jimin, the sleeping body of Jungkook becoming more terrifying than it should have been. You heard Jimin laugh once more, the car stopping smoothly.

“Even though he’s the youngest, he has a lot of talent.” he added, getting out of the car.

Just as Jimin opened your door, Jungkook woke up, trying his best to act awake. You stepped out of the car, keeping yourself closer to Jimin and hopefully farther away from Jungkook. Jimin could tell that you were anxious, and wrapped an arm around you in a friendly manner.

“Don’t be scared of him,” he whispered as Jungkook walked in front of the two of you.

You watched as Jungkook walked into the small building, Jimin giving you a vital piece of information before pretending like nothing ever happened.

“It’s like he can smell fear.”


The building that you were guided into was by far the spookiest of all of the ones you been in so far. The halls were dimly lit, doors scattered across the halls. Some of them had small stains on them (you could only imagine what had happened), and some looked as if they had just been cleaned.

Two men came walked down the hall, dragging what you assumed to be a body in a bag. Jimin moved you to the side as they ran past, opened the door where you entered and quickly shutting it. Jungkook continued to walk in front of you and Jimin, his stance tall and proud, as if he was on his turf.

Another man came running down the hall, this time stopping and whispering something to Jungkook. All you could hear was something about a man, before the guy ran off to catch up with the other men who had exited the building.

You could hear Jungkook mutter to himself as he turned down a new hallway. Jimin followed him, his hands on your shoulders as he guided you in front of him. You peeked around the corner, seeing Jungkook knock on a door. There was no reply.

Jungkook tilted his head to the side, not bothering to knock again. With an angry look on his face, he kicked the door open. You could hear muffled screams inside the room as Jungkook walked in, the screams getting louder and louder at the seconds went on.

You could feel Jimin’s hands tense up as he turned you so that you were facing him. He told you to just keep looking at him before covering your ears. All while he did this he was looking down the hall Jungkook went through, his eyes closing as if he had heard something dreadful in the other room.

His hands were off your ears and you were turned around once more. You heard Jungkook’s footsteps getting closer to you; needless to say that you were frozen.

As he passed by you, he gestured for Jimin to follow. This was definitely Jungkook’s territory. Every man he passed seemed scared of him, even though the men who were scared were clearly much older than the boy.

Jungkook led you into a small room; it reminded you of a bedroom but not as comforting. Yes, there was a small bed and nightstand, but there was nothing else. No comforting paint, no pictures, no nothing.

“You can stay here for the night, I’ll check in with Hoseok in the morning.”

Without another word, Jungkook left. You assumed he had more ‘business’ to take care of, but you didn’t care to think about what it may be. Jimin stood in the doorway, letting out a heavy sigh as you sat on the bed.

“I had no clue that he had an….” Jimin paused. “Appointment…”

You scoffed, looking around the dreary room once more. Jimin looked down at the floor, tapping his foot.

“Well, if you need me, don’t hesitate to find me.”

He left with a smile and an awkward wave, shutting the door behind you.

As soon as he shut the door, you ran over to it, putting your ear up against it. As soon as you didn’t hear his footsteps, you opened the door, peeking out and looking both ways. There was no one in the halls, and you knew exactly where you needed to go.

Before exiting, you adjusted your dress, hating that it was still ripped. With a soft sigh, you began your escape.

As you tip toed down the halls, you were constantly listening for anyone elses movements. You had an excuse in your head if anyone saw you-- Although it would only work if they knew that you were here with Jungkook..

Still, you continued.

Slowly and carefully you moved down the halls, keeping your eyes and ears open for anybody who might be creeping by. You peered down a hallway, a small sigh of success escaping your lips. There was the door where you had entered, and you were going to get out!

You quickly began running to the door, freezing in your tracks when you heard someone yell.

“What are you doing in here?” he yelled, his heavy footsteps getting closer to you. You turned to him, mumbling ‘’ as you faced him.

“I was looking for Jimin-- I’m a friend of Jungkooks--”

The man scoffed, reaching in his back pocket. You took a step back getting ready to make a run for it. He took another step forward and you turned around sprinting for the door. But before you could get an actual start, the man had grabbed your hand and yanked you back, putting a bag over your face and dragging you backwards.

As you tried to scream, he slipped his hand under the bag, slapping something over your mouth; a piece of duct tape. Your screams became muffled yells, the same of which you heard from the other man before Jungkook had ‘met’ with him.

You heard a door open as you huffed, trying your best to somehow hurt the man, but it just wasn’t working. Noticing that you were particularly hard to fight with, the man groaned. You heard a small glass break, something splashing on your foot.

You could hear the man smack his hand in whatever had spilled, his hand coming up and under you bag once more, this time his hand covering your nose. Even though the scent wasn’t familiar, you knew what it was. Your kicks and yells became lesser and lesser before you everything slowly went black.

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kirbykirbykitty11 #1
Chapter 36: I just spent two days of my life reading this and I must say, it's totally been worth it! Thanks for an entertaining and thrilling read! I was just wondering if you were ever going to continue the story or if I've reached the end 0.o (I hope not)! Regardless, I understand what it's like to be busy! Take your time!
minleo #2
Chapter 36: I love this so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Please update soon~~~
minleo #3
Chapter 36: OMG!! This fanfic is amazing!!! T^T I love it sooooo much~~~ <3 <3 <3 Please update soon, author-nim!!
ByunhunnieUnicorn #4
Chapter 36: Please tell me this is not the end ;-; this is one of the best fanfics I ever read
Bookie1698 #5
Chapter 36: Whaaaaaaat? Noon! They both can't die? Whyyyyy?
exotic_kpopforever #6
Chapter 36: “I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” This is like my fav thing
exotic_kpopforever #7
Chapter 35: This may or may not be my favorite BTS fanfic ever
oo96 #8
Chapter 35: This story is just... I'm at a loss of words! Seriously, you deserve much more credit! Please update soon!!!