As if Leah couldn't wait any longer for Kris to wake up, she was afraid that he might go through a seizure again. It wasn't likely, but she found herself not going to sleep as if to watch over him like a guardian angel.

"Still watching over him, huh?"

"Oma" she looked up.

Leah's mom came to see how Kris was getting along. She did know the boy. He used to be around all the time. She was worried.

"Is he alright?" Leah turned to look his way. "Um he is getting there he might be released at the end of this week they keeping him to watch him to make sure nothing out of the ordinary pops up."

"oh I see." she said.

leah looked back to her mom." omo sorry I haven't. ."

"ah 안녕하세요.(anyohasaeyo./hello) kris-ah." her mother said when she realized kris opend his tired eyes.

"hi omoni."Kris said, greeting her back in English.

"괜찮아요?"(gwenchanayo?/are you okay?) she asked him concerned on his current situation.

"데.괜찮아요( nae gwenchanayo/yes im fine.) he said confident that he was doing better than yestorday so he didnt completely lie.

“Oh, that's good that you feel a lot better I was getting concerned.

"Please Omani don't worry too much I promise that I'm okay and getting better."

Leah's mother wanted to believe him, but she just couldn't with the way his face was looking right now.

"Oh ok, I'm going to leave you two I got to get back to the house before your father gets back Leah.“She said getting up to leave.

"But what you just got here.“Leah said.

"i Know,but I have things  to do before I get home as well main."

Before she walked out she ask Leah to get water so she could speak to Kris.

She walked back in and went to Kris. Kris looked at her nervously.

"Please watch over my hyunah She's been through a lot lately and so have you. And that is why I think you need each other rather if you guys are together or not."She grabbed Kris hand and sighed.“I've been watching you two a lot back then and I always thought you guys were perfect for another, but it seems that someone has stepped in before you did. If it is too late or not I think you shouldn't give up so easily I thin...“

"Here oma." Leah came Oh,  thank-you honey.“ She said taking a sip of it.

After she drunk it all she really left.

Leah looked at kris and smiled.

"I'm glad you're awake, I'm still scared."

kris looked at her and his heart warmed at her response to his current condition.

He grabbed her hand and she jumped in surprise at his sudden touch.

"Yah, don't worry too much ok. I'm getting better as the time passes. I don't need you to worry about me and you hyunah need to get your to school instead of staying with me in the hospital."

Leah gave him a potted looked.

With made kris wants to give in but he didn't.

"I don't care I'm a big boy I don't need you by my side, I'm used to being alone." he said without thinking.

Leah caught on and her heart sank because he was referring to her.

she would never live this down.

leah looked at him and the guilt came crashing in.


"Stop, "he said."look at me." she looked at him."Gwen cha na yo ok?"

she gave up. There was no use.


Lee minjun looked at in my. She was nervous. He was nervous. And they were waiting for minjuns father to arrive here in the front room.

Why he called them in?

Minjun didn't have the slightest clue.

There could be millions of reasons why he asked their company.

But in me not being pregnant wasn't one he wanted to face right now.

Minjun held his breath alongside with me who looked as if she was going to pass out.

She was thinking of all the different reasons as to why they were called to this get together as well.

She too didn't want to think of the possibility that he was asking about the fake baby she was carrying. She could only imagine what trouble that would bring and what kind of consequences that would bring in the future and not to mention what her mother would do.

As minjuns father entered the room he had the same smile he had on when Minho was called not to long ago. He was amused by the power he had over them. and he knew everything so if they lied... welll they lied and he knew the truth. but just like minho he was going to play around the bush to have fun with their emotions.

minjun looked at his father as he sat down his mouth becoming suddenly dry.

His father's eyes boring into his soul and he knew that he could never stand up to him by his lonesome.

"So there are something I'm not happy with and it concerns you." his father said looking at the both of them. mostly minjun.

Minjun started to sweat and he became breathless.

"What do you mean?" minjun replied.

"Don't act so surprised. I know." he said, scaring the life out of the both of them.

"Ajussi mianhamniada.."

"Why are you apologizing for minhos actions." he said slyly twisting his game.

Minjun looked shocked and relieved at the same time.

"my my my dongsaeng? he studderd looking at his father in confusion.

"nae i know you both know about this unexceptable habbit he has with this girl and i know youve been hidding it from me." he said casuly.

minjuns mouth droped open.



he was glad he wasnt refering to him about the baby. but, minho? how did he know that they knew? what was this monster siting before him. how was he to know everything?

"uhh uh um yea i knew." he said amitting the truth.

his father gave him an dissaproving look.
not that he cared really he just wanted to mess with their emotions he didnt care that minjun knew he had nothing to do with it. but he just wanted to shake them up a bit to show him that he isnt a joke. and anything to do with him should be taken seriously. also its not like he was helping him now then there would be a problem.

"well thats all i wanted to talk to you about." he said quickly getting up with a smirk.

when he was out of ear shot eun mi and minjun looked at another.

they were thinking the same thing. and at the same time they said

"he knows!"


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