
The Murderer Who Stole My Heart
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A couple of days had passed and f(x) and your personal doctor and nurse were relieved that you were no making a fast recovery. They were suspicious before but you told them that it was time to get over it and move on. And move on you did.

L came to visit you frequently, buying you small rewards for making a fast recovery. He was now your best friend. "~~~~~, you need to get back on your feet soon. L.joe's waiting to take you out on a date," he stuck his tongue out at you cutely, teasing you.

"Hey!" you socked his arm with slight blush in your cheeks.

"Ow!" L flinched and bit his lip. "That one hurt."

"I'm getting there," you winked at him.

"Hey babe," L.joe stepped into the room with some new flowers to brighten up the room. He came to the side of your bed and kissed the top of your forehead. "How's it going L?" he fist bumped him.

"Good, just teasing pretty baby here," L smirked at you, causing you to blush again.

L.joe just shrugged, knowing there was an inside joke somewhere in there. "When did they say you were good to go?"

"In three days. Then you can…" you trailed off and looked at L.

"What was that babe?" L.joe put the new flowers in the vacant vase.

"Nothing…" you grumbled and looked out the window.

"~~~~!!" Victoria bounced into the room with a lunchbox in hand and a tub of ice cream. She stopped in her tracks as she saw the two guys standing there. She blinked twice, "Who are they?!"

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41 streak #1
What a throwback to Jiu
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 51: chappie 51: who is the guy that messaged victoria ??????
i hate he.
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 47: chappie 47: yahoo!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 46: chappie 46: please choose l.joe!!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 34: chappie 34: what is the reason behind l.joe's act ???
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 18: chappie 18: is she still gonna be l.joe's target ????
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 14: chappie 14: i didn't know that l.joe is merciless....
he's quite scary.....
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 3: chappie 3: woowww!!!
this girl is really tough......
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 2: chappie 2: what did she saw?????
liyanaTik #10
Cant stop reading this again