
Why Have I Fallen For You?

23/09/10 Happy Birthday Key~~~


Onew’s POV

I was getting ready to go to Jonghyun’s home. He had invited me over. I was getting dressed.

He sent me a text with his address. I left my house and walked to his place. I realised that his house was only a few streets away from mine.

Jonghyun’s POV

I was on my computer in my room. Then I heard mum calling for me to go downstairs. Onew was already here. I closed my laptop and went downstairs.

“Annyong”, I said cheerfully.

He waved back and smiled.

“Wow your house is really big”, he said surprised.

“Thanks”, I said directing him to the living room.

“So what do you want to do tonight”, I asked.

“I thought maybe we could do some studying”, he said this with a happy expression.

I dropped my mouth open and couldn't believe what he said. Now I knew that he was a complete dork and nerd.

“How about we go out”, I asked hopefully.

“To where”? He asked.

Just follow I said. I told him that always-studying good either. He needs to be social and have some fun.

I said goodbye to mum and we left the house.

“So where are we going”, he asked confused.

Onew’s POV

I asked him where we were going he replied Hongdae.


Hongdae is famous for its popular nightclubs.

“So we are going to a night club”, I asked while still shocked.

He nodded his head and smiled.


W had finally arrived at Hongdae. I followed him. I guess he comes here a lot since he new the way so well. He stopped in front of a club and I followed him in. He was also quite popular when he walked in everyone was saying hello and waving at him. He told me to sit down with a group in which then I knew they were his friends. We were all laughing, talking and drinking. Then I realised that he was missing. I asked one of his friends where he was, they answered that he probably went to get some air or to dance. I decided not to go and look for him since this was the first time I ever felt so good and social.

Jonghyun’s POV

I decided to go outside to get some fresh air. I saw some people that I also knew outside, I started talking to them.

Then I saw a beautiful girl in a black dress with high heels walking in front of me. Instantly I knew it was it was the girl from school who saved me by getting bashed by Key. It was Hae rim. She was wobbly while she was walking and it was obvious she was drunk and had been crying.

I said to my friends that I had to leave. I decided to follow her.

Hae rim’s POV

I felt horrible this had been the worst day of my life. Why do I have to have such a useless father? I looked at the big bruise on my arm. I can’t stand with living with my father anymore. Then I looked at the cuts on my legs it still hasn't stopped bleeding. This is the worst he has ever done to me. He whipped me, smashed the glassed wine bottle on my leg and through me over to the table. The bottle smashed in half on my leg and the glass made cuts on my leg.I turned a corner and went into an alley. I wobbly went down to the ground. The pain just hurt too much. I tried calling Key but he was at a family dinner, so I gave up knowing that he will not pick up.

Jonghyun’s POV

I saw her turn the corner and sat down on the floor. Then I realised that her legs were bleeding from all the cuts. I walked over and put her arm around my shoulder. She pushed me away and told me to leave. I didn't listen and continued trying to help her stand. She had given up on pushing me away because it was giving her too much pain. She had finally gotten up but then fell to the ground again. I took of my cardigan and wrapped it around her leg to stop the bleeding.

“We need to get you to the hospital”, I said worried.

“No! I cant, I cant go to the hospital”, she said in pain.

“Why”, you are losing too much blood”, I said annoyed.

I picked her up in bridal style and headed for the Hongdae hospital. She told be that she can’t go to the hospital because she cant pay for the fees. I replied that I will pay the fees.


We arrived at the hospital; I took her to the emergency room. She was taken inside. The nurse told me to wait outside.

After some time she came out with a nurse holding her hand. The nurse said to me that the bleeding had stopped but she need to be careful that she doesn't put too much pressure on her leg. I bowed and said thank you to the nurse.


We got outside; I was still holding her hand. She said thank you and turned around and started walking. She was still wobbly and unsteady. I remembered what the nurse said, and then I went up and picked her up in bridal style again. She looked at me shocked.

“Where are we going”, she said with a shocked expression.

“My place”, I said with a half smile.


“ Because I don't trust you going back yourself, you might hurt yourself again”.

Thank god my house was only walking distance away from Hongdae.

Hae rim’s POV

For some reason I felt really safe when I’m with him. I was completely shocked when he said that we are going to his place. I was going to decline but then I decided to go because I didn't want my dad in my face again and hurting me.


We arrived at his house. It was a 2 storey white house. I guess it means that he’s also rich. He opened the door and invited me in.

“So your parents are not at home”, I asked a bit worried.

“They are upstairs but they don’t mind at all”, he said calmly.

He helped sit down in the living room on the couch. The couch was fine black leather. It looked really expensive. Then he asked.

“Who did this to you”, he said sitting down next to me.

I froze for a minute but he helped me so much, I didn't want to lie to him.

“My dad did this to me”, I said trying not to show any expressions or cry a waterfall.

He moved closer to me and assured me that I was going to be safe here. He took me to a spare room and told me to get some rest. He turned and was walking out.

“Wait”, I’m a bit scared”, I said

He walked over and sat down on the sofa next to the bed.

“I will talk to you until you get sleepy”, he said with a sweet expression.

Jonghyun’s POV

I sat down on the sofa and started to talk to her.

“So Key’s your boyfriend”, I asked lamely.

“Yeah, he’s been helping me so much. Everything I have, Keys given it too me”, she replied with no expression. 

It was quiet for a moment. Then she started to say something.

“My mother died in a car accident four years ago. After the car accident my father turned alcoholic and I admit that I changed”, she said still with a calm expression.

Then she thanked me for everything I done tonight. Before I knew it she was asleep. I stood up and left the room. 


Chapter 5 is UP!!!~~~

Comment to tell me what u think~~~ This is a pretty good chapter in my opinion LOL

Chapter 6 will be up very soon~~~~

Chapter 5 written by Jess.


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i like your poster :3 and your story, it's beautiful T.T
jenjeneee #2
OMG Jjong's leaving her?!
mangobunny #3
i was gonna start reading this story<br />
then i saw all the comments<br />
and then i went to the end<br />
and now i hate you too D:<br />
chocolatiershinee #4
_neofliesx3 #6
AHHAA congrats for winning tickets you lucky girl :D<br />
i did it too but got nothing D:<br />
well have fun , tell me how it is ^^
OMG!!!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please tell Kim JongHyun that I , Quynh [ Quinn ]<br />
LOVES HIM TO DEATH and tell him to come to the east coast of america (:
brainyjs #9
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........ UNFAIR!!!!! I.WANNA.GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO