Stay with Me

Why Have I Fallen For You?


HaeRim's POV

School went by normal. After my last lesson, Minho told me to go and visit Key; apparently he was sick and was having a really bad hangover. I was walking to my locker to put my books away when Jonghyun came up to me. 

"Are you going to visit Key"?

"Um yeah he is sick and having a really bad hangover"

I had just closed my locker and locked it when he pulled me in and hugged me. I was so shocked that I froze, quickly walked away. What was that all about I thought I to myself. Minho's car was waiting for me outside. He was going to drop me off outside Key's house and then he had to go to an important family dinner. I got out off the car and stood in front of the massive gates. The gates opened and I walked in. 

The gardeners were busy at work. I walked up to the front door and a maid opened the door for me. I walked in; Key's house was just like normally. The enormous house was filled with maids everywhere, clean and high classed furniture.

"Where's Key?"

"Young master is in his room", a maid told as she was walking past. 

The head maid came up to me when hearing that I had arrived. She said in a worried tone that he hasn't had anything to eat after his breakfast and a glass of water. He hasn't let anyone enter his room. I nodded and gave her a smile that I will take care of everything.

I got into the elevator and pressed 2. The elevator stopped and I got out. His room was on the right hand side. I knocked on the door. 

“I told all of you to go away”, a weak voice said.

He is acting his normal behavior when he is sick. Stubborn. Key hates medicine and people seeing him in his weak state.

“Key, it’s me Haerim?”

“I’m fine, I will see you at school tomorrow”, his weak, almost dying out voice said again.

Feeling annoyed and impatient, I asked the maid for the key to his room. She stood there frozen. “Hurry up and go get the key”. She quickly scurried off. She came back with the key. I took it and opened the door.

Key was lying on his bed with his back facing me. His room was in a complete mess and the curtains were pulled back together. He slowly turned around when he heard me enter.Modern-bedroom-furniture-with-white-leather-chairs

“I thought I told you I am fine, you can go back now”, he said stubbornly.

I walked over and opened the curtains, the sun shined through.

“I don't want you to get sick too”, he yelled using all his energy.

I went over and felt his forehead. OH MY GOD he was burning.

“Have you taken any medicine”?

He shook his head and turned around. I went outside and called a made to prepare the medicine. I waited at the door; he quickly came back with medicine and a glass of water. I took the tray, went back into the room and closed the door.

I placed the tray on the bedside table and poured the medicine onto the spoon. I placed in front of Key’s face. He turned his face away as usual. I sighed knowing that this was going to happen. I had no choice to cup his jaws in my hand and then quickly I shoved the spoon into his mouth. HAHA I am so smart, he had no choice but to swallow it.

I took the spoon out of his mouth and placed it back onto the tray.

“You didn't have to force it down”

“If I didn't you would never have taken it”, I said with a chuckle.

A maid walked back into the room with food, she took away the medicine tray and placed down the food tray.

“Hurry and eat”, I said while getting up and picking up al the clothes and everything lying on the floor. He sat up ands started eating the congee. I sat back down next to him and watched him eat.

“I’m going home now”, I said as I stood up from the sofa.

I turned my back and headed for the door. Then unexpectedly he grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him. Then he pulled me in and hugged me tightly. I slowly placed my hands around his waist and hugged me back.

“Don't leave”, he said finally breaking off the hug. “I feel lonely in this house alone, stay with me”. This was a side of Key that I didn't see much of, I knew there was something wrong. So I nodded and agreed to stay with him for the night.


LOL. the whole chapter is in Haerim's POV

Anyways~~~heres chapter 11

I wish i lived in that type of house and my bedroom was like that ^_^


p.s Also read 'MISSION COMPLETE'

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i like your poster :3 and your story, it's beautiful T.T
jenjeneee #2
OMG Jjong's leaving her?!
mangobunny #3
i was gonna start reading this story<br />
then i saw all the comments<br />
and then i went to the end<br />
and now i hate you too D:<br />
chocolatiershinee #4
_neofliesx3 #6
AHHAA congrats for winning tickets you lucky girl :D<br />
i did it too but got nothing D:<br />
well have fun , tell me how it is ^^
OMG!!!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please tell Kim JongHyun that I , Quynh [ Quinn ]<br />
LOVES HIM TO DEATH and tell him to come to the east coast of america (:
brainyjs #9
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........ UNFAIR!!!!! I.WANNA.GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO