Food Fight

Why Have I Fallen For You?

Chapter 27 - Food Fight 


Jonghyun’s P.O.V.

I woke up thinking about what happened to Haerim the other day. I hope her stomach isn’t hurting her anymore; I winced as I remembered the fight with Key. He probably won’t show up at school today after he punched Haerim. Thinking about it still made me angry with Key.

I looked at my phone to check the time and realised I would be able to take Haerim to school if I was quick. I shoved my uniform on, making it look untidy and ran to my car, I even skipped breakfast! 


Haerim’s P.O.V.

I saw Jonghyun leaning against his car when I opened the front door. My heart fluttered at the sight of him and I almost ran to give him a hug. I was still feeling sad about Key but I tried not to show Jonghyun that I was upset. Unfortunately he realised something was wrong almost straight away.


“What happened?” Jonghyun asked worriedly, as he glanced at me then back to the road.


“Nothing” I told him, trying to act like I was surprised that he even asked that question.


“Haerim, Tell me what happened” he said it in a serious manner and I didn’t want to make him angry.


“I broke up with Key.” I said simply looking out of the window. I wasn’t sure how Jonghyun felt about this, maybe happy because I could be his girlfriend now and because he hated Key. Jonghyun didn't say anything so we sat in the car in an awkward silence until we arrived at school.


When we walked into the classroom together, Key wasn’t there making me feel empty when I looked at his chair. Everyone was here except for Minho and Jinri, all of us suspected that Jinri is now staying with Minho. We were right when Minho and Jinri walked into the classroom together happily and we all gave knowing looks at each other.


No One’s POV

Rumours had already spread about Key and Haerim, though some of them were made up and others were exaggerated. When the teacher walked with a grumpy expression no one looked her way except for Onew.


“Quiet!” She shouted at us when she finally had enough of waiting for us to stop talking. “I have a important announcement to make.”


Everyone began to murmur to their friends wondering what the announcement was about. Ms Lee began to shoot glares at people until everyone was quiet again.


She breathed in deeply knowing what was going to happen after she said the sentence.

“There will be a formal before your graduation.” Before the teacher could finish the sentence everyone had started to talk, shout across the room at others and whisper to the person they want to go to the formal with.


Haerim’s POV

I almost laughed when I saw half of the guys in our class run towards Chae Young and In Yong. They couldn’t get anywhere near Jinri or me because Minho and Jonghyun where glaring at any guys that came near us. Most of the girls were around Taemin and I couldn’t even see him anymore. Minho looked a little sad that none of the girls were paying him any attention, but I think he’d be really happy if he realised Jinri was giving all of the girls that dared to take a step towards Minho an evil look that told them “If you don’t turn around and walk away right now you will never see anything ever again!”

Onew was, as always, looking down at his desk by himself, but I was surprised as a girl walked up to him. She was actually quite pretty, I wonder why she chose Onew but watching the two of them together was really cute because they were both so shy.

Jonghyun didn’t say anything to me, the teacher was forgotten, but she was glaring at everyone. The problem with that was none of the students were looking at her and therefore did not see her glaring.

When class ended, everyone ran out of the classroom to find their friends, the hallway was packed and noisy.

“Haerim!” I heard something call my name so I turned back and saw Jonghyun running and pushing people to get to me. He finally caught up and placed both of his hands on my shoulders. I gave him a questioning look, before he looked me in the eyes and gave me a really serious look and then asked, “Will you be my partner for the formal?” I smiled happily at him before replying “of course” and suddenly giving him a hug out of my control.

When we walked into the cafeteria it was a chaos! There were people shouting to others across the room on tables, there were few arguments, shoving and a few punches because the cafeteria were packed (there are usually groups that sat outside on the grass).

Jonghyun, Minho, Jin Ri and I were laughing at Taemin. He had the most shocked expression on his face it was so funny. There were a few girls that were arguing over him then one girl took someone’s lunch, ignoring their complains, threw the Kim Chi in another girl’s face. The other girls then began to throw food at each other. Some missed and landed on Taemin making him even more terrified and some of the food landed on other students and it ended up turning into a food fight.

I could see Chae Young, In Yong and a few other girls screaming, covering their hair and running for the exit. Unfortunately for them, some guys had heard them screaming and were waiting for them at the exit with noodles, sauce and bowls of different food. 


Back from New Zealand! But Simmy's gone to China ;(

I will be finishing posting up all her chapters asap ;)


Had some experiences with earthquakes while i was staying in New Zealand LOL (scariest moment of my life)


This chapter is written by Simmy.

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i like your poster :3 and your story, it's beautiful T.T
jenjeneee #2
OMG Jjong's leaving her?!
mangobunny #3
i was gonna start reading this story<br />
then i saw all the comments<br />
and then i went to the end<br />
and now i hate you too D:<br />
chocolatiershinee #4
_neofliesx3 #6
AHHAA congrats for winning tickets you lucky girl :D<br />
i did it too but got nothing D:<br />
well have fun , tell me how it is ^^
OMG!!!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please tell Kim JongHyun that I , Quynh [ Quinn ]<br />
LOVES HIM TO DEATH and tell him to come to the east coast of america (:
brainyjs #9
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........ UNFAIR!!!!! I.WANNA.GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO