Chapter 31: A Piece of The Little Girl's Secret

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Chapter 31





“Are you sure you’re alright?” Woori asked.


“Yeah, pretty sure I am.  Why you ask?” Seolbi raised eyebrow.


“You’re rubbing your eyes more often this day.  It’s not like it's weird but I think you’re doing it overly.” Woori sent worry look at Seolbi.


“Don’t worry, something caught my-” Seolbi excused cut by Woori scolded.  She likes to scold Seolbi more often since Seolbi takes her step in the school.  It’s pissed her off.  But yet, Woori is her bestfriend after all


“You already told me that seven times in this morning.  I suggest you to see doctor.  Who’s know your eyes are into bad condition.” Woori didn’t want to her friend forced to wear nerdy glasses like her.  Seolbi’s eyes were beautiful and it so pitiful if she has to cover it with big, thick glasses.  Besides, she didn’t want became duo nerdy glasses club.  Seolbi was far from nerd term.


“I’m totally fine.  Doctor said there’s no damage on my eyes.”


“Really? The doctor must’ve be wrong.” Woori murmured at the last part.






Really? The doctor must be wrong.


Oh my..  I can’t stop my brain to work on it.  I cogitated about what Woori said before, and congrats, now it bothered me. 


In fact, scare me.


This blurry things were make me frustrated all the world.  Whenever I go, whatever I do, my sight could suddenly became hazy or slowly fading away.  I can stand with it for few days, thinking that it’s just an effect of the incident back then.  But I guess it goes worsen day by day and I can’t renounce, I’m scared.


What if I’m nearly going to blind?




It never can be!! Doctor said my eyes fine!!


But.. What if Woori’s right? 


What if my eyes actually into bad circumstance?


What if the doctor diagnosed me wrong?


What if…


Someone call the doctor.








“What do you want to eat, princess?” Woori asked, slung her arm around Seolbi’s shoulder.  They’re on the cafeteria right now, standing in front of the menu board.


“Stop calling me that..” Seolbi whined making the glasses girl giggle.


“Why? I love call you princess.  I mean, you’re princess for real!! You had two hottest brother in the world, plus.. Your brothers’ bestfriends apparently had their eyes on you!  They even put their masterpiece on your bandaged leg..” Woori laughed, pointing at Seolbi’s bandaged-leg which full with EXO’s signs and draws.  Kris even drew ambiguous shape that Seolbi can’t tell it’s a donkey or chicken.  Kris’s hands really amazing itself.


Seolbi made a face at Woori remark.


“Stop the hell are you talking about? Let’s eat burger!! It’s has been since the last time I ate cheese burger!” Seolbi pumped her fist up in enthusiasm.  Woori chuckled in agreement.


“I wanna spaghetti instead of burger.  What about you?” Woori asked.


“I prefer Jumbo cheese burger with double beef!!  I want fries too!! Hhmm.. My eyes can’t look away from that looks delicious tteokbokki.” Seolbi said eagerly, rubbing her hands in determine, concluding her decision. 


She’s imagining how delicious the meals she didn’t taste it for weeks.  Don’t ask, Sehun was the one who hardly shun that kind of food away from her range.


Luhan no different than Sehun, but he knows his limit.  He wasn’t heartless like Sehun.  He once bought Seolbi bubble drinks or some junk snacks without Sehun knowledge.  It’s not like Sehun’s cook was bad, but every person will get bored if every day they eat the same menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  It repeats for few weeks without any alteration.  Seolbi can’t ingest green plants every day even his cooking skill was awfully great.


As Woori ordered their lunch, the other girl was still paying attention on the menu board.  Smiling brightly, her beamy eyes indicated she wants another food added to her lunch.  But she only can stare on it because she had no much money to buy it all.  Whatever, she’ll definitely order those foods on the next lunch.  Second later, her smile disappeared as feeling the strangely cold aura behind.


“Who allowed you eat that fast-food, huh?” A horror voice from behind suddenly rang made Seolbi and Woori shivered in instant.  The voice was deep, hard and firm, sending threatening message through it penetrate their bone.  The chill air that at the moment lingered around automatically moved Seolbi’s head to turn back slowly.


“Se-sehun….” Seolbi gasped in shock, sensing Sehun’s dark aura.  He’s crossing arms as eyes piercing sharply swallow his angry.  His lips pressed into thin line as if he wants to yell, but restrain it instead. 


Seolbi gulped hardly.  Unconsciously,


“Come.” Sehun sternly order made Seolbi can’t opposed,


“Sit there I’ll get your lunch.  I don’t trust letting you to pick your own food.” Sehun spoke, pointing at the bench.


“Sehun!! I’m not a baby!!!” Seolbi sulked, starring at Sehun with sharp glare.  But the older one just rolled his eyes as if trying to hide his laugh by her hilarious face.  He ignored her and signaled Woori to go along with him.


“Baby~~~” Woori winked, obviously teasing the little girl.  She laughed when Seolbaby pouted even more.  She’s a baby, indeed.


Seolbi wasted her time to cursing and insulting Sehun inside her mind.  When her spell reached its limit, she stopped and changed the victim to her phone.  At first she madly played flappy bird but as her score didn’t improve like she eagerly wants, she got her nerve and ended throw the poor phone aside.  She put her head down on the table, feeling the of waiting.  Meanwhile her stomach start growling crazily made her every minute feels SOOO GOOD.  Good for die.


“SEOL!!!!!!!!” the loud voice shot Seolbi up immediately with widen eyes.  She turned her head around finding the tall giraffe ran towards her with big grin on.  He waved hands furiously like they sibling that never ever meet for the whole years their life.  His behind were EXO boys walking casually with their shining smile.


“Oppa, Stop yelling my name so LOUD! I feel like a villain.” Seolbi scolded, ducking her head down to avoid the annoying, jealousy and killing stare which almost all of students on the cafeteria send to her.


“Ignore them.. Hey, nice seeing you in school again.  Lunch is always getting bored without you.  And I’m sick of Baekhyun peeps.” Chanyeol confronted.  Baekhyun surprisingly didn’t hysterically cry over at the tall boy like usual.  Instead, he’s just starring his friend with sympathetic concerned eyes.


“Guess so.” Seolbi chuckled. 


The rest of EXO members settled themselves on the vacant seats available while waving their greeting to Seolbi.  The girl smiled and greeted them back.


Then Suho started the conversation.  Seolbi sighed.  It’s always about her condition when they having a talk and then, he’ll suggest another different brand of vitamin in the end question.  He’s same fussy as Sehun, but Sehun is worst.  Yet, Suho wasn’t stingy on smile like Sehun was.


Her table became noisier than before.  Moreover, Baekhyun apparently find himself that he started bickering with Chanyeol when Tao persuades Kris to buy his lunch.  Some of them were leaving to grab their own food.  The rest just chatting and do what they want.


She admitted, how annoying the EXO boys were, Seolbi’s always missing them in every moment.  Even when they visited her almost every day, there’s no feeling but sad when she had to bring them out of her room one by one.  Now, she’s accustomed with their jokes, habits and their presence around her.  At least, there’re Sehun and Luhan so she didn’t feel lonely in home.  Just like before, when she lived with her mom but in fact, she lived alone.


“You didn’t get anything for your lunch yet? What you want to eat? I’ll go for it.” Luhan kindly offered.  Before Seolbi answered, Sehun back with green food on one of his tray and the another tray one full of beef.  Woori was walking behind with naughty smile. 


Then, Sehun innocently put down the tray full of healthy green vegetables in front of Seolbi.  The girl showed his guff with a deep frown, starring at Sehun with ‘are-you-kidding-me’ look.


“You want me to eat all this rubbish?” Seolbi uttered, emphasized every each word.


“Don’t protest and eat what I bring for you.” Sehun replied without looking at her.  He was jabbing the tteolbokki which Seolbi craving about it since forever.


“Only because I’m crippled, you have no right to treat me like a morbid person.” Seolbi grumbled but shoved the soup into anyway.


“You’re sick and need to be treated like a sick person.” Sehun insisted.  His voice sounded dangerous made Seolbi shank off.  Her glasses friend chuckled silently seeing how miserable she looks now.


She understood Sehun feels now based of his eyes.  He had told Woori unintentionally when picking meals for his little girl.  He’s carefully choosing the menu deliberating what Seolbi needs to her recovery.  He really taking his time for it, but Woori didn’t complaint at all.  He’s learning to be a good brother, right?


“Arasseo.” Seolbi muttered.


“And make sure you finish off your carrot juice.” Sehun added.


“The juice too?” Seolbi shrieked in disagreed.


“It’s good for your eyes.” Sehun replied calmly, sipping his cola while Seolbi gave him killing look.


Seolbi pouted, eating her not that tasty lunch while glaring at the innocent carrot juice, digging hole at its cup.  No more complaints.  She had acknowledged no use arguing or quarreling Sehun.  His speaking ability was surprisingly improved more than Seolbi thought.  Since the day she stepped out from hospital, Sehun’s being more protective, fussier and more irritating.  He’s always forbidding Seolbi doing and eating everything she likes.  And just like a choosy bratty he is, Sehun gladly decided on all of Seolbi’s needs and want

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10/21/2014 - Chapter 34 updated!! BLS ^^


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Miss22 #1
Chapter 35: I am grateful that you did what i asked...thanks very much...I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!!!!!
QM1201N #2
Chapter 35: nice story...update soon.. :D
Tiakitty #3
Chapter 35: ahhhhh!!!!!finally come back ***
avisdawn #4
Chapter 35: Woooohooo!!!!! Welcome back! And thanks fir the update!

Bitter SeolbieXd haha......
PiKai_chu #5
Chapter 34: wahahahahahh LOL!!! this is so funny !! and,wahh i hate that Squid. she's really annoying.. annoying brat.. duhh *_*
avisdawn #6
Chapter 34: Love i mean, haha.. D*mn auto correct -_-
avisdawn #7
Chapter 34: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! I reaaly love your updates author-nim!!!!!
It's okay if you haven't updated this past few weeks, it's better late than never, right! XD

I live the innocent comeback of SEolbie XD hahaha!
Miss22 #8
Chapter 1: can you make another day out.....maybe at the Funfair and I also want to see more of the boys childish side!!!!
Miss22 #9
one more thing...can you put a lot more EXO in the story???? I would appriciate it!!!
Miss22 #10
Chapter 33: There were many funny scene in this stories but the 3 that i liked was ....1.Luhan =Your dull...Thats why....2.Seolbi =the scene when sehun asked her to sleep with him =Should i kick him out or blow him death....3.Sehun =she should display my picture instead....I really hope this isn't the end of the story because i really want to read how seolbi would wake Luhan up and maybe a day out at the funfair(LOL)!!!!!BTW you are AWESOME!!!!