Chapter 34: This Girl..........

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Chapter 34





“Seolbi-ah!!!! Hide me, please!!!!” Tao cried in panic.  He ran into the kitchen and hide behind Seol, like her small body could disguise his giant creature.


“What??Why??” Seolbi turned her head back, questioning him while drinking her juice.


“Hide me first, please! I-” Tao’s excuse cut by Kris’s angry voice.




“Oh NO!!! HE’S COMING!!!!!!” Tao whooshed away like wind without waiting Kris meets his nose. 


“Whatever.” Seolbi shrugged, finishing the remaining juice in her glass.


“Seolbi? Did you see Zitao by any chance?” Kris suddenly popped in.  It’s totally obvious he tried to hold in his anger from the way he talks and his hard expression.  He just tried to look friendly before Seol.


“Um..”  Seolbi rounded her eyes, thinking the possibilities places Tao will hide.


“Forget it!” Kris snapped and walked away in furious pace.


“What’s wrong with him?” Seolbi blinked, dumbfounded herself.  Wondering what did Tao does that made Kris super angry like that.




“OUR SEOLBIII!!!!!! WHERE’S MY DRINKS????” Baekhyun rushed to her right away as Seolbi entering the living room.  He had suffered enough choked by kimbab and waiting Seolbi to bring him drink. 


It all was his fault.  Who asked him blabber too much when his mouth busy chewing that seaweed rice rolls.  The poor Baekhyun quickly snatched one of 12 glasses of juice and drink it in a shoot. 


“Haaa… I’m alive!” Baekhyun sighed relieved.  Seolbi rolled her eyes and went to the others boy.  Today, not only Chanyeol visited but also the EXO boys.  They planned to stay over tonight.  It’s the fourth times they came over to sleep and eat this week.  Honestly, it’s bothered her.  Not because of their presence, but were their parents missing them? They almost never slept in their own house. 


Snap it out, because of their routine visit, Seol has to make extra dishes for them and do more cleaning more than usual.  Luckily, Chanyeol would give her big help by his loud voice.  He’ll yell at the EXO members (especially Baekhyun) to help Seol cleaning the mess he made.


“Give your Oppa hug, Princess!!!”  Chanyeol ran to Seolbi, spreading his arms in attempt to hug his little sister.  However, the girl was just pushing him away, totally rejected his ask.  After Chanyeol acknowledged Seol as his sister, he always asking Seol to do such friendly skinship and demanding extra heed.  He became exaggeratedly possessive brother and treat Seol like she’s his own only.


“Stop calling me that!!!” Seolbi yelled.


“You yell at me??” Chanyeol sobbed dramatically while pretending put his hurt face. 




“But I’m your OPPA!!!” Chanyeol declared in high voice.


“As well as those men.” Seol pointed at the boys innocently.  Automatically, their grin bloomed as glancing at Chanyeol, naughtily.


“Bwaahahaha… You heard it, Yeol? You’re not special yourself!!!” Baekhyun burst out laugh while pointing at his bestfriend in mocking manner.


“Aaaaaaaa Seol… Why’d you being like this to me? I’m special, right? I’m better than them, right? I’m your Oppa, right?” Chanyeol whined make Seolbi flinched.


“You’re special.” Seolbi nodded.


“See?” Hearing Seol’s answer, Chanyeol can’t help to smirk at his small friend.


“You’re special because you’re louder and childish more than the others.” Seol’s blurt words made the boys clapped in glory.


“Congrats you’re special, hyung!!” Chen laughed hardly as the tall friend’s face red in embarrassment.


“Whatever!! As long as I’m special for my Seol!” Chanyeol console himself.  Once again, he stepped ahead ready to hug the little girl.


“Yaaahh!! Stay away!!” Seolbi cried, running away as fast as she could.  Then, she hid behind Kris’s safe bulwark.  She knew Chanyeol alarmed by Kris’s presence.  His brave would melt away only by Kris’s sharp eyes.  And Kris will not let Chanyeol create any chance to take advantage over his sister.  So did with the others members.


“Guys!!! GUYS!!!! BAD NEWS!!!!!” Kai suddenly come into the scene.  He panted, bringing his phone up.


“If it’s about your new girls, I skip it off.” Sehun commented flatly.


“NO, it’s not about that!!” Kai retorted.


“If it’s about your skin get fairer, I don’t want hear it.” Chanyeol added.




“If it about clubbing, stop already, Kkamjong.” This time, Luhan teased the tan skin.


“Fine! If you all don’t need my information!!!  You’ll regret!!” Kai threaten.


“We’re just kidding.. Why you so sensitive..” Chanyeol patted Kai’s shoulder with a laugh.  Need few minutes for Chanyeol and Seolbi to woo the sulking Kai’s mouth to tell what information he has.  His sulked act made them curious even more.


“SQUID.” Kai’s state made the boys shrilled in horror.




“See? You’ll be grateful I tell you.”  Kai blustered and then the anxiety murmur spread around the room.


“What that girl will do this time?” Xiumin asked.


“She wants visit our beloved Luhan-hyung.” Kai nudged Luhan’s innocent arms playfully.  He wriggled his eyebrow as Luhan looked at him with ‘are you serious’ face.


“Ugh… She will mess things up!! We should escape before she comes!! Let’s go!!” Chanyeol suggested.


“Who’s squid?” Seol’s voice stopped the chaos.  They stopped gabbing and starring at the clueless girl.  She turned her head left and right to get an answer.


“You definitely don’t want to know… Hurry up!! We should go!” Tao pushed Seol’s shoulder lightly, leading the way out.  Seol didn’t understand why do they panic right now, however she’s just obeying when Lay joining Tao bring Seol out along with EXO boys trailed behind them.




Sound of bell.


“Oh No….” Kris whispered.  Even the cold city guy can be this panic.




The sound of bell rang rapidly indicated that the guest was impatient person.


Seolbi looked around.  No one of them seems would intent make a move to open the main door.


“Aish… What’s wrong with you all?” Seol yelled as walking towards the door ready to greet the guest.


“Nonono… Seolbi-ah…..!!” The boys shouted in unison in attempt to prevent Seol touch the doorknob.


Too late.


The door was already opened widely.


“Surpri…..” A girl’s beam stopped right away as seeing unexpected host.


Two girls blinked in the same time.


“Who are you…?” They said in unison without wipe their confused expression away.






“Who are you..?” We said in unison.


“Hey, that’s my line! Who are you?” I frowned.


“You don’t know me???” She flipped her hair snootily as getting herself back.


Oh no again..


“Why should I?” I retorted sardonically, moving my eyes up and down, observing her appearance.


Admit it.  She’s pretty.


She has beautiful brown long hair and pale fair skin that I bet she went to beauty salon every day for it.  She wore super mini black dress, revealing her slim legs.  She put pair high heels made her 20cm taller than me.  Her dress looked expensive though.  And I assumed she’s rich.  *uhuk* I mean, her family.


“Luhan-Oppaaaaaa~~~” She squealed clamorously as another figure appeared.  I turned back.


“You know her?” I questioned Luhan.  He was looking at me with shock face before shaking his head furiously. 


“What do you mean? We’re lover!!!” The pretty girl whined disagree.


“You, her.. Really?” I chuckled mockingly as pointed at him and that girl alternately.  I never expected Luhan’s taste about girl was this weird.


“Luhan-Oppa!!!!” The girl rushed inside forcedly. 


“Whoa whoa… Slow it down.. You can’t just rushing into someone house without permission.  It’s against the law.” I hold the girl’s arm tightly blocking her to create paths anymore.  I thought she understand the meaning of ‘’etiquette’.


“Why am I breaking the law? This’s my future house with my future husband Luhan!” The squid freed herself and ran towards Luhan, hugging him tightly.  I snorted.


I hate her!


“Who’s that girl? Is she the ‘squid’?” I asked at Kyungsoo-oppa while the girl still hugging Luhan like no tomorrow.


“Yeah, Im Haejin.  She’s daughter of the famous brick company owner in Korea.  Their fathers were good friends for long time.  You know, business affairs, they introduce their children and hoping someday one of them hook into a marriage.  Yet, she’s not as elegant and beautiful as he

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10/21/2014 - Chapter 34 updated!! BLS ^^


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Miss22 #1
Chapter 35: I am grateful that you did what i asked...thanks very much...I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!!!!!
QM1201N #2
Chapter 35: nice story...update soon.. :D
Tiakitty #3
Chapter 35: ahhhhh!!!!!finally come back ***
avisdawn #4
Chapter 35: Woooohooo!!!!! Welcome back! And thanks fir the update!

Bitter SeolbieXd haha......
PiKai_chu #5
Chapter 34: wahahahahahh LOL!!! this is so funny !! and,wahh i hate that Squid. she's really annoying.. annoying brat.. duhh *_*
avisdawn #6
Chapter 34: Love i mean, haha.. D*mn auto correct -_-
avisdawn #7
Chapter 34: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! I reaaly love your updates author-nim!!!!!
It's okay if you haven't updated this past few weeks, it's better late than never, right! XD

I live the innocent comeback of SEolbie XD hahaha!
Miss22 #8
Chapter 1: can you make another day out.....maybe at the Funfair and I also want to see more of the boys childish side!!!!
Miss22 #9
one more thing...can you put a lot more EXO in the story???? I would appriciate it!!!
Miss22 #10
Chapter 33: There were many funny scene in this stories but the 3 that i liked was ....1.Luhan =Your dull...Thats why....2.Seolbi =the scene when sehun asked her to sleep with him =Should i kick him out or blow him death....3.Sehun =she should display my picture instead....I really hope this isn't the end of the story because i really want to read how seolbi would wake Luhan up and maybe a day out at the funfair(LOL)!!!!!BTW you are AWESOME!!!!