Chapter 16: Curious Sehun

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Chapter 16:  Curious Sehun




Seolbi walked faster without turned her head back.  Speeding her feet panicky as hearing some noises behind.  All day long, Seolbi was trying hard to avoid Sehun’s presence.  Since this morning Sehun was like detective interrogating his suspected.  He became a fussy old woman who always asking her anything.  And the most irritating her is, Sehun started to dig her personal live.  Well.. Asking one or two wasn’t a big deal, but Sehun really pissed the whole Seolbi off with all his questions, from her birth to her first kiss.  Was everything his matter?


Since when Sehun became this talk-active?  Oh, right.  Since this morning.


In the first class, Sehun still had his curious mountain inside his mind.  He asked this and that when there’s an opportunity.  Seolbi just rolled her eyes and pretending didn’t hear anything or she would get detention from Mr. Yoo, the History teacher.  And this lunch, after brought Luhan’s lunch secretly, Seolbi whooshes herself away before Sehun noticed her.  She even dragged Woori to eat at the corner seat in attempt to not face with Sehun.


Peeking in from the door, Seolbi let out a relieve sigh, knowing there’s no sight of Sehun figure.  Woori who was sitting comfortably on her seat flashes her a smile when she passed her by and the little girl nodded lightly as the answer.    With a soft huff, the girl pull out her text book for the next subject.  She stared at the vacant seat beside her that belong to Sehun.  Praying to Heaven, hoping that this boy will not show up.


Short time after, Mr. Han, the Biology teacher came in trailed by Sehun behind with his poker face on.  Seolbi scoffed mentally as his eyes landed on her.  The girl shifted her body uneasily when Sehun got his seat, feeling uncomfortable around him.  On the other side, Sehun just acted naturally like nothing happen.  His face straight forward, no expression like usual.


A seconds, two seconds, three seconds.  Apparently, no omen from Sehun up ‘till now that indicate him to do suspicious behavior.  This time Seolbi could smile, thinking that Sehun has gave up being fake interrogator. 


The world became more beautiful as Mr. Han announces that the Anatomy Project last time, Seolbi and Sehun got the highest score because their evidence picture that Seolbi suggested before.  Even when Mr. Han informed about the sudden quiz, the girl didn’t distract from her own happy world.  The fact that she hasn’t study yet about Biology last night didn’t make her worried about her score.  As long as Sehun didn’t molest her, everything’s fine.


The whole class groaned in revolt as they offer the work sheets behind, except for Seolbi.  She still on her heaven as wrote her name over the paper and ready to do the first problem.


“I’m not succumb yet.  I’ll stick on you till you tell me.” Seolbi choked her own saliva by the sudden declare from boy beside her.


“Tell what!” Seolbi hissed, feel pang of pain in .  Her beautiful heaven changed into hell in instant.  She’s wrong.  This boy didn’t let her go yet.  The girl kept growling up inside whilst her eyes glare hardly at Sehun.


“About him.”




“Your boyfriend.  I curious.  So I ask you.”


“I don’t have boyfriend!!!”


“Yeah, you do have.”


“I DON’T!!!!!” Seolbi shouted loud, drawing attention from the whole students.  They’re glared at Seolbi with exasperation eyes, annoyed by their never ending bicker.  The girl gulped hardly when Mr. Han walks over them with friendly face. 


OMO, It will not going well! Seolbi said inwardly.


“I see you two had finished your work.  If you don’t mind, the other is still doing theirs.  So Oh Seolbi, Oh Sehun.  Please GET OFF!!!!!!” Mr. Han exclaimed angrily, snatchin

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10/21/2014 - Chapter 34 updated!! BLS ^^


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Miss22 #1
Chapter 35: I am grateful that you did what i asked...thanks very much...I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!!!!!
QM1201N #2
Chapter 35: nice story...update soon.. :D
Tiakitty #3
Chapter 35: ahhhhh!!!!!finally come back ***
avisdawn #4
Chapter 35: Woooohooo!!!!! Welcome back! And thanks fir the update!

Bitter SeolbieXd haha......
PiKai_chu #5
Chapter 34: wahahahahahh LOL!!! this is so funny !! and,wahh i hate that Squid. she's really annoying.. annoying brat.. duhh *_*
avisdawn #6
Chapter 34: Love i mean, haha.. D*mn auto correct -_-
avisdawn #7
Chapter 34: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! I reaaly love your updates author-nim!!!!!
It's okay if you haven't updated this past few weeks, it's better late than never, right! XD

I live the innocent comeback of SEolbie XD hahaha!
Miss22 #8
Chapter 1: can you make another day out.....maybe at the Funfair and I also want to see more of the boys childish side!!!!
Miss22 #9
one more thing...can you put a lot more EXO in the story???? I would appriciate it!!!
Miss22 #10
Chapter 33: There were many funny scene in this stories but the 3 that i liked was ....1.Luhan =Your dull...Thats why....2.Seolbi =the scene when sehun asked her to sleep with him =Should i kick him out or blow him death....3.Sehun =she should display my picture instead....I really hope this isn't the end of the story because i really want to read how seolbi would wake Luhan up and maybe a day out at the funfair(LOL)!!!!!BTW you are AWESOME!!!!