Chapter 21: Beach [Part 2]

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Chapter 21





“Aw.. Our sleeping beauty~~~” Baekhyun sang when Seolbi and Jongmin entered the room followed by Luhan behind.


“Stop it..” Seolbi whined as Baekhyun keeps teasing her.


“It’s hard, so hard.” Tao suddenly popped in, shake his head.


“What’s hard?”  The girl asked, raising eyebrow.


“When we tried to wake you up!  Gosh.. I think you won’t wake up even attacked by earthquake.” He said in hyperbole.


“And you sleep like a death man!” Chen added.


“I’m deep sleeper, okay!? And I’m easy to sleep wherever I am!” Seolbi defended herself.  The troll boys laughed in satisfy when the girl gets into temper.


“We’re just kidding, Seolbi-yah.  Don’t mad...” Chen threw his arm around the sulking girl shoulder, swinging their body playfully.


“We were about to wake you but Chanyeol stopped us.  Luhan-hyung looked comfortable though.” Suho added.


“Don’t talk about Luhan.” Seolbi made sour face.


“Wae?” Suho laughed.


“I hate him.” The girl hissed through her teeth.   Before Suho responded, the girl abruptly freed herself from Chen and running away.


“Kyungsoo-Oppa!!” She called.


“What’s that, Seolbi?”  Kyungsoo questioned.


“Sorry for burdening you.” Seolbi bowed politely.  Kyungsoo put his confused face by Seolbi sudden act.


“What’re you talking about, Seolbi-yah?”


“When we in the car.. I slept.. And I think I hurt your shoulder.” Seolbi explained, pointing at her head and then Kyungsoo’s shoulder.  The boy chuckled by Seolbi cuteness.


“Ah.. Don’t worry, you’re not hurt me.  When we arrived at Kai’s house, Luhan-hyung took my place.  He said he didn’t want to be in Kai’s car.  Jongmin was there, and they always quarrelling each other every time they met.  I afraid they’ll only bother Kai.  He’ll go berserk when someone disturbs him, especially when he drives.”


“So, Luhan sat beside me all that time?” Seolbi agaped.  Kyungsoo nodded.


“Wae? Is something wrong?” Kyungsoo raised eyebrow.


“No.  He just annoying.”  Seolbi replied made Kyungsoo laughed.


After her business with Kyungsoo done, she excused herself and turning around.  At the moment, Chanyeol stepped.  Seolbi couldn’t avoid it and result in her face crashed into Chanyeol’s board chest.  She thrown back few steps and bumping into Kyungsoo.


“Aigo.. Watch out hyung!” Kyungsoo yelled before walk away, giving them some space.


“Sorry, are you okay?” Chanyeol hurriedly did checking her.  Seolbi smiled reassuring that she’s fine.  She didn’t forget to say thanks that he always takes care of her.


“Don’t be, I glad I can take care of you.” Chanyeol said, messing Seolbi’s hair.




“Seolbi-yah, wanna play volley?”  Lay asked while playing with a ball.


“I can’t play volley.”


“I’ll teach you.” Chanyeol offered himself. 


“I can teach you too!” Lay said, earning a hard glare from the tall boy.  Lay smirked as an answer.  Before Seol responded, her attention snatched by Jongmin.


“Noona!! Let’s make sand castle!!” Jongmin chirped out while pulling Seolbi’s shirt excitedly that now became Jongmin new habit.


“You’ll not go anywhere!! Come here!” Luhan stern order came out.  Seolbi blinked as her mind pondering whether take Lay or Chanyeol offer, do Luhan order or play with Jongmin instead.


“Noona, ppali, ppali.” Jongmin let out his weapon, aegyo.  He wriggled his body cutely, swinging Seolbi’s arm.


“Arasseo, let’s date Jing-ah.” Seolbi giggled, overwhelming by Jongmin cuteness.


“Lay-Oppa, Yeol-Oppa I’ll play volley later.” Seolbi excused.


“And I’ll do your order later, master!” Seolbi sneered.




Seolbi signaled Jongmin to run quickly before Luhan explode.  He reached Seolbi hand, and pulling her along with him.  Before they passed the door, Jongmin had a chance to face Luhan, giving him victory mehrong.  Luhan gawked.


“Don’t go too far!” Kai warned.


“What? He’s just mocking me?” Luhan asked disbelieve at himself.


“Look!! Your lil-bro stuck his tongue at me!!” Luhan pointed out, complaining at Kai.


“Deal with it, Luhan-hyung.  Whatever you do, you always lose against my Jing.” Kai laughed made the older one rewarded hard punch on Kai arm.


Baekhyun who’s became a viewer all the time, slowly take his way towards Chanyeol.


“You said that it’s not big problem for us.  But seems, it be a big problem for you, Yeol.” Baekhyun whispered.  Chanyeol rolled his eyes and move away before the eyeliner guy more.




“Aigo.. Stop trying to rip my shirt Jing-ah.” Seol chuckled, following where the little boy drag her.  Jongmin giggled and finally stop running.  He sat on the sand, each hand bring pail and scoop.


“But, noona can’t build sand castle.” She squatted down as Jongmin busied himself with sand and scoop.


“Gwaenchanha, noona!! I’ll make one for you!”


“Really?! Make me a big one!” Seolbi rounded her hands forming a big ball.   


Jongmin who now called Jing by Seolbi giggled in delight.  He scoped sand and placed it into the small pail.  Expertly, his small hands created bulwark and then the multisized dunes.  Seolbi excitedly eyed the little boy, anticipating what castle he’ll create. 


She ever made sand castle with her brother but she never succeed build it up.  In the end, her brother is the one who work by himself.  Then, they’ll wait it till that sand castle little by little disappeared swept by small wave.  But now, Seolbi didn’t have any brave to come closer to wave or seawater.  Since that incident, even only staring at seawater she terrified.  But, at least she could befriend with sand as long as she didn’t touch that salty water.


“Noona! Your castle is done!” Jing announced his great master piece.


“Whoa~ It’s so great, Jing-ah!” Seolbi beamed as looks at the ambiguous dunes around.  Jing put a rod above the higher building for the last touch.


“But, why there’re not people?  It’s a kingdom, right?”  Jing pursed his lips, pretending to think hard.  Then toothy smile creep over his lips as his small hand grab pebbles around him.


“I’ll put this! This’s Seol-noona, this’s Jing, and Jong-hyung,  Suho-hyung.. And Kyungsoo-hyung..” Jing kept listing name of EXO members as he lays down stone that represented them.  Seolbi couldn’t help but smiling by his innocence.  Jing put his stone so near with hers, and then Kai’s stone placed the other side of him.  Then he put the EXO stone randomly as he wants.


“Jing-ah.  Where’re your mom and daddy’s stone?”


“Eomma and  Appa?” Seolbi nodded.  Jing silenced momentary before grab another stones.


“I’ll put them there.” He murmured, putting two stones out of the castle.  Seolbi blinked, observing the stone arrangement.


“Why you put them outside? They chilled out here.”  Seolbi joked.


“I’m chilled too, but they don’t care.  I think they can take care of themselves as I and Jong-hyung do.” He replied, his hand scraping the sand slowly.  Seolbi her lower lips lightly seeing Jing hurt expression.  She understood what Jing feels now, because Seolbi had experienced with that too. 


She extended her hand, reaching the younger boy’s hair and cares it lovingly.  Seolbi smiled to give Jing a little encouragement.  He’s still young but Seolbi guessed, he had been through with lonely live like her.  Jing raised his head up, smiling as feeling the warmth of Seolbi’s hand.


“Who stone is it?” Seolbi asked, pointing at the mid-sized stone that placed close to his stone.


“It’s Luhan-hyungs!” he chirped, smiling wide.


“Luhan? I thought you hate him?”


“He always teasing me, but he cares of me more than Jong-hyung.  Sometimes I irritated, but I can’t hate him.” Jing replied with an innocent smile earning another smile from Seolbi’s lips.


The two kids continued with their sand castle.  Excitedly did role playing, Jing as the prince and Seolbi as the princes

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10/21/2014 - Chapter 34 updated!! BLS ^^


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Miss22 #1
Chapter 35: I am grateful that you did what i asked...thanks very much...I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!!!!!
QM1201N #2
Chapter 35: nice story...update soon.. :D
Tiakitty #3
Chapter 35: ahhhhh!!!!!finally come back ***
avisdawn #4
Chapter 35: Woooohooo!!!!! Welcome back! And thanks fir the update!

Bitter SeolbieXd haha......
PiKai_chu #5
Chapter 34: wahahahahahh LOL!!! this is so funny !! and,wahh i hate that Squid. she's really annoying.. annoying brat.. duhh *_*
avisdawn #6
Chapter 34: Love i mean, haha.. D*mn auto correct -_-
avisdawn #7
Chapter 34: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! I reaaly love your updates author-nim!!!!!
It's okay if you haven't updated this past few weeks, it's better late than never, right! XD

I live the innocent comeback of SEolbie XD hahaha!
Miss22 #8
Chapter 1: can you make another day out.....maybe at the Funfair and I also want to see more of the boys childish side!!!!
Miss22 #9
one more thing...can you put a lot more EXO in the story???? I would appriciate it!!!
Miss22 #10
Chapter 33: There were many funny scene in this stories but the 3 that i liked was ....1.Luhan =Your dull...Thats why....2.Seolbi =the scene when sehun asked her to sleep with him =Should i kick him out or blow him death....3.Sehun =she should display my picture instead....I really hope this isn't the end of the story because i really want to read how seolbi would wake Luhan up and maybe a day out at the funfair(LOL)!!!!!BTW you are AWESOME!!!!