Chapter 32: A Visit

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Chapter 32





“Excuse me..” I timidly peeked inside the room.


“Oh, you must be Seolbi.  Come in, Woori has tell me about you.” A beautiful woman with white coat greeted me warmly.  She smiled prettily while I leg in.  I tilted my head aside.  This woman really reminds me of someone.  Especially her widen smile.


“Ah, yes..” I sat across her.  I gave a look at the name board on the table. 


Dr. Park.


She’s an ophthalmologist Woori recommended to me.  Her anxiety was over the threshold so she’s made an appointment with Dr. Park on my behalf.  I definitely had to come otherwise I’ll get crap for a year.


I only growled inside my head.  That girl, she’s the one who suggested me to see doctor, but when I asked her company, she said sorry and inform me that she had a date with Xiumin-oppa. 


Wait, didn’t I say that Xiumin-oppa and Woori were dating now? After my teasing comment about Woori may be taken by other man, he going crazy and do such daffy things to attract Woori attention.  Did he know? Without doing all his stupid plans, Woori still like him.


“I’ll do the check-up now.” Dr. Park voice startled me from my day dreaming.


Oh, yes, g-go ahead.” I laughed a bit by my embarrassment.


“You’re so cute, Seol-yah.  Glad I see you today.  I’m always want meet you so badly” She smiled.  She’s indeed reminds me of someone. 


Huh???!! She called me…. WHAT??!!


Oh my, my.. It’s our first meet but she dare to call me by nickname so familiarly??!! Well.. She might intend to be friendly but I hate if someone pretending to be familiar with me without knowing anything about me.


But somehow, I like when she called my name like that.


However, I don’t get about what she said earlier yet.  I’m always want meet you so badly


“The result will out within a week.  I'll call you when I get the report.”  Dr. Park said after I did some medical check-up, especially my eyes.  I nodded in understanding before saying thanks for her.  Then, I left the clinic and went home in happy pace.  Today, we’ll visit our dad.


3rd’s POV


“Why don’t you tell the truth?  The result was out already.” A woman with white suit asked.


“If I tell her, we can’t meet again.” I smiled, looking over my patient data.  There’s a picture and general information of her.


“I wonder what if he already find out about this girl.”  I put aside the personal data and went to the check-up report.


“Besides, she’ll be surprised if I tell her the report now.  It shocked me as well.”






“SehunSehunSehunSehunSehun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I ran furiously while calling his name. 


Just as I expected, he’s in the kitchen doing his now stuffs.  He glared at me with his famous bored expression as I come closer. 


In split of second, I regret looking for him.


“What I told you about RUNINIING???!!!” he snapped right after I stand front of him.  I made a sour face.


It’s the third time in an hour he yelled at me because small things.  Was it wrong if I get excited that I’ll go visit my brother and father?  I wasn’t a person who is hiding my inner feeling. I wasn’t expert as him.


He said I vent my excitement exaggeratedly and I may fall down and hurt my legs again.  I wasn’t a kid who can’t take care of my-self.  Please, Sehun, I’m 16.


“Help me take this off!” I pointed my banded leg.  Sehun frowned.  From his looks, I know, he’ll totally oppose my appeal.  But his answer was unexpectedly.


“No.  That’s nothing to do with me.” Sehun said coldly made me yelled in anger.




“Let’s see doctor to open it up.” He sighed.


“No much time!! Didn’t you listen what the doctor said yesterday? He said I can take this band off from my leg!” I yelled.


“He did, but I can’t just take it off easily like that!! I won’t take the risk if anything happen to you.”


I huffed.  He never ever cooperated with me.


“Fine!!!” I stormed out with burning head.  Luhan was my last hope.


“LuhanLuhanLuhanLuhanLuhanLuhan..!!!!” I called out using the same tone I called Sehun.  I went to his room, rushing in without knocking.  I’ve just realizing how stupid my act is.  What if Luhan was changing or doing his private things in his room? Hm.. Okay, you need to stop now, Seol!! I won’t imagine it.


“Who’s made the rule ‘knock first before entering” Luhan snorted.  He’s standing in front of the mirror, doing his hair.  Thanks God, he wasn’t .


I stoned for second, looking his perfect reflection in the mirror.  Wow.. He looks nice.  I never saw him this cool before *Or it’s just me*.  Every day I had a pain in my ear, hearing girls in school whooped how cool he was.  But I didn’t understand where they get the cool phrase came from.  He never looked cool in my eyes.  He’s good looking but bad in personal.


I ignored his complaint and slump down on his bed instead.  He seems didn’t mind at all when I sat on it.  He used to oversleep on my bed after all.  So why’d he mad when I just put my on?  Lay-oppa once told me Luhan was so strict if it’s about his bed.  He never allowed anybody to lay their finger on it.  He didn’t know the reason behind it, but he ever taste the painful kick because he sat on the edge of Luhan’s bed.  Now, Lay-oppa’s information invalid at all.


However if he dared to kick me down, I’ll finish him off.


“Help me with this?” I lift my banded leg up.


“What?” He eyed me in irritate through the mirror.


“Take it off for me, please...” I asked rather cutely.  Heheh.. He still can’t resist when I did cute movements.  I’ll lower my pride just for this time.


“What?” He raised eyebrow.  I can sense he’s melted already by my voice.  Hoho~~ Nice having you’re not like your ice brother, Luhen.


“I can’t appear myself in front of my dad with bandaged leg!! He’ll cry!”


Luhan sighed and walked closer towards me.  For a moment, I was afraid if he would kick out me because I swear, I saw his expression changed.  I gulped when he towering in front of me with those unreadable face.


“Please, please..???” I begged on him even my heart shrinks.  Hell, he didn’t move from the spot he stands.  He just watched every each of my stupid acts.


He sighed for the second time.  His eyes still on me while chewing his lower lips in anxiety. 


“Ask Sehun to do it.  He’ll mad if I touch you.” He averted his gaze away from me.


I gaped.


What? Trying hard to get?!


“You know him better! He never accomplished what I need!” I pouted remembering my days with Sehun’s nuisances in every minute.


“Well.. You’re always asking for stupid things.”


“I’ve learnt from you.” I smiled naughtily made him speechless.  I got a point.


“If you want to take it off so badly, why don’t you do it by yourself?”


“I’m afraid?” I murmured.


“If you’re afraid, so what do you think about me?? I can’t take the risk if anything bad happen to you!” Luhan yelled, crossing his arms.


“Wow..” I blinked


“What?” He snapped.


“You said exactly what Sehun said to me before.” I said in awe.   Now, it’s his turn to blink confusedly.  He took a deep breath before sitting next to me.


“Don’t talk nonsense.  Give me your leg!” He ordered, admit his defeat.  I smiled in victory as shoving my banded-leg on his lap.


“Here.” I gave him first aid-aid kit just for in case.


“Where did you get this stuff from?” He questioned me but take it afterward.  I just gave him a smile as an answer.


He started to work on my legs, carefully take off the clamp and loosened the bandage.  I can’t help but winched a bit.  Not because of

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10/21/2014 - Chapter 34 updated!! BLS ^^


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Miss22 #1
Chapter 35: I am grateful that you did what i asked...thanks very much...I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!!!!!
QM1201N #2
Chapter 35: nice story...update soon.. :D
Tiakitty #3
Chapter 35: ahhhhh!!!!!finally come back ***
avisdawn #4
Chapter 35: Woooohooo!!!!! Welcome back! And thanks fir the update!

Bitter SeolbieXd haha......
PiKai_chu #5
Chapter 34: wahahahahahh LOL!!! this is so funny !! and,wahh i hate that Squid. she's really annoying.. annoying brat.. duhh *_*
avisdawn #6
Chapter 34: Love i mean, haha.. D*mn auto correct -_-
avisdawn #7
Chapter 34: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! I reaaly love your updates author-nim!!!!!
It's okay if you haven't updated this past few weeks, it's better late than never, right! XD

I live the innocent comeback of SEolbie XD hahaha!
Miss22 #8
Chapter 1: can you make another day out.....maybe at the Funfair and I also want to see more of the boys childish side!!!!
Miss22 #9
one more thing...can you put a lot more EXO in the story???? I would appriciate it!!!
Miss22 #10
Chapter 33: There were many funny scene in this stories but the 3 that i liked was ....1.Luhan =Your dull...Thats why....2.Seolbi =the scene when sehun asked her to sleep with him =Should i kick him out or blow him death....3.Sehun =she should display my picture instead....I really hope this isn't the end of the story because i really want to read how seolbi would wake Luhan up and maybe a day out at the funfair(LOL)!!!!!BTW you are AWESOME!!!!