Chapter 33: The Truth

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Chapter 33





“Ch-Chanyeol?”  The boy’s whispered disbelieve.


“Hyung? It’s that you?” His face stamped hesitancy about what he saw right now but he manage to keep moving forward.


“Chanyeoolll-ah..” The boy smiled widely, made him 100% resemble with Chanyeol.


“Chansung-hyung!!!” Without thinking, the tall boy ran over his copied.  He hug him tightly while keep their same wide smile on.


“Hyung… Where’ve you been?” Chanyeol asked repeatedly as Chansung chuckled, patting his back.


“Wait!!!? You know each other?” Seolbi interrupted the dramatic meeting between them.  Chanyeol let go his hug and turned to Seolbi.


“Hyung.. She is… She is…” Chanyeol pointed at Seolbi with a big grin.  He couldn’t speak due his over excitement.


“Sseol, here iss Park Chanyeol.  My yyoungerr brother.. That’ss mean, hhee is.. Your brootther.” Chansung smiled.  He has difficulty on speaking, but the words were still understandable.



“WHAT??!!!!!”  The girl shrieked in shock.  In behind, Luhan and Sehun were shock as Seolbi but they didn’t say anything.  They need to digest this complex situation first before commenting.


“What happen? Why him? Why he’s my brother?” Seolbi blinked in confuse.


“Seol, you dd-don’t underrsstand y-yet? Channnyeol is...” Chansung hardly tried to explain but Seolbi cut him off.


“How can it happening? Our dad was different!!!”


“Actually, we’re twin, Seol.” This time Chanyeol spoke.


Seolbi stoned in instant.. 


Her reaction somehow made the brothers worried.  Was she’s too shocked that she lost her mind?


“Please, you should explain the whole things to me.  Right now!!!” Seolbi said firmly.  Before Chansung open his mouth, their dad rushing into the scene.


“I heard voice… Oh…” He stopped right away as seeing two Chansungs.


“Aa-appa,… Chanyeeol.” Chansung pointed at his twin,


“Park Chanyeol?” as expected, the eldest show his composure.


“Yes..?” Chanyeol replied timidly.


“Oh boy!!!! Nice to meet you!!” The dad smiled as greeting Chanyeol with warm hug.


“Hang up there.. Somebody.. Would you PLEASE explain to me???!!!” Seolbi frowned, feeling ignored.


“Relax, dear..  Appa will explain to you.  I guess, Chanyeol still confused about this situation as well.”  Seolbi and Chanyeol nodded in the same time.


“First, Appa will settle a definite thing.  This Chanyeol is your brother.” Dad started.


“As you see, they’re identical-twin.  They’re related with blood.  They’re real siblings.”


“B-but-“ Seolbi want cut her dad’s words but she shut right afterwards.  She wanted to listen to the whole explanation first without interruption.


“Honestly, Appa is your mom second husband.”


“WWHHAAATTT???!!!!”  Now Seolbi can’t hold his inner blast just like the two brothers behind, they’re taken aback by the sudden admission.


“Yes.  Your mom ever had a husband back then and having three cute children.  They’re Chansung and Chanyeol the twin and a daughter named Park Yura.  I didn’t know what happen with your mom home life since she never told Appa the story but they divorced after 10 years married.  She came to me with Chansung in her hand.  And then, we’re married.  Honestly, Appa was always loves your mom before she married with Sungie and Yeolie’s dad.  We’re friend since high school.  Moreover, Sungie and Yeolie’s dad didn’t mind at all. He just asked me to take care of his son, Chansung.  You can say we live happily and....”


Don’t… Seolbi whispered inside.


“We had you.” Now, Seolbi’s heart fluttered in pain.  She barely can believe it.  The person she had been believed the most apparently lied to her.  His lied weren’t half-hearted but the fact that her dad she had wasn’t her beloved brother had really drifting her insane.


The worse is, no one told her.  No one let her know.


“I know it is astounding news, but we’ve no intention lying at you.  We love you, dear.  That’s not a lie.” Dad ended his story.  He starred at the younger front of him alternately.


Seolbi stayed silent for a while.  This complicated story was successfully messed her mind.


“Oppa’ve known about this?” She murmured but enough to hear.


“Yyeess.  Tthat’s why I-I want yyou and Chanyeoll meet.  But..”


“Yeol-Oppa, You’ve known about this?” Seolbi asked Chanyeol without waiting for Chansung’s answer.


“Yes, I did, but I didn’t know my sister is you.” Chanyeol carefully said.


“You all know about this, but why no one told me?? Why am I the stupid one here!!!”


“S-SSeol?” Chansung called.  The girl turned her head towards him.


“Oppa, I think you’ll spend the whole night to explain the entirety story.” She declared.  Chansung smiled.  His sister never could really mad at him.


“Yyeeeah, I’ll tell youu storiesss till you ttired of iitt..” The girl mirrored her brother smiled. 


No one expected Seol’s reaction.  They thought Seolbi would angry at first, but seeing her sincere smile, all of their fear brushed away. 


“Can I joint you two? I need bedtime stories too!” His deep voice broke the mood.


The room finally filled with laughter.  Actually, Seolbi was exasperated about the lied things about her brother status.  However, her love for her family was bigger which could break the bad things.  Her madness, her angriness and the defrauded feeling vanished in second.


Everything was forgiven, if only there’s love wrapping them warmly.




“I’m sorry, it’s your first time came here but we present you with this awkward situation.” Dad looked at Luhan and Sehun.  They’ve stoned during the hard aired conversation started without daring to interrupt or ask anything.


“It’s okay sir.  We have a right to know about her family too.” Luhan answered politely.  Honestly, he nervous a bit talked with Seol’s dad.  It wrecked his self-confident when he has to face with his ex-husband of his step mother.  Seol’s dad was charismatic person, just like his dad.  Yet, Seol’s dad was warmer and friendlier than his dad.


“We’re her brother as well.  Step-brother, actually.” Sehun entangled,


“Oh.. You’re..” Dad widened his eyes.


“I’m Oh Luhan, sir.  It’s nice to meet you.”


“And I’m Oh Sehun.  Nice to meet you too.”


The two brothers bowed slightly to show their respect.  Seol’s dad smiled and patting the two boys’ shoulder warmly.


“Woaa.. Dear, you’re such lucky girl having these pretty brothers just for you!!!” Dad beamed.


“Huh..??” Seolbi blinked in confuse.


“I’m so glad meet you.  Thanks for taking care our baby.”


“I’m not a baby, Appa!!” The baby cried.


“You’re a BABY.” The four brothers said in unison.  Seolbi perplexed for a moment.  How did they become one blow her down like this?


“Look, even world accept it.” Dad chuckled.


“Oh boys….” Seolbi rolled her eyes.




“That’s how we met!!  Since first, I know we had a strong relationship.  I never thought she’s my sister.  No wonder I’m always wanted to stay near her and protect her.” Chanyeol ended his great story.


“Jinjja? I never knew it.” Seolbi said as sip her warm chocolate.


“You’re dull.  That’s why.” Luhan sharp word made the little girl pinched his cheek in anger.


“You never consider about other people’s care.” Sehun added.  The girl opened but as she can’t find the right word to argue, she ended jump on her brother instead.


“Oppa!!! Look!! They’re picking on me!!!” Seolbi whined, searching for backup.


“They’re absolutely your brother.  They know you well.” Chansung unexpectedly remark earning uproarious hearty laugher in the room.   Seolbi pouted in replied.


After few hours talking non-stop, Chansung got his speaking capability back.  Now, he could normally speak though not that smooth, yet it’s better than before.


“Oppaaa~~~” The girl whined just adding sacks of butterfly inside the boys’ stomach.  Even Luhan tried his best to hold himself together.  He’s afraid if he would hug this petite girl in front of her protective brothers.  He’ll die young.


As time goes by, Luhan and Sehun aware that Seolbi be more clingy and spoiled beside Chansung.  She more often used cute acts which new for the three.  But they liked the way she did it naturally.  She’s obviously cute beyond sky.


Above all, Chansung felt like found his happiness.  All he wanted just only his little sister meet his younger brother.  Plus, now there’re two more siblings in his family members.  It’s more than he imagined but he promise, he’ll protect them and kept them as the whole. 


Till the end.


“I wonder what if Seol meet our big MAMA.” Chanyeol chuckled, sending mischievous grin at Seolbi.


“You mean..” Chansung’s eyes widened.


“Yes, Big MAMA.”


The twin grinned in anticipated, staring the girl.  They should prepare a plan.  Ridiculous plan.




“Can’t sleep?” Seolbi jolted up by the sudden voice.  Her head immediately look up, finding her brother stood up, towering her.  They’re on the balcony, sitting calmly while staring at the stars.  Chansung smiled and take the space beside Seolbi without waiting her comments.


“I’ve missed moment like this..” He said.  Seolbi nodded in agreement.  It’s been a while since the last time they’re star-gazing together.


“I can’t sleep as well.  I’m so happy…  Meet Chanyeol, be able to

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10/21/2014 - Chapter 34 updated!! BLS ^^


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Miss22 #1
Chapter 35: I am grateful that you did what i asked...thanks very much...I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!!!!!
QM1201N #2
Chapter 35: nice story...update soon.. :D
Tiakitty #3
Chapter 35: ahhhhh!!!!!finally come back ***
avisdawn #4
Chapter 35: Woooohooo!!!!! Welcome back! And thanks fir the update!

Bitter SeolbieXd haha......
PiKai_chu #5
Chapter 34: wahahahahahh LOL!!! this is so funny !! and,wahh i hate that Squid. she's really annoying.. annoying brat.. duhh *_*
avisdawn #6
Chapter 34: Love i mean, haha.. D*mn auto correct -_-
avisdawn #7
Chapter 34: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! I reaaly love your updates author-nim!!!!!
It's okay if you haven't updated this past few weeks, it's better late than never, right! XD

I live the innocent comeback of SEolbie XD hahaha!
Miss22 #8
Chapter 1: can you make another day out.....maybe at the Funfair and I also want to see more of the boys childish side!!!!
Miss22 #9
one more thing...can you put a lot more EXO in the story???? I would appriciate it!!!
Miss22 #10
Chapter 33: There were many funny scene in this stories but the 3 that i liked was ....1.Luhan =Your dull...Thats why....2.Seolbi =the scene when sehun asked her to sleep with him =Should i kick him out or blow him death....3.Sehun =she should display my picture instead....I really hope this isn't the end of the story because i really want to read how seolbi would wake Luhan up and maybe a day out at the funfair(LOL)!!!!!BTW you are AWESOME!!!!