Chapter 19: More Pain, More Love and More Memories

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Chapter 19


BGM:  허각 (HuhGak) - 아프다 (It Hurts)




“E-eomma?”  Seolbi uttered totally shock.


“Yes, dear.  Why you look so shock I’m here? Aren’t you happy I’m back home?”


“Um.. B-but aren’t you supposed to work?”


“You want me to work every day?  Don’t you miss me?  OMO!! What happen with you? Why you injured and dirty like this?”  Mom said in concerned ways, checking her daughter from head to toe. But Seolbi knew, all her mom acts just a hypocrisy because Luhan was there.  Usually, mom would only passed Seolbi and command her to put medicine so the scar will not appeared.  Of course she embarrassed if her daughter skin full of scars.


“I tripped...” Seolbi murmured, lowering her head in attempt to avoid her mom cold gaze.


“Really?” Mom eyed Luhan, asking for the truth.  Luhan felt awry by the atmosphere lingering around.  Should he told the truth or just cooperating with Seol, fibbed her mom.  He took a glance at the little girl beside him that seems uneasy like she faced with two hard choices, death or live.


“Um.. Y-yeah..” Luhan replied, eyes never leaving the younger girl.


“Okay, if Luhan said so.  But I’ve something to talk you.  Come.” Mom grabbed Seolbi’s arm and dragging Seolbi to her work room before the little girl objects.


In the room, Seolbi was like a suspected criminal adjudicated by attorney general.  She stood in front of her mom, lowering her head deeply while mom sits comfortably on her soft boss chair whilst eyeing her daughter incisively.


“I heard you’ve quiz today.” Mom let out her voice.


“Um, yeah..” Seolbi a bit startled when her mom asked about her quiz.  How did she know?


“Show me.”


“H-huh?” Seolbi jerked her head up almost immediately, giving mom questioning look.


“Your score.  I’m sure my precious daughter got 100 for this easy quiz, right?” Mom said with a calm smile that appalled all Seolbi out.


“Ah..  T-that..”


“Quick! Or you want me rummage your bag?!”


Seolbi shut tightly as mom getting her nerve.  There’s no use to argue, protest or rebuff.  Did or didn’t do mom’s orders, she still getting punishment anyway.  Because there’s another reason why her mom willingly back home when she was really into her works.


Slowly, Seolbi found her worksheet inside her back.  It’s has to be Sehun who kindly putting it in.  Thanks for you, Sehun. 


Gulping, Seolbi handed the worksheet quiz to her mom.  Her hands was trembling slightly, anticipating what will happen next.


“What is it? You got red egg just for a quiz? You didn’t answer any problems?!!” Mom exclaimed loudly whilst shooting a daggers at her daughter.


“I-I’m sorry, Eomma.. I got so-..” Seolbi stuttered, trying to explain a rational reason.


“No excuse!! Stand there!!” Mom pointed at the chair front of her.  Her eyes were burning extremely mad while her hands open the drawer in rush, searching something.


“Eomma..”  Seolbi tried to bring her mom back to her sense.  Her mom looked so scary that she has just possessed by ghost. 


“I said, stand there!”  Mom sharp voice, automatically controlling Seolbi’s body to obey what her mom wanted.  She climbed up the chair, standing there towering her mom. Praying in every second, hoping her mom will not punish her badly.  Short after, mom positioning herself behind her daughter, narrowing her eyes into superb wrathfulness while her right hand gripping the solid thin wood.


Mom raised her hand, slashing the little girl hardly that earning a silent whimper from the little girl.  She grabbed her skirt by all her might, crumpling it like it’s the only way to escapee from the pain.  She shut her eyes tightly, holding back the painful that suddenly surging into her body flow up from her legs which her mom hits eagerly.


“I never raise you to be a loser! I never taught you to be a stupid! I taught you to obey me!!! Why you heap another troubles? Why you always arguing my wills and making me angry? Why you do resemble with your father??!! You ungrateful!!!” Seol’s mom upbraided angrily as slashing a thin rod on the girl’s legs in every each her statement.  She bit her lips hardly preventing her cry which will burst out sooner as her leg getting numb time after time.  But her mind keep shouting that she’ll not cry.  Never cry. 


Sting pain creep over her whole body rapidly as her mom keep hit her with many hurting words as the back sound that just for judging and accusing the little girl.  Seolbi knew mom punished her not because her low score.  She’s sure it’s relate about her visit at her dad and brother.


“Enough for today! If your score or your achievement report descend, I’ll incarcerate you in this house till you rotting! I don’t need a daughter who’s only be a shame for me!” Mom ended her punishment session with a threat.


The girl carefully slumped down from the chair.  Her pain got double today.  Not only her body, but her heart grows hurt day by day.  She collected her things up and groggily walking out even her legs hurt like hell.  There’s some red marks lining on her legs and some blood brushes along the wounds.


“And don’t ever meet with your dad and brother again.  If once again you do, I’ll send you to Canada!  I’m not kidding this time, Seolbi-yah.”


“Yes, Eomma.” With that, Seolbi closed the door tightly, worry if her mom changed her mind and punish her again. 


When she turned away, there’s no other thing but Luhan’s worried face.  His eyes clearly reflected that he’s really sorry about what happen with the girl.  He didn’t have in mind to eavesdrop, but he couldn’t help when he felt the hideous situation inside.  Moreover, the sound of slashing and Seolbi’s mom that on the warpath just gaining apprehension inside Luhan’s mind.  Seolbi’s expression in Luhan’s eyes looked tired than sad.  Obviously, she scared and disturbed.  But there’s no hatred glint in Seolbi’s eyes.  And it’s truly weird.


The girl stared at him for a good second before sighed and walking away supported by wall.  The pang of pain that suddenly attacked, resulting Seolbi almost toppled ahead.  Again.


“S-seolbi-yah..” Luhan quickly grabbed Seolbi’s arm, propping her up.  By the time, Luhan realized that this girl was really weak inside and outside.  She just looked like artificial

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10/21/2014 - Chapter 34 updated!! BLS ^^


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Miss22 #1
Chapter 35: I am grateful that you did what i asked...thanks very much...I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!!!!!
QM1201N #2
Chapter 35: nice story...update soon.. :D
Tiakitty #3
Chapter 35: ahhhhh!!!!!finally come back ***
avisdawn #4
Chapter 35: Woooohooo!!!!! Welcome back! And thanks fir the update!

Bitter SeolbieXd haha......
PiKai_chu #5
Chapter 34: wahahahahahh LOL!!! this is so funny !! and,wahh i hate that Squid. she's really annoying.. annoying brat.. duhh *_*
avisdawn #6
Chapter 34: Love i mean, haha.. D*mn auto correct -_-
avisdawn #7
Chapter 34: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! I reaaly love your updates author-nim!!!!!
It's okay if you haven't updated this past few weeks, it's better late than never, right! XD

I live the innocent comeback of SEolbie XD hahaha!
Miss22 #8
Chapter 1: can you make another day out.....maybe at the Funfair and I also want to see more of the boys childish side!!!!
Miss22 #9
one more thing...can you put a lot more EXO in the story???? I would appriciate it!!!
Miss22 #10
Chapter 33: There were many funny scene in this stories but the 3 that i liked was ....1.Luhan =Your dull...Thats why....2.Seolbi =the scene when sehun asked her to sleep with him =Should i kick him out or blow him death....3.Sehun =she should display my picture instead....I really hope this isn't the end of the story because i really want to read how seolbi would wake Luhan up and maybe a day out at the funfair(LOL)!!!!!BTW you are AWESOME!!!!