Chapter 13: Seolbi's Day Out [Part 2]

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Chapter 13






“Hana, du, set!!”


“Aha, this time better than before.  But you have to smile, Oppa!” Seolbi pouted, checking the picture she has just take a while ago.  The girl has taking some pictures of her and her brother several times, but none of them were satisfying her please.  That’s is it.  Every pics she took, only showing herself smiling.


“Oppa, try to smile a bit, huh?” Seolbi demanded, her index finger tugging up her brother’s each corner lips lightly.


“Looks better.” The girl grinned widely.  Her finger established on the spot, drawing a small smile on her brother’s stiff lips as the older just stared at his little sister in content, blinking slowly.  There’s a lot that he wants to talk about, but in the same time his disability fenced him.


“Oppa, I want you to smile again.  So I would know what you feel.”   Seolbi said softly, starring at his glassy eyes.  her bottom lips lightly, her hand making its way up to straightened his shawl so the older one will not fell any chill.


No reaction. Seolbi didn’t give in yet.  It’s her hundred attempts to make her brother built some movements.  She ever heard that the therapy for her brother is just keep communicating as often as possible.  It will stimulate his neural to function again.  And try to make him relax and loved.



Today weather was bright and friendly but I’m not really enjoying this too much.  I just ignoring everything around me and walking around the street to muffle this strange feeling.  Guilty disseminated all of my body and brain remembering the way I shouted at Seolbi.  Thinking about it makes me uneasy.  I had no regret when raising the flag of war to my hyung which I was sure he deserved it.  How could he did that? Taking an opportunity when that girl was flying on her deep slumber?  Even though I was interested with her I’ll not steal anything.  Especially when she wasn’t herself.


My phone vibrated several times but I had no eagerness to answer it all.  I left my phone kept vibrating under my pocket.  It has to be Suho hyung anyway.  We had some meeting today.


I froze in time.  My eyes spotted a familiar figure walking ahead, not far away from me.  I could tell through her floral dress and those long silky hair.  She has her arm hooking onto stranger boy.  Hmph.. Maybe, he wasn’t stranger for Seolbi.  But, still! She went out with some random boy and since she’s part of our family, *cough* She’s under my responsibility.  And I had to take care of her when her mom not there.


Wait, since when I being this nice in person?  Hmm.. Since she always cooking for me.  Maybe?


I trodden on heels at them in tolerated close.  I didn’t want they found that I’ve following both of them since they went out from shawl shop.  They might think I’m a stranger maniac.


Slowly, I approached them behind but keep my safe distance.  I didn’t know what happen to me actually.  Why should I doing this such a thing? It’s not my business anyway if Seolbi dated someone.  But I can’t just watching no do anything.  My feet automatically lead me to follow them there without knowing.


I’m curious.  Yes.  Curious. 


I just want to release my inquiring about Seolbi’s preferably boyfriend type.  My mind said it loudly, but why I kept feeling strange there?  I hate this feeling.  The feel that making my body heat up.  And what making me annoyed is my body suddenly prickled in uncomfortable exasperate which I thought there’s no reason I had to feel that way.


I said it, I’m curious!!  No other motive but curious!! I shook my head vigorously.


I sneaked closer to the love bird, hiding behind the big trees.  I pulled down my hat so my face covered a bit.  At the moment, Seolbi stuck with her boyfriend so close.  Should I to repeat? TOO CLOSE!!


She looked nice with that floral dress and flat on her feet.  She looked pretty without make-up.  But, should she did clingy-clingy with him?  Now, she no different than fan girl in school!  Clingy, squealing..  Gah!!! She has to know her place.  She’s girl, he’s boy.  They’re dating, that’s alright.  But it unnecessary if they had to show off their relation in public area.  It’s disgusting!!  And it irritating me.


I kept my eyes on them without distracted by anything. Squinting my sharp eyes whilst inspected the boy who looked like a zombie.  He didn’t react anything when Seolbi talking or joking.  But didn’t mind when Seolbi touched him.


“He looks familiar.” I murmured, continuing observe the tall boy.  He wore jacket and his neck wrapped by crimson scarf.  His body was tall, taller than me a bit.  I couldn’t see his face though because he didn’t make any move and he was backing me.  Ugh…. But I assure myself that I know this person.  I know him, but I didn’t remember who he is and what he is. 


Who is he..


Who is he..


Right! He looked like…


Oh, Crap!  That’s impossible!!!


I shook my head, trying to erase what I had just thinking.  I laughed at myself by my stupid thought.  It’s not supposed to be him.  If it’s really him, at least he will not like a puppet which carried anywhere around her.  No emotions and reactions. 


But, my half said that he’s him.


Seolbi was doing her lovey-dovey time with her boyfriend.  I cringed mentally looking that girl did sort of thing that I never saw before.  She was trying hard, but I pitied her because she got ignorance even she did some irresistible cute actions.  But still, she looked so caring yet protecting him.  And, she looked happy.


Right now, I had sideline job as a stalker.  I was tailing after them, watching every each their movements.  It’s not a simple job because I had to hide quickly when she spotted me, pretending be other person when she caught my eyes.


I felt like a criminal.  Heck, everything just for my determined.  When I’ll get over for this? Well.. After my vexing mind cured.





“WHAT THE HELL!!!! WHO’S DARED TOUCH MY BABY’S SKIN???!!!!” Luhan roared when he discovered his car was in serious situation.  He bent down, examining the sunken tires.  Gritting his teeth, Luhan cursed out loud inwardly.  He grabbed phone and calling his friend to look for help.


“Hello? Yeah.  I’ve trouble here.  Get me there now!!” He said angrily through the phone.  Luhan planned to go to Suho’s house, but his car wasn’t cooperate with him. 


“Sehun? That’s impossible.  Sehun won’t to touch my things.” Luhan murmured, walking back and forth tapping his chin patiently.  He tried hard to find out the suspected.  His eyebrow crossed deeply as many speculations flying around his head.  Luhan’s body jerked up immediately, realizing a probability.


“I know it’s your work, girl.  Just wait..” luhan growled lowly.




“Hyahahahahhaa… Oppa look at my face!!!  I’m cute, right!” seolbi beamed as she showing her pic when she’s catching frog.  She caught a special glint in the elder’s eyes.


“I know, I know, I’m hilarious not cute.” Seolbi pouted, showing another pics of her.


“But, that’s not easy to catch a frog!! Moreover, when you did it alo-!” the sudden height on my head stopping .  Slowly, she turned her head asid

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10/21/2014 - Chapter 34 updated!! BLS ^^


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Miss22 #1
Chapter 35: I am grateful that you did what i asked...thanks very much...I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!!!!!
QM1201N #2
Chapter 35: nice story...update soon.. :D
Tiakitty #3
Chapter 35: ahhhhh!!!!!finally come back ***
avisdawn #4
Chapter 35: Woooohooo!!!!! Welcome back! And thanks fir the update!

Bitter SeolbieXd haha......
PiKai_chu #5
Chapter 34: wahahahahahh LOL!!! this is so funny !! and,wahh i hate that Squid. she's really annoying.. annoying brat.. duhh *_*
avisdawn #6
Chapter 34: Love i mean, haha.. D*mn auto correct -_-
avisdawn #7
Chapter 34: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! I reaaly love your updates author-nim!!!!!
It's okay if you haven't updated this past few weeks, it's better late than never, right! XD

I live the innocent comeback of SEolbie XD hahaha!
Miss22 #8
Chapter 1: can you make another day out.....maybe at the Funfair and I also want to see more of the boys childish side!!!!
Miss22 #9
one more thing...can you put a lot more EXO in the story???? I would appriciate it!!!
Miss22 #10
Chapter 33: There were many funny scene in this stories but the 3 that i liked was ....1.Luhan =Your dull...Thats why....2.Seolbi =the scene when sehun asked her to sleep with him =Should i kick him out or blow him death....3.Sehun =she should display my picture instead....I really hope this isn't the end of the story because i really want to read how seolbi would wake Luhan up and maybe a day out at the funfair(LOL)!!!!!BTW you are AWESOME!!!!