Chapter 12: Seolbi's Day Out [Part 1]

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Chapter 12

BGM:  Akdong Musician - Artificial Grass




Seolbi groaned weakly as opened her eyes, stretched to rid her rigid body.  She abruptly woke up, wandering her eyes around the familiar yet unfamiliar place.  Perplexed Seolbi yawned widely, gaining her consciousness.


“Huh? Where I am?” The girl murmured, voice hoarse.  She scratched her messy hair, eyes continuing observe the surroundings area confusedly.  As far as Seolbi remember, she was in the primary room doing project along with Sehun.


“Why I’m here? Who’s brought me there?” Seolbi sniffed, feeling itchy on her nose.


“Haha.. No way if one of that two brother.  I had to sleep walking last night.  So I got the way there.” Seolbi assured herself, nodding pertinaciously.  Her eyes caught the watch coincidentally. 


“Hing….. Almost 11?!! Have to hurry!!!” Seolbi gasped.  She rolled off from the comfortable bed and running to get some fresh bath.  She almost slipped her blanket because she hasn’t completely wake up.  Seolbi hardly approached the bath room even she still in her dazedness, walking zigzag like a drunken person.


She got her straight mind after finish bathing.  Now, she smiled widely imagining her day out today while inspecting her closet.  Picking random clothes, throwing away when she thought that it wasn’t nice enough to wear. 


With a wide grin she grabbed a blue floral dress that her Oppa bought.  She rare..  Almost never wearing girly clothes but there’s no mistake if Seolbi experiments herself to look a bit feminine.  Beside, her Oppa always scolding her because her boyish attitude.  He often remembering Seolbi that she’s girl, not boy who could wear everything and do as her please.  Okay, maybe Seolbi is typically boy.  But inside, she’s purely girl.


The little girl smiled when she looked over her reflection through the mirror.  Moreover, she turned around several times to double checking if she’s fine with this new fashion she ever try.  Not bad.  She didn’t put any make up but apply some powder lightly. Naturally, she’s like boy anyway.  She didn’t need makeup thing in her room.  She let her smooth long hair loose, dangling until her waist.


The fact that her appearance positively wasn’t disappointed, Seolbi smiled sweetly once again before move to care her feet.  She tried the sky blue slippery.  Luckily it was still fit on her feet or else, she has to wear sneakers.  It’s weird when you blending girly fashion with boyish shoes.


Seolbi no questionable looking excited today because today she will visit her dad after a year.  Everything she did sticking by a wide smile, picturing her dad’s face.  Has he wrinkle?  Or his hair greyish already?


Actually, it’s a forbidden chances for Seolbi.  The girl took this advantage since her mom wasn’t there.  If her mom found she visited her dad without permission, again, she’ll get punishment.  And for this fault, Seolbi will get the most painful one.  But this time different.  Her mom wasn’t here though, and Seolbi hopes she will not caught this time.  Hope so.


Seolbi dusted her dress making sure that her dress perfectly neat.  Then, she grabbed bag and her things, before abruptly walking away.  The moment she opened the door, Luhan’s face was the first appeared, shocking the girl which evoke some short scream from Seolbi’s lips.


“Wuaa~!!! GOD!!What are you doing here??!!” Seolbi yelled as she caress her chest to calm her sudden thumping heart.  Luhan still standing there, towering the shorty girl with monotone face.


Right after he realized the girl’s difference, his eyes rounded in awe.  His lips parted slightly as his finger pointing at the girl from hair to shoes.


“Whoa~ “


“What?!” Seolbi snapped.


“You wear a dress?”


“So what? Is it your problem?”


“Actually, yes.  You look different.” Luhan commented, still observing the girl like a new discovered thing.


Seolbi sneered when saw Luhan looking at her like she was a scarce object.  His face literally gawk at her, stunning by Seolbi’s transformation.  He never seeing this tomboy girl wear some girly thing before.  And when she tried, she looks cute.


“Well, I don’t need your opinion anyway.”  The girl waved her hand and ready to go.  But Luhan sudden request creating deep frown on Seolbi’s face.


“Hey, smile for me first.”




“Smile for me.  I’m your master, right?”


Seolbi made a face.  What the heck?


“Hurry up!”


Seolbi groaned in frustrate looking the over-confident boy in front of her eyes.  Luhan lift up his eyebrow, signaling Seolbi to do his order.


“Our master Luhan.. Do you need anything? If so, just spill it out because I’m busy now.” Seolbi said in a girly voice version.  And with a smile.  Forced smile. 


Luhan eyes twitched seeing Seolbi’s funny face.  The way she tried to look cute was totally amusing him.  He want to laugh but holding it back instead.  Laughing boisterously wasn’t cool.


“Do it properly.  I don’t see your sincerity.” Luhan said, noticing Seolbi disingenuous.  Indeed.    Seolbi face-palmed mentally, grumbling nonsense before entwined her hand together like a pleaded pose.


“Please don’t make fun of me this time.  I have to go now.  Pleeeeaaassseeee…” Seolbi said as she put her earnest smile.  But heck, the girl still half-heartedly doing it.


The boy blinked by sudden bizarre lightning that has just hit him.  He frozen in time when seeing Seolbi smiling like that in the cute stance.  Previously, he was surprised, seeing Seolbi in those dress.  But he got more aghast when Seolbi smiling prettily to him.  She looked pretty with those dress and the smile.  NO.  She’s gorgeous, truly.  She’s attracting by herself even without put much make-up.


And those pinkies lips.  How Luhan could forgot about the innocent lips that he kissed last night.  Okay.  Secretly kissed her.  The kiss impact was enough to burry Luhan into serious depression.  He couldn’t sleep all night long, tingling and guilty mixed up together beneath his stomach.  But he didn’t know why did he supposed to feel that way.


“Why do you captivated like that?”  Seolbi’s voice forcedly pulling Luhan back to real life.


“W-what? Who’s captivated by who? I’m not!!” Luhan denied quickly due his sudden nervousness, face emitted into light pinkies.  His eyes blinked quickly, synchronously along with his heartbeat.  Seolbi grinned in liberty, realizing something.  She has just find her amusement. 


Hihi.. An opportunity.


“Hey, don’t tell you’re falling in love with me?” Seolbi teased, smiling even wider.


“What?” Luhan shrieked.


“Luhan-Oppa, am I look pretty in this floral dress?” Seolbi intentionally flirty to the nervous boy.  She titled her head aside and put her cute smile, pouring the older boy with her cuteness purposely making the boy fluttered.


What is this girl doing right now?


“Aw… you’re blushing.. I love when you’re blushing like this..” Seolbi never ending tease surely spinning the older boy in jittery.  Luhan frowned, thought he ever heard this statement before.  But he couldn’t thinking straight now to remember where he heard those familiar phrases.


She smiled winningly seeing Luhan’s extremely red face and it reddened more when the girl teasing him continuously.  She want to take revenge all of Luhan did.  And now, seolbi noticed that this boy was weak at cute action.  Kyahahaha. 


But the question is, why did Luhan never blushing when there’re some girls flirty-flirty with him?  Instead, he was the one who changed the girls’ face into deep red tomato by his acts.  Hhh.. Never mind.


“Y-Yah!! Stop it!! M-Make me

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10/21/2014 - Chapter 34 updated!! BLS ^^


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Miss22 #1
Chapter 35: I am grateful that you did what i asked...thanks very much...I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!!!!!
QM1201N #2
Chapter 35: nice story...update soon.. :D
Tiakitty #3
Chapter 35: ahhhhh!!!!!finally come back ***
avisdawn #4
Chapter 35: Woooohooo!!!!! Welcome back! And thanks fir the update!

Bitter SeolbieXd haha......
PiKai_chu #5
Chapter 34: wahahahahahh LOL!!! this is so funny !! and,wahh i hate that Squid. she's really annoying.. annoying brat.. duhh *_*
avisdawn #6
Chapter 34: Love i mean, haha.. D*mn auto correct -_-
avisdawn #7
Chapter 34: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! I reaaly love your updates author-nim!!!!!
It's okay if you haven't updated this past few weeks, it's better late than never, right! XD

I live the innocent comeback of SEolbie XD hahaha!
Miss22 #8
Chapter 1: can you make another day out.....maybe at the Funfair and I also want to see more of the boys childish side!!!!
Miss22 #9
one more thing...can you put a lot more EXO in the story???? I would appriciate it!!!
Miss22 #10
Chapter 33: There were many funny scene in this stories but the 3 that i liked was ....1.Luhan =Your dull...Thats why....2.Seolbi =the scene when sehun asked her to sleep with him =Should i kick him out or blow him death....3.Sehun =she should display my picture instead....I really hope this isn't the end of the story because i really want to read how seolbi would wake Luhan up and maybe a day out at the funfair(LOL)!!!!!BTW you are AWESOME!!!!