
Will you ever love me?
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It has been a month since our marriage. I hardly see kai around even at home. He leaves early and locks himself in his room. I knew he was trying to avoid me and it hurt. It hurt to have someone you love, hate you this much. There was also a month till finals. I grew closer to luhan and EXO. They filled the loneliness that I felt. They made me happy. 

I woke up to the rising sun. It's bright light rays flashing before my eyes. I looked over at the clock too see it was 7:00am I decided to go and get ready for school. 

After changing I headed downstairs. Too see no one. It was another day alone. 
I soon made my way too school stopping in front of the school gates. It was the time I most dreaded. 
"Just another month HaeJin!" 
I walked through the gates and came in contact with kai and ki young. Ki young saw me and made her way towards me as usual. 
She jabbed my shoulder as kai watched. He didn't care. He didn't bother standing up for me. In their eyes I was trash. Even though I was his wife by paper, I was dirt in reality. 
"Well well look at it here, the loser has finally made her way too school. Did you look in the mirror lately? Cause you just look worse everytime I see you. Am I right baby" I looked at kai. He was still. Smirking. 
"Always. Come on let's leave this freak" kai and ki young left. 
I stood there. Slight tears streaming down. It's pained. My heart hurt. I couldn't do this anymore.

I decided not to go to class that morning. I had class with both of them. I didn't want anymore pain.

I went towards the roof top and sat in my usual place. Watching the snow fall. 

"Aren't you cold?" I froze. 
I looked behind me and saw luhan. 
"Luhan? How did you know this place?" 
"I.... Well kinda followed you?" He smiled embarras

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14 streak #1
Chapter 44: I feel sorry for luhan. But at least he have his own sequel xD
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 44: Great story..
Sehunsss #3
Chapter 44: Great story authornim !!
eermaa #4
A real good piece!!! I like this!!
Chapter 42: I dont think kAi really deserve her at all i wish she was with luhan.... T-T
Chapter 43: Oooowhhhhh author nim! ! Why u do this too mmmeee! ?? ! T^T omg *exited* *feels* *tears*
carmenm_012 #7
Chapter 42: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this fic so much!!!!! I couldn't believe it is over!!! T.T
Chapter 41: good...hope you make an epilogue..kekeke....
Chapter 42: OMG it didnt finish yet!!!! *O* youuhoooo !!! luv ya author nim ! ! you're the best ! and your other story is as amzing as this !!! you're always working hard ! *O* FIGHTING !
Chapter 42: i hope you can do fanfic with luhan as the main character!!!