
Will you ever love me?
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Okay so guys i know you have all heard about Luhan leaving. I am still trying to register it, but i just want to say i will always support EXO no matter what!

"어쩌면 가끔 사랑 주위에 온다"

Maybe sometimes love comes around.

HaeJin's POV.

2 years Later.

I sat staring out the window. The fluffy white clouds floating distilled. 
"mmm" I gestured for Sehun to go on.
"We're nearly back in Seoul"
He happily smiled.
"Thanks for letting me know Sehun"
After two years I've finally decided to go back. I stayed with Sehun in his apartment. Occasionally he would stay for a couple months then head back to Seoul regularly to visit his parents while I stayed back. 
It got lonely at times but I didn't care, I was far away from pain. 
"Attention passengers we are now beginning the process of landing so please buckle up and sit straight. Thank you"
I drifted my eyes away from the window and smiled at sehun, who was struggling to put his seat belt on.
"Here give it too me"
I grabbed the metal and clicked it in.
"Thank you noona"
Sehun smiled brightly.
"Noona I have a surprise for you when we land"
I looked at sehun curious as too what it was.
"Me? What is it?"
"It's a surprise for a reason noona"
Sehun laughed.
"You little aish"
I began to laugh along.

"Welcome to Seoul ladies and gentlemen. Thank for flying the 451 Seoul air. Enjoy your stay"
After minutes of getting out of the plane me and sehun made our way down the confined hallway. 
I'm back. I mentally thought.
I looked up and found sehun smiling and waving me to come closer.
I smiled and made my way over. There I found a figure, with his back turned towards me. He had black hair and by the way he dressed was very fashionable. It was clean and in trend.
"Hyung she's here" I heard Sehun whisper. Slowly the man turned around and I froze.
"HaeJin" he smiled and walked towards me. Luhan wrapped is arms around me. Squishing me with his hug. 
"What are you doing here? How'd yo- OH SEHUN!"
Sehun meekly smiled.
"Sorry noona I had too"
Luhan began to laugh.
"I missed you so much Jinnie"
"I missed you too oppa"
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming back? 
"I didn't want you too worry"
"I was worried that you haven't said anything to me for 2 years"
You felt so guilty. The truth is you wanted to call up luhan and talk like before but you were scared and afraid. 
"I'm sorry" I whimpered.
"It's okay. As long as your back. I'm fine" luhan smiled and I couldn't help hit grin.
"Shall we go?"
I nodded my head. 
Grabbing my luggage I dragged it behind me.
"Hey hyung can we get bubble tea?"
"What? Why?! I haven't had it in months!"Sehun began to whine.
"Because you always end up drinking mine" luhan retorted back.
I couldn't help but let a smile plaster on my lips.
"Hey I don't have cash"
"Huhu" sehun whimpered.
"Hey tomorrow I'll take you?"
Immediately sehun turned is frown into a bright smile.
"Your awesome noona!"
"I know" I giggled.
"Hop in guys"
We entered a black Mercedes.
"Oppa I didn't know you could drive?"
"Well you weren't here for me to let you know"
"I'm sorry"
"No I'm sorry"
"Oppa I like your black hair" I reached my hand a brushed back the his fringe.
"Oppa looks manly"
"See I told you sehun I looked more manly"
"Whatever hyung"
We all ended up cracking up.
After a long ride back to the main city we parked in front of a small cafe.
Stepping out of the car I was adored by the cute little interior.
"Oppa where are we?"
I looked at sehun and luhan who just smiled.
"We have some people who want to meet you"
I was shocked. 
"Me? Why?"
Slowly the two walked around and stood beside me.
I gave them a curious look but they just laughed and pulled me along with them.
"Hello oh!"
"HaeJin! It's been so long! Aigoo you've grown up!"
"Ah thank you Aunty. But I've see you've changed the place"
The lady gave a little chuckle.
"Yes business was doing good and someone wanted to invest in my little shop so they helped me expand"
"Oh really? Who is that?"

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14 streak #1
Chapter 44: I feel sorry for luhan. But at least he have his own sequel xD
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 44: Great story..
Sehunsss #3
Chapter 44: Great story authornim !!
eermaa #4
A real good piece!!! I like this!!
Chapter 42: I dont think kAi really deserve her at all i wish she was with luhan.... T-T
Chapter 43: Oooowhhhhh author nim! ! Why u do this too mmmeee! ?? ! T^T omg *exited* *feels* *tears*
carmenm_012 #7
Chapter 42: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this fic so much!!!!! I couldn't believe it is over!!! T.T
Chapter 41: good...hope you make an epilogue..kekeke....
Chapter 42: OMG it didnt finish yet!!!! *O* youuhoooo !!! luv ya author nim ! ! you're the best ! and your other story is as amzing as this !!! you're always working hard ! *O* FIGHTING !
Chapter 42: i hope you can do fanfic with luhan as the main character!!!