who are you too me?

Will you ever love me?
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HaeJin's POV. 

We arrived in front of the house. Fear was beginning to captivate me while little sweat drops were starting to form. 
"HaeJin it's okay I'll help you" 
I didn't realise I was shaking till LuHan took hold of my hand. I took a deep breath and nodded. 
I hope his not here, please.
Me and luhan exited the car. I stood at the front of the gate waiting for luhan to come. 
"Are you ready?" 
No I'm not ready, I don't want to face him. 
I nodded my head. 
Slowly we walked towards the door. Every step dawned on me. I grabbed my keys and opened the door. 
Yes no ones here. 
The fear washed away, but it couldn't help stay, waiting for Kai's arrival. 
"Okay HaeJin I have too go first, but I'll see you soon" 
I gave luhan a hug goodbye and watched the door close behind him. 
I sighed, I was now alone again. 
"Well guess whose back"
Oh .
My body froze. He wasn't supposed too be here. I was like a statue, unable too move. His footsteps becoming more audible. I could sense his presence behind me. 
"The little is back I see, what done shacking it up with hyung?" 
I turned around and saw the devilling smirk. I felt anger rise up in me, and the next thing I knew I slapped him. The echo sound travelled throughout the whole house. Ringing through my ears. 
I...I just slapped him, I slapped him.
Kai held his hand on the now forming red mark on his right cheek. Laughing. 
The anger lingered inside of me, I don't know why or how I began to feel like this but I just did. His daunting laughter was flowing through my ears, mocking me.
"Did I insult your little play toy?" His smirk became more visible.
The anger peeked. How can he insult his friend like that. Did he not feel any guilt? I was furious about everything. 
"Don't. Say. That" I said through my gritted teeth. 
"Aww is the little hoe angry, why don't you just relax your new toy wouldn't like that"
His laughter grew loud. It was like a force that couldn't be beckon with. It had a sudden irritation about it, spreading fury through me. I cracked. 
"Shut up Jongin, shut up shut up!" I yelled, flaying my hands. Wanting to hit him. Tears were falling. I was angry, upset, tired.
I pounded Kai's chest, releasing the anger out, until he stopped me. I felt weak all of a sudden, like the confidence I had washed away when I could feel his touch. 
"Please let go" I whimpered. 
Just let go.
Why, why?
I forced myself too look at him. His smirking face. 
"Why are you doing this?" 
Kai didn't answer, instead he pulled me into him. His hot breath hiring my skin. 
"Because your mine" 
I pulled back and stared at him. 
'Your mine' what the heck does he mean? 
Suddenly his lips crashed on mine. His soft lingering touch came back. Why is he doing this too me? Did he finally remember what we once were? 


Kai's POV.

I pulled her body closer too mine. Her sweet scent of passion fruit li

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14 streak #1
Chapter 44: I feel sorry for luhan. But at least he have his own sequel xD
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 44: Great story..
Sehunsss #3
Chapter 44: Great story authornim !!
eermaa #4
A real good piece!!! I like this!!
Chapter 42: I dont think kAi really deserve her at all i wish she was with luhan.... T-T
Chapter 43: Oooowhhhhh author nim! ! Why u do this too mmmeee! ?? ! T^T omg *exited* *feels* *tears*
carmenm_012 #7
Chapter 42: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this fic so much!!!!! I couldn't believe it is over!!! T.T
Chapter 41: Awww...so good...hope you make an epilogue..kekeke....
Chapter 42: OMG it didnt finish yet!!!! *O* youuhoooo !!! luv ya author nim ! ! you're the best ! and your other story is as amzing as this !!! you're always working hard ! *O* FIGHTING !
Chapter 42: i hope you can do fanfic with luhan as the main character!!!