Dream Girl ~ Onew

SHINee Reality

(With soon to be daddy ChiHoon (Jinki's Character in Descedants of the sun drama) and inspired with this song  I wrote this small drabble. I confess that I wrote it with the main characters of Dating an Idol (my fic) in mind. Die with the cuteness and I hope you like it! ^^ )

I blame Alice for this~



Jinki sat beside you while you changed the diaper of your two months older daughter. He watched you in wonder admired with the way you did it so skillfully. Of course you did, you were his wife and the mother of that small baby and you were the one who used to do it all the time since he was always busy at work.

You grabbed your baby daughter and nuzzled your nose against her small one, kissing her forehead before giving her to Jinki. He awkwardly grabbed her worried to let her fall and you chuckled because he was the sweetest when he grabbed her as if she was the most precious thing ever. To both of you she was.

“I hope she never becomes a singer!” You said watching him while he carefully made her lay in his arms, helping him support her head against his arm.

“Why?” Jinki asked raising his eyes briefly from the girl wrapped in a pink blanket on his arms to you.

“Because if she becomes one she will be busy all the time and I don’t think I can survive with both of you away. “ You stood up from the bed laughing “I’m kidding Jinki! I bet she will have a beautiful voice like you!”

He smiled slightly moving his eyes to her again, placing the palm of his hand on her small chest, feeling her breathe. How could he have done something so precious like that?! When he sang a special song, or did an awesome performance and everyone praised him, he had that feeling of fulfillment, of doing something bigger than him but nothing prepared him for that moment he saw his daughter for the first time on your arms.

That was more than fulfillment, more than true love, more than everything he ever felt. That was a part of him, the outcome of what you two had together, someone, a person, and a walking, breathing, living proof of your love together.

“Can you take care of her for a few minutes while I shower?”

He raised his eyes worried to you and you smiled caressing his cheek before releasing you hair that was caught in a bun “It’s only a few minutes. I really need it please.”

“I’m sorry it’s just that last night…”

“Last night she had cramps and that’s why she didn’t stop crying. It wasn’t your fault at all! I know you can do this Jinki. It’s only ten to twenty minutes. I fed her already and her diaper is dry so she is perfectly satisfied. Just lull her to sleep; you can speak to her while I’m not here, it seems to work.“ you leaned forward to kiss his cheek “You are a great dad. I know you can do this!”

You walked away and he followed you with his eyes, suddenly panicking because he was alone with your daughter again.

Last time it didn’t went well and he was so insecure now, worried about what to do if she cried or if she was in pain.
He stood up from the bed with her in his arms and then walked around the bedroom, his eyes never leaving the beautiful face of his daughter. He smiled immediately just by looking at her, at her small nose so much like her mother’s, her cute lips that she opened in a silent yawn.

“Oh...” He cried pouting with the cuteness and he was so focused on her that he didn’t even notice you coming back to grab a set of clothes. You stopped at the door admiring the man of your dreams rocking your baby in his arms.

“I don’t care if you don’t know how to sing.” He said suddenly and you leaned against the doorstep watching them and hearing what he was whispering to your daughter.

“You can be an idol if you want or anything. Seriously…you can be a model or an actress, or maybe you prefer cooking or drawing. You can be a doctor I don’t care. If you work hard you can do anything!”

He swayed with her in his arms and you saw him move his index finger on her cheek.

He did it slowly and you knew what he was thinking because you had the same thoughts all the time. Her skin was so smooth and it was so amazing that you couldn’t help but kiss her cute feet and hands. He did that grabbing her cute little hand and kissing her fingers.

“You just need to be very humble and respectable. I’ll do my best to educate you and show you what is right or wrong. I’ll work really hard!”

She was probably closer to sleeping and Jinki rocked her a few more times. “I know I’m not around much. I’m sorry! I can’t even promise you that I will be home longer.”  He sighed deeply “I can’t even change your diapers without your mother helping me.” He kissed your baby’s forehead “I’m so proud of mommy. She was just like daddy so clumsy when we came back from the hospital with you and look at her now! She is like a freaking super mom, working and taking care of you and me. ”

You had to cover your mouth so you wouldn’t giggle.

“Wait. Maybe I shouldn’t have said freaking in front of you. Is that a bad word?!” He seemed confused and of course no one answered him “Ok then forget that word. Don’t tell mommy about this!” he raised his hand over the baby’s eyes, moving his fingers as if he was doing magic. The little girl looked at the fingers clueless as a new born. “This memory will be erased of your brain in 3, 2, 1….”

He giggled satisfied with his joke and you bit your lower lip, smitten with the scene. He was a great dad and you were sure your daughter would love him, no…she already did and she didn’t even know what love was.

That was the most special thing about it all. You loved that baby ever since the first moment you found out that you were pregnant. You would never forget the first time you looked at her face. You knew her for 9 months already but still that first moment was the most magical one of your life and you were sure by the way Jinki’s eyes sparkled when he looked at her that he was thinking the same.

And has a miracle that baby loved you two back. For her you were the two most special human beings in the whole world.

“I love you so much!” Jinki whispered and you pursed your lips trying to not cry with the scene, with the tone of his voice “I will do my best to make you proud, to not spoil you too much but to make everything I can to raise you so you can find your happiness for yourself.”

You were going to walk to them, craving a family hug just when he said it making you halt.

“Do you love daddy? Mommy and I love you a lot. Can you love me too?”

You bit your lip feeling your eyes get wet and you were going to answer the question for your daughter when you heard him gasp.

You couldn’t see what happened, because he had his back to you and for a second you were worried. However Jinki turned around and he raised his eyes up meeting yours.

His mouth opened into a huge smile, his eyes sparkling and you followed his gaze to your daughter. She was grabbing his thumb with her tiny little fingers and even though both of you knew that that was a normal things for newborn’s to do you knew what Jinki was thinking.

“She loves me!”

You chuckled cleaning your eyes and caressed his arm, kissing his lips before leaning against him.

“Of course. She is like her mother. She fell in love with you ever since the first moment, the first smile, the first look!”

“I’m really sorry!” He said sniffing a little, glancing at you for a few seconds since he couldn’t stop looking at her tiny fingers wrapped around his thumb while she slept peacefully on his arms now. “I’m not around and I can’t help much and…”

“It’s ok Jinki. I understand. She will understand. I’m sure she will be so proud of you, because I am too!” You kissed his arm and he swayed with her in his arms.

“We should place her in her crib!” You suggested but he didn’t want to seem to let her go.

“You didn’t shower yet.” Jinki said “I can stay like this until you do so and then I can place her in the crib so we can have dinner.”

You smiled tip toeing to kiss his forehead “Seems good to me Freaking Super Daddy!”

“You heard?” He asked blushing a little and you chuckled.

“Yes, and so you know, you are also taking care of me and her at the same time while working so you are also a Super Daddy!”

He seemed happy with your observation and you grabbed the change of clothes so you could shower.

Before leaving the room you once again looked at the two most important people of your life. One was asleep holding the thumb of the other one, which was now singing a changed version with new lyrics of Dream Girl as a lullaby.

That’s why you loved them so much.

Both were innocent, pure and honest about their feelings, and the most precious to you.  Also both loved to sleep and eat a lot, and of course loved you. The idea made you giggle before you left the bedroom. Jinki didn’t even notice, still singing, his sweet, soft voice following you inside the bathroom.

“Dream Girl, you use so many diapers a day;

Dream Girl, Every night you wake up mommy and daddy;

Dream Girl, you scream and cry love to me;

But you are and will forever be my, dream girl.”


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Chapter 57: Her dreams keep confusing me >_<
Heheh it's taemin pink unicorn lol
Ohhhhh he's caught!
He messed up haha. That was too mean. I'm laughing at her hiding tho. There's nowhere to go haha
Lmao her prince with the English book and pink horse
*GASP* he got caught. For real this time? Has he been kissing her in her sleep all this time or what? Haha
He did lol
Aww I liked the dream kisses too tho haha. For reasons >.>
Cute. I love adorable taemin. This was good
Chapter 56: Waaaaa cute taemin!!! I wear yellow socks to sleep, the yellow bunny ones I think I've sent to you before. Hahah this is so cute I love these little drabbles <3
Chapter 57: So the dream came to reality! Yes, I like it very much XD Thank you for writing this sequel, I was quite devastated when she thought it was only a dream XD I also wouldn't mind for another part... Rated one... Just saying :)))))))))))))))))))))
Chapter 57: I'm so glad you made a sequel!! I loved this, so great, it was well written I love this kind of plot, it's perfect for me whose home sick from work. You don't by chance have a story where Onew takes care of his sick friend who likes him do you? Cause I could really use that right about now! Please say yes!
Chapter 56: Please do update frequentlyㅠㅠ
Chapter 56: Ahh I loved this!! I had a feeling it was going to be a dream of sorts!
TaemsAelyn29 #7
Chapter 56: EONNIE!!!!! I don't know if I'll hate you or what!!! LOL My heart will burst any minute now! Oh! Taemin was sooo cute~ ♥♥♥
Chapter 7: Ah I died ㅠㅠ
Chapter 56: This is so freaking cute.. ❤ the ending legit screams a sequel so pretty please? ;)
Chapter 56: OH MY GOD, IT WAS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you write another drabble when Taemin decides to make a move? XD I feel so sorry for both of them now! Whyyyy... I would be devastated after dream like this lmao