You Again?! | Love Note I
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“Bye guys!” Jin Ae waved as the EXO boys scattered out of the café. The time had already exceeded midnight, and the boys still had to get up early the next morning for work. Jin Ae had no choice but to chase them out because they refused to leave the café, and she didn’t want them to oversleep and be late for work. Hyun Ae as well, greeted the boys with ninety degree bows, considering she was younger than them by 4 years. “You’ve worked hard,” Luhan greeted, flashing a smile at the younger girl. She blushed a little as she watched him leaving the café along with the other guys.


“Heh, Im Hyun Ae, stop staring.” Jin Ae flicked her younger sister’s forehead and stuck her tongue out at her, teasing her. Hyun Ae started to blush crimson red as she hung her head, realizing only now she has been staring out the door even though him and the EXO boys have disappeared from their line of vision. “Don’t even think about laying your eyes on Luhan.” Jin Ae warned, suddenly getting all serious.


Hyun Ae, who was a little shocked at the sudden change, immediately ran over to sit next to her sister. “Why?” she poked her head in front of Jin Ae’s face just to grab her attention, and so Jin Ae sat opposite her sister, her eyes all dark. “I believe he has a romantic past with Jae Hee.” She said, remembering the time when Jae Hee was still her best friend. She confessed that she had romantic feelings for Luhan sunbaenim. “So? It’s a past thing. Nobody cares.” Hyun Ae got up and walked towards the counter, sulking at the fact that her sister didn’t approve of her going for Luhan. She did like him, even though she barely knew him.


“It’s not just like that okay? Chanyeol once told me he has a complicated past. Plus, he’s not a local. He’s from the mainland.” Jin Ae brought the cups the guys had drunk from earlier and placed it on the counter. “Oh so you want me to marry a Korean man?” Hyun Ae asked, turning around to face her sister. Her anger was slowly building up; she couldn’t understand why her sister was being like that. She even supported her back in the states to get a man of western descent, but suddenly when she falls for a Chinese, it seems so wrong. “Hyun Ae, you should understand by now. I don’t want you to be involved with people who have a complicated past. Our pasts are complicated enough, let’s not be implicated into your future husband’s past as well.”


Jin Ae kept quiet for a while, and so did Hyun Ae.


“Furthermore, mama is probably still alive.” Jin Ae sighed, reaching into her pocket where she kept the locket. She was patiently waiting for everyday to pass, until the owner of the locket shows up to collect what they accidentally left behind. “So what are you tryna implement? That you want me to marry a Korean tycoon?” This time, Hyun Ae turned to face Jin Ae with her eyes slightly teary. She always cried whenever she fought with her sister let alone argue, and she was at the verge of crying already.


Jin Ae kept quiet. The thought of Hyun Ae marrying a tycoon wasn’t bad, right? She’d get to live a luxurious life. And though Luhan comes from a rich family, and he is also a tycoon, that guy just didn’t give Jin Ae the vibe that he’d be a good man to Hyun Ae. “I’ll do what I want! It’s my own life after all.” Hyun Ae murmured under her breath. She knew all her sister wanted was for her to live in happiness, but facts are facts. Jin Ae couldn’t have control over Hyun Ae’s life, because it belonged to Hyun Ae.


The atmosphere was tense as the two refused to speak to each other; both giving the cold shoulder.



“Hey girls!” Chanyeol chirped as he waved and entered happily. Both sisters haven’t gotten over their little argument last night, and it usually took about 5 days for them to work things out and be blossom sisters again. “Um, girls?” Chanyeol called out a second time, shifting glances from Jin Ae who was setting up the tables to Hyun Ae who was preparing the coffee machines. “Damn, was there something I missed the previous night?” he murmured, rubbing the back of his head. It felt awkward being amongst 2 siblings who refused to talk, both in bad moods. For the whole day, Chanyeol suffered being the middleman.


Jin Ae would throw the towel at his chest to pass it to Hyun Ae, and Hyun Ae will throw the new towel at his chest to pass to Jin Ae. Finally, when they passed lunch hour, the café was pretty empty. Taking this as an opportunity, Jin Ae grabbed Chanyeol and dragged him into the lounge, locking the door from Hyun Ae’s excess.


“Tell me about Luhan.” She demanded, plopping down on the sofa next to Chanyeol. He raised a brow, “Th

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LostNightingale #1
Chapter 32: Is this why there's no heavy kissing and skinship throughout the story? Because they might be half siblings??
Chapter 34: I like this story very much.. good job authorniim but why the sequal isn't working.for me!!
Chapter 15: OMG!!!!!!!
Immageek #4
Chapter 34: why cant i read the sequal ? can anyone tell me
Immageek #5
Chapter 34: nooo i dont want them to be half siblings . *criess*
ktenzin101 #6
Chapter 34: they might be related...nooooooooooooooooooooooooo
deerbaek #7
Chapter 32: Hashtag iamwaitingforsequel
deerbaek #8
Chapter 32: That's probably jin ae's mom oh my god this fic is quite good otl continue pleaseeeeee:(