Chapter 77 - Date

Youngest of Pieces: Five Years in History (9)


Hannah gives out a giggle at Maria’s sigh, and Carolina laughs because of Hannah’s reaction.

They have returned to Korea today, been at the agency and now they are in the van heading home in tired but happy moods thanks to the most successful four-day concert they finished yesterday. They breathe out with smiles, unable to stop giggling or laughing at each other for no reason at all.

“Are you all staying home tonight?” Manager Lim asks from the passenger seat, letting Manager Lee drive.

“I’m not,” Julia is fast to say, chuckling when Hannah and Carolina sitting next to her are laughing together. Hannah has no idea of why she is laughing, but she can’t stop, and Carolina keeps laughing too, even making a pig-noise in her laughter that makes them burst out in laughter. For hours Julia and Emelia have been talking about meeting FT Island’s Honggi and CN Blue’s Jonghyun for a drink, and now again she has to take out her cell phone to re-check when they are going to meet.

“Do you need a driver?” Manager Lim wants to know. He is focusing to hear Julia’s answer over the laughter from those in the back.

“I’ll drive,” Julia says, and she adds when seeing their manager’s face-expressions; “Non-alcoholic drinks- have you ever heard of that, Appa? I’ll drive us.”

“I’m going to get a driving-license too,” Emelia sighs, stretching out in her seat after taking off her sneakers, “It’s my personal goal for 2014.”

“I thought you had already started to read for it,” Manager Lee comments.

“I have-”

“I’m sorry,” Manager Lim interrupts them, because the conversation has passed by his main question; “Are the rest of you staying at home?”

Hannah lifts her hand up in the air, still giggling; “I am meeting Jonghyun after his radio.”

“So late…” Maria jokingly whispers and smiles at Hannah sitting behind her, since Jonghyun’s radio ends at two in the morning. Maria then turns back and acts like a good girl; “I’ll be staying at home, Appa, and just watch a movie without making any noise.”

“That sounds like a lie,” Emelia jokes. Carolina laughs a little more than necessary at the joke and Hannah laughs just because of Carolina while Maria defends herself saying she is going to watch a movie and that Sooyoung and Yuri from SNSD are coming over to join her.

Either way, the manager wanted to know of their plans for the night in case they will need a driver, but it seems like no one needs it. they drop by their stylists’ office before heading home, their managers follows them to the hall of the apartment before letting them know of what time they have to be ready in the morning and reminds them of their schedule before leaving.

Hannah undresses when getting to her room, putting on a black sleeveless lettering top and throws a pair of distressed washed jeans on her bed that she will wear later, but for now she turns on some low music on her laptop and starts to unpack from their Osaka trip. She goes in an out from her room to ask the other ladies for what they will bring with them to the Las Vegas trip the day after tomorrow just to get some inspiration about her choice of outfits, to repack the bag. Maria has emptied her bag but doesn’t get further than that when it rings on the doorbell and she is running down the stairs followed by Julia and the puppies are barking running to the hall as well. The puppies always get excited when there is running in the apartment; more excited at the ladies’ running than the doorbell.

Even if Hannah has low music in her room playing, the door is open and she can hear the female voices of SNSD members enter the apartment. Emelia peeks in from the bathroom connecting their two bedrooms, smiling.

“They have such loud voices,” Emelia comments before leaving, going downstairs to greet their guests.

Hannah throws some socks in her bag and takes on her jeans, hearing the happy voices downstairs continuing to chat brightly and Hannah leaves her room; a smile automatically reaches her face when she is hurrying down the stairs. Coming down the first person she sees is coming out right in front of the stairs from the hall, Taeyeon smiles at Hannah who smiles back and Michin is happily jumping by Taeyeon’s feet before the pretty girl squats down to pat him. Sooyoung comes inside from the hall too, looking behind her talking to Carolina coming after and Sooyoung then sees Hannah when she turns around to not walk in on Taeyeon.

“Hi,” Sooyoung greets happily and while Hannah thinks she is about to be given a hug by the arm held out, Sooyoung instead stretches out her hand to touch Hannah’s hair. For a while the youngest had forgotten that she is not blonde at the moment; her hair is in a soft pink colour. “It’s really pretty, it suits you.”

“And Hannah doesn’t even like pink,” Maria comments from the living-room where Yuri and Emelia are taking out bags of chips to put on the living-room’s table.

“You don’t?” Sooyoung sounds so shocked and Taeyeon stands up, saying she looks really pretty in pink. “How can you not like pink?”

Hannah just shrugs her shoulder, smiling when Sooyoung turns to comment on Carolina’s red hair, saying she looks foxy in red. Sooyoung is talking about hair-colours and asking if Hannah has decided on any more pastel colours when they all sit down in the living-room; the five members of 5 Pieces and the three members Yuri, Sooyoung and Taeyeon of SNSD. Hannah stays to see what movie they have decided to watch, which they don’t begin talking about until after ten minutes, continuing to smile hearing the lively conversations of their guests and noticing that this visit isn’t really about watching a movie at all since the movie eventually starts but only Emelia seems to be paying half-attention to it, the others are just talking.

After a while the youngest head upstairs to wrap up her packing and to turn off her laptop before heading back downstairs with the others, all of them still talking about this and that and reminding each other of the movie but ends up not watching it anyway. They have too much to talk about it seems like.

By eleven that evening, all of them are still sitting there and talking as if time is standing still tonight. Hannah is restless though; she wants Jonghyun’s radio to begin so it can end so she can meet him, but it is still three hours left until the radio ends.

“We better get going,” Julia says, patting Emelia on the shoulder when walking up behind the sofa.

“You’re leaving?” Yuri sounds disappointed. Maybe because she has been sitting and cuddling with Emelia’s arm, the two of them whispering and smiling in their corner and Hannah is pouting too, not really sure why.

“Yeah, we got a double date,” Emelia jokes, giving Yuri a hug before standing up. “Friendly date, if you want to call it that.”

“They are meeting some guys from FNC,” Maria ruins Emelia’s teasing and Taeyeon laugh because Emelia had said ‘friendly date’ as if she wanted to make them curious – Yuri had indeed been interested, but she is less interested knowing it is FT Island or CN Blue because that is actually just friendship and no love story that she had hoped for.

Julia walks to the hall to grab her jacket to come back while getting dressed, chatting with the others while Emelia disappears to get dressed too. Hannah gets up from the sofa, walking up the stairs to where Emelia gets ready to leave. Emelia smiles when seeing Hannah lingering around her.

“Are you bored?” Emelia chuckles with a glance over her shoulder to see Hannah standing by the door, leaning to the side with a tired face-expression.

“So bored,” Hannah whines.

“Come with us then,” Emelia suggests, grabbing her bag to throw over her shoulder, ready to go. “We’re just meeting up to chat and take a drink.”

“Isn’t it the same as we are doing right here?” Hannah asks with a soft smile, but her mind starts to compare what is the best; here or there… should she go, or should she not go?

“Yeah, but with a different kind of company,” Emelia tells her. “It’ll be fun. And it would be easier for my ears to have you there other than hearing Honggi ask what you are up to, where you are, how you are doing…”

“You make it sound like he always asks for me,” Hannah rolls her eyes and steps aside from the door as Emelia walks by.

“Well, he does,” Emelia jokes. “Are you coming?”

Seconds of silence, Hannah looking at Emelia’s bag while thinking of what to answer. Less than three hours waiting for Jonghyun, it wouldn’t kill her to go out for a bit, just to kill time. Though it would be fun to stay here and chat with SNSD… She decides to go with them, as she has already been social with the guests here. Hannah grabs her cell phone before heading down and makes the others disappointed she is also leaving. As she puts on a khaki green appliqué drawstring-waist jacket she stands by the entrance to the living-room, repeatedly saying she will see those sitting in the sofas later, wishing them a nice time and the usual phrases before they eventually leaves the apartment. She has put up her pastel pink hair in a loose bun at the top of her head.

Julia is in a great mood, almost bouncing in the seat to her newest car. Hannah sits in the back, Emelia in the passenger seat, and the three of them are talking about where they are going, Emelia saying CN Blue’s Jonghyun has already taken a table for them at the place, talking about SHINee Jonghyun’s radio and just how nice it was at the beach in Malaysia – she can’t stop thinking of that place.

“We should go there another time,” Julia suggests. “The five of us on a real vacation, spending time at the beach, working on a tan, not having to do anything…”

“That sounds like a plan the next time we are given a vacation,” Emelia smiles at the thought, glancing back at Hannah to see her nodding in agreement.

“Beside from that you take every possible chance to go home rather than going to the beach,” Hannah says in a low voice, meaning it as a joke and she even smiles when Emelia glances back at her again, only that Emelia can not hear the joke in it. “I’m joking, Emelia.”

“It’s not fun, Hannah,” the rapper mutters and turns away to look out the window. “Just last week you were a wreck because of our home.”

Emelia’s grandmother passed away last year too, Hannah can understand it is not something to joke about – their home, missing it or avoiding it, whatever reason it is not something to joke about the way Hannah did – and Hannah knew it even before she said anything, she just spoke out what went through her head. Hannah can’t find a word to say after that, and the silence is awkward in the car. Julia turns on some music, admitting the awkwardness when saying the music will fill out the silence.

When leaving the car, Hannah gives Emelia a quick hug, as if apologizing for what she said in the car. Emelia looks to have forgotten about it, like always about small things pretending nothing happened, and just smiles while heading inside.

CN Blue’s Jonghyun looks lonely sitting by the table on his own, so the way he shines up seeing the ladies isn’t all that odd. He stands up with a bright smile and greets them, greeting Julia maybe a little friendlier than the other two before the ladies take their seats. Hannah sits down in the corner, Julia sitting on her left and Emelia sitting by the window on the right next to Jonghyun.

“Honggi is a minute away too,” Jonghyun says as soon as they have taken their seats. “But he said the same thing fifteen minutes ago as well.”

“He’s always late,” Emelia says, “we should order something first.”

Jonghyun continues to eat the snacks on the table, giving them the glance as if saying he has done his part already and he smiles as Julia takes a snack too. Hannah stays quiet, only smiling friendly feeling the awkwardness by herself as she hasn’t personally spoken a lot to any of the CN Blue members while her own members tend to talk to them friendly whenever they meet. Hannah isn’t that social.

She isn’t sure if she is lucky or unlucky when Honggi comes, a face and personality she is very familiar with. He smiles seeing the ladies being there but he looks like a sun seeing Hannah is there too, commenting so much on that she showed up too. It was sudden for her to come along, and Honggi can’t stop looking at her in a surprise, even ten minutes later commenting that he did not expect Hannah to be there – he knows she isn’t the social person, and that she easily would prefer to stay home if she was asked to come along, maybe that’s why he can’t drop it so easily. He is actually fun, Hannah’s smile is more natural since he came. Honggi sits on Julia’s other side, them all talking while getting snacks and drinks refilled to their table. Hannah doesn’t say much but she shows she is listening, eating some of the meat too while drinking a bit like the others. The whole time she has her boyfriend at the back of her mind, wanting to look at the time to see how much time left it is until his radio ends.

When the second round is over, Jonghyun goes to get new drinks and Emelia goes with him to be showed to the bathroom, them both chatting when leaving the table and Hannah is just chewing on her meat while smiling after them.

“So you’re going to Las Vegas tomorrow?” Honggi asks while taking the last piece of meat.

“We’re going the day after tomorrow,” Julia answers, “Tomorrow we have some events. Straight after we will head to Las Vegas. Cool, ha?”

“Super cool,” Honggi nods. “You’ll be like the biggest stars of Asia there, though you are Europeans.”

Hannah agrees, knowing what he means. 5 Pieces are from Sweden, but their career and years are spend and have grown in Korea and Asia, their music is k-pop, it has always been difficult for people to really know what category 5 Pieces fit – somehow the ladies like that, not completing a category but fitting a little everywhere. Honggi smirks, looking playful hearing Julia talk about the excited fans of 5 Pieces talking on the internet about how 5 Pieces’ appearance at the Billboard Music Awards can turn out like, mostly positive comments and Honggi thinks it is obvious that 5 Pieces will make a grand entrance at the award show since [Daze] is still popular and the latest song [Face Me] is meaningful.

“Do you eve understand what it is about?” Hannah jokes with him, “Our English songs.”

He forces out a laugh so much that Hannah leans back with a laugh, seeing Honggi just smiling widely at her reaction. He then takes out his cell phone. “Let’s take a picture before the other two comes back,” he says with a glance over to where Emelia and Jonghyun disappeared and holds up the cell phone with his arm stretched out so he turns around, leaning back a little to have Hannah and Julia is shown a little behind next to him. Hannah is fast to put up her feet on her seat, hugging on to her legs to hide herself a little and she smiles to his cell phone while Julia leans a little towards Hannah to be visible over Honggi’s shoulder.

Right after taking the picture and letting Hannah and Julia see the result, the other two comes back with refreshments and saying a new set of meat is coming. Honggi is quietly uploading the picture on SNS, only smiling when Jonghyun asks what he is doing, and when the picture is uploaded Hannah gets a notice on her cell phone that he has mentioned her; Julia’s SNS is also added, but it is just these two girls added to it because they are the only ones on the picture. Hannah really doesn’t know why he didn’t want to take a picture with Emelia and Jonghyun too; maybe he was just joking at that point. When checking her cell phone she can see that her own Jonghyun has texted her, asking if she still is awake. Glancing up, she knows no one would mind her answering, so she writes back that she has gone out for a drink with these four, and right before sending it he texts her again. This time he says he saw the picture, ‘is that why you aren’t answering?’

She sighs and leans back, holding the phone with both hands to send the message she had written and to start writing a new one. He has no patience, just like her.

Though he is in a lively conversation with the others Honggi notices Hannah focusing more on her cell phone, smiling while drinking from his glass and loudly saying something to the others, seeing how Hannah glances up with a smile. She hears them, she just need to finish her writing first to not make her boyfriend go crazy thinking she is having too much fun without him. His radio has already started a while ago. With the text message sent, Hannah focuses on the chatting instead, and she takes another piece of meat that Honggi and Emelia are taking turns cooking at the centre of their table.

Just as she thinks she can come with a comment in the conversation, Hannah is interrupted by her own cell phone ringing.

“Excuse me,” she mutters while hurrying up on her feet, stumbling away from their table quickly to answer the call. With just one glance she knew she couldn’t sit there and answer it – it’s Jonghyun. She can’t help but to smile when answering the call, asking if he isn’t working.

It’s commercial break. Are you having fun? What are you all doing? Are you going to be there for long?” Jonghyun asks endless of questions, but she can imagine him leaning back in the seat at his DJ studio, pretending to be having a nice conversation on the phone for no one to think he is actually jealous that she meets up with other idols while waiting for him – other idols meaning Honggi.

She keeps smiling when walking around the corner, seeing the corridor leads to the bathroom but it is the most private she can get. “It’s a little fun, we’re just talking and eating meat… And I’ll be here until you come and get me, so hurry up,” she jokingly tells Jonghyun over the phone. He gives out a sound that shows he does not like it.

You can’t tell me to hurry up when it is an hour left until my radio ends,” Jonghyun groans.

“Don’t ask for how long I’ll be here then,” Hannah laughs.

Then you’re not listening to my radio tonight…?” Jonghyun wonders.


I’m kidding, Nabi,” Jonghyun chuckles, “About my radio part, anyway.

She smiles as he starts talking about what he will bring up at tonight’s radio, leaning against the wall and thinking of that if she had stayed at home she could actually be listening to the radio. But now she is here, and she must admit it is fun hearing everyone talking no matter what it is about. Life just continues, no matter what happens, and somehow she think that seeing others continuing to living makes it easier for her to not stop in her own blurry mind and instead keep her eyes open and awake to her surroundings.

About her surroundings, Hannah looks up when someone walks around the corner she came from, and she sees Honggi slow down his steps when seeing her. They both smile at each other, a polite smile, while she has the cell phone to her ear giving short responses to Jonghyun. They both smile at each other, while she has the cell phone to her ear giving short responses to Jonghyun. Before she can tell him she has to go, he says his commercial break is about to be over so he has to return to his DJ-ing. After wishing him good luck and saying they will see each other later they hang up and she can look at Honggi again when he takes the last steps up to her.

“Jonghyun?” Honggi shortly asks, a finger lightly pointing to the phone she is putting back in her jeans pockets. Hannah nods, staying with her back leaning against the wall as she isn’t sure if Honggi will walk by her to the bathroom or if he will turn around to walk with her back. Honggi slowly nods along with her, on his lip as she has seen him do many times before and he can see that she is thinking of why he is doing that now. “I’m just thinking,” he starts saying, “Each time I see you, you seem to look more and more miserable.”

“Oh jeez, Honggi,” Hannah whispers and pushes herself away from the wall to leave him with that, but Honggi is fast to lightly touch her arm, telling her to not go.

“It came out bad, didn’t it? I didn’t mean it like that…” Honggi gives her a smile as if telling her to keep still and Hannah sighs when leaning back against the wall, giving him the time to talk. “I’m just saying … Okay, I don’t know what I’m saying, I just want you to know that I take notice of it-”

“You take notice of what?” Hannah frowns.

“Of you,” Honggi answers as if that was obvious, “You look sad… You look distant… Something is troubling you and I want you to know that … I’m here, if you, like, ever want to talk.”

“Oppa, there is always something troubling me,” Hannah tells him and actually smiles, not wanting to fall back into her blurred vision of sadness but she knows the smile doesn’t reach her eyes. Honggi should be one of her longest friends here in Korea, but they have just drifted apart; they have fun whenever they meet, no doubt their friendship hasn’t changed like that, but she just … can’t stop thinking of all the things that has happened between them whenever he brings up personal things. She doesn’t want to tell him about her grandmother, or even the fact that she broke up with Jonghyun for weeks. She just doesn’t want to talk to him about it, and she doesn’t know why because he is a surprisingly good listener.

“I know there is, I’m just letting you know that,” Honggi says with a sigh. He looks troubled too. “And I thought you had broken up with Jonghyun…”


“Well, rumours said you two had broken up…”

“Emelia said that?”

“No- Well… a little here and there, I heard my members say they heard the members in SHINee talk about it… Heechul said it too. Well, I mean… Heechul said you had broken up but not really broken up…” Honggi looks more and more troubled talking and Hannah focuses a lot to just understand what he is saying. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Tell you what?”

“That you had broken up, of course.”

“Why would I have told you that…?”

“So- … just for me to know? I could have asked you out or something.”

Hannah smiles. She doesn’t know what else to do. It’s not that Honggi is shy talking about this, he is just pouting like a child because she seems to be back with Jonghyun when he didn’t have the chance to snatch her there in between – she isn’t stupid, though she is slow at times. “Oppa, don’t you have a girlfriend?”

“No. We broke up. It didn’t work out.”

Whenever he is single he texts Hannah. Maybe he thinks she will reconsider their friendship, their relationship, not knowing that it was a while since she felt anything really special about him.

“Sorry,” Hannah grimaces over his break-up.

“No, you’re not,” Honggi sighs, and before she can react to it he puts a pair of heavy arms around her for a hug. Her eyes grow so big that they might fall out, but he is hugging her lightly even if his arms are heavily holding on to her, and without knowing why she can not move an inch. Maybe she hasn’t gotten over him completely, though she is hurt for what has happened between them. Honggi lowers his head next to hers and she can feel his breath near her neck. “Would you hate it if I try to re-connect with you?”

“What?” Hannah whispers, grimacing because he is not letting go.

“I want to be better friends,” Honggi whispers.

“Let me go then.”

“Answer me first,” Honggi sighs, still whispering, still having his arms heavily around her. She isn’t even trying to get out, just standing there.

“We are friends…”

“You know what I mean.”

“Being friends is not something you ask, it is something you become with time.”

“You want me to fight for it,” Honggi understands, “then you’re not allowed to avoid my texts and calls, okay?”

“Honggi…” Hannah whispers in a harder tone, scared that someone they know might go look for them. He seems to understand the tone, but he is too slow to let her out of his arms so the moment she can feel him loosen up she takes a step away for his arms to fall down, and he can’t help but to smile when seeing the small stare she gives him. “If you want to be my friend, don’t hug me like that.”

“You liked it,” he teases, just to laugh when Hannah pushes him to walk back to the others. Maybe she does like having him as a friend, but she is still wary around him.

She is smiling when they return to the table, just because Honggi has to say he saw Hannah blush when she was on the phone – they all understands it was Jonghyun she was talking with. Sitting down, they hear what the others have been talking about and Hannah can focus on that instead of her boyfriend. But she can’t stop glancing at Honggi, thinking of what he said. He will start contacting her more often or what does he mean? She doesn’t want to ask, she will just pretend it didn’t happen. Or should she tell Jonghyun? Will he overreact or what will happen, maybe he can help her out? Honestly she has absolutely no idea about anything.

Though she does have fun chatting with the others, she keeps an eye on the time. Jonghyun’s radio comes to an end, he had asked earlier where they are so he can come get her when he can, and Hannah starts waiting as soon as the radio ends at two.

She is sitting with her feet up on the seat again, resting her side against the wall towards Julia, smiling at her friend who is lively talking about a time she had slipped on stage. The story is so uninteresting but she lives into it that everyone is just smiling at her, commenting and slightly making fun of the story as they have done for the past hour to whoever is talking.

“You’re overdramatizing it,” CN Blue’s Jonghyun laughs at the end of Julia’s story.

Hannah nods, smiling at them in agreement and Julia groans, starting to explain the way she slipped on stage once again in a try to make them understand it happened that way and is not overdramatized. Because Julia and Hannah are the two sitting by the wall, they are also the ones spotting him coming up to them before the others see it. Hannah bites her lip, checking her cell phone to know if he has been waiting before coming inside (he hasn’t called or texted), and Honggi of course sees her reaction that makes him look over to see Jonghyun smirking when walking up to them. He looks so handsome.

“Wazzup,” Jonghyun says in a dark voice, lifting his hand to shake CN Blue Jonghyun’s friendly, leaning over to do the same to Honggi.

Hannah can’t stop smiling, giving Julia a light hug before standing up, being ready to leave while hearing the others talking to Jonghyun. For her it is awkward being with Jonghyun and Honggi at the same time around others, because they all know of their past. Emelia looks up at Hannah while the boys are exchanging words, the rapper asking where they are going and when she is going back home – basic roommate questions.

“Don’t worry, Emelia, I’ll bring her home safely,” Jonghyun blinks at her and then smiles down at Hannah while CN Blue’s Jonghyun gives out a ‘oooah’ sound to let him know he sounded manly there. “Are you ready?”

Hannah nods, but she doesn’t forget to thank the others for letting her come along and she waves cutely before leaving with Jonghyun. She is overjoyed now, that he is there.

“I thought you would text me when you arrived,” she pouts at Jonghyun when walking to the car. He just smirks, looking like he has grown now when he has showed himself in front of the others, taking her away from there as if she was waiting for something better.

“I thought it would be funny to surprise you. Was Julia telling a funny story or something? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you smile like that.”

She smiles widely up at him, looking like there is nothing troubling her in life. “She was telling us a slip-on-stage story, the same one for the third time tonight. And she is the only one with a un-… the one not drinking any alcohol,” Hannah says, her voice disappearing at the end as she could not find the Korean word for non-alcoholic.

“Maybe Honggi tricked with her drink,” Jonghyun says with a chuckle. He hugs on to her shoulders to kiss her hair. “Should we just drive around a little?”

Hannah nods, already looking forward to look at him driving. She will ask him about his radio, to let him talk about it as she could hear on the phone earlier that he was excited to do so.

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Prettily wearing a dark blue 3/4-sleeve chiffon shirtdress, tights and pretty white pumps, her pink pastel hair is bright and styled in a side braid. She smiles softly at the flashing lights in front of her from the photographers trying to take as many pictures as possible, looking at as many flashes as possible while keeping her face straight, tilting her head a little when Carolina link their arms. 5 Pieces have been styled from top to toe, an individual style on their clothes to match the chosen shoes to fit their individual image for the event they are attending – the release event of their shoe-line Dazy taking place in Seoul.

A short version of the commercial for the shoe-line came out two days ago on Monday, and today the journalists and photographers are all attending the event to take pictures of 5 Pieces wearing the shoes and also holding different shoes from the line, to interview 5 Pieces during the press-conference during the event.

5 Pieces are standing elegantly next to each other, for long and many minutes being photographed with the lights from cameras flashing endlessly.

During the press-conference, 5 Pieces are asked about the shoe-line, their thoughts about it and if they would want to do something like this again in the future, who matches the shoes the most and so on. They are also asked about their comeback that was delayed, to which the ladies say it won’t be long until their comeback will be. Still no one has been told when the comeback is though rumours are online that the comeback is delayed to June, or to August, or even later. In a few days the teasers will start coming again, counting down and announcing the comeback details. The journalists can hear that the ladies will not say anything and instead asks about the invitation to attend Billboard Music Awards at the end of this week.

“We will try to show our best side attending the Billboard Music Awards 2014 as it will be the first international music award show we will attend. We are … preparing for a nice performance for the awards and we are very excited and honoured to attend such an event. We will go there quickly and come back to prepare for our album release,” Carolina nicely says.

The fact is that they have only gone through the music they will perform; they haven’t entered the practice-room to practice yet. They won’t until they reach Las Vegas in two days from now. They have gone through what to wear for the Billboard in Las Vegas, they had a few meetings and Hannah went to the special meeting she has been planned to go on from the hospital – a specialist who gives her advice on what to eat, showing her training methods and even giving her massage to help her back and more. Earlier today they were on a poster shooting for their up-coming concert, which they had a meeting about yesterday… There are so many things going on, like usual.

The event continues for a while, 5 Pieces being comfortable around the journalists and some jokes are being said. Even when the event comes to an end, 5 Pieces head outside where tons of fans have been waiting to spot them. Just because the fans have been here for two-three hours already, they all take a picture together. Like pushing all fans together, 5 Pieces standing with them, and their manager gets to stand up on a bench to try take the picture of them all that the ladies say will be uploaded online so the fans can take it from there.

Happily, the ladies wave and bow before getting in the van waiting for them, their schedule for today has now officially ended, and now they will head to Las Vegas to attend Billboard Music Awards, their first time.

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Headline 13th: FT Island’s Honggi Enjoys A Drink With 5 Pieces’ Julia & Hannah


Headline 14th: 5 Pieces Attend Their Own DAZY Shoe-Line Release Event In Seoul Looking Absolutely Dazzling


Headline 15th: 5 Pieces’ Emelia Shares On Facebook ‘Heading To Las Vegas With Shaky Hearts, You’ll Watch Us, Won’t You?’


Headline 16th: The Members Of 5 Pieces Snap Pictures Of Las Vegas While Practicing For Billboard Music Awards

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X. devonalias - I am currently uploading the first parts of this series, so if you haven't read them you can find them on my page under the names 'Youngest of Pieces' followed by which order they come in 1, 2, so on... Thank you! ^^,

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Chapter 81: Yo, it's almost time for going back to school
Could you keep uploading a chapter twice a week please?
Chapter 81: thank you for the updates.

have a nice holiday author-nim :)

figthing! ^^
I know that it's early but Merry Christmas
Could you upload this story with more chapters please
It's Christmas break!
Chapter 79: Aren't you uploading the lyrics too?
Chapter 78: All cause of me, I requested them
Chapter 74: oh! I thought this was completed already as it says earlier that it was completed... hahhahaa anyways fighting!
atowah #7
Chapter 73: Wow wonderful story ♡
I like this idea it is amazing ;)
Fighting ♥
Thank you for this such great story... I really enjoyed reading it... :)
Could you continue updating this story please, pretty please!!!
Chapter 69: another update! :) and I must say every update is worth waiting for... keep it up! fighting! :)