Chapter 68 – Delays

Youngest of Pieces: Five Years in History (9)

A small warning about intimacy, love scenes ;)

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It is the most unfocused meeting of all times this Monday morning. Half the time Hannah has no idea of what they are saying; the other half she is just staring not believing in what she is hearing.

The first plan was to make the comeback next week, after the incident the comeback was delayed. A few days ago it was rumoured to be pushed back only a week or two, but now they are told the album will be released at the end of May – more than a month delayed. In respect for the families and victims of the ferry sinking, 5 Pieces can completely understand that. But by delaying a comeback that was actually supposed to be in February (when starting the planning of this album, that was the month set for this album release) to another month to May, means a lot. People will expect so much more from 5 Pieces, it means they will have to practice for a whole month more before making their comeback; it means their whole mindset need to be changed for another month as they were focused on making a comeback soon, soon.

“So what are we supposed to do for a month?” Emelia is the one asking.

“Well, for the rest of these two weeks you will not do anything at all other than practicing. No shows are airing, the whole country is mourning so it is nothing else to do. We have set up a concert in Osaka in eighteen days from now. After that, you will be in Las Vegas for the Billboard Award Show… You can focus more on the comeback.”

“It will pass by quickly,” another one says.

“,” Maria gets up, annoyed at this news, and without another word she leaves the room.

Not just the businessmen and crew sitting around the table get surprised at Maria leaving the room; the other ladies get surprised too. Hannah meets the eyes of their manager before hurrying after the leader; his eyes told her that if someone should go it should be the youngest. For some reason Maria reacts the best when it is Hannah she talks to.

Maria turns around down the corridor when hearing the door close, and she throws her hands up in the air seeing Hannah.

“Can you believe this?!” the leader bursts out, her voice louder as she hopes those in the conference room will hear. “We’ve spent half a year preparing for this comeback! We’ve even released the damn music video, for goodness sake!”

“Why are you screaming that at me?” Hannah quietly wonders, walking up to the leader but stops with some distance.

Maria gives out a loud frustrated sound at the question, almost screaming right out in frustration. “Because!” she bursts out but stops herself from continuing with a sigh at Hannah, calming herself as she gets Hannah’s question; don’t scream. “Because it’s frustrating that we push away our comeback five weeks when we are terrified of how the reaction will be like. It’s like dragging out on torture. [Girls Power] the song has been released, and see how mixed the reactions are! I want to perform it and let our fans know that 5 Pieces is still 5 Pieces; that our album isn’t about being in as little clothes as possible. I want to show what we have prepared! Not sit around and wait another month for it!”

“I get that,” Hannah nods, staying calm – she is actually too tired to react like Maria, not knowing at all where Maria gets this energy from to throw a tantrum.

“But at the same time it will give Myung a chance to get with us on the comeback…” Maria sighs, knowing it is the best decision to wait another month. “I think five weeks is too long. Three weeks, tops. The wait is killing me. We are really supposed to be practicing every day for five weeks hearing more and more fans start to dislike [Girls Power] because it is too racy?”

“Compared to others, it’s not too racy.”

“Well, for 5 Pieces it is too racy. I want to show the rest of what we have prepared, the things that aren’t too racy,” Maria mutters. With her arms waving she steps up the last steps to Hannah to give her a hug. “Or maybe we’ll just sleep for these five weeks…”

Maria just needs to talk it off. Hannah knows that, their manager knew it too which was why he looked at Hannah and not at anyone else or even him self. Hannah listens, comes with a comment here and there, but she doesn’t question or start a discussion or anything like that, which is exactly what the others would have done. What annoys Hannah is that Maria is right. The whole team feels the stress and fear for this comeback, everyone giving each other confidence but on the inside questioning of how this comeback will turn out like.

None of them likes the decision to push back the comeback date, but they do accept it. It’s not something they can change.

And that is what they tell their dance crew a few hours later when they meet up. Everyone is sitting on the floor like usually, quietly talking about the delayed comeback and Myung. The dancers have the same opinion; a delayed comeback is accepted, though they do think five weeks is a little too far. After some complaints, the conversation turns to Myung again.

“Who is going to the Memorial Service?” one of the dancers wonders in a low voice.

“All of us,” Shiwon answers, “It’s the least we can do.”

The ladies nod too, it has already been talked about. “Myung asked us to go with them,” Julia says in a low voice, “His mother said she would want that.”

“His brother is going too…” Shiwon mumbles, “His fingers are broken, he has hurt his leg too…”

Myung’s brother had been found in the water with a small group of others, his fingers broken from desperately trying to get out of the ferry and he was the only one in the small group who had survived. Even after being asked he can not remember how he came out of the ferry, all he knows is that the people he was with was trying to open a door to get out, other than that he only remembers waking up in the boat that they rescued him in with a man waving some light over his eyes. According to some divers, the children they found had gotten out of the ferry and had been floating around on their life jackets, one by one dying from cold or drowning or other reasons. It is a wonder Myung’s brother survived.

While everyone is thankful for that he survived, they are still worried for how he is mentally; to survive all that just to be left alone?

There is no practice today. They talk and eat together, not knowing what to do.

Hannah is sitting against the wall on the floor, stretching out her legs after sitting tailor for a while and Maria is resting her head on her leg, reading a mail from her sister in Sweden while the others are busy talking. They don’t know what to do other than talk to each other, to let each other know they are together mourning for the losses of the children on the ferry and the families who are grieving. Maria rolls around to lie on the side, facing Hannah and the wall, and Hannah wouldn’t find her weird if it wasn’t that she could feel something wet on her thigh where Maria’s face is.

“Are you okay?” she asks in a low voice, awkwardly putting a hand on Maria’s arm.

Maria wipes her tears silently, looking at the wall in front of her. “I miss home,” Maria whispers, tears welling up in her eyes. “I miss my mommy… and my daddy… I miss home so much, Hannah, you have no idea. All these things… all those families… all those lives… Did you see the face of Myung’s mother when we were in Jindo? All those mothers and fathers being told their child is dead, I am sad for all mothers whose sons and daughters are still in that ship. It makes me miss my own family even more.”

“I know you do,” Hannah tells her. If it is anything Hannah knows, it is that the other members miss their families every single day, and some days the feelings just overwhelm them like this.

“I couldn’t help but to think…” Maria whispers, pausing when Hannah puts her sleeve on the leader’s cheek to wipe the tears, “five weeks like this. Do you think I can get a few days off to go home? I just want to see their faces, to have my mommy hug me and to eat my daddy’s food, to sit around the dining table with my family in our tiny apartment and eat with them.”

Maria sits up, hiding her face from the others when sitting down next to Hannah against the wall, resting her forehead on Hannah’s shoulder to look down, her long blonde hair falling down over her face for no one to see her red eyes.

“But it makes me feel bad to ask of that,” Maria whispers for Hannah to hear, “I don’t like you not wanting to go home like us…”

“I’m okay here,” Hannah answers, patting Maria on the leg, taking on the sisterly role now for the one who needs it, “I have Appa and Kyung Ho… Don’t think about that. It would be a good chance for you to go home.”

“It’s just sad, you know,” Maria mumbles, pouting when leaning her head against the wall to look up at Hannah, “How anything can happen, just breaking people apart… I hope you don’t feel bad that I want to be with my family, it isn’t anything… it’s just…”

“I know, I know,” Hannah says, her face-expression letting Maria know she says the truth. “I know your family, Maria; it’s already sad knowing you don’t meet that often. We’ll make sure you’ll get some days at home, what do you think of that?”

“You okay with that?”

Hannah nods and instead of letting Maria feels lonely about her thoughts, the youngest waits to meet the eyes of one of their ladies, and she meets Julia’s first. One glance and Julia crawls over to sit with them, tailor by Hannah’s legs, thinking Maria is just tired to be resting her head on Hannah’s shoulder. In a whisper, Hannah tells Julia what Maria wants – a few days at home with her family – and Julia looks at Maria, nodding and saying she feels the same.

“But do you think they would let us go home?” Julia wonders.

“We can only know by asking,” Hannah says. She doesn’t want the ladies to leave for Sweden, to leave her alone, but she can’t either keep them here when they are longing for their families. Maria is right, Hannah knows that. The ladies miss their families so much, to eat a home-cooked meal the way they grew up eating, to sit around the people that love all your good and bad, to go home and just be the daughter of the family you were born and raised in. Hannah doesn’t have that, she does miss her family but she knows she doesn’t have that to go back to.

Julia tells everyone in the room of the idea, Emelia and Carolina loves it and their dancers says it is now or never – everyone says they all miss their families a little more these days because of all the sadness around them. They keep asking Hannah to come too, Emelia asks countless of times if Hannah wants to stay with her family, Julia only has her mother but she doesn’t ask Hannah to come with her while Maria also suggests her to come to her home. Hannah only shakes her head at the end, not wanting to intrude when her members will be happy.

“What about your grandparents then?” one of the female dancers suddenly asks Hannah. “I thought you talked to them, do you not?”

“Yeah, so…?”

“If the rest of us will want to go home…” Maria shines up a bit by the dancer’s idea, “Maybe you can visit your grandmother?”

“But she hasn’t written to me in months. She doesn’t even answer…” Hannah breathes, spacing out at the thought of her grandmother.

Hannah’s grandmother has been the only family member actually supporting this, but after summer last year Hannah stopped hearing from her. It wasn’t anything special; Hannah thought her grandmother just was tired of hearing from her through e-mails; it probably took an hour for her grandmother to write one e-mail in response based on the lack of knowledge of computer and she also had an old computer. Hannah hasn’t heard anything from her. Not even about the tickets Hannah sent for their concert half a year ago…

“Maybe she would love a surprise visit from her super famous granddaughter,” Maria smiles.

Maybe she would. Hannah spent a lot of time at her grandparent’s house as a child; it would be nice to visit it one more time. Maria hugs on to Hannah while they sit there, satisfied to see Hannah actually react to the talk about home and family in a different way than anger.

They plan it right away. the ladies goes to talk to their managers to set the request to go home, they find flights and plans it back and forth, planning it all because their managers says it could be a request worth to ask the agency of. It takes two hours and they have the papers with all information to represent to the agency.

The weird part is that they don’t even have to convince anyone. 5 Pieces who was so prepared to talk and talk and really sell off their idea to go home for a few days is just shooting up in the ceiling because the agency agrees with them right away when hearing the ladies want to go home for a few days.

“That sounds like a perfect idea,” they were told, “A few days at home to get in other thoughts and mentally prepare for your comeback sounds perfect.”

They book the trip in the evening, to leave already in the morning, and when waiting to head home Hannah gives Jonghyun a call to let him know after some texting that they will be gone for a few days.

Five days in Sweden, that’s how long they will be there. The ladies are chatting about it when heading home, coming up with ideas to surprise their families and some deciding to contact their families right away when coming home to let them know of these great news. They have gotten halfway home when Jonghyun sends her a text message, asking if she is home and if they can meet, saying he is on his way to her apartment.

“Can I meet Jonghyun?” Hannah asks as soon as she has read the message, looking up at the others in the van.

“Go!” Maria answers quickly before their manager can response.

“What are you two going to do?” the manager wants to know.

“Drive around, probably,” Hannah answers, shrugging her shoulder.

“Fine. Be back by eleven, you have to pack for tomorrow.”

Maria turns around in her seat, smiling because she will go see her family soon. “What did he say about you going home for a few days?”

“Absolutely nothing,” Hannah answers and looks through the text message again to make sure she didn’t miss anything. “He just wants to meet.”

“Ooh,” Maria nods, “Maybe he wants to come along.”

“Come along where?” Hannah looks clueless and Maria smiles wider.

“Home, of course. He too knows what that place does to you – maybe he wants to come along and hold your hand through it,” Maria says. Hannah isn’t sure if she is joking or not, but either way she does not like it.

“I’m going to see my grandparents, not my mother or sisters,” Hannah tells her with a frown, her voice upset.

Maria smiles, saying she knows that.

Instead of going with her members upstairs to the apartment, Hannah waits by the port for Jonghyun to arrive. She looks dreadful, but covers herself with sunglasses and keeps taking her fingers through her hair, hoping he will not comment on her look today. Within minutes the familiar car drives up in front of her, and Hannah gets in.

She hasn’t gotten the chance to put on her seatbelt when the car drives off, Jonghyun sitting with sunglasses and a cap, but he is wearing a sweater that lets her see his face and neck clearly, and he looks stern in the face focusing on his driving. When Hannah has put on the seatbelt and Jonghyun has turned the corner, he puts a hand on her leg to hold it lightly, asking how she is doing.

“Pretty okay, I guess,” Hannah answers in a low voice, blinking when turning her head to look at him. “What about you?”

“You’re leaving in the morning?” Jonghyun asks quietly, looking out at the left as if he knows Hannah frowns at how he avoids her question.

“Mhm,” she answers.

“When will you be back?” Jonghyun asks and Hannah says she will be back on Monday, almost a week from now. He sighs at her answer and Hannah leans forward to see his face as he does not look her way.

“What is it?” she asks.

“It’s nothing,” Jonghyun sighs, “I just … You’ll be so far away.”

“Like you were last week, you mean?” Hannah asks, intending it as a joke but Jonghyun doesn’t smile. “We go abroad all the time, it’s no big deal.”

“It’s always a big deal when you’re going home,” Jonghyun mutters and drives in on a parking lot.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You always get weird when you go home,” Jonghyun frowns, easily finding a place to park at the half-empty parking lot. “I don’t like what your family does to you.”

“I’m going to meet my grandparents, Jonghyun. The ladies just want to see their families; a short visit home to clear our minds, I guess. The ladies are excited,” Hannah tells him when he turns off the engine; he is also taking off his seatbelt to turn to her.

“What about you? Are you excited?” Jonghyun asks.

She hesitates to answer, having to think about it and even looks forward out the window to think for a second. Is she excited? She doesn’t think that is the word she would use; she isn’t really sure how she feels of going home, it happened so suddenly, but she does want to see her grandparents, especially her grandmother.


“It’s okay,” she says when hearing him say that nickname because she doesn’t answer. “Maybe I’m not excited, but … I don’t know. I want to show that I still care for them.”

Jonghyun reaches his hand up to touch her face, moving in closer to look at her, his thumb caressing her cheek softly. “Call me if it is anything,” he tells her, not trusting anyone in her family, no matter who they are. Hannah smiles and puts her hand over his.

“You know I do.”

“I know you do,” he answers, smiling when she laughs. “Now stop moving your head so I can kiss you.”

“If you answer a question,” Hannah says, moving her head out of his hand.

“What question?”

“Will you come over tonight after your radio?” she asks, and a smile grows in his face as he nods when leaning in to kiss her.

She isn’t sure what it was, but he is in a better mood after that. He talks to her, tells her about that his group is preparing to release a single in Japan this summer and so on. She likes to hear him talk, she can hear how the more the talk the more at ease he becomes. He needed to talk. Whether it is anything important or just tell her about his day, he needed to talk face to face. And the whole time he is touching her. He caresses her arm, lets her hold his hand, he caresses her chin and cheek softly, all the time when talking he is touching her and she loves it. He knows she does.

He sends her home all too soon as he has to go prepare for his radio program and also because Manager Lim sends a text to remind Hannah that the clock is nearing eleven, and Hannah head into the apartment to start packing.

“Shut up!” Emelia’s voice is heard shouting as soon as Hannah walks inside, and the youngest slowly takes off her shoes while listening to what it is about.

“But…” a low voice from deeper in the apartment is heard, Carolina’s weak voice.

“Just shut up already, I’m not doing it now!” Emelia shouts back before heading up the stairs, her steps heavy as if letting Carolina know she will not hear anything more.

Hannah quietly peeks inside the apartment, slowly walking inside the living-room where she thought Carolina would be but no one is there, instead she can hear something in the kitchen and takes a peek in there. Carolina touches the dishes on the kitchen worktop, looking like she will clean it up but just pushes it a little on the side before taking down her hand to just stare at it.

“Hi…” Hannah quietly greets, and awkwardly she raises a hand in a wave when Carolina turns around. The mascot looks sad. “What happened?”

“Emelia doesn’t want to do the dishes she put here,” Carolina answers with a sob and glances back at the dishes before stepping away from it.

“Um… Okay,” Hannah nods, glancing behind her. They were fighting about dirty dishes. “Let her do it later then.”


“Where is everyone?” Hannah says, not wanting to hear whatever weirdness Carolina has come up with to keep the kitchen clean – Carolina tends to often put dirty dishes just like this, letting someone else clean it up for her, so Hannah doesn’t take this seriously.

“Upstairs, packing,” Carolina pouts and turns around to look at Hannah. “Do you want to order some food with me?”

“No thank you,” Hannah smiles, “I’ll head upstairs to pack too. Are you done already?”

She shakes her head, “I have some things left to pack.”

Hannah nods and says she will go up then, and slowly backs away from the kitchen before turning around to leave.

Upstairs there are sounds coming from every room. Emelia is playing music in her bedroom, Julia is playing music in hers and there is some drama playing in Maria’s, and Hannah head inside her own bedroom to start packing. Closing the door after her she goes to the laptop on the bedside table, turns it on and starts looking online to see what the weather will be like in Sweden, to pack accordingly.

It goes surprisingly fast to pack, and by midnight she turns on the radio on the laptop to listen to Jonghyun’s voice while continuing to pack.

“Yo,” Emelia steps inside through the bathroom, seeing Hannah’s luggage lying on the floor, almost packed. “Mom says you can sleep over at us and then go after getting sleep and being fed. It’s not a question; you will sleep over.”

They will land at two in the morning in their hometown, so Hannah don’t mind staying at her childhood friend’s house for a few hours before hitting the road to her grandparents house. Emelia sits down on the bed, smiling when hearing Jonghyun’s voice on the radio, but she doesn’t say anything about it. Instead they talk about what they have packed, going through things to make sure they don’t leave anything out, and Hannah asks what happened with Carolina.

“She’s incredible sensitive for some unknown reason and she seem to have found the habit of going on my nerves even more,” Emelia calmly answers, but she is grimacing from the fight earlier. “She never cleans up after herself; what makes her think she can tell me to clean up? I actually tend to clean up after making a mess.”

Hannah doesn’t say anything in response, just nodding. From time to time you have useless fights that really isn’t anything, Hannah knows she tends to do that too, Emelia can do it as well, which is why they don’t take this seriously beside from that Emelia is just annoyed that Carolina out of all the ladies had to tell her to do the dishes. Emelia doesn’t stay for long, using Jonghyun’s voice as an excuse – hearing his voice on the radio, all soft and sleepy, Emelia just shakes her head saying it is hearing it a little too much. Smiling, Emelia says goodnight and leaves through the bathroom again.

She lowers the volume on the radio when music begins to play, and Hannah finishes packing before sitting down by the laptop, finding her self looking through the e-mails she sent to her grandmother; the ones that weren’t answered.

The clean fingers tap on the keys of her laptop, writing words in Swedish as if she is singing a song she has been singing since birth. Writing for her grandmother, Hannah doesn’t mention that she will come visit, she just ask questions to let her grandmother know (if she reads it) that she is curious, wanting to know how her grandfather is doing, if they have money, what she is doing these days, if she is spending a lot of time on Facebook still, she has a lot of questions that are both personal and caring. Hannah doesn’t like that her grandmother hasn’t answered, it hurts her to not get a response for so long. It makes her wonder if she did anything wrong, if her grandmother maybe is in need of money.

She worries about her grandparents when she goes to bed, Jonghyun’s voice still heard on the radio. He will text her when he is on his way, so Hannah lies down to listen to his voice waiting to open the door for him when he comes. It eases her mind a little listening to his voice, but she is just as sad hearing his voice as she has been for days since the ferry incident. Everyone’s the same; everyone’s hurt and mourning for the lost and missed souls.

It feels like an eternity, she think she falls asleep but glances at the time every other minute, her mind drift into a strange sleep that makes her feel paralyzed, not even sure what time it is anymore. Maybe it will be good to go home, to meet her grandparents and see the place she used to spend some time in as a child. She is certain her members will love being home, to spend time with their families and not do anything else than enjoying each other’s company. Hannah thinks she will be the same with her grandparents, at least with her grandmother. Her grandfather is another chapter; after a heart-attack a few years ago he is in a home, unable to get better, but Hannah will visit him if her grandmother comes along.

Her mind is a blur when the door to her room opens, lost in sleep but somehow still awake. Hannah turns around to look over her shoulder at the door, the lamp over by the wardrobe shines lightly in the room and she can see someone close the door after coming inside. With a sob she holds up her arms towards him, all of a sudden on the verge of crying from the images she has seen in her head from the past days, and without undressing Jonghyun leans down to let her hug on around his neck. It feels like a dream to have him there, yet she can’t find her voice when he gets out of her grip to tell him to stay and she might have fallen back into sleep until his warm arms wraps around her. Jonghyun has undressed and moved the laptop away from the bed where she had left it; she hadn’t heard his radio coming to an end, and she doesn’t even think of that she hasn’t heard her cell phone make a sound. His embrace is warm and familiar, holding her tightly and caressing her hair, she can feel him breathe in his chest and hear his breath by her ear and her own racing heart that wanted to cry by the sight of him is calming down by being held so tightly.

Without a word she slinks her hand up by his neck, leaning back so she can press her lips against his, thinking of that she will be gone for almost a week. He breathes heavily through his nose when taking his hand through her hair, kissing her deeper and to just hear him breath heavier makes her quietly moan. Jonghyun grunts when abruptly stopping to kiss her, giving her a light kiss on the cheek, moving her head to kiss her on the other cheek and then leans his cheek against hers, breathing controlled in her hair.

“How do you get in like this?” Hannah whispers, running her hands around his neck, matching his breathing.

“There always seems to be a dark lady awake when I want to sneak in,” Jonghyun whispers, breathing her in deeply. Dark lady is Emelia, Hannah knows that. “You were listening to me?”

“Mm,” Hannah doesn’t know that he means the radio but she always listens to him. He smells so good.

“You want to talk about it?” Jonghyun whispers, caressing her hair when leaning back to look at her face from up close, “About Jindo.”

Hannah shakes her head, her fingers keeps moving over his skin, touching his neck going up and down, calming herself by touching him and she knows he is doing the same. “No,” she whispers, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Do you want to talk about something else?”

Again she shakes her head, sighing when turning to lie on her back with her hand going down his chest before falling down on her side. Jonghyun leans towards her, his arm around her and chin resting on her shoulder to breathe on her neck, hiding in her hair. “Do you want to talk about something?” she asks him.

He doesn’t answer at first, maybe thinking while looking down at his fingers that slowly go up between her s, his fingertips caressing up and down. She is wearing a tank top, but her s are still big when lying on her back and he likes to randomly caress her, one way or another. “A writer asked me about you today at the radio, during the break,” Jonghyun tells her in a low voice, and he looks up at her face next to him. She has her eyes closed, looking up so he can see her profile. “She asked if I stare at my phone reading a super long message from you or if I am just waiting to receive one…”

“What does that mean?” Hannah asks. He can see her forehead frown from watching her profile and his fingertips touches her chin, down and back up.

“I didn’t know either so I asked. She said I tend to always look at my phone a little longer than necessary during the breaks, just looking at it, and she guessed it was because of you because I talk a lot about my mother and sister, but never about my girlfriend,” Jonghyun answers her in a soft voice.

“She seems to know a lot about you then…”

“Does that make you jealous?” Jonghyun sounds amused at her answer.


He chuckles and presses his face against her neck; she can feel his smile against her skin. “I love that you are such a bad liar,” he says happily against her neck. “She asked me a question, and I answered: neither. For you I can tell, but for her I did not say that I was reading through old messages between us, curious whether you were waiting for me or if you had fallen asleep.”

Hannah sighs as she for certain was sleeping when he came, though she personally was waiting for him. He is upset or sad for that? Maybe he was texting her, but she didn’t answer so he had to call Emelia to open the door instead?

Jonghyun can’t stop smiling at her face-expression, maybe not knowing exactly what she is thinking but he can imagine her thoughts never being about the better. He kisses her neck softly, a few kisses before leaning back to look at her; she does not look happy when turning away from him as if she wants to sleep. He can’t help but to smile, taking both his hands through his hair, smiling up at the ceiling. He can’t help but to be happy. If she just had seen how she looked like when he came inside the bedroom, how she had reached out to embrace him while being half-asleep… Of course he is happy.

Rolling around on his side he wraps an arm around her, kissing her at her shoulder, at the back of her neck, soft kisses that she can’t say no to.

“You’re always waiting for me, Nabi, I know that,” he says in a whisper, a voice soft and delicate. “I love that you are mine, that I am yours, and that you long for me even in your dreams.”

“Who said I long for you in my dreams?” Hannah mutters, though she wonders what gave her away on that part.

He is smiling in her neck, she likes that he can’t stop being this close to her. “You did, when I came in just now,” he answers lightly. “And you moaned when I kissed you.”

“ is not about longing.”

She is in a bad mood, he understands that, but it is cute, making him keep smiling. He is in a good mood though, a teasing mood, and because of that his hand around her reaches up a little, touching her . “ is pleasure, is it not?”

“Jonghyun…” Hannah tenses when he caresses her , and he kisses her neck from behind.

“Tell me you were not longing for me to be in bed with you tonight and I will stop,” he whispers by her ear, continuing to kiss her neck softly, caressing her too. He knows she can say stop if she really isn’t in the mood, but the tensed body held in his arms is a body he is familiar with, a body that now does not want to say no. Her mind can say something different though, which is why he has to ask. But her answer takes time, letting him continue kissing her neck while wondering what to answer. She always long for him.

“Don’t stop,” she tells him.

He smiles when putting his hand on her shoulder, holding himself up with his other hand and turns her to lie on her back and with just a glance at her face he leans down to kiss her neck again. Hannah leans her head back with a grimace, breathing so her chest rises when not wanting to give a sound, and her hands goes up to his head, grabbing on to Jonghyun’s hair while he lies on top of her.

They are gentle, soft, aware of their surroundings, deep and sensual.

And afterwards they fall asleep, with arms and legs wrapped around each other.

Three hours later soft fingers caressing her , slowly up and down, wake Hannah up with a soft smile. A kiss on her shoulder, wet lips kissing her skin softly and continues when she blinks her eyes awake.

“Good morning, Nabi,” Jonghyun smiles and reaches closer to kiss her cheek. She giggles when seeing those loving eyes watching her and she stretches out her body with a low groan, she stretches up her arm to let it fall around him, smiling at his face.

“Good morning, y,” she whispers back. “Did you sleep well?”

“Beautifully,” Jonghyun keeps smiling, “I always do when you’re around. What about you?”

“Mm,” Hannah answers, biting her lip with a smile while watching how great he looks in the morning, “Beautifully.”

He laughs at her way to repeat his words and she can feel his fingers caressing her back once again. She can’t help but to close her eyes, enjoying this way too much, and she smiles when Jonghyun gives her a kiss on the forehead.

“Do you want to hear something unbelievable?” Jonghyun whispers, moving his head in front of hers, so close they can’t look at each other, their noses touches. Hannah doesn’t even answer before he says; “Maria is awake.”

“How do you know?” Hannah whispers, a finger tracing down his jaw-line. Maria tends to sleep the longest.

“She peeked inside,” he answers with a smile, “Chuckling when she saw me. Apparently she makes sure you ladies have been able to sleep.”

“I have probably slept the best then,” Hannah giggles at him and Jonghyun agrees, even if they have been sleeping for about three hours. She smiles when leaning away, holding on to the quilt over her s when sitting up. “I’ll be right back.”

Jonghyun comfortably stays on his back in the bed when watching her get up on her own, smiling when she grabs a top on the way to cover herself on the way to the bathroom. He looks at her bedside table where the laptop is from when he moved it; she had been listening to his radio, he saw the page was up when he came over. He sits up and puts down his feet on the floor, checking his phone on the bedside table.

When Hannah comes back inside the room, wearing a tank top to her underwear, she smiles seeing Jonghyun lying on his back in the bed but his feet are on the floor. It looks like he had sat up and then been too tired to stand up and just lied down instead. He turns his head to the side to smile at her, a hand goes through his hair and he looks deadly y wearing nothing but underwear, his abs showing in the bad light of the bedroom.

“When do you have to leave?” Hannah asks, slowly walking around the bed to come up to where he is sitting.

“I’ll leave when you leave,” Jonghyun answer, smiling when she is standing in front of him, checking her own cell phone on the bedside table. “When are you all leaving?”

“We will be picked up in an hour,” Hannah answers. She puts down her phone and looks at him lying there smiling at her. “I’m yours for another hour then.”

“I like that,” Jonghyun nods, the smile growing in his face when Hannah touches his legs. She giggles when seeing how he holds his breath as her hands travels up his thighs, over his boxers where he is hard for her and he takes in a deep breath when her fingers touches his abs. His eyes are stuck on her face and Hannah bites the inside of her lip looking at him, lifting her leg up over his and then the other, sitting over him.

“I like this,” Hannah tells him in amusement, leaning down to kiss him on his chest; “Waking up with you: I like it.”

Jonghyun sits up; holding his arms around her and Hannah sits with her back bent for their eyes to get at the same level. He lightly touches her lips, about to kiss her but bites her lip instead, making Hannah smile. He lets go of her lip, nibbling her on the chin.

“I like it too,” he answers, holding on to her hair to keep her face in front of his. “I just can’t get enough of you, Nabi.”

Just as the kiss heats up between them it knocks on the door. Both of them give out an annoyed sound and they can hear Emelia chuckling on the other side.

“Very nice, hot ones, but the captain wants you to know that we are ordering noodles so if you want any you should come down and say your order before it’s too late,” Emelia tells them through the door.

“Noodles for breakfast?” Hannah asks.

“Hey, don’t judge the food,” Emelia tells them. “Come or don’t come.”

She gives a knock on the door before walking off, and Hannah sighs when hugging on to Jonghyun. “Are you hungry?” she asks him, rubbing her nose against his shoulder.

“The more I think about it, the more delicious it sounds with noodles,” Jonghyun answers, kissing her shoulder. “But it’s cosy in here…”

“Wait then,” Hannah whispers and gives him a quick kiss before hurrying to the door and slinks out, getting to the stairs where he can hear her call for Emelia in a weak voice to not wake Julia who might still be sleeping. Emelia just laughs when Hannah says they want noodles for breakfast, and Hannah turns around to head back inside her room, hurrying her steps when seeing Jonghyun peek out looking at her. “What are you doing?” she asks when pushing him back inside; he is just in boxers, what if one of the ladies sees?

“I’m enjoying the view,” Jonghyun answers her with a smirk and takes a hold of her neck once she has closed the door behind her.

His thumb under her chin to keep her head on the side and he dives in to kiss her neck, and kissing and making her moan almost right away while leaning her head back to give him access. He abruptly stops just to push her against the bookcase and attack her neck again, his hands grabs a really good grip of her -cheeks, lifting her up against the bookcase and pressing himself against her. Hannah wraps her legs around him, her arms too and she is ready when his lips move up to hers. The only problem is that he doesn’t kiss her, leaving her lips longing for his.

“You’re mine for another hour,” Jonghyun says in a low y voice to her, his lips brushes against hers, “And I will keep my eyes and hands on you for every second of that time.”

She smiles at how serious he sounds, how deadly y he sounds. Even with the bookcase uncomfortably on her back, she loves the harshness he can give. “You sure your hands will be on me for every second?” she jokes with him, just to give out a groan when he pushes himself against her, “Ah.”

“You love my hands on your body,” he tells her with a growl, his fingers slips up under her to hold on to her underneath the fabric, holding on to her and pressing her against the bookcase tightly.

Hannah leans her head closer to kiss him. He makes her dizzy in a good way. “I do love it,” she answers him and nibbles on his lip. Jonghyun loves the sound she makes when he squeezes her -cheeks.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Monday, Headline 21st: 5 Pieces Ask Fans To Wait A Little Longer For Their Comeback In Respect For The Victims Of The Sinking Ferry

Headline 21st: 5 Pieces’ Voluntary Work Receives Criticism From Antis


Headline 22nd: Mother Speaks Up About 5 Pieces’ Voluntary Work, Calling It “Saints Helped Us In Silence”

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 81: Yo, it's almost time for going back to school
Could you keep uploading a chapter twice a week please?
Chapter 81: thank you for the updates.

have a nice holiday author-nim :)

figthing! ^^
I know that it's early but Merry Christmas
Could you upload this story with more chapters please
It's Christmas break!
Chapter 79: Aren't you uploading the lyrics too?
Chapter 78: All cause of me, I requested them
Chapter 74: oh! I thought this was completed already as it says earlier that it was completed... hahhahaa anyways fighting!
atowah #7
Chapter 73: Wow wonderful story ♡
I like this idea it is amazing ;)
Fighting ♥
Thank you for this such great story... I really enjoyed reading it... :)
Could you continue updating this story please, pretty please!!!
Chapter 69: another update! :) and I must say every update is worth waiting for... keep it up! fighting! :)