Chapter 65 – Superstar

Youngest of Pieces: Five Years in History (9)

Yesterday they were in China, today they are in the practice-room in Seoul, trying to learn how to perform their comeback tracks live. From now up to three weeks it is mostly the only thing they will focus on; comeback, comeback, comeback…

It’s far from easy to perform these new songs with a microphone in hand. [Girls Power] is surprisingly easier to do with a microphone in hand if you hold on to it and can remember when to switch the hand; that song doesn’t have the influential and light, wide choreography as [POWER UP] has even if it is high and mighty. Practicing to [POWER UP] is completely different with a microphone in hand, with their arms and hands waving and the fast movements of the choreography, they go through a few things they need to change to be able to do it with a microphone. Their choreographers says they will probably do it with a headset microphone instead, to keep their hands free to do the choreography as powering up it should be. It isn’t easy at all learning a whole song one way and then changes a few small things when holding a microphone in hand. It’s almost that they should forget all details in the choreographies that they learned for the music videos filming because of the microphones, that’s what Emelia suggests anyway – Hannah don’t think it works for her, personally.

Somehow everything has changed after the music video filming. Everyone is in a pretty good mood practicing for the songs, now excitedly and happy when practicing in the practice-room all together. Hannah has the dancers to thank for that; they have worked hard and had such a great positivity about the new concept while the ladies have been the negative ones – and the fact that Hannah has been horrible since Valentine’s Day hasn’t made it easier on her part. But now everyone is focused and positive after Paris, enjoying the challenge like they should.

Dancing and moving until they are drowned in sweat, sitting down to relax for a few minutes before some of them starts going through the song again and soon all of them are up sweating again.

Everyone loves the song [POWER UP], really getting powered up when practicing it; it is a fun song to dance to and the song is really fun with a lot of different vocals of 5 Pieces, and though they spend two days practicing it with a microphone in hand they don’t practice singing it completely live because it would make them end up at the hospital within two hours from dancing and singing way too much – because they practice until their legs are shaking, it will be too much to sing until their voices disappears as well.

On Tuesday they are filming Good Sister episode 11, but no cameras joins the dance practice while Kyung Ho is at school – which means that when they are eating lunch all together in the practice-room, no one can spy on them all chatting and having fun. No cameras allowed yet.

“So, Hannah…”

The blonde youngest looks up when the female dancer Eun Dae moves over to sit next to her with the little box of food brought with her over the floor. Eun Dae has a funny smirk in her face looking at Hannah, making Hannah lean away a little suspicious, but she makes sure to look funny too. “What…?” Hannah is really suspicious at that face-expression of the twenty-five years old dancer.

“Things are okay with Mr y?” Eun Dae asks, smiling down at her food before lifting up the noodles with her chopsticks and glancing up at Hannah.

Hannah giggles automatically by the mention of Jonghyun (Mr y according to the dancers), she glances over at Maria and some of the others being in a loud discussion about their songs and also over at Emelia shaking her head at something Carolina says. Hannah off the sauce from her lips when smiling at Eun Dae. During the music video filming in France, all the girls (5 Pieces and female dancers) had talked about boyfriends and fights and naughty things – yes, they are all close enough for that after spending two tours together and a lot of promotions. When working together now they haven’t really talked about much more than the comeback during the breaks.

“Things seem okay,” Hannah nods. She isn’t sure; they are a lot up and down, even when being parted across the globe from one another.

“I heard you two were like … having some hot make up before he left,” male dancer Myung whispers when leaning towards them, his eyes sparkling at Hannah by the thought of what he says, and he laughs when Hannah is prepared to hit him on the arm.

“Who would tell you that?!” Hannah hisses, not finding it as fun as the two dancers laughing at her, she just blushes deeply and puts a hand on her warm cheek.

“Is it true?” Eun Dae sounds shocked, also keeping her voice low for not everyone to hear them, but she is so curious.

“No!” Hannah hisses at her, completely taken back. She shouldn’t be surprised over what the dancers say, they are always like this.

“Too bad the rumours never are true then,” Myung shakes his shoulder.

“Who said it then?” Hannah asks him, wanting to know who to punch.

He just shrugs his shoulders. “It’s just rumours.”

“Shiwon probably started it,” Eun Dae rolls her eyes with a smile and this time, Hannah actually smiles too when they look over at the guy lying down and eating, making a mess on the napkin under his chin. “He eats like a pig.”

“He looks like a pig too,” Myung chuckles

He could probably feel the attention because Shiwon looks up at them, looking utterly confused at Myung suddenly making a pig sound towards him. “What are you doing, silly?”

“Talking to you in your language,” Myung smiles. Some of the others laugh at them and Hannah just smiles when looking down at her food to keep eating. It’s hilarious for everyone in the room when Maria out of nowhere starts laughing; a little behind they had been told what Myung told Shiwon and finds it really funny.

With everyone else focused on laughing and trying to figure out Myung’s joke, Eun Dae moves even closer to Hannah to ask just between the two of them if she has done anything with Jonghyun now, if it is “steamy” between them after making up after all this break up thing.

“No,” Hannah shakes her head, laughing when Eun Dae doesn’t believe her.

“Mr y might be upset over that then,” Eun Dae raises her eyebrows and Hannah smiles, nudging her arm. “But he is a guy, Hannah.”

“He didn’t even want to kiss me,” Hannah rolls her eyes; “He is too disappointed in me for that.” Though they did kiss he clearly didn’t want it at first, she knew it when they were in the car, he is too disappointed and hurt by what she did but she is so happy they did kiss. When telling it to Eun Dae she realises how disappointed she is in herself too.

“Oh…” Eun Dae makes a face when hearing the word ‘disappointed’. “That .”

Hannah nods in agreement, sighing when thinking of that kiss in the car. He wanted to kiss her; he just didn’t think it was a good timing since he is disappointed in her. She understands, but still. Eun Dae grabs Hannah’s arm, squeezing it lightly to get her attention.

“He’ll be abroad for a week – which means we girls will have fun celebrating your sixth year in Korea,” Eun Dae says, trying to cheer her up and Hannah smiles wider at her. In three days it will be 5 Pieces’ unofficial sixth year anniversary; six years since they came to Korea, and to celebrate that on top of their Girls Power comeback coming up, all the girls (5 Pieces and female dancers) are heading for a girls’ night out.

But they continue practice, smiling at each other knowing what they have planned in a few days and longing for it. The girls will of course be upset they are not allowed to come along, but they said they will party right next doors – trying to figure out where the girls are going on Friday without being given a clue. No way the girls will have their girls’ night ruined with the guys coming, so all the girls are making sure no one gives any kind of hint or clue of where they will be.

The crew is like family. They have grown close and even if they are constantly fooling around with each other there is no way they are practicing badly; the whole day just like yesterday they are practicing seriously.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Over at school, Kyung Ho has done well today too. Even a few years ago when he was unable to be at school because he was lying sick in the hospital he didn’t really look forward to school. Hannah tells him to enjoy it while he can, saying he will miss the things he didn’t do once he graduates, so Kyung Ho does his time in school. Studying is the easy part, that’s something he can actually enjoy from time to time mostly because he has so many people helping him out lately; 5 Pieces and co-actors are really curious to help out with his homework. The hard part is his classmates.

“Yo, superstar, wait up!”

Kyung Ho turns around when hearing his classmate’s voice, mostly just turning around because the voice echoed in the corridor and everyone turned around to the two boys nodding to Kyung Ho to slow down. Kyung Ho faces the front again, eyes on the front doors of his school building. He has just gotten a few steps before two arms are strongly held around him as the two classmates get up on both sides of him.

“Ya, what made you keep walking when you saw us calling for you, superstar?” one of them asks, hugging on to the tiny boy’s shoulders.

That boy is grown for his age, while Kyung Ho is extremely small for his age too so he looks extremely tiny next to him. The other boy is tall and skinny, a follower. Kyung Ho has heard Emelia talk about school stereotypes: a big badass leader who needs weak followers, trying to explain to him to not mind them but for Kyung Ho every student in school is a pain in the . He doesn’t tell Hannah all about it, though she knows he has some trouble because he is an actor and knows 5 Pieces, he doesn’t want her to know everything.

“Where are you going?” the big classmate asks.

“I’m going home…” Kyung Ho answers, trying to not sound scared or quiet or too confident – just straight out answering.

“To your sisters? You know, I saw the episode yesterday of your show… It was really fun actually; you get to spend a lot of time in their apartment. Can’t you take a picture or something? Don’t you ever sneak around or steal something? I’m sure fans can pay crazily a lot of money on something that belongs to 5 Pieces…”

Kyung Ho shakes his head, not liking these questions he often receives from the students. Classmates want autographs, private pictures, information, even asking him to steal things for them – it’s really sick, and Kyung Ho is not liking the view his classmates has of Hannah and the others, as if they aren’t real humans. It sickens him to hear his classmates talk about his sisters, making fun of him. Never does he call them sisters in school; he tends to avoid answering at all, uncomfortable all the way in to his bones, not liking his classmates a single bit. Everything here is about money and status and connections. Kyung Ho can have it all, but he doesn’t like it.

“What part are you shaking your head for? Did you loose your tongue in class or something?” the big classmate hits him hard at the back of the head, his voice gets a little harsher; “Who is coming to get you today; some pretty European?”

They are filming Good Sister today, so Kyung Ho is sure it can be one or two of the ladies picking him up. Usually it is Hannah and Julia. He can’t wait to see them, to get away from school where everyone looks at him as if he is either a big star in school or the source of your jealousy. They either likes that he is an actor, hates that he knows 5 Pieces, but however it is they all seem to like messing with him for both reasons.

“Probably not,” Kyung Ho answers, not knowing he says it very quietly. They walk out the building and Kyung Ho swallows when seeing the school yard and they are walking towards the gates where cars are lined up waiting for students to come. He is worried the ladies will be sitting in the van, waiting impatiently for him.

“Too bad,” his classmate shrugs his shoulder, “But superstar, you have to introduce us sometime. It’s important for me to meet your family, as the good friend I am of yours.”

“You’re not my friend,” Kyung Ho frowns at him.

He is hit at the back of his head again, so hard that he stumbles forward and the grown classmate looks angrily at him, the way young boys’ acts tough around each other. “Who else here at school would you call your friend then, superstar? Don’t I take care of you?”

“You put water and flour in my shoes yesterday,” Kyung Ho answers and lifts up an arm in protection from getting hit by the follower classmate, and before Kyung Ho can look back up the grown classmate pushes him hard down on the ground. Kyung Ho falls lightly, and he stays on the ground while hearing his classmates laugh and walk away.

As soon as they have walked around the corner he gets up, pouting and brushing off the gravel off his clothes to not let anyone see he was on the ground. He isn’t a liar and he doesn’t want to be scared of school, but he knows that if he pushes back or if he stands up too fast when being pushed down it will only get worse.

Doing his best to keep a good expression, Kyung Ho walks out from the school yard to look after a familiar car. It’s a van waiting for him, the only van among the cars, and he knows it is not Julia driving. Maybe everyone is in the van, heading home. But the closer he gets, the more he sees it is his own manager sitting in the car and that means it is not 5 Pieces sitting in there. He can’t help but to look upset when getting in the van, being filmed with some staff hiding in the back and cameras put up in the van. Kyung Ho sits with his phone, sending a text message to Hannah to ask if it will take long.

“5 Pieces’ practice hasn’t ended yet,” his manager tells the boy when driving off. “So we will head to the apartment first.”

Kyung Ho looks out the window with a pout, having no interest in talking to his manager. They have come back from filming the music videos, but they are like always busy working. If it isn’t performances or events, they are at the agency for meetings, studio recordings or practicing. It is always something. But meeting him in the apartment are two happy dogs that he can play with.

The answer from Hannah is half an hour late and she writes that the practice is about to end and that Emelia says he can borrow her tablet, so Kyung Ho ignores to write anything back and just sits down in the living-room with the tablet to play games – Emelia has a lot of cool and fun games. He knows her password and he has played it before. Ryo lies down next to him in the sofa.

Though there are camera-men there, they are quietly filming; Kyung Ho is there all alone with the pets. He is in a bad mood because he is alone, and he thought 5 Pieces would be picking him up. To greet him brightly and ask about his day, ask him a bunch of questions and just by hearing their good moods he would shine up and forget all the bad things in school. He really likes filming the show with 5 Pieces, even if his classmates makes fun of him it gives him a lot of chances to meet the ladies, they get to spend time together, fool around and do things. When the ladies aren’t working on other things, that is.

He sits up, he lies down, he is so bored playing without the ladies that when his phone rings he just pouts, not wanting to answer though he ends up doing that just to hear the ladies ask what food he wants from the restaurant and that they are coming as soon as they get the food. He then sits back with his game, checking the time waiting to hear them come.

Eventually the doorbell starts ringing like crazy, the dogs’ starts barking loudly running to the front door to the apartment that is opened and followed by ladies shouting out that they are home. Kyung Ho keeps glancing up to see when they will walk in, but as soon as Hannah comes hurrying in the living-room he looks down at the tablet to act upset that the ladies didn’t hurry home earlier for him.

“Are you putting on an act now?” Hannah asks when leaning over him to go on his nerves in her training clothes, hugging him and hearing him complain that she is sweaty, she is smiling brightly in a try to cheer him up, he knows that. “I’m sorry we’re late…”

“We blame Carolina,” Maria says when trying to lie on top of them, making Kyung Ho burst out in laughter even if he wants to act upset. Maria makes the weirdest noises, knowing that a few years ago Kyung Ho laughed at it so much, and he still laughs at it; Hannah laughs too. “We brought food. Are you hungry? If you aren’t, I can eat your share-”

“No!” Kyung Ho starts whining, trying to get out from their embraces and weight while the two ladies are just fooling around in the sofa with him. Hannah steps back first, laughing and going to help Julia with the food.

“Let’s eat in the living-room today!” Emelia calls out when coming down the stairs from the second floor, already taken a quick shower. It takes a few minutes for her to wash up. Kyung Ho and Carolina both cheers childishly at the suggestion and Hannah tell Kyung Ho to choose what to see. He isn’t upset anymore; his energy is full back on and he is smiling at the foolish sisters he have.

Emelia is quickly next to him by the long line of DVDs that 5 Pieces have collected. The Hunger Games one and two movies are on the list as well, there is a big collection of movies bought from all around the world, bought by the ladies or given by fans and there are movies, series, dramas… Kyung Ho gets stuck looking at some Japanese corner with some dramas and movies he can’t read the name of. Hannah and Julia have set the table in the kitchen, and calls for everyone to get their food to bring it in the living-room. While waiting for everyone to get ready and also goes to quickly wash up or change clothes before taking their seats; it takes some time, Hannah and Julia the only two smart enough to keep an eye on the pets for them to not eat up their dinner.

“What is this?” Kyung Ho asks Emelia, the two of them in their own world looking through the movies. He points at one movie in particular. “It looks old.”

Emelia just gapes at him and takes it out to show him. “You don’t know this one? It’s Grease.”

The boy just looks up at her with a clueless face-expression and Emelia pretends she gets shot in the chest, making him laugh.

“OH LORD!” she dramatically says; which only happens for Emelia when it is about movies and things she finds truly, truly basic to know. “It’s a classic movie with John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, the absolutely classic of classic musical films of all times and you don’t know about it? HANNAH! He has never seen Grease?”

Maria starts singing [Summer Nights] from the movie right away, jumping inside the living-room with some sodas in her arms, looking like she already is re-watching the movie in her head, just that scene. Emelia shakes her head at Kyung Ho, not knowing that Hannah is upstairs so she hasn’t heard them at all, and Emelia says Grease is chosen as the movie they will eat dinner watching.

They prepare the movie and bring in the food with Ace lying in Maria’s lap to get the best place if food drops (most possible will happen); the puppies lying closely on the floor and Hannah is the last one taking a seat. She sits down on the floor to be able to use the living-room’s table, and Emelia has to tell her all over again that Kyung Ho has never seen the movie.

“It’s an old movie, I wasn’t even born at that time,” Kyung Ho defends himself as it seems like Emelia is not giving up.

“Ha!” Maria bursts out, hitting the side of the sofa. “None of us was born at the time this movie came out. But it is a classic piece of high school and love and music – who doesn’t love that?”

“It came out in 1978,” Emelia nods, and she points smartly at her head when Kyung Ho asks how she knows that, her memory bank remembers it. Hannah smiles and grabs the DVD cover, and after scanning through the back she shows it to Kyung Ho and he laughs. The year is written there; Emelia had looked at it when admiring the movie.

Grease is that kind of movie that the ladies can watch and watch and watch; it is that fun, old kind of movie with great music and best quality of love story that is hilarious for teenagers to see, and that image has been stuck with the ladies since the first time they saw it. And when the movie begins with a love scene at the beach, Hannah can just start to smile because as soon as the music is playing for the song named [Grease], the ladies just gets in the mood right away, talking about how it was ages since they saw this last time and saying they didn’t even know they had it and so on. Kyung Ho barely understands anything, but just like the camera-men he is enjoying watching the movie with 5 Pieces – the ladies watch the movie with a lot of deep emotions. Classic movies are just that great.

What make the movie much more interesting are the musical parts; as soon as [Summer Nights] starts playing the ladies are singing along, which means Maria becomes a dramatic musical singer with her spoon. They do the girls parts in light voices and then go dark for the boys parts, which is making Kyung Ho laugh so much that he almost starts coughing up food.

For some reason, 5 Pieces seems to be singing half of the time in Good Sister. Which makes sense as the ladies sings a lot during their days, maybe not when eating but if they watch a musical movie at the same time they just can’t help it.

“We should have a performance of that,” Carolina points at the TV when the song comes to an end, the movie continues to play.

“I’ll play John Travolta,” Emelia laughs. “I can do the hairstyle too, a girl version. I would look so cool.”

“Oh, that would look good,” Maria agrees and adds with sarcasm; “Besides from that you don’t fit it.”

Hannah and Kyung Ho laughs when Maria throws a napkin over at Emelia, the rapper only making a grimace at her. It’s always fun with 5 Pieces when Kyung Ho is around. He can’t stop laughing when eating his dinner and the ladies are the reason for it.

The evening passes by quickly and too soon Kyung Ho has to go to bed.

Hannah brushes her teeth at the same time as him, keeping him company but he can’t help but to smile at how restless Hannah is. He is done brushing his teeth before Hannah because she disappears into her own room, and he peeks inside to see what she is up too. With the toothbrush in mouth, Hannah is re-packing her bag for tomorrow.

“Are you done?” she asks him, not even looking up.

Kyung Ho walks inside the room to sit on the bed, sitting down tailor at the end of it, looking at her packing. “Nuna… have you ever been bullied?”

She raises her eyebrows to look at him without raising her head, her face-expression questioning. “Oh-key… Why are you asking that?”

“Just curious,” Kyung Ho shrugs his shoulder. “You have that thing in Japan about that, so I am curious. So?”

“Not what I know of,” Hannah says, “but being bullied in most countries are so much worse and horrible than what it is in Sweden, at least where I grew up in. Being bullied in Sweden was verbally, here it is everything.” She stops her talking and sits down when putting down the bag on the floor; she sits down to look at him. “What’s the matter?”

Kyung Ho shakes his head, saying that he is just curious.

“Is someone being mean to you at school?” Hannah asks.

He glances down at the floor, sneaking a peak at the cameras. If he says anything on camera, his classmates will see it, but at the same time Hannah can see right through his questions. His curiosity isn’t that big, she knows he has trouble in school and if he asks a question like this she knows it is something troubling him. Truth is that he doesn’t want to be filmed. He wants to wrap his arms around her and be comforted by his sister, to have her tell him that it will get better with time, to be given advice of how to handle it because his sisters always have advice and comments about everything. They guide him.

Hannah sighs and takes a hold under his arms to lift him into a hug; he is still small enough for her to carry him, so it is still possible to lift him into a hug too.

“Don’t mind the cameras,” Hannah tells him in the hug, “With one word, they won’t air this. Just talk to me. It’s private if you want it to be.”

He sobs quietly when hugging on around her neck, hiding from the cameras and sobbing. It’s not crying, just sobbing.

“Is it the boys in school?” Hannah whispers, not being patient. She wants to know what’s troubling him, not liking to hear her little brother being sad.

“Mm,” he nods quietly. “It’s all of them. They are really annoying, Nuna.”

She wants to know if it is because of her, if his classmates are being mean because of 5 Pieces, but she isn’t sure she wants to put him in that situation. What could she do? She would probably make it worse if she went to his school to talk to someone, if she did anything it would get worse.

“Have you told your teachers about it?” she asks, whispering to him.


“Why not?”

“They just give pitying glances and says the students will stop eventually,” Kyung Ho sighs in her arms.

“At least it means your teachers can not say they didn’t know about it if you tell them-”

“Will you go with me?” he asks, holding on to her tightly when feeling Hannah lean her head back, she wants to look at him but he won’t let her. “Can you go with me when I tell my teachers, please?”

“Of course I can. I can give a call and set up a meeting so your classmates won’t be in school when I come, okay?”

Kyung Ho smiles by her neck, a huge smile. If Hannah can come to school and be with him when talking to his teachers, he will have the confidence that she will help. If a student approaches the teacher, nothing will be said. But if someone outside school, someone family, will talk to the teachers or at least be there, it means it is something the teachers have to do something about or it might become something big and something big means publicity – this is the kind of publicity no school wants. He knows Hannah will end up asking him about what is going on at school, what they do that makes them annoying, and thinking she will soon ask those questions makes Kyung Ho stop hugging her, saying with a smile that he has to go to bed.

She sighs and walks out the room with him, but she walks to the bathroom with her toothbrush while he walks to his bedroom. He really likes that they even prepared his own room for Good Sister; he has his own bed and everything. It’s like he lives here. Much better than in his actual house, where his parents never are home and the housemaid always is looking like she wishes she was somewhere else. Here, he is always welcomed.

Hannah reads for him a bit before she head downstairs, Julia is washing up the dishes from eating in the kitchen. Hannah peeks inside, sighing with her mind focused on Kyung Ho when walking inside.

“You know where Maria went?” Hannah wonders, knowing the leader always have the most passionate conversations about important things. Julia shrugs her shoulders, not knowing and not caring, and Hannah guess Maria has probably gone to her bedroom, maybe reading something or watching a drama in her room.

Hannah says goodnight to Julia before heading upstairs, walking straight past her own bedroom to go knock on Maria’s room.

“What?” Maria shouts out.

She opens the door to glance inside, and just as expected Maria is lying over her bed with her laptop.

“Wazzup baby,” Maria waves a hand seeing it is just Hannah and she turned back to her laptop. “I found this nasty website that is just hilarious. I sent the link to you, so you can check it later.”

If it wasn’t for the cameras she wouldn’t talk without rambling on and on about what it actually is, so Hannah just says she will check it out when coming in to take a seat on the bed.

“Kyung Ho asked if I can come along and talk to his teachers,” Hannah tells Maria in a low voice, and she makes a face when Maria turns around with big eyes.

“What for?”

“Some kids are being annoying,” Hannah sighs and grabs a pillow to hug on to it.

“From what he has said before? It’s still going on?”

“I think it has gotten worse because of us.”

“Of course it has, I’m sure of it, we have asked Kyung Ho after the show started airing, right? He is a smart kid, Hannah, he probably doesn’t tell us even half of the things he has to go through in school because he knows we are a bunch of ladies going after our emotions and hearts rather than thinking things through most of the time. But he actually told you this?”

“I told him to tell the teachers about it and he asked me to come along,” Hannah answers.

“That’s good,” Maria nods, “That’s actually super great. You need me to come along too? No, wait, you can go, it would be good for you and it will make him super happy. I can sit in the car in case you two mess up.”

“Mess up with what? We’re just going to talk to the teachers…”

“What? No, you’re not; you’re going to make sure the teachers will not look the other way after this, so you will have to ask what they will do about it and … and we can ask around to make sure we know what things can be done too,” Maria says and Hannah can see how the leader is becoming distance when talking. Yes, a passionate leader is what they have. Maria keeps talking and talking and Hannah is just nodding along.

Going to bed half an hour later, Hannah is lying there staring at her phone after thinking some more of what to do with Kyung Ho. She will give a call and set up a meeting to talk to his homeroom teacher, because even if she asked Maria if she is supposed to call Kyung Ho’s parents so did Maria think his parents are worse at dealing with these things than teachers, so Maria wants Hannah to meet the teachers.

Right before she left the friend’s bedroom, Maria had said that fans are re-blogging a lot of things from Hannah’s acting on tumblr; whatever Maria means in the end is that she saw the cutest GIF-set from last year’s secret agent drama Mr and Miss when Hannah was dancing in the “apartment” for her character, moving along to music while cleaning. Hannah looks it up on her cell phone, finding it surprisingly quickly under the tag Maria had sent, and continuing to scroll down the page she does find a lot of pictures and GIFs from the dramas she has been in. in the middle of it all there is a GIF-set of four of Hannah singing; it is pretty much the same GIF in all four pictures, and below it in fat style it is written ‘singing her heart out…’. The weird part is that Hannah even knows what it is from – their performance in Japan for PICTURE Event.

There is a picture of Hannah from two years ago when she was performing [I CRY], and below it is a lot of text in English saying ‘a teenage boy in Japan opened up for the media about how he was bullied from elementary school all the way to high school, that he was hurting himself and thought many times of killing himself. He said I regret a lot of things, I regret staying alive is one of many quotes he has heard from Hannah’s [I CRY] that gave him the strength to change his mindset. The teenager is part of the PICTURE Movement where 5 Pieces at the moment are the face of in Japan, showing and giving strength to the bullied students all around the country, even all around the world. This teenager stepped forward to reveal his story in hope to give his own message that music isn’t all about popularity and money, that 5 Pieces’ music changes lives because it connects to the listeners. He said if one song can change the lives of hundreds and thousands, if one group can make us open our eyes and be brave to care for each other, we can become the people we are admiring so deeply’

“Whoa…” Hannah breathes and rolls around in her bed to lie more comfortable when scrolling down, seeing pictures and comments from [I Want a Man] live performance, airport pictures, GIF-sets of all kinds, funny pictures, and 5 Pieces’ “moments” and so on.

A nice one is a bunch of pictures of 5 Pieces’ performing the Japanese song [Run Out], Hannah has been sitting for minutes scrolling down on the page, as well as GIFs from the music video with the text ‘I think [Run Out] flaunts 5 Pieces’ strength and beauty better than any other song during their whole career so far, and I am proud it has gotten their most known song in Japan’. But Hannah’s favourite is a bunch of GIF-sets of Hannah and Julia (and Emelia) from TV appearances and interviews in Japan this year with the commotion of “JulAh Couple – Julia & Hannah”, where they have written on the post that even with new positions, SM can’t keep the couple away from each other, that even Emelia can’t stop them by standing between them. In interviews they smile at the same time though Emelia is standing between them, they glance at each other and so on, during TV programs you can see their arms touching or helping each other out, Julia asks Hannah something and she translates for her or joking around. In 5 Pieces, Hannah and Julia were a long time ago voted to be the most popular “couple”, something that fans love to do, and even after Hannah and Jonghyun’s relationship became known these two are still a “couple” at anything they do, and somehow it is nice knowing fans still see them the same way.

There are a lot of pictures from Good Sister too, of the ladies being silly and with comments they have said all from deep ones to funny ones. One GIF from the latest, episode eight that aired shows Hannah peeking out at the press-conference Kyung Ho had done in Japan, how sneaky and smiling she had been. A GIF-set from the same episode when the ladies (not Carolina and Hannah) had been dancing and fooling around in the apartment with Kyung Ho is; which is hilarious. Hannah knows that on this Sunday, their visit to the grave will air.

Further down there are a long, long post of another couple – the real-life celebrity couple, Hannah and Jonghyun – first a mix of couple moments from some music award in January (Hannah remember it so well when she sees the GIF-sets of them smiling at each other from across the table, when he sat down next to her and so on…) and written over the GIFs it says in quote ‘Hannah is my girlfriend’, the words Jonghyun had said so manly on his radio program when the articles was saying too much of nothing.

Hannah puts her phone away after seeing those sets of GIFs, her mind going through a lot of thoughts about her life while she closes her eyes to fall asleep. She is an idol, her group is gaining more and more popularity around the world, they are facing hate and love because they don’t hesitate to step up in front of a camera and openly say what no one else really cares to face, she has a boyfriend who loves her and who she loves (the most foolish love), she has a younger brother who is told from strangers on the internet is better siblings than blood-relatives while his own classmates makes fun of him, she has no family caring for her in Sweden but she has a strange family caring for her here in Korea, 5 Pieces is making a comeback they aren’t even sure their fans will handle well but they are staying naïve to think that as long as they show they are comfortable and enjoying the concept their fans will do the same…

She is just about to text Jonghyun when remembering he is far off in Argentina or somewhere for his concert. She wishes to see him, like a big hole in her heart she wishes to make her mistakes forgotten, to not feel bad whenever she thinks of him because of what she did. So many things are on her mind.

With a sigh she drifts into sleep, remembering that this up-coming day they will for Good Sister go do voluntary work with Kyung Ho, like a mission from the show. The ladies not coming along will be working in another direction: practice and such. She will have to ask her manager to help her get approval to meet Kyung Ho’s teachers. She can talk to Jonghyun when he comes back.

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On Wednesday it is all about practicing and voluntary work when filming Good Sister, and on Thursday they film the show for a few hours before parting. Kyung Ho is in school and 5 Pieces are in their practice-room, going from live singing to just dancing – practicing for their comeback, adjusting from the music video to the broadcast stages. It is really difficult imagining them selves standing on stage doing these songs LIVE. The live part is the tricky one, especially when spending hours in the practice-room, but they seem to actually be more and more comfortable in the concept, actually enjoying the songs more and more. It’s fun, they love practicing with their crew and they are brightly chatting between the practicing.

“You’re actually going to his school?” Shiwon is grimacing the same way their gay stylist tends to act all diva-like. Maria has the same face when she wants to.

Hannah nods but it is Maria who quickly answers; “We called his homeroom teacher yesterday and set a meeting today already. I personally thought it would be next week or the week after, but it is actually today, and I am so nervous because I will be sitting in the car outside-”

“Oh please!” Emelia interrupts her. “This isn’t about you, Captain.”

“Ya, I was having a moment here!” Maria bursts out and throws her arm towards Emelia, everyone laughing at the two always doing their own movie scene. Hannah laughs with the others, whispering with some of the dancers when being asked about the homeroom teacher meeting she will go on today.

She really has no idea of what to say no matter how many times her manager and members have been talking to her about it since yesterday. Hannah is asking everyone for advice, asking what they would do if it was their little sibling and so on. Beside from focus on practicing, this is exactly what goes on in her mind: Kyung Ho. She is upset that he is being treated badly in school, especially since he is a really good student and hard-working. What’s wrong with today’s children? Why do they have to make someone else feel bad, why do they have to push someone to make themselves feel better? Just the fact that they have gone through these things so much in Japan for PICTURE makes it sick to actually have Kyung Ho ask her to talk to his teacher… She has no idea of what to do. She hates bullying, but she doesn’t know what to do about it.

Maybe they should start the PICTURE Movement in Korea too.

“Oh, oh, OH! Guys, check this OUT!” Carolina brightly jumps and leans over the group to let them all take a quick glance at her cell phone.

“Are you stupid or something? Who the heck do you think can see what it says on that tiny screen when you move it that fast?” Maria complains and grabs the phone to read what Carolina has found. “HOLY YES!”

Hannah shrugs her shoulder when someone asks her what it is; how would she know? She is sitting the furthest away from them.

“What is it? Did someone propose?” Myung jokes and laughs with the guys.

“No, shut up,” Maria says and reads out the headline; “‘SM Entertainment Announces [I Want A Man] Was Just 5 Pieces’ Start Of 2014’-”

“It is OUT!” Carolina brightly cheers and the crew just can’t stop laughing at the change of tone Carolina has started with.

“SHUT UP!” Maria pushes Carolina away to continue reading the article. “They don’t know anything.”

“What do you mean? Just the headline is awesome,” one of the female dancers is smiling. All of them are smiling. The agency has said that it was just the beginning, the pre-single was the beginning of 2014, and though Maria tells them that the article doesn’t say anything at all, the comments on the article is much better.

“The comments are saying our album is coming up. They know exactly what the headline says, the pre-single was the beginning of the album – our fans know it all, it’s obvious. And they are even writing that since SM out of the blue says it now, they are getting excited the album is near. Jeez I can not wait for this…”

The first teaser will come out tomorrow. The first comeback teaser, announcing the comeback and album and concept, it will all be revealed with the teaser of [Girls Power] tomorrow on 5 Pieces’ unofficial sixth year anniversary. Everyone is tense for it, almost shaking in excitement and fear for what the first taste of the comeback will be viewed; how will their fans react? [Girls Power] is the most surprising turn-around, it is black and leather and heavy make-up and iness, a mix of things so feminine that fans have never seen 5 Pieces like before. The teaser will hopefully be really good.

“Let’s rock our bodies for the last two hours!” the choreographer claps her hands and everyone bounces up on their feet, some already going through some steps. “[Girls Power] first, so put the chairs back in place – no, Julia, not over there, you should know the position by now.”

“I know the position, but someone is standing in the way,” Julia answers and she crosses her arms over her chest to give one of the male dancer’s a stare.

“Tell me to move then, lady,” he laughs at her and takes a step away, moving his hands for her to take her place. Julia smiles when moving to her position.

Hannah sits down on her chair, hanging on it is more likely, and she smiles at everyone else in the practice-room. She can’t help it, thinking of SM Entertainment proudly saying the pre-single was just the beginning, how excited fans will be and then tomorrow the music video teaser will suddenly be out, the countdown will start. Their comeback is closing up!

Their choreographer turns on the music before everyone have cleared the floor and Hannah laughs when seeing through the mirror on the wall that some of the boys just starts dancing weirdly in the back; there are no male dancers for [Girls Power], but they love to check out the practice and make stand-in appearances from time to time.

Just as Carolina is in the middle of her opening verse of the song, Hannah realises that all the other ladies have a microphone in hand. She scans the side of the room where they have all the equipment and finds her microphone there, but she waits as everyone starts moving in their positions. Somehow she knows some of the dancers have noticed she is missing her microphone, and she smiles when looking at the mirror-reflection of the practice-room, waiting for the right moment. As soon as Maria’s part starts,                  not singing completely live but practicing with a microphone in hand, Hannah rushes to the back of the room. Male dancers standing along the wall starts laughing and applauding when seeing it is the microphone she grabs, and she can hear the choreographer burst out that she would’ve ruined the performance if this was live. Honestly, if it was a live performance, Hannah would have been holding the microphone in hand from the beginning. More applauses comes from the entertained male dancers by the wall when Hannah kicks up a foot on her chair and starts her part as soon as she reaches her chair, and even the choreographer has to give a smile at Hannah throwing her hair to the side, doing exactly as practiced for her part.

Two hours dancing passes in a flash, just because Hannah is nervous for those two hours to end.

Wiping her forehead after those two hours, 5 Pieces grabs their bags and wishes their dancers some good luck to keep practicing on their own, while the ladies leaves. Hannah and Maria are the two going in their own van with Manager Lim, and though Hannah wants to go through what to say when she meets Kyung Ho’s teacher she can not stop Maria’s talk about their comeback.

They have planned the meeting when school has ended, just to make sure the school isn’t crowded with students being able to see a member of 5 Pieces walk inside the building.

She wishes she didn’t have to go in there alone. Just her and Kyung Ho with the teacher, where Hannah is supposed to be the grown-up and talk sense and bring peace to the world – she isn’t sure she can do any of that. But she still gets out of the van with Manager Lim and Maria’s comforting words and cheer behind her, walking over the yard and into the school building where it is empty – beside from an older woman proudly standing with her hands together next to Kyung Ho. This is a shy and quiet Kyung Ho, not the bright boy who always laughs and asks questions when he is with Hannah and her members. She doesn’t see anything wrong with it; she was also quiet and shy in school, but then became talkative as soon as she met someone she is comfortable around. Still she wonders how this meeting will turn out like.

“Good afternoon,” the teacher politely greets Hannah and holds out a hand when meeting Hannah half-way. “My name is Ryu Hea Jung, the homeroom teacher of Kyung Ho. I can not say enough of times what an honour it is to finally meet you – Kyung Ho here has talked very well of his older sisters, and my husband is very fond of your reality show, he finds it very entertaining.”

Hannah smiles when shaking the woman’s hand, and in her mind she realises she is tired and has to really focus her head to not be too nervous around this talkative woman. Hannah has no idea of how her manager and agency agreed to let her to this.

Before leaving the agency she had changed clothes, to now be nicely dressed in jeans and a long blouse, wearing a hat too to hide the dirty roots on her head from practicing. Following a teacher who is giving information about the school and school rules while walking up a floor and through some corridors, Hannah can feel Kyung Ho relaxing in his body when she puts a hand on his shoulder. She is nervous too, but she has no idea of what the outcome of this will be like. She is so scared she will make things worse for him, but Kyung Ho asked her to come; she can face the outcome later.

They reach the classroom to sit down in, the teacher going on and on about the school and how Kyung Ho is like (only great things). Hannah lets her talk, only nodding and saying ‘ah…’ when needed but she knows Kyung Ho is getting amused by how talkative his teacher is in front of Hannah. Only when the teacher starts conversing, asking about Hannah, does the young woman put a stop to it, and the teacher right away gives a laugh and apologizes.

“My apologizes. I was actually surprised to receive a call from you about this meeting. Not just that … you’re not his parent – but we can overlook it as we know his parents have never attended a school meeting before and you two are known to be family – but also that Kyung Ho is a very good student, his grades are among the best, he has a very good behaviour too.”

“As far as I am concerned it is not Kyung Ho’s behaviour that has taken us here,” Hannah lightly comments.

“Yes, yes, of course. I am deeply disturbed to hear that our very own students would treat each other like that,” the teacher puts her head on the side with a concerned face-expression. Hannah never liked school. “Are you sure it isn’t just a celebrity thing? I know there are a lot of our students who are big fan of yours and maybe they are just playing around a little with Kyung Ho… I’m sure it isn’t such a big thing actually; maybe Kyung Ho just … maybe wanted some attention? You know how boys get at times.”

Hannah smiles and nods, but she can not agree at all. “Being bullied is never fun, whether it is for fun or not. The one getting bullied doesn’t see the fun in it,” Hannah says and the teacher nods wildly.

“I completely agree with you,” the teacher says. “But it wouldn’t be … good, to use that kind of term.”

“Bullied?” Hannah asks and the teacher nods.

“If the word gets out that a student is getting bullied…” the teacher moves her hands and nods when Hannah nods. “You probably understand.”

“The word won’t go out if it stops now, would it? I know I’m not a parent, but for an outsider to be concerned … that means something needs to be done.”

“Yes, of course, we will do anything we can for it to stop. But maybe you should consider that Kyung Ho isn’t so innocent either. He is a young boy who spends time with the biggest idols in Asia; you think he gladly walks around without boasting about it?”

“I do not-”

“Do not interrupt,” the teacher lifts up a finger at Kyung Ho, in a strict tone making him close his mouth.

Hannah can’t help but to pierce her eyes at the woman. “Excuse me?” she asks, surprised.

“He should know not to interrupt when grown-ups are talking,” the teacher sighs.

“He has the most right to be talking right now because it is his time in school we are talking about,” Hannah says in a light tone, unable to hide how surprised she is. “Please, do not tell him to not talk for himself. You said he is a good student, and I know he is. You know too that he would never boast about anything so please stop saying that straight to my face.”

“I’m sorry,” the teacher says, and surprisingly it seems like she means it. “Maybe I went overboard. I am just very sensitive about how our students are being treated and was looking for an easy way out. You’re right, he is a good student, and he never boasts about you. I will make sure that we will talk to the students and keep an eye on them.”

They talk some more, Hannah’s mood softens up and Kyung Ho is pouting when they eventually gets to leave. They are quiet until they leave the building just to be sure no one is eavesdropping, but they both can feel eyes on them through the windows – teachers who haven’t ended their day.

“That went well,” Kyung Ho smiles up at Hannah, the bright boy is back. “You sure told her, Nuna.”

“Do you think it will make a difference?” Hannah wonders. Personally she isn’t sure it will help to talk to the students, and she is still scared she will make it get worse.

“I think so. My teachers take you seriously, it was really cool,” Kyung Ho keeps smiling like a child at her.

“You should know she only talked like this because she thinks I will go talk to media,” Hannah tells him and Kyung Ho actually nods, saying he knows that.

“It’s still cool.”

“So I did well?”

He giggles and suddenly puts his arms around her waist for a hug, almost stopping the walk, and he squeezes his arms around her once before letting go. He doesn’t say anything though, and he starts bouncing up to the van where Maria has opened the door for them.

“So how did it go? Neither one of you answered my texts, that seriously hurts me. It looks like it went well…” Maria keeps talking and their manager gives comments that they can’t answer texts when being in a meeting and so on. Kyung Ho is in a great mood. Hannah isn’t sure if he doesn’t want to seem sad in front of them or if he actually can’t help but to be in a good mood when meeting the happy and talkative Maria: maybe it is just that they are leaving school that makes him happy.

“So…” Manager Lim slowly starts off saying when starting the van. “Kyung Ho will decide on snacks tonight.”


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Monday, Headline 07th: SM Entertainment Shares Pictures Of 5 Pieces With Chinese Artists After Charity Concert


Headline 08th: Emelia & Hannah Shares To Japanese Students On Instagram “You Make Me Happy By Being Alive, You Make Me Cry Out Of Joy By Living”


Headline 09th: 5 Pieces’ Hannah Shows Off Her Cuteness In New Chocolate CF

Headline 09th: 5 Pieces’ Maria & Hannah & Kim Kyung Ho Volunteers To Charity Work For ‘Good Sister’ Filming


Headline 10th: SM Entertainment Announces [I Want A Man] Was Just 5 Pieces’ Start Of 2014


Headline 11th: SM Entertainment Share 5 Pieces’ Performance Of [Stand Up For Love] From PICTURE Movement In Japan

Headline 11th: Puzzle Donates Food To Those In Need For 5 Pieces’ Unofficial 6th Year Anniversary

Headline 11th: Look Through 5 Pieces’ History Since Their Arrival In Korea Six Years Ago

Headline 11th: 5 Pieces Releases Hot & Powerful Teaser Video For Comeback Track [Girls Power]

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X. devonalias

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Chapter 81: Yo, it's almost time for going back to school
Could you keep uploading a chapter twice a week please?
Chapter 81: thank you for the updates.

have a nice holiday author-nim :)

figthing! ^^
I know that it's early but Merry Christmas
Could you upload this story with more chapters please
It's Christmas break!
Chapter 79: Aren't you uploading the lyrics too?
Chapter 78: All cause of me, I requested them
Chapter 74: oh! I thought this was completed already as it says earlier that it was completed... hahhahaa anyways fighting!
atowah #7
Chapter 73: Wow wonderful story ♡
I like this idea it is amazing ;)
Fighting ♥
Thank you for this such great story... I really enjoyed reading it... :)
Could you continue updating this story please, pretty please!!!
Chapter 69: another update! :) and I must say every update is worth waiting for... keep it up! fighting! :)