Chapter 58 – Women’s Day

Youngest of Pieces: Five Years in History (9)

No rest. From early Friday morning to over midnight, 5 Pieces are stuck inside the walls at SM Entertainment’s building to practice not just their new intense song [POWER UP] but also learn a dance for Rihanna’s [Breaking Dishes] that they will perform for the International Women’s Day tomorrow. They take a lot of small breaks to catch their breaths, they don’t have many breaks to eat and after dinner, Maria and Carolina disappears – rumours among them in the room says they went to the recording studio to record a song – but no one seem to know for sure.

In the presence of just three ladies, they practice certain parts of [POWER UP], staying focused without two of the members and Hannah can feel how nervous she is for this whole song. This is their tenth day practicing for the song; they have learnt the whole choreography and are just getting used with the details, but it is such an intense song with a lot of movements, squatting and feminine charm that each time she is told to just have fun she looks down in guilt – she can’t enjoy practicing lately. 5 Pieces have pulled of charismatic songs, all from easy to hard dances on that part from their debut with [Moon Child], addictive tracks with challenging movements like in [Daze] just a year ago, cute and filled with this childish cuteness Korea calls “aegyo” filled songs like [I Love You] from their second album, even musical-like choreographies in the song like [-erase you-], and they have pulled off the feminine charm wearing dresses for [I Want a Man]. Somehow, the intense feminine charm used in [POWER UP] and [Girls Power] is an upgrade of it all; that iness on a simple level of burlesque… Hannah can’t grasp it in the practice-room. It is just embarrassing for some reason, to pull off this kind of iness is different from earlier, so Hannah isn’t sure of how to pull it off while she is busy focusing on the choreography. That a tiny part of her mind is thinking of Jonghyun the whole time makes her feel depressed, wanting so badly to give him a text and ask how rehearsals for the concert is going…

Their dancers are understandable with the concept; the dancers have practiced on the choreographies a little bit more than the ladies, saying that as soon as the choreography is stuck in their heads they can focus on other things than their positions and the details in their movements. That’s why they help out to go through the different parts with the ladies. One of the female dancers even grabs Hannah’s hand to start shake her to loosen up, saying it is fun if she lets it – which is exactly what they usually do, Hannah just can’t grasp it lately.

“That’s my biggest problem,” Hannah says and gives a nod at the table they have put in the back.

“You have said that since day one,” the male dancer laughs at her. “We can go through it more if you want. No problem at all.”

Hannah pouts when he takes her arm to help her up on the table, another male dancer walking up to join them. She had fun learning the choreography to this song before, but it seems like everything is just troubling for her since her break-up. She can’t find the same joy in challenging this comeback and concept. Emelia and Carolina are having surprisingly a lot of fun practicing for [POWER UP] – Carolina does not like [Girls Power] though – and Hannah think she would enjoy it more if she didn’t feel so miserable glancing at the door the whole time, wondering if someone (like Jonghyun) will peek inside.

For this song, Hannah will appear on a table (for the whole concept it will be a bar or a bar table) sing her part and then dance to her singing ‘ye-e-e-eh!’ in a high tone, the members will sing something after to where Hannah will jump down from the table with the two male dancers holding on to her arms; they have gone through each detail on how they will hold to give her the simple jump down and then she will continue her part with the ladies.

Hannah has never danced on a table before. She has never been lifted by any sort of dancer either. That’s where her problem lays this time. She will be on the table, sing her line which contains ‘under the spotlight’ and since it is a table, everyone have been helping her and giving examples on how to move on top of it, but Hannah just finds it weird. She is not a table dancer. But like the team they are, the dancers (whose lives basically are to dance) help out as much as they can; giving endless of advice and even switches places to try helping them see how it looks like from another viewer. They do their best, and it makes Hannah feel bad because she is not doing her best. Julia is trying, but her stomach is just as weird as it was last night at the airport; her breaks are about running to the bathroom.

“In two weeks we are in Europe filming this, you know that right?” Emelia says, her hands on her hip when looking at Hannah and the dancers going through the part on the table.

Hannah sighs helplessly and squats down on the table.

“Ya, don’t stop,” the male dancer scolds her and gets in his position to practice her jumping down. The other male dancer is just waiting. Hannah sighs again when standing up, not in synch at all with anything and she just jumps down from the table, not caring about the scolding she gets from the two male dancers.

“I can’t wait to see the castle we are going to film in,” one of the female dancers is telling Emelia, her eyes glimmering by the thought.

“I don’t think it is a castle… Just a huge place out in nowhere, like a mansion,” the male dancer Yongji says, always sounding clever. Emelia nods in agreement to him, but then says that she can’t wait either.

“We will be there a few extra days too,” Emelia smirks at the dancers, “after filming the music videos, we are staying there for a day or two. I made sure to ask for that when they were planning the location.”

“Lucky you,” the dancers say in a joke.

Emelia looks proud, happy she and Maria had told the agency that 5 Pieces have a soft spot for France (maybe because they were never able to go there for concerts because they were busy doing something else, so now they take every chance possible to get some free time to go sightseeing). Emelia and Carolina have even planned out things they want to do and see – most things they won’t do, but it was fun planning it. Hannah had honestly no idea it is two weeks left; she thought it was three or four weeks left.

There are a lot of things left to do before the filming. They will go through a clothing fitting, decision of hair changes, they need to practice the two songs more, next week they will record more songs for the album … Hannah thinks she has brought up the important things. Most of all, she does not feel ready for a comeback.

SNSD has just made their comeback; Hannah remembers it when Carolina comes inside after being gone for a while, the mascot of their team asking if they watched their friends on Music Bank. She is just questioned of where she has been, more interested in that than watching SNSD’s comeback – though all of them sit down later to look through the comeback performance. Carolina looks guilty when being questioned of her where bounds, but as soon as Maria enters the room everyone turns to her.

“We were in the studio…” Maria looks weirdly at the dancers and members attacking her. “We were recording a song, weirdoes.”

“A duet,” Carolina whispers.

“What?” Julia and Emelia ask at once.

“A pretty ballad for the album, Yoo Young Jin made it,” Carolina says in a dreamy voice.

A dancer grimaces when turning away, making Hannah giggle lightly. Carolina has a crush at the song-writer/producer Yoo Young Jin, always wanting to work with him and sending him demos in hope he will give her praise and say they have the same style. He has never done that, but it doesn’t stop Carolina from continuing what she does.

With all five ladies there, they continue with the practice of the new song, growing serious when staring at their mirror reflections, trying to make sure everyone move in synch. Synch is important for this team, as they all can imagine this performance, how the dark stage sparkles with lamps during the chorus when 5 Pieces and their female dancers are moving. If you move in synch, the whole thing looks 100% better.

A few hours of practicing that song before the dancers head home and 5 Pieces’ spend the first three hours of the new day they are all practicing for the concert tomorrow.

5 Pieces head home, sleep for a few hours and return to the practice-room.

Only drinking yoghurt for breakfast, Hannah walks to the recording studio while the others are eating breakfast. Park Hyekyung is waiting for her, looking like he has spent the whole night there wearing a hood sweater to cover his messy hair.

“Good morning,” Hannah lowers her head politely, seeing that Pete is there too; both of them looks like they have been up all night working again.

“Good morning, magnae, are you ready to burst some powerful vocals?” Pete jokes this early in the morning and Hannah forces to smile in response.

The ladies are recording their own “teaser” for the album comeback. Hannah’s is a powerful vocal version of [I Want A Man], not really much at all other than a lot of ‘yeah’ and attitude. Hannah has spent the morning warming up her voice and going through the lyrics with her members, having them helping her out with it so she comes prepared to the recording.

Though she is prepared, she is not in the mood. The song is not right for her; it feels like she is singing out to someone she doesn’t have, singing *a real man* and all that. Park Hyekyung knows everything, he knows they have broken up; he knows it all as if he has been with them the whole time, and he doesn’t ask questions while working. It feels good, yet Hannah is worried that if they take a break he or Pete will just mention anything that will put her on the edge. Therefore she asks them to just get on with it, she sings and sings and she gets a rougher voice for the recording and she sings it all over again. She loves the song, it could become a great teaser, she even likes her own voice when listening through what they have recorded, but she just can’t express it to Hyekyung and Pete. Even if she knows she comes off cold, she hopes they will think she is just focused on finishing this so she can go join her members at practice; if they even have started practicing.

“Are you satisfied with that?” Hyekyung wants to know when they have listened through the result after two and a half hour recording.

Hannah nods, but Hyekyung still says he will send it to her so she can listen through it later. She nods again, knowing she will let the ladies say what is good and what need to re-record later. She goes over to the door, saying her goodbye to the studio duo while slowly opening the door.

“Make sure to get some rest, Hannah. You look gloomier than ever,” Pete comments in a light tone to her and Hannah gives another bow before getting out of the studio.

The door closes after her and she slowly starts walking down the stairs next too, sighing loudly now that she has left them. Her own voice still echoes in her head from the recording, how she really pulled it from her toes through her body to get out a voice good enough for the tough sound. She walks along the wall, slowly heading down the stairs as if she is counting seconds before taking another step, leaning against the wall as if she is dragging herself down to practice, not having any energy because no matter how much she focuses on practice she keeps going back into thinking of Him. She isn’t feeling well, and she only has herself to blame. She sigh again remembering Jonghyun from when they met in Japan, his harsh voice and his angry stare, how much she wanted things to be different between them, how much she still wants their lives to be different. If she was Korean or if the life of an idol wasn’t so strict and living within such a small box… She can come up with a lot of excuses, but in the end she just blames herself because she misses him. His concert is tonight, and she hasn’t even wished him good luck.

She should hate herself and she knows her own members are disappointed in her too. Emelia understands her, surprisingly, but somehow Hannah still thinks she has let them all down – why wouldn’t she? She is gloomy and distant and they know the reason for it, and they know she put herself in this situation. Jonghyun was right; she shouldn’t pity herself since she was the one putting he rself here to begin with.

With a sigh she takes another step down the stairs.

As if her world has slowed down, she looks up as if she is in a movie – in slow-motion seeing the ghost leaning against the railing for the stairs, how he is leaning back coolly with his hands in his pockets, the sleeveless shirt revealing his muscular arms and a face so perfect that she almost looses her breath.

Hannah stops her steps, even if it could be imagination she just wants to look at him, and even if it is reality he is as still as her slow-motion reaction that she can’t care for anything else. She loves the shape of his face so much, and she knows that the song she just recorded is really about him. When he look at me I get that feeling, the way he bites together so you can see his jaw look stricter. But he looks so sad, so serious, she can only stare back at him, unable to blink in fear he will disappear.

She knows he is real when he moves his arm, and she is so sure he can see how she takes notice of it because for the second she looks at him move, she looks back up to meet his eyes, and something has changed. She blinks and all of a sudden he is in front of her, his movements of a ghost; his hand grabs a hold of her chin and before she knows it he is kissing her. It’s hard, he presses her up against the wall and while she just wants to let out all her emotions through tears that he is actually there she finds herself kissing him back just as hard as he is kissing her. He holds on to her body with one hand, holding on to her face with the other as if making sure she is not in a million gasps can try to break them apart, and Hannah wraps her arms around his neck to keep having his lips on hers, feeling the kiss going through her whole body. Jonghyun kisses her so harshly that she only can give him entrance and hold on to the back of his head, she can’t help but to press him to her, wanting more – needing more.

As hard as they kiss, as hard as they hold on to each other, that is how hard she forgets the past weeks. She wants to forget the world, forget everything around them and everything that she has said, she just wants to keep his lips on hers, forcefully kissing her as if he tries to tell her so much with his lips without actually saying anything.

Heavily breathing he pulls away from her, staring directly at her when she opens her eyes and she is more out of breath from looking at him than the harsh kissing. He puts both hands on her face, making her wonder if she is crying or not seeing him this close. She doesn’t want him to disappear; she wants to keep dreaming like this with him closely in front of her. She frowns when feeling his thumb touch her lip, wet from his; she frowns because of his face-expression. Yet she is standing frozen against the wall, only blinking at him and frowning.

“Now … I feel relaxed,” Jonghyun tells her, and the hint of a broken smile reaches the corner of his mouth before the space between them gets wider.

He walks away, leaving Hannah by the wall staring after him. She breathes out, almost scoffing when he is gone. Unbelievable, she thinks, glancing out in the air with a gape, her jaw dropped. He was here, wasn’t he? All of a sudden she is certain she was daydreaming, it feels so unreal, yet she can feel the lingering touch of his hands on her face and his lips on hers…

Without knowing where she is going, Hannah enters the practice-room where her members and some dancers are warming up their bodies while chatting in low voices. As soon as Hannah walks in, Emelia is next to her and Maria is hurrying up on her feet, and both of them looking at Hannah as if she shouldn’t be there.

“Did you get my text?” Maria asks.

“Did you meet him?” Emelia wants to know.

“What?” Hannah looks like she just woke up, making Maria sigh and pull her along to the side.

“Jonghyun came over, asking if you were here. You didn’t meet him?”

“I did…” Hannah mumbles, looking down as she realises it must have been real – but it doesn’t make any sense. Emelia can see how she is thinking, how a frown is stuck in her forehead.

“So…?” Maria is eager to know. “What did he want?”

Hannah’s frown has grown when she looks at her two friends, she think her head is spinning with too many thoughts. “He kissed me?”

Maria raises her eyebrows and takes a step back with a hand dramatically on her hip, looking like a true diva when she asks ‘you say he did what?’ in a light tone. “You say he came all the way to the agency to kiss you?”

It wasn’t really a normal kiss, Hannah thinks for herself, remembering how rough he was, how deep the kiss was…

“Oh jeez, Hannah,” Emelia rolls her eyes, probably seeing how lost in thought Hannah is.

But Hannah can’t help it. What happened just a few minutes ago would be the perfect daydream, but if it actually did happen – what does it mean? She just can’t grasp that it wasn’t just her imagination, even trying to remember if it was something absolutely different that happened but she daydreamed to what she thinks happened. It’s so weird, the way her mind works, and even when trying she can’t get out a full sentence to her two curious friends other than saying it is all too confusing. If Hannah is confused, Maria tells her that the ladies are also confused – Jonghyun came to the agency before going to rehearsals for his concert d-day, just to kiss Hannah? What about that makes any sense? Sure, maybe it would make sense if they were still together (a good-luck kiss maybe?), but they aren’t together, and Hannah keeps hearing his voice say that he is relaxed after the kiss. What does anything of this means?

Though she is confused, she doesn’t text him to get answers. Though she is confused, she somehow manages to turn the focus on their practice. Just a little, but in the evening she definitely has her focus on one thing.

International Women’s Day fits 5 Pieces’ comeback concept perfectly. Their songs are about girls’ power; what would be a better fit than this? The ladies say during the day when getting the mood in the practice-room that it is sad their comeback isn’t this day; that would definitely have been something, but since the comeback isn’t until the end of next month or the beginning of May, the ladies focuses on preparing for tonight’s performance at the foundation concert – a charity concert to make awareness of Women’s Rights and to help women gain confidence in themselves to not think they are lower than men. The ladies like the things they do; they go against bullying in Japan and show a lot of support to women in the world with not just this performance but with their comeback. Hannah is back at work now, yet each time she thinks of Jonghyun she now thinks of their encounter in the stairs, almost getting dizzy remembering how rough the kiss was.

5 Pieces get dressed in matching clothes, wearing a black/white banded-hem colour-block knit dress to their own pair of pants – ripped jeans, skinny jeans, leggings, faux-leather leggings and black ripped skinny jeans. To the high heels the ladies look like the charismatic group they have the image of being, not the kind of women you mess around with – definitely not on International Women’s Day.

It’s an evening performance, an outdoor performance too to let the thousand of people fit to watch the concert. Some older singers are performing too, but as seen on the posters and promotions of this event, 5 Pieces seem to be the biggest highlight of the day.

5 Pieces will perform without any dancers, and they are ready for it when they are backstage waiting to go up. They are always ready to stand up for women, no matter what situation it seem to be, but today is the ultimate day to show themselves as artists – not as idols just showing up to be pretty but as artists showing they have a voice in this too – and when 5 Pieces first walks up on the stage, thousand of people (old and young, both men and women) are screaming and waving hands, balloons, colours in the air. The ladies stand in a line, a microphone stand in front of them, and Hannah can feel her insides just bubbling in excitement when looking at her microphone, the music begins to play at the same time as Emelia starts to sing for [I’m Over You] – from their January single, the song Hannah wrote the lyrics to.

A lot of teenagers are singing along, maybe those in their twenties and thirties too, but 5 Pieces stay focused to sing the song correctly. Emelia does her part, the crowd singing the same parts that the other ladies fill out on. It’s a great opener for 5 Pieces; you can really see that the ladies enjoy singing in Korean, in Korea, for a crowd enjoying their stage.

Hannah begins singing the song after Emelia;

*We were, for some time

The best; thought I had on my mind

[Julia] No flaws, no lies

Boy, I, must have been out of my mind*

[Emelia] *Now when I think of the time, when I

Almost lost it

[Maria] You showed me the right side and I,

I saw the real you*

[Carolina] *Thank you for doing it

And thank I dodged your bullet

I’m so over you

Take a good look at me now~~*

[CHORUS, Hannah] *I pushed you away!

I’m so over you, yes!

‘Cause honestly you wanted me to be your (dumb girl that you changed)

I know I’m now the bad girl (bad girl that you can’t change)

And I’ll never be the (dumb girl that you changed)

OOH yeah, I bet that you want me it hurts right now~~*

[Hannah] *It’s sad… You’re hurt…

Bu-hu, though, do you expect me to care?

[Emelia] You should, have seen, your tears!

To see the damage I’ve done*

[Julia] *To think that there was a time, when I

Almost lost it

You showed me the right side and yes

I saw the real you*

[Hannah] *Thank you for doing it

And thank I dodged your bullet

I’m so over you,

Take a good look at me now~~*

[CHORUS, Carolina] *I pushed you away!

I’m so over you, yes!

‘Cause honestly you wanted me to be your (dumb girl that you changed)

I know I’m now the bad girl (bad girl that you can’t change)

Mm and I’ll never be the (dumb girl that you changed)

OOH baby I bet that you~want me it hurts right now~~*

[Julia] *I know you want me back…

You better face the fact

That I’m the one who got away,

[Maria] Who knows, another day,

Another place, another time, another world, another life

Thank you for making it easy to say goodbye*

[CHORUS, Hannah] *I’m glad I pushed you awa-ay!

I’m so over you, yes!

‘Cause honestly you wanted me to be your (dumb girl that you changed)

Oh I know I’m now the bad girl (bad girl that you can’t change)

And I’ll never be the (dumb girl that you changed)

OOH Dumb girl that you changed!*

[CHORUS, Maria] *You still want me so bad!!

I’m so over you, yes!

You’re sad I was never your (dumb girl that you changed)

Oh I know I’m the bad girl! (bad girl that you can’t change)

Oooh! And I’ll never be the (dumb girl that you changed)

OOH baby, I bet that you want me it hurts right now~~~~~ Oh…*

*You ask me ‘who’s that’, ask me about that

You ask me ‘who’s that’, ask me about that

([Emelia] I bet that you want me it hurts right now)

You ask me ‘who’s that’, ask me about that

You want me it hurts right now

You ask me ‘who’s that’, ask me about that

I’m so over you right now*

After the first song they do their introductions and talk a little about this event; Maria and Carolina talks the most. What Hannah appreciates at times like this is that she doesn’t have to talk in Korea. During their promotions in Japan, when going to the schools to talk about bullying, it was Hannah and Emelia who did the talking; now she just stands there and nods to agree to whatever her members says and smiles at every cheer they receive.

Maria is a great speaker, she can go on and on about human rights, women’s rights, equality, feminism, women’s day but at the event she just says when she has been told to say and she speaks with such passion that she receives more and more cheers just because of that.

They perform the Korean version of [Face Me] after that, lip-synching as they do know the choreography but aren’t completely perfect on the lyrics – the crowd don’t seem to mind, still cheering over the choreography that the ladies pull off in high heels. Right after they dances to Rihanna’s [Breaking Dishes], charismatic and tough, maybe even threatening in the choreography but it looks really cool and the kids in the crowd are just gaping at them. At that point, Hannah’s feet are hurting – she knows all of their feet are hurting – but they continue to dance as if there is nothing hurting. To have your feet hurt is pretty much a daily thing with this kind of work.

The ladies say a few more things (it takes about a minute), before thanking the crowd for coming and for being invited and all that, saying their goodbyes. The stage goes dark, as if their time there has ended, and the crowd sounds disappointed right away.

Carolina starts to sing to a low background music, the intro for [Girls Power] that no one but they know at this place. Vocally she sounds amazing; the dark stage shows teases of 5 Pieces spreading out at the edges of the stage to reach as many as possible in the audience. Carolina is in the focus as she sings in a low voice;

*In this not so friendly world,

That is waiting outside

So baby, me and my girls, are giving you a chance

SHOW A LITTLE SKIN, to put you in a DAZE



Instruments adds dramatically in between the last English parts, and when she ends with GIRLS POWER the whole place goes dark just to shine up and let fireworks and spotlights on to the chorus of 5 Pieces’ [Daze]. People will probably think it is a new remix with that beginning, maybe to promote Women’s Day and [Daze] together, not knowing it is a teaser for 5 Pieces’ comeback. The whole crowd start roaring out as if it was 5 Pieces’ concert, the love for [Daze] is amazing and 5 Pieces are dancing like crazy, moving wilder to not feel the pain in their feet from the high heels. This song they do live, opening with a live performance and ending with a live performance, the whole concert ending perfectly for the ladies.

[CHORUS] *I’M IN A DAZE (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)

I am beautiful, I am different; I am no one else but me (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)

This amazing person, like no one else, there is no one like me (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)



[Carolina] Women!*

[Maria] *When I WAKE UP in the morning – See myself in the mirror

I can only see the faults in my face – The difference from me to you*

[Carolina] *People are living their lives in routines. I don’t judge, I just walk my own way*

[Hannah] *The eyes looking at me – When I walk down the street, the judging eyes

I get scared to stand out – To show that I am not like you*

[Carolina] *I hide in the shadows – Like most others, and I am about to burst*

[5 Pieces] *Living in a world filled with love and hate, judgement of strangers – How to stand it? How to survive this?*

[CHORUS, Maria] *I’M IN A DAZE (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)

I am beautiful, I am different; I am no one else but me (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)

This amazing person, like no one else, there is no one like me (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)


[Carolina] *I pass a LONELY BOY on the street

He might be seen as shy – He maybe isn’t like you*

[Julia] *But I know, to show that you – Aren’t like everyone else, you are different*

[Maria] *Endless judgement from strangers – From people around me and you*

[Hannah] *These words I have kept hearing – BREAKING and CRUSHING*


STOP for a second,*

“Women! Aren’t we dazzling?” Emelia shouts out her part, giving off a smirk to be just as dazzling as she shouts for everyone.

[Carolina] *Don’t listen, show them the confidence – This is who we are (SHOW ME)*

[5 Pieces] *Living in a world filled with love and hate, judgement of strangers – How to stand it? How to survive this?*

[CHORUS, Maria] *I’M IN A DAZE (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)

I am beautiful, I am different; I am no one else but me (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)

This amazing person, like no one else, there is no one like me (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)


[Julia] *How come everyone is crying? I hear you complain,

I keep hearing what’s wrong – [Carolina] All this useless complaining*

[RAP, Emelia] * It’s my life! Mind your own! I run away, I cry myself to sleep. Where am I going? I have no idea, I want to leave, I want to run

Where should I be? I don’t fit around here. These people keeps giving me judging glares, I can’t stand it. no one is perfect, there is no such thing as perfection*

[RAP, Hannah] *Broken glass can’t be fixed, the cracks will always be seen, never disappear – I don’t want to be here anymore*

[CHORUS, Maria] *YOU’RE IN A DAZE (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)

You are beautiful, you are different; you are no one else but you (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)

This amazing person, like no one else, there is no one like you (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)


*([5 Pieces] Living in a world filled with love and hate) [RAP, Emelia] I look at this world with new eyes,

(Judgement of strangers) Such beauty I never seen before

(How to stand it? How to survive this?) Individuality is seen in whoever I meet

All the crowded streets, showing me their daze*

[CHORUS, 5 Pieces] *I’M IN A DAZE (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)

([Maria] Can’t break me down~)

I am beautiful, I am different; I am no one else but me (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)

([Maria] I am~~)

This amazing person, like no one else, there is no one like me (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)*

[CHORUS, 5 Pieces] *YOU’RE IN A DAZE (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)

([Hannah] Aaaaaah~~)

You are beautiful, you are different; you are no one else but you (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)

This amazing person, like no one else, there is no one like you (Da – da – da – da – da – da – da - daze)


[Carolina] *In my daze*

With a picture of 5 Pieces rocking that stage with [Daze], Hannah shares on her Instagram account afterwards; {Women around the world should know there is no limit to what we can do. Women and men, men and women – we are equal. Thank you Women’s Day 2014 Foundation for inviting us, we had fun!}

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

“You’re seriously not going?”

Hannah looks up from a file folder filled with pictures lying on her bed, seeing Maria standing by the door in to her bedroom a day after Women’s Day. Maria is casually dressed in boyfriend jeans and t-shirt under a long cardigan, her hair put up in a bun. Hannah has just gotten out of the shower, after planning to shower for as long as possible to show that she is not going to SHINee’s concert once their practice had ended; she is now wearing pyjamas pants and a sweater, her hair still wet.

“I’m not going,” she coolly answers and turns back to the pictures. “Have fun.”

“Even Kyung Ho is going,” Maria tells her, still trying to convince her to go.

“Give him a hug from me,” Hannah simply answers.

“You can hug him yourself if you come along.”

“Maria!” Emelia’s voice echoes from downstairs. “Come on or we’ll be late!”

Maria sighs at Hannah. “Give a call if you change your mind; we’ll pick you up right away,” Maria says before finally leaving.

Hannah has no plans at all to call them, she is as stubborn as a child; she is not going. She don’t even know if Jonghyun cares if she comes or not, maybe he is happier if she doesn’t go; maybe no one will notice she won’t be there, with all the other members going and Kyung Ho going too. And honestly, she is a little scared after what happened yesterday with the sudden kiss – did it even happen? – she is too confused with that. Hannah’s plan instead is to stay at home to look through these pictures that she has in the file; hair decisions for their comeback. She has told her stylist that she will indeed change her hair this round; the stylists had come with a lot of suggestions, but no one wants her to dye her hair red, the one colour that Hannah has wanted to try for months.

She looks through the file filled with different kind of hair colours and styles; she wants to keep the length and style in her hair, but the colour is something she wants to change. After six years in Korea, she has stuck to pretty much the same hair-colour, and maybe she should get out of her blonde-image. One particular style catches her eyes in the pictures; pastel. Pastel hair is something that none of the ladies have tried before, and she sends a text message to their stylist wondering if it would fit her. She was told to text the stylist if she had any questions, so she does. She even looks up a lot of different colours and how to dye it; Google is her best friend tonight. The pictures look great, the hair colours maybe or maybe not might fit on Hannah but it surely matches the models in the pictures, making her want to try it too. About the red hair … maybe she can go there one day, but for this comeback she should go with what she is allowed to do. She hopes fans will like her changing her hair colour; a lot of her fans have said they like her blonde hair.

“Ryo!” Hannah calls out lightly when hearing paws coming up to the second floor. “Michin?”

The paws hurries and stops right outside her door, Hannah looks down to see Michin stand there and wave his tail happily that someone is home. She can hear someone else come running up the stairs too; while Michin gets help up on Hannah’s bed, Ryo happily comes inside the room too. Suddenly none of them is so lonely anymore, the two puppies lies down in the bed with Hannah. Michin is really weird, walking up to lie on the pillow, while Ryo is satisfied lying by Hannah’s arm as close as possible. She receives a text message while the puppies are lying down, reaching to her cell phone hoping she can try the pastel hair, but seeing it is Jonghyun who has texted her she just swallows nervously. It’s the first time he texts her in three weeks.

Jonghyun: ‘have you told Kyung Ho about us…?

Ouch. Hannah hesitates to answer him, not really sure what to write and with minutes of going through what to write she sends ‘He doesn’t know, we haven’t had the chance to talk…

Jonghyun: ‘Are we telling him tonight…?

Hannah: ‘I’m not coming tonight. Sorry. Decide if you want to tell him, would be glad if you didn’t… He wouldn’t like it, I think.

Jonghyun: ‘Hm… okay :/ The ladies just came, you’re not with them, so I came to that conclusion. I’ll make sure no one slips, don’t worry.

Could it be more awkward than that? Hannah stares at the text messages, reading through them and then lies her head down on the file to look at Ryo lying next to her.

For someone who did not want to go to the concert, Hannah spends an hour being updated online to pictures and whatnot written and said about SHINee World 3. After an hour she just decides to go to sleep, giving up completely when crawling in under her quilt with the puppies not moving an inch other than waving their tails. She can’t get rid of the headache she has gotten; she can’t sleep, wondering if she will ever be comfortable like this. It is not the status of being single; it is the status of not being with Jonghyun.

She lies there until her members come home, hearing them talk and be in great moods and Ryo hurries out of the bed to go greet them while Michin is too lazy it get up, just lying there waiting for them to come to him. Hannah doesn’t move either, lying with her back facing the door and just staring at Michin lying on her other pillow with paws stretching up in the air; she is listening to the others, hearing them talk and where they are walking, hearing Maria’s voice clearly with the others through the open door to her bedroom.

Emelia comes up first, already undressing to change into cosy clothes while peeking inside Hannah’s bedroom.

“Hello, baby, sleeping already? The concert was great; it was very shiny like they always are,” Emelia says and walks inside the room to lean over Hannah and cuddle with Michin lying on the inside. “Kyung Ho had a blast too, in case you didn’t see his text message – he was upset you didn’t answer it.”

“I didn’t know he sent one,” Hannah mumbles and turns to hide her face in the pillow.

Emelia smirks. “And Taemin was upset too that you didn’t show. Guess you wouldn’t know that either-”

“I’m trying to sleep,” Hannah mutters in the pillow.

“Fine, fine, cry-baby,” Emelia rolls her eyes and picks Michin up to go out the room. “Maria might fall asleep in the sofa; don’t wake her if she does. I’m going to bed; don’t you dare wake me. See you in the morning.”

Emelia leaves and Hannah breathes out against the pillow, moving when reaching for her cell phone.

For the next two hours she can hear the ladies one by one go to bed, not once does Hannah leave hers or get up to close her door, both Julia and Carolina drops by her door to talk to her (Carolina thinks Hannah is sleeping so she doesn’t say anything, while Julia just says ‘goodnight’) and it seems like Maria did fall asleep downstairs in the sofa watching TV because she is the only one not coming upstairs. Hannah still can’t sleep. She cries quietly, she toss and turns annoyingly, she stares blankly, she even starts stretching in bed in hope it will make her tired but nothing works, she can’t fall asleep.

Just when she is about to run out of bed in the annoyance, she receives a text message. A part of her thinks it is Emelia complaining at her for not sleeping (the magical powers of Emelia is endless), another part always wishes it will be Jonghyun but it is a long shot on that, other than the fact that it is Jonghyun who has sent her a message. Short and simple; ‘I can’t sleep’.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 07th: Emelia Gets Her Own Instagram After Sharing Photos On The Other Members Accounts


Headline 08th: 5 Pieces Look Confident & Strong Performing At ‘Women’s Day 2014 Foundation Concert’ In Seoul

Headline 08th: European News Channels Says 5 Pieces Brings Thousand Of People To Support Women’s Rights Through Charity Performance In Seoul


Headline 09th: Kim Kyung Ho Gets A Bike Surprise In Tonight’s Episode Of ‘좋은 자매 (Good Sister)’

Headline 09th: 5 Pieces & Kim Kyung Ho Attends SHINee World Concert In Seoul To Support Fellow SM Artist

Headline 09th: Maria Is A Shawol With Her Members & Kyung Ho On Instagram During SHINee’s Concert

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 81: Yo, it's almost time for going back to school
Could you keep uploading a chapter twice a week please?
Chapter 81: thank you for the updates.

have a nice holiday author-nim :)

figthing! ^^
I know that it's early but Merry Christmas
Could you upload this story with more chapters please
It's Christmas break!
Chapter 79: Aren't you uploading the lyrics too?
Chapter 78: All cause of me, I requested them
Chapter 74: oh! I thought this was completed already as it says earlier that it was completed... hahhahaa anyways fighting!
atowah #7
Chapter 73: Wow wonderful story ♡
I like this idea it is amazing ;)
Fighting ♥
Thank you for this such great story... I really enjoyed reading it... :)
Could you continue updating this story please, pretty please!!!
Chapter 69: another update! :) and I must say every update is worth waiting for... keep it up! fighting! :)