Chapter 51 – Insane

Youngest of Pieces: Five Years in History (9)

As soon as little Kyung Ho is off to school, Hannah falls back down under the quilt in her bedroom. She falls asleep right away. The breakfast that she and Kyung Ho prepared waits on the kitchen worktop, hidden and put away from the pets (like a cat called Ace) and waiting for the ladies to wake up to eat it up, Kyung Ho had even written a cute note telling them to ‘eat it all up!’.

At nine, Emelia wakes up. She is the first one awake and she gets dressed and ready before stepping out her bedroom, too aware of the cameras and she is smiling so brightly when seeing the breakfast is taken care of. Just like Kyung Ho, she turns on the TV before heading inside the kitchen to put some breakfast on a plate to enjoy, and then sits by the TV watching re-runs of Korean dramas and American criminal series. Julia comes after half an hour, eating breakfast, chatting with Emelia and gets dressed before taking the two puppies to head out (Julia is meeting up with f(x)’s Amber to just hang out, having the kids come along – the puppies). Hannah wakes up when Julia is leaving, hearing her call on the puppies and walking outside her room, but she stays in bed just a little longer, checking her cell phone and trying to get the energy to take on the day.

Eventually she gets out of bed, putting on pants this time and head down to notice only one lady being there.

“This episode is really good,” Emelia says, now watching Sons of Anarchy.

“Never seen,” Hannah says in a voice barely heard from being hoarse. She knows Emelia likes the series, but Hannah only knows it is about a motorcycle gang and that the main character is kind of y in a bad boy style. Hannah sits down in a sofa, still feeling half-asleep and is hurting, and she has no idea of what the series is about yet Emelia is telling her about it in a very laid back style, explaining even if she knows Hannah won’t remember it. Even without looking Emelia knows Hannah has the blank face-expression of someone who is still sleeping, which Hannah tends to have every morning for about an hour or so.

“When is Appa coming?” Emelia asks right after a book falls in the floor above them – Maria must be wakening up. She glances at Hannah to see the youngest shrug her shoulder, still spacing out at the TV. Emelia chuckles; Hannah looks really cute when she just has woken up, like a little child too tired to keep her eyes open. “Julia ran off to not have to help out with the bike; I suggest you start with the bike early to not have to panic when he finish school.”

Hannah sighs and lies down in the sofa, looking over at Emelia watching the TV. “You’re still helping me?” she quietly asks, hopeful.

“Of course,” Emelia laughs, “you think I would let you ruin the little boy’s first bike? I know you’re good, Hannah, but you have never put together a bike before.”

“Have you?” Hannah wonders.

Emelia shrugs her shoulders, “We got a manual, don’t we?  And I used to work with cars, so putting together a bike should be easy,” Emelia answers with confident. Hannah knows that when Emelia was a kid, she was always in the garage with her father when she wasn’t busy being at the horse riding school. All until Hannah joined in and the blonde girl became the centre of Emelia’s free time. Hannah smiles at the memories of the two childhood friends walking around by old American cars and Emelia tried to teach Hannah how to see the differences of what year they were made. Hannah was taught it over and over every year because American cars are used during the summer; they don’t do well on the snow. It was times, two little girls among loud cars, pretending to be in their own Fast & Furious movie.

Maria wakes up, Manager Lim comes, and Hannah is sitting in her pyjamas with her manager and Emelia starting to create a bike from the parts in the box they told Kyung Ho yesterday has a dead body in it.

“It’s a good thing I brought my glasses,” Manager Lim sighs, reading the manual for the seventh time. Hannah has looked at it a few times too, but by now given up as her Korean is not good enough to read instructions and Emelia is more going for the free touch by guessing where the parts are going. Maria is sitting in the sofa, continuing to watch Sons of Anarchy on TV while judging their work.

“It’s a good thing the manual isn’t in Swedish,” Maria says from the sofa, “Because if Hannah understood what it stood on those papers, you all would have to deal with her confidence of knowing what she is doing.”

“Yeah, the boy would never get a bike if that was the case,” Emelia adds while Hannah just rolls her eyes at them. They are taking the chance to make fun of her now when she isn’t whining or complaining back; because of . Emelia chuckles at Hannah’s face-expression that Maria can’t see and Manager Lim tells them to be nice to each other, adding that he has found the next part. “I could probably do this with my eyes closed, you know.”

“I don’t want to find out,” Manager Lim answers and they laugh at his sudden joke. He surely knows how to be around the ladies.


Manager Lim and Hannah pick Kyung Ho up when he finishes school. She looks energetic now, excited and nervous, wearing a white zebra print t-shirt and black skinny jeans under a warm winter jacket. Kyung Ho is in his school uniform when happily getting in the car, right away asking if the ladies enjoyed the breakfast.

“It was delicious – I got some too,” Manager Lim smiles widely from behind the steering-wheel.

“Did you try the sandwich?” Kyung Ho asks the manager. “I made that. Hannah did most of the other things…”

“The ham sandwich was delicious,” Manager Lim answers.

They talk about school and the breakfast a bit more before Kyung Ho is curious to what they are going to do now, heading home. Hannah says they are going to do his homework, and Kyung Ho is fast to whine and say he doesn’t have any homework, and Hannah laughs as she is just joking with him – for the filming, she talks, even if hurts. She is not as hoarse as she was this morning but it still hurts to talk. Manager Lim knows that, therefore he talks more in the car than he usually does, just to fill out Hannah’s part as she still has the filming until tomorrow to do and since he is the father figure of 5 Pieces, the TV program will not cut off him completely. By Kyung Ho still wanting to know what they will do, Hannah just smiles at him, making him suspicious.

“It’s a surprise,” she answers.

“You don’t like surprises,” Kyung Ho grimaces.

“I like giving you surprises,” Hannah giggles, then clears from the pain. At least if he likes the surprise but usually Hannah’s surprises are gifts of toy cars or things from abroad. Kyung Ho looks suspicious though, even leaning forward to try seeing her face, frowning – he is such a cute kid. “What are you trying with, Kyung Ho? Just wait and you’ll see what it is.”

“It’s not a gift, is it? Is it a party? For what? Is it a new car, because the other one stopped working?” Kyung Ho starts guessing – toy car. Manager Lim starts laughing at the front.

“I guess you’re not good with surprises either, after all,” Manager Lim tells the boy. “Hannah is just the same; she can’t handle the idea of not knowing what’s coming.”

“So what is it?” Kyung Ho asks the manager instead, “You know, don’t you, Appa?”

“Don’t ask him,” Hannah laughs and hits him lightly on the leg, “Wait and see, okay?”

Kyung Ho pouts at her, Hannah grimaces back like siblings fooling around and Kyung Ho starts to laugh at it. He hits her on the arm, lightly, but drops the subject to quietly sit and wait for them to reach the apartment. Hannah is looking at him when they reach the apartment, waiting for it and smiling. They come home, enters the apartment building and Hannah can’t stop smiling when they are in the elevator. Manager Lim shakes his head at how obvious she is, the cameras following them capture it all and Kyung Ho just looking excited for what the surprise could be.

They ring the doorbell before heading inside, and they can hear from the hall someone rushing through the apartment. Kyung Ho is in a hurry to get inside, not knowing what to expect, and Hannah walks right behind him.

Inside the hall, the apartment’s middle leading to the living-room, hall, offices and stairs, Maria, Emelia and Carolina are standing, shouting SURPRISE and moving aside for Kyung Ho to see the bike they have gotten for him – Emelia has even tried it to make sure it won’t fall apart.

“A BIKE?!” Kyung Ho shouts in delight and laughs when running up to it, sitting on it right away.

“You like it?” Hannah asks.


Maria is laughing and applauding for his reaction and Emelia says they worked all day to get the bike ready. He can’t close his mouth, he gapes at the bike and is jumping in excitement, hugging all of them (even poor Carolina who is so awkward around him, and who woke up when the bike was done). He keeps saying that he has never had a bike before and that it is really cool and so on, making everyone smile around him.

“Should we go out a try it?” Emelia has no patience now, smiling when Kyung Ho looks at them in surprise.

“I can’t ride a bike…”

His comment makes them laugh and Hannah wraps her arms around him. Maria laughs loudly, saying “You thought we got you a bike to stare at it? You got some badass bikers right here with you; we’ll teach you.”

“You will?” Kyung Ho stares up at Hannah, not hearing Emelia tells Maria that she make it sound like a motorcycle they are going to teach him ride. He looks so surprised, Kyung Ho.

“Ready?” Hannah asks him. Kyung Ho nods and Maria puts a helmet on his head, saying “protection first” and they then hurry to the hall with the bike. Carolina stays inside, Maria has to do the laundry, but Emelia comes along and their manager helps them take down the bike.

Emelia’s teaching method is simple, she tells him; “Hold this, sit there, keep your feet moving for movement and steer” so it is great that Hannah is there as she stands behind the bike and holds on to it for Kyung Ho to be able to keep the balance. Kyung Ho is eager and excited, and he is almost falling each time his feet leaves the ground because he is kind of like jumping off the ground each time and the ladies keeps laughing at his eagerness. But what do you expect from a nine-years-old boy who never have ride a bike before? It’s hilarious and entertaining trying to teach him to ride a bike, and they are outside for an hour teaching him – he does improve, Hannah can even let go of him for a little. Amber and Julia shows up too with the puppies, suddenly walking up to them at the park they are practicing at.

“Look whose here!” Emelia cheers, waving at the puppies and Amber.

“Wazzup, ladies!” Amber raises a hand for Emelia when coming closer. “Hello, big boy. How’s it going?”

“They got me a bike,” Kyung Ho brightly answers, completely tired from learning to ride the bike for so long, but he still has the energy to keep trying.

“I can see that,” Amber smiles, “You look cool on it.”

Hannah smiles at them all, glad they make the boy happy by giving him this much attention. He can need it. Amber and Julia stay outside with them, the puppies having fun playing outside too. When heading back inside, Amber heads off and the ladies goes inside to prepare dinner; Kyung Ho is loud when they are inside, so excited about the bike and he is explaining the feeling and how it was for Maria who wasn’t outside.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

The next day after finishing filming, 5 Pieces are at the agency to start off their dance practice for their comeback. Though Hannah arrives, prepared to hear the complaints about [Girls Power] being too y for them while practicing, she just groans and sighs and whines when they are told they are learning the choreography for a new song.

“I thought this was going to be kind of like … our repackage album track or something,” Maria comments while warming up in the practice-room.

“It’s the main track, apparently,” Julia mentions. They are still clueless about the songs they have recorded for the comeback, not knowing if this or that will be important to remember or if everything will just be thrown aside and they will have to do new things.

[POWER UP] is a dance-pop song with the same origins as [Girls Power] and [I Want A Man], a thrown-back-in-time track with instruments like saxophone, trombone and trumpet and it has this fun beat that makes the ladies wants to dance – beside from that they don’t know how many songs they have to learn for this comeback. It is a great song, as soon as they start learning the choreography it seems amazing, and it isn’t that overly y style they have with [Girls Power] so the ladies are definitely more into this new song if you compare. After a few hours, 5 Pieces have stopped the complaints and are focused practicing the choreography with the American choreographers they worked with a few months back. They have worked hard, they have worked on [Girls Power], [I Want A Man] and now [GIRLS POWER], including helping out with the choreography for SNSD’s up-coming comeback.

For the next up-coming days, 5 Pieces will be in the practice-room for this, practicing and practicing. The whole day they do that, practicing and going through the basics for the choreography. It’s tiring. Hannah’s voice is still hoarse; she can’t eat correctly because it hurts badly so she eats a lot of yoghurt instead and the energy she had when filming the TV show with Kyung Ho is like wiped away after spending the day in the practice-room.

Hannah looks at the clock on the wall when they are wrapping up for the day. It’s midnight.

“Home to sleep,” Maria says with a smile when seeing Hannah look at what time it is. The leader stretches her arms up, yawning tiredly.

“Jonghyun wants to meet,” Hannah mutters, looking down at the cell phone in her hands. He has asked her half the day if they can meet.

By the tone Hannah uses when saying those words, Maria looks questioning at her. “Are you two fighting again…?” the leader wonders, putting her hands on her hips as if accusing Hannah that they definitely should not be fighting.

“It’s not that…” Hannah mumbles, pouting. “It’s about the articles that came out today, about me.”

Maria sighs. Media never seem to leave Hannah alone, continuing saying that the couple is breaking up and getting back together and now they couldn’t help founding fan-taken pictures of when 5 Pieces arrived at the agency this morning, now saying that Hannah is skinnier than ever (which is true) because of the rumours going on (half-true) and that some source is saying Hannah is unable to eat (not true) and that has ended with that in real life her boyfriend is constantly texting her wanting to meet (she knows he wants to confirm these rumours, the pictures of his skinny girlfriend).

“But you are skinny.”

Both Hannah and Maria turn around to give Emelia a glare, and the rapper just opens her arms to widen her eyes at them.

“What? We talked about it in Japan; we can’t talk about it when Jonghyun notices it?” Emelia asks.

“I’m not skinny,” Hannah says. She has never looked this skinny before and she definitely has lost weight, so for fans comparing her from a few years ago it is probably a shock seeing then-and-now but Hannah is just waiting for to get better and she will start eating all the things she needs instead of yoghurt. Hannah doesn’t like that each time an article comes up saying fans are worried about her health, Jonghyun starts texting her twice as much. He is obvious, and straight forward so no matter how many times Hannah tells him to not care about it, he doesn’t give up.

At Hannah’s words, Emelia rolls her eyes and even Maria tries to invisibly shake her head. Hannah sees them both, pouting at her members being on the same page as her boyfriend – as always when it comes to her weight.

“I don’t know if I want to meet him,” Hannah tells Maria when they are leaving the practice-room.

“Because you know you will fight again?”

Hannah nods, though she doesn’t like the word ‘again’ at the end of her question. “He only wants to meet to see how I look. I don’t want that. I want to see him, but not if he just will look at me and say I should eat more.”

“I know what you mean; you get enough of that with us,” Maria nods, like always understanding everything Hannah says and the youngest just nods, looking with pleading eyes at the leader. “But see it like this too, baby; since last time you two saw each other it has been a bunch of idiotic rumours going on and off, and he knows how you handle stress and worries… It’s for a reason, and you know it, which is why you get upset and that’s where the fight starts.”

“It’s not my fault.”

“It’s that annoying love you have for each other, I know,” Maria nods. Hannah isn’t sure if the leader is making fun of them now, by saying their love is the issue of their fights, yet somehow that is the truth too. Maria gives her a smile, without actually saying anything she tells the youngest to see her boyfriend – Hannah is kind of aware of that she misses him so much that the ladies get irritated.

Hannah gives him a text, saying she is on her way home but will wait up if he wants to meet – asking what he had in mind to do. His radio show has started, so the ladies listen to it in the van heading home; Emelia says it makes her sleepy while Hannah is having her eyes closed and just listening to the voice talking, reading and joking between the songs played.

Coming home she showers and puts on boyfriend jeans and a sweater, waiting for Jonghyun’s radio to end and he will come pick her up. She sighs a lot, drinks for and even Carolina can see she is nervous to meet her boyfriend after all these rumours and things going on. She looks at her cell phone, peeks up at the clock on the wall, sighing and doing it over again.

“Oh come on, Hannah, it’s been two weeks, you look like you are seeing him after two years,” Emelia complains.

“Shut up, EM,” Maria mutters.

They are sitting in the living-room, watching TV before they will go to bed. Julia is in the shower. His radio show has ended by now, and Hannah is just waiting for the signal to go out. With Emelia starting to sigh as soon as Hannah sigh, the youngest gives up and says she will go out and wait. She grabs a cap and fingerless mitts in hand before heading out, sneakers on, and she keeps sighing when walking down the stairs, slowly, slowly walking down. She is not in the mood now when she has been thinking of all possible scenarios of how badly this can begin, and with her current mood she isn’t sure she will make it better either.

Hannah is standing outside the door to the building, leaning against the cold glass and pouting for herself. She has her cell phone in her hand, waiting for a text to say he is a few minutes away, but the minute’s passes without a text message. She sighs again and starts to shake her legs to stay warm in the chilly February air, getting frustrated at all the articles spreading lies and making her look like some cheating girlfriend. A car drives up in front of her, and with one glance she is prepared to just look away from a stranger, but the white car is too familiar that she looks up again. Jonghyun.

She glances around before sitting down at the passenger-seat, so nervous that her eyes are watering.

“I was just about to text you,” Jonghyun’s warm voice greets her, and he reaches out a hand to take hers, “You okay?”

Hannah nods, looking at the hand holding hers before bringing it up to kiss the back of his hand.

“You sure?” Jonghyun asks.

“My throat hurts,” Hannah answers, smiling up at him. It feels weird, he looks at her with his big brown eyes and he has the most handsome face with a worried expression, it is so familiar that she just wants to cry and hug him that he is there, but it’s weird that all she can think about is that he dates an actress, she dates whoever she talks to, that she met up with One Direction to “move on” and whatever it is. It’s annoying.

“Let’s go for a ride,” Jonghyun suggests, his fingers touches her chin before taking the wheel.

She sighs, continuing to look at him when they drive away, and at every chance he glances back at her. He doesn’t talk, for once staying quiet. She wonders if he notices that she has lost weight, like her fans noticed it and how her stylist had noticed it, wondering if he is going to bring it up or if he will let it go and at the same time she is just breathing in the scent of him, looking at his features and not understanding why media keeps interfering all the time.

They are quiet for a long time, not even the radio is on. She wants to know what is on his mind when he drives, what he thinks of when he take glances of her, of what his silence means…

“I saw the teaser for your Japanese song,” Jonghyun starts to say, this time not glancing at her. “It looks like a fun song.”

“It is,” Hannah whispers, clearing to repeat it as her hoarse voice made her unsure he heard it. “We start promoting in Japan at the end of the month.”

Jonghyun nods. It’s still weird, like something is between them. Hannah turns to look out the window when she knows what it is; they are both thinking of the same things, none of them talking about it but wanting to, not sure how the other one will react. Is he worried they will fight? Is he thinking of the rumours or is this all about her weight? They don’t say anything more, his attempt to loosen the air between them and start a conversation failed, and they both sighs again.

The car stops at the side of the road, outside SHINee’s apartment, and Hannah looks from the street to her boyfriend with a questioning look. The street is empty; no wonder, it’s almost three in the morning.

Jonghyun breathes out heavily when turning the engine off, his hands still on the steering-wheel. “Do you want to take a walk?” he asks, staring at his hands gripping the wheel. Hannah takes a deep breath and says ‘sure’ before heading out the car, Jonghyun waits a few seconds before getting out too. Hannah stays on the side of the road, waiting for him to let her know which way they take

He is wearing worn-out jeans, a checker shirt tied around the waist, a jacket that he puts his hands in the pockets on and a black cap. He looks really nice, walking up to Hannah in his boy walk and lowering the cap while his tongue goes to the corner of his mouth. Hannah just looks at him coming closer to her, he touches her arm with his elbow for them to start walking, and the silence continues.

The talkative boyfriend is quiet. Is he tired? Did he really just want to meet her, just to meet her or … what is it?

“Don’t pout.”

Hannah frowns and pouts more at his short command. Jonghyun sighs and moves an arm around her shoulders.

“I’m serious, don’t pout,” Jonghyun repeats, hugging her shoulders, sounding like he is serious too.

“I’ll pout if I want to,” she mutters, though she hadn’t even known she was pouting at first. Jonghyun sounds annoyed at her answer. “What? What does it matter if I pout or not, is it a crime or something?”

“Don’t snap at me,” he whispers, a warning under his tone.

“Then what do you want, Jonghyun?” Hannah whispers back, frowning at the pain in . Their eyes meet and she steps away from him, taking down his arm. “You want to take a walk quietly next to each other? What for? For someone to see that we are still together? What difference does it make, really, do you think, Jonghyun?”

“I’m gaining courage, okay?” Jonghyun hisses in a low voice, grabbing her arm to keep walking. “I didn’t want to walk outside your apartment because I know paparazzi are there, and I’m gaining the courage to talk to you Hannah because you are the perfect example of bursting out with overreactions.”

“It has taken twenty minutes for you to even open your mouth, what courage is needed to talk to me?” Hannah mutters angrily.

“You know what it’s about.”

She gives him a glare. “Which part?”

“All of it,” Jonghyun sighs, shifting his cap a bit. “Did you know that Jaejoong Hyung texted me?”

Hannah looks down; Kim Jaejoong had texted her too, apologizing if he caused problem with the articles coming out about the two of them dating, she do know he had texted Jonghyun too about it.

“I saw the pictures of you too,” Jonghyun adds.

“The ones of me and Jaejoong? You know what that is about. We were taking a picture when some fan took that-”

“Not that ones. With 1D.”

“That’s not fair,” Hannah leans away from him, feeling something piercing in her chest at that.

“What’s not fair is that articles say we have broken up and you go to the hotel room for a private party with the biggest boy band of the century,” Jonghyun coldly answers. “There’s a lot of going on, Hannah. I am hated on the radio because people have started to think I am treating you badly, you hang out with handsome guys across the globe where I can’t see or show them that you are not available no matter what people say. And then you’re not eating again? What are we going to do, Hannah?”

“You make it sound like I did something wrong?” Hannah gapes at him.

“Oh, so you did think it was a great idea to party it up with 1D when media was saying all the things about us?”

“It’s not like I went there alone!”

“Carolina was sleeping the whole time,” Jonghyun reminds her. “You could have done the same.”

“Carolina was sick the whole time,” Hannah reminds him. “And I didn’t know what I walked in on at first, I just wanted to hang out with my sisters.”

“But instead you got a drink in hand, hot guys sitting next to you…”

Hannah breathes out from her nose in annoyance and fastens her footsteps. “What’s the problem, Jonghyun? I talked to an engaged idol and a childish playboy, you think something happened just because I was drinking? Is it just your reputation you’re thinking about, maybe? Because I hang out with world stars during a short trip to Paris, you think I end up doing idiotic things?”

“I don’t know what you do!”

“How can you say that?”

“Because last time you went partying around idols abroad without me around you ended up kissing our best friend, that’s why,” Jonghyun answers dryly.

Speechless, she stops her steps and turns to stare at him, completely blank to what he just brought up. Jonghyun comes up to where she stands; keeping a distance and his chest is rising when looking at her. Hannah looks away first, turning around and puts her hands to her face, pressing her temples when trying to hold her tears. He thinks of that, even after everything that has happened since? Is that what he thinks she does each time she goes abroad or what?

“For the media all of this is a game. They make money from what sells, and now it is the two of us, rumours and speculations,” Jonghyun says behind her, his voice still dry, “For me it’s not a game, Hannah. I have told you that I want to get married, I want to have a future with you.”

Hannah turns around with big eyes. “Why are you bringing up marriage?!” she bursts out.

“Because,” Jonghyun says and steps up to her, taking a hold of her face and moves so close that their caps are about to fall off, “because you can’t seem to realise just how naïve you are with your presence around people. I love you so damn much, yet you go around saying you are doing fine while you are not even eating so something is clearly bothering you and I hate the fact that Kibum went around saying just how much Maria boasted of how good-looking those guys in 1D are and how crazy it was partying with them-”

“That is Maria’s words.”

“But how do you think it feels for me to hear it like that, not hearing it from you?”

“You thought I was cheating on you,” Hannah whispers, lightly taking away his hands to keep walking, Jonghyun walks up next to her.

“No. I was terrified you got too drunk and they would take advantage of you. I know you say the ladies take care of you, I don’t doubt that, but with alcohol… you ladies are as secure as drunken teenagers.”

“Have you ever seen yourself drunk?” Hannah asks him.

“I’m still serious, Hannah.”

“And I’m serious too,” she mutters. She can’t drop the thought of what he said, bringing up Honggi into this again. “You don’t trust me at all, do you?”

“It’s not about that-”

“Then what is it about? You freak out each time you hear I am around guys, you’re like the media thinking I am dating whoever I’m talking to and even if you say you love me, it doesn’t matter if you think I kiss each guy I see around the corner-”

“I don’t think that, that’s insane.”

“It sounds like it,” Hannah mumbles.

“Hannah,” Jonghyun breathes.

She turns around to stare at him, opening to say something but shakes her head and keeps walking.

“Everything’s insane, Hannah,” he says, hurrying next to her. “Hannah, I trust you. I do. Don’t compare me with the media, I’m not like that.”

“You’re mad at me for everything, Jonghyun. If I meet a friend, you get angry at that. If I loose weight, you get angry at that. If I don’t have a nice voice talking to you even if I’m hoarse, you get angry.”

“You forget the details, Hannah.”

“Fine. One Direction invited 5 Pieces to their hotel room because we have been compared to them for some time, we hanged out, drank a little and danced. Five guys and four girls in one room; one of the girls has a boyfriend, the other three are single. Out of those four girls, you think those five guys – three of them have a girlfriend themselves, leaving only two guys single – they would choose to try hit on the only one not interested? Is that details enough for you, Jonghyun? You need more? Maybe the fact that you have known me for almost six years- Oh, wait, you don’t trust me because you know me, right?”

“Stop it.”

“You stop it,” Hannah gives him a glare, having him return it. “Yes, I have made mistakes but I have never done the same mistake twice.” She sighs at him. “I’m tired of this, Jonghyun. I keep repeating myself, you keep repeating yourself. There hasn’t been a difference, all we do is watched and turned around by people, and no matter how crazy I am about you it drives me tired to know that  sooner or later you will complain about something I have or something you imagine I have done-”

“Don’t,” Jonghyun breathes. She looks at him because of that voice. Jonghyun is making a face, shaking it at her. “Don’t go there, Nabi.”

“You started it.”

“No,” he points at her, “I want you to know that I hate finding out about you meeting top male stars through the internet. I want you to let me know-”

“I’m not your sister, Jonghyun!” Hannah tells him loudly; as loudly as her hoarse voice can handle, almost hitting her hands in the air out of frustration. “I can’t handle being told what to do and tell you every detail of my social life just because you don’t trust me. I don’t do that to you.”

“I’m not asking you to give me details-”

“That’s exactly what you do.”

“Shut up and let me finish talking,” Jonghyun grits his teeth at her, Hannah staring him in the face for being told what to do. “We know there is a difference in the way we grew up, our cultures are so different. I have done my best, I love that you are strong, you know I do. I love that you are naïve too. But at times, the difference that you can’t realise that the things I say are because I care for you and not because you are a woman; that really goes on my nerves. I know you are a woman, Hannah, heck, you are a goddess in my eyes but you can’t get it that when I get angry at you, I get angry at me. I get angry at the world and at the idiots out there, and that I am terrified that you one day will be too naïve to not see when the wrong man gets too close to you and you will be too blind to even see it. I worry about you, Hannah, because I want to be next to you all the time. You get angry at me for caring. Why? Why can’t I care for you, and show that I care for you?”

“It’s always the same things, Jonghyun,” Hannah sighs, shaking her head.

“You don’t answer me,” he says, feeling raindrops starting to fall.

“What do you think I should say? Yes, we have a culture difference and yes, I am a woman who is too aware of how women are treated in this world and I am not one of them.”

“You know I don’t treat you that.”

The thing is; he doesn’t. But he gets angry at Hannah and she has to defend herself. Hannah is so focused on being equals that as soon as Jonghyun says anything about rumours or of her meeting up with male celebrities, she automatically see it as if he thinks she has no say if a man approaches her the wrong way. With Hannah’s hesitation to say anything back, the rain starts falling. Hard raindrops because of the weather and Jonghyun grab Hannah’s hand to go back.

“Wait,” Hannah pulls him back. They are both wearing caps so the rain doesn’t do anything on their faces, but with the rain falling faster and harder Hannah can feel it go through her sweater. She holds on tightly to his hand. “I was never mad at you, Jonghyun.”

He takes his free hand up to her cheek, cold and wet from the rain.

“Let’s get inside.”

They hurry inside, hand in hand running in the rain and Hannah holds on to her cap to not loose it, suddenly laughing because the rain is falling hard and she is completely wet; she can see Jonghyun’s shoes splash water when running. Jonghyun laughs when hearing her hoarse voice. She is about to run to the car, but Jonghyun runs to the door to SHINee’s apartment, pulling her along. Getting to the door she pushes herself against his back to not stand in the rain and Jonghyun laughs when putting an arm around her to push her around to stand in front of him, both of them laughing. Jonghyun pulls up the door next to them; with an arm around Hannah’s waist he takes her inside. With his hand holding her back, she puts her arms around his neck to take off his dropping wet cap.

“Everyone’s in Japan,” Jonghyun tells hers, turning them around to walk next to each other. He takes her cap and shakes it off with a smile at her. “We can imagine the rain has washed away our worries for these past two weeks.”

She smiles back while pulling down the zipper to his jacket, “And get you out of the wet clothes,” she adds. Jonghyun growls in his throat, kissing her on the lips with her laughing. They get in the elevator, just standing there next to each other, hand in hand, waiting to get inside an empty apartment. Hannah knows that Jonghyun is heading to Japan in the morning, to join s now that his radio is done for the next 24-hours. Hannah glances at Jonghyun when they get out of the elevator, smiling when he does.

“I don’t like fighting with you,” Hannah whispers.

Jonghyun smirks, kissing her hand while opening the door to the apartment. “I like fighting with you at times.”

“That frustration, right?” Hannah sighs at him, remembering a past make out session.

He laughs, a low chuckle getting louder, a y laugh. He opens the door while laughing, his arm around Hannah’s waist when taking her inside. “ual frustration,” he nods with a smile before kissing her, holding her close to him. “You’re completely wet.”

“You too,” Hannah giggles, pulling the jacket off his shoulders, kicking her shoes off and backing inside the apartment, smiling at him.

Jonghyun bites his lip, throwing his shoes off to follow her inside and when stepping up to her he throws his t-shirt off too, the couple smiling at each other when heading inside the bedroom he shares with Taemin. He grabs a hold on Hannah’s waist when she is inside the room, directing her to his bed and his foot kicks the door closed just a little behind them before pulling off Hannah’s wet sweater and lying down.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 06th: 5 Pieces Joins The Japanese Anti-Bullying Movement PICTURE With Messages, Posters & Commercials

Headline 06th: Child-Actor Kim Kyung Ho & 5 Pieces Snaps A Picture For Instagram While Filming For ‘Good Sister’


Headline 07th: 5 Pieces’ 6th Japanese Single Is Teased With [Let’s Go!] PV Teaser 1

Headline 07th: 5 Pieces’ Hannah Seen Skinnier Than Ever Outside SM Entertainment’s Building, Fans Worried About Her Health

Headline 07th: Sources Says Hannah Is Unable To Eat Because Of Recent Rumours About Her & Jonghyun

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 81: Yo, it's almost time for going back to school
Could you keep uploading a chapter twice a week please?
Chapter 81: thank you for the updates.

have a nice holiday author-nim :)

figthing! ^^
I know that it's early but Merry Christmas
Could you upload this story with more chapters please
It's Christmas break!
Chapter 79: Aren't you uploading the lyrics too?
Chapter 78: All cause of me, I requested them
Chapter 74: oh! I thought this was completed already as it says earlier that it was completed... hahhahaa anyways fighting!
atowah #7
Chapter 73: Wow wonderful story ♡
I like this idea it is amazing ;)
Fighting ♥
Thank you for this such great story... I really enjoyed reading it... :)
Could you continue updating this story please, pretty please!!!
Chapter 69: another update! :) and I must say every update is worth waiting for... keep it up! fighting! :)