Chapter 49 – Face Me

Youngest of Pieces: Five Years in History (9)

The words Hannah have said today the most above anything else is “I do not want to talk about it”. Her members have talked about the rumours online, asking Hannah how she feels and if she will talk to Jonghyun and why she won’t talk to him and Hannah keeps repeating “I do not want to talk about it”. When she woke up this morning she was upset that there were so many articles online supporting these rumours of Hannah and Jonghyun breaking up and that he has moved on to an actress, and she was upset that even with all these articles going on, Jonghyun hasn’t contacted her.

“Why hasn’t he called?” Hannah whispers to Julia when they are walking around backstage to the Norwegian-Swedish talk show Skavlan.

“Maybe he waits for you to call,” Julia shrugs her shoulder.

Hannah sighs, knowing Jonghyun always calls her first when it is something.

She is nervous for this TV appearance because it is a very popular talk show where all kind of celebrities show up from American icons to European sportsmen to amazing people with difficult pasts, and now 5 Pieces will make an appearance too – she can not think about rumours on the internet. The whole show opens with 5 Pieces’ performance of [(Dare to) Face Me], then there are two guests being interviewed and now 5 Pieces are about to make their appearance to do their interview. They have fixed their make-up, are wearing their [Face Me] outfits and they have put the tiny microphones on their collars so when standing behind the set, they all get quiet to wait for their turn. Hannah is upset, yes, for the rumours, but she tries to focus on work as their schedule is wild. The host of the program is a Norwegian journalist, he seems very nice but with this program being a mix of Norway-Sweden, the two languages are mixed. Hannah understands nothing of Norwegian, but with almost gone they have already decided to not make her talk a lot so she feel like safe today.

“Next guest is one of the world’s most fascinating artists at this very moment. They were undercover in Sweden as high school students for three years while they at the same time grew as the leading part of a strong pop culture in Asia, and last year they went beyond imaginations with the world’s favourite song [Daze] – here is 5 Pieces,” the host says to the camera before the audience and guests and the host starts clapping their hands as five ladies come out on set walking through the little corridor between the two audience-sections.

There are usually a total of four-five guests at each episode of this show, and with 5 Pieces having exactly five members it means the formal chair set-up is changed with a sofa on one side where 5 Pieces take their seats after shaking hands with the host and two other guests sitting on the host’s other side. Hannah is wearing leggings, a blue/white skirt looking like a plaid shirt with the sleeves in a knot at the front and a white sweater with 3/4-sleeves and 5 Pieces’ logo at the front, sitting down in the middle with Emelia on her right and Carolina on her left and the host sitting on their left next to Maria.

“Your clothes are very … you all seem to come from the street. Do you always focus a lot on wearing matching outfits?” the host’s starts off with a hand politely moving towards the members’ matching street clothes in white and blue and black.

“When we work, we usually have a concept. For [Face Me] we have a street-kind-of look, so all members wear matching clothes for that. At times we wear the same clothes for performances but tiny details are different for each member; yeah, we always focus on wearing matching outfits when we work,” Emelia answers in Swedish.

“Another Swedish artist, who is very popular as a rock-artist in Japan, said when he was here that it is very different to be on programs here and there. He said they shout a lot in Japan and that it is very hectic?” the host asks, his eyes meet Hannah but she looks at Emelia who coolly answers;

“In Japan, it could be. They usually have live shows in Japan, so you need to talk fast and keep it short for them to fit in all the things they want to talk about.”

“In Korea, one show can take the whole day to film and then just one hour of it is aired,” Carolina adds with the ladies nodding, “Which means you need to try be funny and talk a lot during that filming to try get at least a bit of your part air on the broadcast.”

“Isn’t it difficult to adapt to all the differences?” the host asks, sounding deeply interested.

Hannah takes a glance at the audience, her fingers fiddling on the bracelets she wears and she glances at Julia sitting furthest away from the host before her eyes meet Emelia’s – the rapper is the one answering the question. “At first when we started to promote in Japan after being in Korea for so long, we just went with the flow actually. We couldn’t really speak the language so we just rushed here and there and did our best and then went back to Korea to calm down before going to Japan again and be all confused again.”

The two guests laugh with the audience at Emelia’s way to say it, at how she says ‘be all confused again’.

“Now we have adapted to it,” Maria adds when noticing the rapper is done, “We work a lot a little here and there, we just do our thing on different levels depending on where we are as we learn how the crowd reacts differently in each country.”

“Is 5 Pieces experts on how to handle the crowd?” the host wonders by Maria’s words. They laugh at this sudden question (Hannah laughs even if she doesn’t really completely understand what he means) and he is fast to add with a laugh, a look at the camera; “Just recently 5 Pieces was compared to One Direction and all of the current pop stars going on world tours. 5 Pieces’ is said to be one of the best live performers and we could see a bit of it just now. Have you always been entertainers?”

Maria glances at her members before answering the question. “Actually… in school, none of us was much of the one grabbing much attention-”

“Maria was an entertainer when she wanted to,” Hannah is fast to add and Maria smiles at her before looking at the host.

“None of us was popular in school, and when we first went to Korea we had never been standing on a stage before so everything we did, was new for us. As soon as we started to perform as a group, each time we were on the stage we could just see the expectations of the crowd and we wanted to please them all. I mean … we have been doing this for almost six years now, so I think it is taken that we should learn how to entertain a certain audience,” Maria says and she says the final sentence with a face-expression to the host meaning six years is a long time.

“Six years as 5 Pieces… That’s actually quite a long time.”

“It is, isn’t it?” Maria grimaces, causing laughter. “But it doesn’t feel like it. When we last year celebrated five years we were so … we felt weird because five years sounds like a long time and we have really done a lot of things, but it doesn’t feel like five years.”

“But about your live performances – you are really great performers – and how was it being compared to One Direction recently?”

“Honestly…” Maria starts and glances at her members again, the others laughs because it looks like she is going to say something bad, “I mean, One Direction are great, they are really charming. But I don’t really understand the comparisons. We are a dancing-singing girl-group, while they are a singing boy-band-”

“Yet your voices are better than them during live performances,” the host comments and everyone laughs. “5 Pieces both sing and dance, and your concert lasted for three hours I heard, yet you performed so amazingly.”

“Practice,” Maria calmly nods with a smile. “In Korea the pressure on idol-groups is so different from how it is in other countries. You are expected to perform live perfectly fine while dancing, and though you never get it perfectly fine you still learn how to do it better and better.”

The host looks down at his paper before saying; “Yohio in Japan is popular because he dresses like a girl- Are you popular for dressing like boys?”

Hannah can’t help but to giggle with the ladies, but these are like such simple questions that they just smile and answers.

“We don’t dress like boys,” Maria is smiling widely; “we just don’t dress traditional for girls. In Japan specifically, girls are supposed to be cute and quiet and wear dresses and skirts, so when we first moved to the Japanese market we kind of went for that concept but … yeah, we had our doubts showing our real image but there are surprisingly a lot of fans in Japan who like a more charismatic style on us. We have had a charismatic and boyish style, but we make it suit us and since concepts in Korea and Japan are so extreme, we kind of went for it.”

“The concepts are extreme there?”

“Yeah, you know… um…” Maria glances at her members again, not really sure how to explain it.

“You commented on our outfits,” Emelia starts to explain, “this is a street-look, it is very basic. For music videos all around the world, artists go for a specific concept. The concepts in Korea are pretty much … for each album and single, you need something to stand out. As a group, you wear matching outfits and you go wearing complete red outfits, or if you have the concept to look charismatic you wear super dark make-up and black outfits and on shows you change the way you talk just to fit this whole new concept.”

“Your song [Daze] has that kind of concept, right? You became big in the whole world with this song. You had this image the whole time in Asia or how did you do?”

“Our image in Korea since the beginning was to be different than other girl-groups who went for the cute and innocent images, as we took on this charismatic image and our songs were really… You could say we took on the image of a boy-group, and some people liked it because we are girls. In Korea that was a rebellious image.”

“And they liked it?”

“Um… they were more focused on that we aren’t Koreans in the beginning, so once that passed by they focused on our music and we got popular as we keep a certain style to sing about.”

“5 Pieces is …” the host looks down at his papers. “You receive a lot of both love and hate for your songs because they express a lot of reality. Your new song [Face Me]… there are a lot of interesting parts in the lyrics. Let me read one out for you … It is the first line, ‘it’s funny how the boys only call me the strange names when they don’t get me. A no is a no, don’t you know’?”

Hannah is nodding automatically, smiling as she really like the lyrics for this song and the other ladies are smiling too. They have heard a lot about the song for these days when promoting the song, and the response is mixed again because some people say it is a bad message while most says it has a great message. The host looks at the girls after reading the line and he mentions that the song seems to be receiving a lot of love from girls and especially with a lot of talk about and feminism and so on, not really asking a question but the ladies are nodding.

“We worked with Melissa Allen on this song, and I think we connected a lot because we have a lot of things in common when it comes to empowering other people through music,” Maria says. This is a topic she feels strongly for. “Our style has always been to try give confidence to those who needs it, and [Face Me] I think it more to say that girls should not be treated differently.”

“Have you ever had the need to say those words in real life? ‘A no is a no’?”

“I have been called many things, we all have, because we have this boyish image and a lot of people don’t like to hear women telling women to be confident, while when a man tells a woman to be confident he receives praise,” Maria answers and she just keeps talking even if the audience is applauding her. “I have been told many times to just be quiet because I look prettier that way, then I say no.”

“You speak your mind well then?”

“Definitely,” Maria and Emelia both say together and the guests’ laughs at how confidently they say it.

“What do you do when a man approaches you and says you look pretty?”

“Actually,” Maria says and looks over at Hannah, almost putting a hand on the youngest leg. “Hannah was approached once on the street like that.”

Hannah smiles when the focus only once turns to her, and she clears as she knows this is her cue to say something briefly. “Someone was walking behind me and it was in Sweden before we had gotten this known as today. I was wearing sweats and this guy was saying ‘hi, hello’ to me before coming up next to me. A complete stranger just said that he likes me and would want my number, and it was really weird because he had seen me from behind – all he could see was me looking like a potato bag with blonde hair. For me, that was just … a no.”

“But maybe he really liked you?”

“How can you like someone from behind? He hadn’t seen my face, we hadn’t talked, he didn’t know my name-”

“Hannah called me after that,” Emelia smirks, “and she was shocked when saying what had happened and when I asked her of how she responded to giving him her phone number, Hannah was like … ‘I said he doesn’t know me and that I wasn’t interested!’ but he had continued to say that he likes her and she had ended up saying she has a boyfriend.”

Everyone laughs at her final words and Hannah just hides her face when laughing with her hoarse throat. The host laughs too, asking if she had a boyfriend at that time.

“I didn’t! I lied and said he lived in another city because this guy asked the weirdest questions as if it didn’t matter that I have a boyfriend and it was so creepy that I almost wanted to say I was married or something to get rid of him,” Hannah says, laughing because Emelia is chuckling next to her. Maybe because of the hoarse voice she has.

“Hannah freaks out whenever someone approaches her,” the rapper jokes.

“But we are all very aware of how women can be treated just because men are told when growing up that they are the best,” Maria calmly starts to wrap it up, “Which is why we have decided to put a focus on letting women know that it is nothing wrong with standing up for yourself.”

“For how long are you planning on being 5 Pieces, working as a group in Korea? Any plans of going solo?” the host asks the final question.

“We are actually doing solo promotions on the side a little now and then; most of us have released our own singles and albums in Korea. But… we plan on being 5 Pieces for a very long time. It’s not something we want to end so even if we don’t promote together for a few years in the future, don’t be surprised; we might suddenly make a comeback. But we have only begun it feels like, in our opinion, as we have a lot more to do and learn and there is a lot of passion in the things we do so we don’t think of it coming to an end, rather thinking we are only beginning.”


“He called?” Julia looks surprised when the ladies are done with another loud autograph signing in Sweden.

Hannah nods quietly, looking at her cell phone that had been vibrating in her pocket during the signing; she hadn’t been able to pick up but now sees that it has been Jonghyun calling over and over again. She is just about to call him when their manager says they have no time for that that they have to hurry to the next thing on their schedule if they want to watch a movie tonight. The mention of movie, Maria jumps up next to them and starts talking right away. The ladies had been told that if they are fast with their schedule without being late and all that, they can actually catch the last time at the cinema and watch the movie Maria has wanted to see – Frozen.

“All of us need to have some fun by watching a brilliant Disney movie,” Maria says while hugging their manager’s arm. “I can’t wait to see it.”

Hannah has no interest in the movie at the moment though as she is too busy writing a text to Jonghyun for him to know that she is working and can’t answer. Halfway through the text writing, her phone starts to vibrate and the display shows Jonghyun calling her. Because she was writing, it automatically makes her answer the call. Surprised by it all, Hannah stares up at their manager who is talking to Maria while they all are walking and she puts the phone to her ear with a guilty ‘mm’.

Why didn’t you answer earlier?” the panicked voice of her boyfriend almost yells in her ear.

“I’m working…”

You’re not angry, are you? I have spent the whole day with my family and I didn’t see there were more articles coming out.

“Why would I be angry? It’s not like its true, right?” Hannah says in a low voice, both to not strain her voice and to not let the others take notice. Julia is next to her, knowing she is on the phone, but with Maria and their manager in front of them now they don’t notice it.

Well, actually…

“What?” Hannah knows their relationship is not in a bad state so she does not know what he means with that.

I did meet that actress,” Jonghyun says and he must have somehow imagined her gaping at him because he is fast to say; “On the way to my family, Min Kyung wanted me to drop by a café to meet. I was there for fifteen minutes. Min Kyung was with this actress, we are all of the same age so we talked a bit – all of us.

Davichi’s Min Kyung; Hannah knows they are friends, so she don’t mind that at all. “So…” Hannah breathes, not really sure what to say while blanking out at the walls of the corridor they are walking in.

So I was caught in a picture with her outside the café while Min Kyung went back inside to grab the hat she had forgotten and people think we are dating because of that. I didn’t do anything,” Jonghyun explains. “It’s full of crap, all of this.

“I know,” Hannah mutters, just to grimace when their manager turns around to see her being on the phone. “Jonghyun, I have to go now.”

She hung up before her manager can say anything and she looks down at the floor with a pout when thinking of these rumours. She can’t help but to pout at it, because it seems like every time she is out of the country these kinds of rumours starts. She can never be around Jonghyun while rumours are going on about them and it is really freaking her out.

“Are you mad at him? Did he say something?” Julia wonders as Hannah’s face-expression and the tone she had used showed she was definitely upset. Jonghyun texts her too, asking to make sure she isn’t angry at him for not calling earlier.

“I’m not,” Hannah mutters. She is in a bad mood, but she can’t decide on whom – it could be the media or the actress, or herself, who knows, or even that is hurting.

“Cheer up then, tonight we are resting our voices in the cinema,” Maria cheerfully says to the youngest with a huge smile. Maria loves Disney movies. Their manager grabs Maria’s arm as she is about to walk past the room, and Hannah forces a smile when greeting the people who will interview them this time.

After their schedule ends for the day the ladies to go to the cinema to watch a new Disney movie called Frozen that they have looked forward to see; not all of them goes though. Julia’s mother is with them in the capital of Sweden so Julia decides to spend time with her mother instead, so the other four members go together. Maria and her sister have this habit of posting a picture of their feet put up on the seat in front of theirs with the cinema-screen in front, and Maria forces them all to put a foot next to hers that she can upload on Instagram. They have done it for years though Maria can’t go watch a movie that often.

{Instagram, 5P_PRINCESS: You can’t get too old for Disney, that’s basic knowledge. That’s why we are cuddling together at the cinema in Stockholm to watch Frozen.}

{Instagram, 5P_HANNAH: Nothing beats the silly excitement to see Swedish commercials at the cinema jk //EM}

Hannah had taken the picture of them all trying to push their heads together, including their two managers, but it was Emelia who uploaded it on Instagram when looking at the picture because Hannah turned away to hear what their manager tried to say. Poor managers, they will have to watch an English movie with Swedish subtitles – two languages they are horrible at. But when the movie starts, it is just Carolina shifting place with Maria to be a translator and other than her whispering the others are just laughing and feeling as the movie goes on. It is a great movie!

Like always the captain is right; the movie puts Hannah in much better thoughts and there are parts where she can’t stop giggling with her members. It is not your typical Disney movie, it is about two sisters doing everything for each other and it is adorable that once it ends, Maria can’t stop talking about the message and how amazingly great it was. Emelia’s favourite part was when Anna punched the bad guy at the end, saying it reminds her of Hannah – which made Carolina ask which one of them would be Elsa and of course, Emelia had to add that Carolina was Sven (the reindeer) and it just makes them all laugh. They tell Julia all about it too, though their friend isn’t much for a movie she hasn’t seen.


Day two in Sweden is a photo shoot, a special appearance for fans and also a meeting for 5 Pieces to collaborate with a Swedish clothing brand; they decide on what kind of clothes they want, sorting it out from the brand, and decide on when to do the CF/photo shoot in the future. In the afternoon they take the flight to France, to spend tomorrow (the last day of this promotion week) there.

During the day though, more articles about Hannah and Jonghyun show up. This time they go too far. A picture from a fan taken from when Hannah and Kim Jaejoong had been taking a picture together at the party from before the ladies went to Europe has leaked online and now Hannah is said to choose Jaejoong over Jonghyun. The crazy part is that there is suddenly tons of rumours spreading with just that picture, saying that Hannah was cheating on Jonghyun when getting to know Jaejoong during their drama filming, and Jonghyun is giving back by dating an actress or vice versa, that they broke up a long time ago and are just dating freely or even that they never were together (it was just a PR trick from SM Entertainment) and have just been caught in real-life relationships. Between Hannah and Jonghyun personally there seem to be a small chill because Jonghyun gets upset that Hannah takes a picture and meets up with Kim Jaejoong while he can’t greet an actress. Hannah hadn’t really said anything about him meeting the actress but since was hurting he thought she got really upset at that, which makes them fight just a little – when hanging up, Hannah is sulking quietly for herself, but forces herself to smile again when continuing with their schedule.

As soon as 5 Pieces arrives in France they go to the rehearsals for tomorrow’s European Wide Popular Concert. They are supposed to do it tomorrow but because of other schedules they can’t and gets to do it tonight instead, and after that head to the hotel that is crowded with fans outside.

Hannah and Carolina share room again, and Carolina goes to bed right away. With Hannah having a sore throat, her voice almost gone, Carolina has gotten the rest of the cold with runny nose, sneezing and a light fever but she ends up being tired the whole time. It’s good that Carolina goes to bed early, so she can hopefully feel better tomorrow for their last promotion day.

Hannah has enjoyed the time in Europe, their fans have been so many and amazing that she hasn’t had any trouble smiling once they are facing their fans. The articles and rumours about her puts her in a bad mood, and though others are hearing her hoarse voice the whole time, Hannah isn’t that bothered by it other than when they are singing, and honestly they haven’t performed so much compared to all the interviews and appearances they have made. There is no doubt she loves her job, it is both the best and worst (second worst maybe) thing in her life, but she really can’t wait to go back to the comfortable zone of Korea and Japan. After France they will head straight to Japan to film the promotional video for their up-coming single and then go to Korea to film Good Sister, and those things are comfortable for her. She knows that surrounding, now being in Paris with the beautiful city but stuck inside a hotel room… She loves travelling, but to work abroad like this for seven days is really difficult when you have rumours spreading at home and a sore throat.

With a sigh she lies down in bed after sitting by the laptop for a bit; she has been writing for half an hour before realising she isn’t really writing much at all. Her mind is somewhere else. With a glance at the time she wonders if the other members are still awake, maybe Maria is trying to watch a movie or drama with her eyes shut again.

Thinking for five minutes she ends up leaving a sleeping Carolina to go see if the other members are more awake. Hannah should probably go to bed too but for some reason she is just not ready to go to sleep. What rumours about her will break out in the morning?

She knocks on the hotel room that Maria shares with their manager, because it is the closest. It takes several seconds before Manager Kim opens the door, looking like she was ready for the bed.

“Hi… You want to talk to me or here to see Maria?” the manager wonders.


“She’s a floor up. Apparently, One Direction invited you to their room.”

“…” Hannah looks blankly at her manager, not even sure if she is awake anymore. Her manager nods as if she understands Hannah’s reaction.

“The ladies said you and Carolina are probably already asleep, and that you would need some rest, so they went without you. You are invited though. Maria, Emelia and Julia are there with manager Park, just some drinking and chatting in the hotel room, so … you want me to take you there?”

Hannah is still blinking with a blank face-expression, not really sure if she heard the manager say One Direction or someone else, but ends up walking with her manager. Her manager keeps explaining, and over and over again she keeps repeating One Direction. Somehow it isn’t impossible because One Direction will perform at the concert tomorrow and they are at the same hotel, but … it’s One Direction. Hannah isn’t much of a fan – none of the ladies are – but if you somehow ever have listened to the radio for the past three years, you know about One Direction. Manager Kim had been told what number it is in case Hannah and Carolina would come or if it was something else, but you don’t really need to know the door number to hear where the noise comes from. The whole floor is shut down for One Direction, and the noise comes from only one room. Whoever is in there, Hannah is so happy she did not change from her leggings and long cotton shirt, and she is wearing a zip-up sweatshirt that is longer than the shirt (so cosy). It’s a comfortable outfit but she does not look like she doesn’t care for what she wears.

Manager Kim knocks for some time before the door is opened. And Hannah has to swallow from the nervousness in her whole body at the huge black-dressed man standing before them. Without a word he takes a glance at Hannah before stepping aside, and the familiar voice of Maria is loud in the room when shouting out ‘HANNAH!’

With Maria pointing at the door shouting the name of the lady, a boy jumps up in front of Hannah once she has entered the room (manager Kim is leaving, deciding to go check on Carolina instead). The boy is famous; Hannah recognizes that white/blonde hair styled up, the adorably cute face and skinny body of a member from One Direction. She knows he is from Ireland, but she can’t remember his name.

“Hello!” he shouts to be heard over the music he is bouncing along too. He has a wide mouth when smiling, and his eyes are focused on her face when stretching out his hand, still bouncing so the hair is moving up and down along. “I’m Niall. You’re Anna?”

“Hannah,” she says while repeating his name in her mind, shaking his hand.

“Ah, sorry, I wasn’t sure if it was Hannah or Anna. It’s nice to meet you, Hannah,” he smiles widely and turns around with a hand lightly on her shoulder to point inside the hotel room. “These are my lads. Over there we have some drinks, you want something?”

“Surprise me,” Hannah answers, not shouting as loudly as him and honestly feeling like she is just being pushed inside a party of 5 Pieces and One Direction – she really is being pushed inside a party of 5 Pieces and One Direction.

Niall seem to like her answer, pointing his finger towards her when saying he will give her a tasty surprise before he bounces away and then stops to point over at the sofa for the others to introduce themselves too. Two boys are sitting in the sofa, one raising his hand to wave at Hannah when she walks up to them and she leans down when shaking hand to the unshaved one who wears a blue beanie. He too looks cute, smiling at her when introducing himself with his face next to hers. It’s like half a shake and half a hug, just for them to hear each others in the music. His name is Louis, even if Hannah doesn’t hear that as she is too busy saying her own name at the same time. The one sitting next to Louis is Harry, Hannah knows that because his hair is always the same and he is actually the most handsome among them. He holds out his hand for her to shake and leans forward when not hearing what she says her name is.

“You’re the youngest?” Louis asks Hannah when Niall bounces up to Hannah with a cider bottle – not much for a surprise – and he gives it to her politely before turning around to jump around Maria and the other two One Direction members who are dancing weirdly to the music. For being so few, they all seem to have a blast.

“We’re of the same age,” Hannah answers Louis, seeing Harry move over a bit on the sofa for her to sit. While she had planned on going to greet the others, she doesn’t want to be rude to him moving over so she takes a seat with them. Harry is in the middle, just looking forward while Louis is the one talking to Hannah.

“All of you are 21?” Louis asks and Hannah nods. “Woah, that’s pretty cool. So you were in the same classes too in school?”

Hannah nods. “All of us went to the same school for three years. I was in the same class as Maria and Emelia for … um… seven years.”

“Cool,” Harry nods too.

“What about you?” Hannah asks, looking at them both.

“I’m turning 20 tomorrow,” Harry answers, smiling when Hannah looks shocked at that. “Yeah, February 1st.

“Congratulations,” Hannah tells him. It is in fact February now as it is over midnight.

“And I’m 22,” Louis answers.

“He’s the oldest,” Harry says with a smirk.

Louis nods, as if that isn’t so bad and Hannah just laughs lightly at them. Louis points over at the other members, saying that all of them are born in 1993, which means they are a year younger than 5 Pieces. Just as Hannah wonders if she should start another kind of conversation (seriously, she is chatting with One Direction and she doesn’t know what to talk about not because they are world famous but because they are cute boys), Liam who had been dancing with his arms suddenly takes notice of her sitting in the sofa and hurries over with a hand stretched out. He seems like the manliest of them, like the nice guy in a movie. Hannah smiles widely when he comes up to shake her hand.

After meeting them, Hannah can definitely understand the charm of One Direction. They are five cute boys, 20 years old and they all have the sweetest smiles. Like normal guys in their age they drink a lot, but they are really nice to hang out with. None of them can dance like Maria, but indeed they have fun trying. Its weird how 5 Pieces for the past two weeks have been compared to One Direction, being said their live performances are better and in any possible way giving the boys a reason to dislike the ladies, but instead they invite them to their hotel room for a party. Maria tells Hannah two times and Harry tells her one time too that One Direction’s manager had gone to the ladies’ room and asked if they wanted to come to One Direction’s room for a party, and everyone is laughing when telling that the ladies had said no (because a creepy guy invited them to One Direction’s room, who would believe that?) so Liam and Niall had together gone to invite the ladies anew, and this time the ladies believed it was One Direction because … One Direction invited them.

The party goes on for about two hours after Hannah’s arrival, and that is definitely enough. Hannah admits she gets drunk. They had done different drinking games, laughing and spilling out their drinks, laughing even more and dinking.


In the morning, when Hannah is told by Maria that they had secretly met One Direction for a party, Emelia just laughs at them all. While 5 Pieces thought this was a secret party, they realise when eating breakfast that they personally made it not so secret. Two members of One Direction have Instagram, and both of them had uploaded pictures; pictures of a bottle of alcohol, a picture of his leg with Emelia’s (where they comparing something?) and a picture with some blurry faces next to each other. They had uploaded drunkard pictures. Maria had some pictures too, a little better quality actually most of them, a picture with Niall with them both gaping, a picture with most of the others where they looked pretty lost, a picture that Liam had taken of them sitting in the sofa (Louis and Harry next to each other with Niall standing with one foot on the sofa, his pouting out at Harry and posing as if he is surfing towards the camera, Hannah sits on the other side with a big smile and Maria is standing with her own pose behind them on the sofa) and Julia had taken a picture of just a bunch of movements from when everyone had suddenly jumped up dancing. The ladies’ pictures were more of the kind where they are having a blast, while One Direction’s were obviously drunk ones.

Everyone knows 5 Pieces and One Direction had been drinking in One Direction’s hotel room last night.

“Have you seen this?” croaks Hannah when they are heading to their morning schedule. She shows the tablet she borrowed from Emelia to Julia. Julia is wearing dark sunglasses, looking like she is in pain with the headache from the hangover; Hannah has sunglasses on too, but they are on her head now when they are in the car.

“What is it?” Julia groans.

Hannah’s voice is pretty much gone after drinking; she really does not remembering thinking of her sore throat at all when she was drinking last night. She isn’t even sure if she should regret drinking because she really had fun last night. One Direction maybe are kids, but they are fun to hang around with. With a sigh, Hannah reads out a comment written about her, ‘the player strikes again, three guys in one month, stay out of Korea if you are with 1D’.

“What did you do?” Julia mumbles, taking the tablet to see what this is about. The article is about the party, that 5 Pieces and One Direction were in the same hotel for a concert and had ended up having a party and looking to be best friends and that they are close even if media makes them seem to be rivals and so on. Hannah was in maybe two pictures, but just to have Hannah in the same building as one of the world’s biggest groups… she is suddenly the one cheating with everyone. “That’s nothing to care about. As long as Jonghyun isn’t upset because you went on a private party with One Direction.”

“That’s the thing,” Hannah sighs and takes back the tablet, “he isn’t answering.”

“Maybe he’s sleeping,” Julia shrugs her shoulder.

“It’s in the middle of the day…”

“Maybe he’s angry then.”

Hannah gives out an annoyed groan at Julia’s answer. Is he still angry from last time they talked, or is he actually angry she went on a party with One Direction? It’s not like she did anything. And the one she spoke to the most has a girlfriend. She did text Jonghyun afterwards that she has just met One Direction and that they get drunk very quickly. Hannah is troubled by Jonghyun not answering when she is calling him now in the morning, and when deciding to write him another text message she gets completely still. The text message she thought she had sent … was never sent.

“Oh my god!” Hannah cries out helplessly, feeling a bit dramatic on her own while the others are still half-asleep underneath their make-up.

“What now?” Emelia yawns from the front. “So noisy in the morning isn’t good, Charlie.”

“I never sent the text,” Hannah cries. Her head is beating at her cry but Hannah can’t help but to feel completely horrible. Did Jonghyun find out about it through articles? Because those pictures are definitely drunkard pictures, there can be no good to find out that your girlfriend is hanging out with One Direction without even telling him.

“He’ll understand,” Julia tells Hannah. “Don’t focus on him now; we are going to meet our French fans.”

“Oh, can we eat French fries?” Maria suddenly wakes up, staring at the front. “McDonald’s would be delicious…”


Later in the day when they are at the Wide Popular concert, it is only Hannah who is awkward when they greet One Direction. They all behave like friends, smiling and laughing at each other when passing each other while Hannah is just reminded of that Jonghyun is still not answering. She has called him and texted him all day without a response, the more time passes the worse she feels. Only backstage though. It is like the hangover; once they are in front of fans or cameras or on the stage, everything else disappears and all her focus goes on her voice that is horrible.

The worst part of the day is at the concert they do. 5 Pieces performs five songs, four of their own English tracks – [Face Me], [Black & White], [One and Only], [Daze] – and a cover of Destiny Child’s [Stand up for love]. The cover is beautiful, and on the stage when singing it, 5 Pieces shows off their voices too in a way many doesn’t know. Hannah’s voice is a problem, hoarse and not coming out as beautiful. It’s great that she doesn’t have many parts at all, but the ending is important with high voices and adlibs and power and Hannah’s voice that usually is a key to that power along with Carolina is not there. She doesn’t ruin the song, no, but she could have done thousand times better if she didn’t have a sore throat. Because 5 Pieces are still rookies outside Asia it feels like they have to show themselves in their best conditions – which they aren’t – and that makes her just feel worse towards her members and fans.

It’s not easy to do the adlib in [Daze] either; she cuts it in two halves instead of letting her voice crack.

A great part with this kind of a concert (with so many non k-pop fans) is that Emelia and Maria are the popular members. For [Face Me] at the beginning, Maria receives the best cheers because of her parts in the chorus and adlibs. But 5 Pieces’ fans everywhere are the same; they sing along and do fan chants loudly, making it all worth it.

[(Dare to) Face Me]:


Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ([Emelia] It’s the ladies)

Ha-ha-ha-ha (We’re ready)

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha (5 Pieces) *

[Emelia] *It’s funny how the boys only call me the strange names when they don’t get me,

A no is a no, don’t you know?

[Hannah] Try to hold me without a shame, I move away*

[Carolina] *Hey boy! Now you see that I don’t even need,

Those little tricks you got up your sleeve, try to get me

Now let’s get you talking, baby!*

[Julia] *A pretty little accessory linked on your arm,

Show me off to your friends, aren’t I pretty for sure?*

[Maria] *Hey boy! Don’t you try, try to charm me

Now I dare you, dare you to face me*

[PRE-CHORUS] *(Ha-ha-ha-ha) Hey baby boy,

I’m not a little toy, not your pretty doll (ha-ha-ha-ha-ha)*

[CHORUS, Maria] *I’m telling you this one time,

Don’t you play me, you won’t dare

(Dare to) Dare to face me*

[Carolina] *Hey boy, listen to me!

Independent like me, I don’t need you

I just like playing this game, to see your face

Ha-ha-ha-ha, you won’t dare*

Dance break

[Maria] *Hey boy! You don’t even try to get my hint,

Those little tricks you got up your sleeve, try to chase me

Now let’s get you walking, baby!*

[Julia] *A pretty little accessory linked on your arm,

Show me off to your friends, aren’t I pretty for sure?*

[Hannah] *Hey boy! Stop bragging about what you got

Now I dare you, dare you to face me*

[PRE-CHORUS] *(Ha-ha-ha-ha) Hey baby boy,

I’m not a little toy, not your pretty doll (ha-ha-ha-ha-ha)*

[CHORUS, Maria] *I’m telling you this one time,

Don’t you play me, you won’t dare

([Emelia] Dare to) Dare to face me*

[RAP, Emelia] *Women like us, ha, we know how to do it. Pretty doll, I am for sure, but independent women we are, I teach you;

Flaunt your money, pay my bill and buy me stuff. I don’t need your credit card, not your word (Don’t you dare)

Ha, don’t be silly, I’m not a toy. I don’t need your fancy status, it’s not my style, don’t you dare

Got my own money to spend, don’t try to put me down. I dare you, dare to face me, if you dare, face me*

[Hannah] *Helplessly you expect me to run in your arms,

Ha, you think you got me

[Carolina] I saw right through you, don’t you see?

You got me all wrong*

[PRE-CHORUS] *(Ha-ha-ha-ha) Hey baby boy,

I’m not a little toy, not your pretty doll ([Maria] You have to do much better)


[CHORUS, Carolina] *I’m telling you this one time, ([Maria] If you will dare to face me)

Don’t you play me, you won’t dare (face the truth now)

(Dare to) Dare to face me*

[Maria] *Woah~~*

[PRE-CHORUS] *(Ha-ha-ha-ha) Hey baby boy,

I’m not a little toy, not your pretty doll ([Hannah] Don’t you dare, hey!)


[CHORUS, Maria] *I’m telling you this one time,

Don’t you play me, you won’t dare

If you dare to face me*

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 30th: 5 Pieces Visits The Cinema In Sweden To Watch ‘Frozen’ During Hectic Promotion Schedule


Headline 31st: The Ladies Of 5 Pieces Look Like Classic Fashionistas In February Issue Of Korean Magazine

Headline 31st: 5 Pieces’ Hannah Chooses EX-DBSK Member Over SHINee’s Jonghyun? Rumoured To Be Dating!

Headline 31st: 5 Pieces’ Hannah Has Moved On To Kim Jaejoong According To The Stars Close Friends

Headline 31st: Mischievous 5 Pieces Charms Their Way Through Europe During Promotion Week


Headline 01st: SBS Asked By Media If 5 Pieces ‘(Good Sister)’ Will Continue After Recent Rumours

Headline 01st: SBS Confirms “좋은 자매 ‘Good Sister’ Will Continue As The Recent Rumours Are False”

Headline 01st: One Direction & 5 Pieces Have A Private Party In Hotel Room!

Headline 01st: France Welcomes 5 Pieces With Thousand Of Fans During Each Event

Headline 01st: One Direction Comments On Partying With 5 Pieces “It Was Our First Time Meeting”

Headline 01st: 5 Pieces Show Off Their Power & Songs At ‘European Wide Popular Concert’ Alongside One Direction & More


Headline 02nd: SBS Counts Down 2-Weeks For ‘(Good Sister)’ Starts Airing With Second Teaser

Headline 02nd: Kim Jaejoong & 5 Pieces’ Hannah Said To Have Started Contacting Each Other More After ‘Mr & Miss’

Headline 02nd: SM Entertainment Denies Once Again The Break-Up Between SHINee’s Jonghyun & 5 Pieces’ Hannah

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Hello silent readers, if you are there. Would definitely LOVE to get a word from someone reading this

X. devonalias

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Chapter 81: Yo, it's almost time for going back to school
Could you keep uploading a chapter twice a week please?
Chapter 81: thank you for the updates.

have a nice holiday author-nim :)

figthing! ^^
I know that it's early but Merry Christmas
Could you upload this story with more chapters please
It's Christmas break!
Chapter 79: Aren't you uploading the lyrics too?
Chapter 78: All cause of me, I requested them
Chapter 74: oh! I thought this was completed already as it says earlier that it was completed... hahhahaa anyways fighting!
atowah #7
Chapter 73: Wow wonderful story ♡
I like this idea it is amazing ;)
Fighting ♥
Thank you for this such great story... I really enjoyed reading it... :)
Could you continue updating this story please, pretty please!!!
Chapter 69: another update! :) and I must say every update is worth waiting for... keep it up! fighting! :)