Chapter 39 - It's the New Start

Youngest of Pieces: Five Years in History (9)


- Maria is a beast. She's absolutely flawless

- This is flawless, the best performance 5 Pieces has ever done and this is the most stunning one too, never would we have guessed they would surprise us with a performance of the new song... Damn ladies!


- Not live, right?

- Vocal skills like no one else outside America.

- Holy grandmother that was the peak of the peaks of the universe’s mountains how freaking awesome wasn't that?

- I want a man...

- WTF this is 5 PIECES? like... 5 PIECES???? What... happened? They all look............... different?

- The power of 5 Pieces can never stop amaze me.

- I love how the fact that so many idols were performing tonight but only one got a standing ovation. The audience must have gotten a heart attack from the surprise of so much perfection


- Definitely, after five years in Korea making history, 5 Pieces is now becoming legends. What a performance!



- Its just fantastic what an artist 5 Pieces proves to be when they decide to

- This is kind of like the vocals of America's best female singers put in a one of a kind kpop song, mixed with the style some decades ago. SM, you definitely know how to put the world in 5 Pieces' daze ;)

- I love this! Just the intro, omg my heart is beating like crazy, they start singing and I'm like O_O they let Hannah and Carolina sing together they look absolutely stunning,

- 5 Pieces starts 2014 off strong. How will Korea survive this comeback?

-> How will the world survive this comeback? xD

- OMG I had feared they would like stick to their [Daze] concept just because it got so much recognition in the world (like all other artists always do) but wtf this is like the opposite of that song and its freaking the best kind of song my ears have ever heard and jeez don't get me started on my eyes! I will get all the money I have saved to go get this single!


- They have become women!

- Never expected 5 Pieces to go for this... Not even in the teasers I really believed this would happen but I am at loss of words as I press the replay button to once again be stunned by perfection

- What's wrong with this MV? It has the sound, the vocals, the faces, the outfits, the background, the lights, Kim Kyungho, 5 Pieces, 5 Pieces as blondes, it got glitter and winks, it has Maria's legs, it has ... it has my whole fantasy put in one place O___________O

- Can 2014 start off any better? TT.TT

- Those high notes makes the hair on my body stand. No kpop has ever done that before o.o

- From top to toe, ladies, you're my style!


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How do you usually start the New Year? Say promises that you can’t keep but you repeat them every year anyway and wishes for the people around you to love you even more this year? Do you wish for a better year, perhaps? Everyone tends to promise or wish when they see the fireworks in the sky after the countdown, wanting to turn their heads to the person next to them for a New Year kiss and hope their own heart will not be broken this coming year, a year filled with love and passion.

The youngest member of 5 Pieces has never made a promise at New Year, but she has had many wishes through the years. For 2014, she met the eyes of the four people most important to her and wished their year together will be just as successful as 2013, that their friendship stays strong and that they will have a lot of fun with much less scandals and problems. Her biggest wish just in that moment was to laugh a lot, to make great memories and to live her life the best way possible. The first hours of the New Year was spent celebrating. Hannah can’t remember for how long she was at the after party, and in the morning she has absolutely no idea when she came home or for how long she has been sleeping.

Without a hangover because she for once did not go out to get drunk, Hannah wakes up on January 1st 2014, with a smile on her lips.

Their single and music video is out, and she remembers the excitement from midnight’s performance of [I Want A Man] – the standing ovation that no one in the k-pop history has gotten during a music festival before. She jumps out of bed in excitement, not aware of her hair being a mess when she pulls on some sweats and jogs out of her room. “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” she cheers when running around outside her room, back and forth in the corridor with laughter, all by herself making noise. She sees the room to Emelia’s room is open and rushes inside to shout out for her that their single is out, but stops inside the door.

The room is empty.

Hannah doesn’t even know what time it is; she had woken up with the excitement from when she had gone to bed and just rushed up to tell everyone that it is now 2014 and their single is out. With no Emelia in the bedroom, Hannah turns around and crosses the corridor to peek inside Julia’s room. Julia is still sleeping. With a grimace the youngest head down the stairs, yawning and rubbing her face. The amazingly great mood she had a few seconds ago is slowly fading as she realises no one is around to share it with, the sleepiness enters her mind instead.

The TV is on in the living-room even if no one is there, but there are voices in the kitchen. Ryo comes jogging over the floor as he had heard someone walk down the stairs, his tail waving wildly when walking by Hannah’s feet to be greeted. She just waves her hand, as if he knows that means ‘hi’, and keeps rubbing her eye when looking inside the kitchen with a frown as it is strong lights at this floor. Sitting around the kitchen table are Carolina, Emelia, stylist Mi Young and Manager Lim, three of them looks at her beside from Emelia who is busy looking through the thing that Hannah pretty much only can see. On the chair next to Carolina (that Hannah can’t see because it is the seat furthest away) is a box filled with 5 Pieces’ single, the same thing that Emelia is looking through.

“Good morning,” Manager Lim smiles widely at her, getting up on his feet as he is the one preparing breakfast. “How are you feeling?”

“Is that the single?” Hannah wonders as she sits down on the manager’s seat, eyes all focused on Emelia sitting across the table. Mi Young stretches over to grab a single to Hannah, handing it over while Manager Lim explains that he came with the box containing the singles they will hand out at the stations today.

Hannah can’t even hear his voice as she stares at the front of the single. It’s very simple on the outside, in a light gold colour with 5 Pieces’ faces at the front. In red, engraved text it fancily reads [I Want a Man] above the five blonde-headed girls, looking like they really have been back in time with the hairstyles and make-up, Maria’s red lips stands out a lot while Hannah’s eyes looks blue in the picture (her eyes are blue-green). But they look really classy. She looks at the back of the single, where the ladies are all seen from knee and up, standing closely together, smiling and posing classically. The tracklist is written too, just two songs. She notices that the one she is holding is different from Emelia’s, mostly because the front of the single Emelia has in her hands is shining up with spotlights and 5 Pieces are standing like Dream Girls in golden dresses with mostly just their feminine silhouettes shown as well as the red engraved [I Want a Man] written at the lower part of the picture.

“Why is hers different?” Hannah bluntly wonders, looking over at Manager Lim who seems to be warming up some soup.

“It’s different covers on the singles,” Mi Young answers.

“Three different ones,” Emelia adds and shows hers to Hannah. “The inside is structured the same and looks the same, but the pictures overall are different.”

Hannah opens the single in her hand, spotting the golden CD with a pretty pattern around it while it has the typical words written on it with 5 Pieces, I Want A Man, SM Entertainment and so on. The CD sits on the left side, having the little photo book on the right side. Going through the pictures and the information/lyrics to the songs, Hannah then gets the one Emelia had been looking through to see what difference it is. Most pictures in the book are different, going after different concepts from the video based on the cover. Some pictures are the same, others more unique. While looking through the pictures, Emelia is looking through the third version, looking delighted when seeing that one contains pictures from their [I’m Over You] video, where they had been going against the cold to be out in the snow in dresses.

Their attention is on the singles, but Hannah eventually catches up to that the manager is paying more attention at Carolina.

Carolina hadn’t gone with them to the after party; instead she went home to sleep as she wasn’t feeling well. It isn’t much problem with her voice, but her nose is blocked from the cold and according to the manager, she has a slight fever too. Mi Young looks apologetic when seeing Carolina trying to eat some soup – Mi Young has had the same cold, feeling guilty to let Carolina take it from her.

Hannah is just about to ask if the soup is for everyone or just for the sick one, but just in that moment she can hear the familiar melody of 5 Pieces’ brand new song, playing in the living-room. As soon as Emelia flies up from her seat, Hannah follows. Ryo is in a hurry to run after them, excited that someone is coming or that they are going out or maybe playing, but gets confused when the two girls (Mi Young comes a little slower behind too) stops by the sofa in the living-room, eyes stuck on the TV. Hannah gapes at the TV while Emelia walks over to turn the volume up a bit. A clip of their music video is played, the girls spazzing happily over the long show of their video of Emelia’s part when the girls are doing the dance break, and then cheers some more when their performance from last night shows more of the song. A well-spoken female voice is saying “breaking their charismatic trend with [Daze], international girl-group 5 Pieces has opened up 2014 with a completely brand new concept and image with the release of their third single [I Want a Man]. Fans that were watching MBC Gayo Daejun last night got quite the lovely surprise when 5 Pieces showed up with their new song, which means that in the first hours of the New Year, 5 Pieces has released a music video, a single as well as performed the new song. What’s really fascinating about their comeback is the catchy throw-back track is something no one expected from 5 Pieces, but the more impressed everyone seems to be over this feminine and charming concept that definitely will make 5 Pieces step even higher up on the scale as the best girl-group out there.”

“Her voice is excited,” Mi Young chuckles.

Hannah smiles at the stylist’s words, sitting down in the sofa without breaking away from the TV-screen that keeps showing pictures and footage of 5 Pieces’ brand new concept. The woman continues to talk about the concept, the reason the song is so popular and the shock over 5 Pieces’ transformation. It’s a review on [I Want A Man], the clips from the music video is repeated and Hannah is just smiling wider and wider each time, hearing the woman and man hosting the music program talk about 5 Pieces’ improvement as well as their wondering how they have had the time to secretly prepare for such a huge changing comeback when they have been busy in other ways. Hannah can’t believe that the girls on the screen are 5 Pieces. Pretty make-up, blonde hairs, glittering dresses and white smiles, and a choreography that is feminine and simple. She can’t believe it.

“Have you watched the comments online yet?” Mi Young wonders when the program on TV introduces the full music video. Carolina is standing by the entrance from kitchen to living-room, Emelia is turning the volume up a little more while answering the stylists that they have – Hannah saw it before going home last night, but she hasn’t looked at it now.

Hannah giggles at the video. “I love that part,” she comments to no one in particular when seeing Maria put on lipstick in one swift move and then sing her part flawlessly with a head-nod. They all look so good in the video; it is great.

“They say it is the worst start of the New Year because it puts every single other artist under too much pressure. Remember last year with [Daze]? Reporters were saying you were too good to be true because you took over everything,” Mi Young is kind of boasting. “I don’t think a single person on this planet expected you to make this kind of a comeback.”

“Even with the teasers, no one seemed to have really got what a change it is,” Emelia smirks, getting up to go back to the kitchen.

Hannah stays in the living-room, watching the music video with a big smile. If she was a fan, she wouldn’t have expected this either. With the success of [Daze] last year, it was pretty much an 85% chance they would go for the same kind of concept, just because they know it works and that’s how all other idols do, but these ladies never do like others – they went the other direction to create the best surprise. Hannah is getting excited all over again, ending up laughing when the video ends and she jumps inside the kitchen, still not knowing what time it is but asking when they are leaving and what they are going to do today and she squeals in excitement that they are going to do a live singing on radio in the evening.

The others share her excitement, and the puppies starts barking around them when Emelia starts singing the song and jumping around. Manager Lim is just smiling at them, happy they are in such a good mood. Even Carolina, who looks exhausted with the cold, is jumping around with the other two.

Hannah is so happy that she can just lie down on the floor. She can’t wait to actually face their fans with performances, to see their reactions and hear their opinions, wondering what kind of promotions they will do and how their fans really will have their opinions. Do they really like it or is it just the shock over the transformation that has to sink in? She won’t let her thoughts disturb her mood though, jumping around and singing for the first hour awake before she starts to wake up and has to prepare for her 2014.

Today’s schedule is just a bunch of selling, with 5 Pieces going around at the radio stations to personally hand their new release to those who will play their new song, as well as deliver it to celebrities if they meet someone. Since they won’t do that until the evening, not having to leave home until 2PM, they have a few hours to get ready. Julia has gotten a hangover, leaving her groaning in bed and complaining when Mi Young is sweetly lying down next to her to show the single and talk about the response to it so far. She had been drinking too much last night. For Maria, she is probably as hangover as Julia but the talk of their new single makes her wrap herself in her quilt and head downstairs to lie down in the living-room to look through the new release from 5 Pieces. Manager Lim takes good care of the ladies, doing anything he knows of to help the sick one, those with a hangover, and to not let Emelia jump in the sofa while shouting that their song is among the top songs on the music charts already. Hannah doesn’t need a babysitter other than that she keeps asking the manager questions. After remembering that it is a New Year (like, it’s not the hectic December schedule anymore), she goes inside the office she shares with Carolina to clean her side a little and also start looking through this month’s schedule and making notes.

She had expected a schedule filled with promotions with this new single, not remembering much from the meetings they have had about it. But according to their schedules, they will not do much more than perform at the music programs because they will be wrapping up their BLACK & WHITE tour this month, having three locations left and that is five concerts. In two days they will perform in China at a New Year concert, they will be preparing for their Japanese single too and at the end of the month 5 Pieces will spend a week in Europe for their [Face Me] single promotion. That it is just four weeks in a month makes it seem like a lot to do, but Hannah knows this is how their months basically looks like, and she is ready for it. She doesn’t know how the fighting spirit in her that just a day ago felt stressed and nervous all of a sudden is excited and ready for anything. The New Year switched her mind.

“It’s probably the stress from last month,” Maria says. The leader has come to take Hannah’s seat in the office while Hannah is sorting out papers and trying to clean out her space. “I feel it too. It was great to just welcome the New Year with the new concept, because it isn’t dark or strong like our previous comebacks. I think I did right when I told Appa we will start fresh with this comeback.”

Maria has been more troubled than the others for what happened the last days of 2013, with the ladies fighting and throwing things and really making their image among the other idols much more terrifying. Though she really hadn’t been part of the fights, she took it personal as the leader who didn’t even know it was anything going on. Her talk with the ladies have made everything better, but it is still eating her up that she hadn’t dealt with it right away when she noticed two of the members not talking to each other. For Hannah, she is just happy Ji Hyun had kept a distance from her at the last music festivals, not saying anything or giving her bad comments. One time though, last night, Hannah had walked with Taemin and Julia backstage when Ji Hyun was spotted in front of them, and out of nowhere Jonghyun came up with an arm around Hannah and started to talk about something to take her attention. She had a lot of people keeping an eye on her, but Jonghyun must get the price; he seems to have a camera installed on Hannah to know when she is near Ji Hyun or something. Even at the after party, when the two of them had been standing and talking to some others, he had seen her eyes following Ji Hyun who was watching them too from a distance, and Jonghyun had just wrapped his arms around Hannah and given her a kiss, making sure she didn’t look back.

Hannah swallows when looking at a bunch of notes for her book-writing, getting back at the now. “Appa doesn’t seem that upset anymore either,” she comments when remembering what Maria had been saying.

“He is, trust me,” Maria sighs, rolling her eyes. “I was lectured yesterday when you and Carolina went to the SBS thing, telling me to keep an eye on all of you when we’re working and make sure no junior looks terrified at us. I’m like … what does he expect me to do? It’s four of you and one of me, and I have only two eyes.”

Hannah chuckles at the leader’s words, maybe because Maria says it with such seriousness but the actual words are just laughable. Maria sighs again, picking up a piece of paper on the table. Hannah’s writing isn’t good, and she writes worse for no one to really understand what she writes, and though Maria knows she writes in English she can’t read Hannah’s writing.

“He seems to be confused over what to do with you and Jonghyun anyway,” Maria then says with a smile growing in her face, and it grows even more when Hannah turns to look at her with her own confusion. “Your performance yesterday was the hottest in the history; based on an article I read. You are a hot match, and everyone is freaking out over how you burned the whole stage because you are actually in a real relationship – you know duets are hot if the artists do well together, but if the duet is actually a real life couple, that is juicier.”

The youngest rolls her eyes with a smile, knowing what she means. Hannah and Jonghyun’s [Get Your Kiss] is pretty much the second most talked topic after 5 Pieces’ [I Want a Man] after the music festivals. After everything that happened, their performance was the best, and mostly just because they are a couple in real life. Jonghyun showed her the reactions last night at the after party, all the comments written by fans that were freaking out over their “hotness”, interactions and their “chemistry”, and even some TV program in the morning was bringing up the couple that had turned the world up-side-down with their performance. In a good way though. It is another reason for Hannah’s good mood; she isn’t receiving overwhelming with hate for that performance.

“Why would he be confused over us?” Hannah comes again back to reality, remembering that they had been talking about their manager and not just the hot performance.

“Duh, because you’re in love, of course,” Maria chuckles and rolls her eyes as if it is the most obvious thing ever. “You punched a girl-group member in the stomach because she talked crap about you and Jonghyun; then you went against him when bringing Jonghyun over when he very clearly told you not to; he couldn’t even tell you to not see him because of the music festivals and he is confused because he sees how happy you are with Jonghyun but what you did to Ji Hyun is unacceptable. I think I summed most of it.”


“Oh?” Maria laughs, hitting Hannah’s desk with a laugh. “After all that and all you can say is ‘oh…’ Baby, I told Appa that after New Year we all would do our best with the new concept and do better with our image; I’m keeping that promise. Which means that you and your boyfriend need to stay out of fights and trouble.”

“If you keep Ji Hyun away from me – which won’t be a problem now when the music festivals are over – I am pretty sure I can stay out of trouble,” Hannah answers with a smile, pretty sure she can stay away from fighting other girl-group members. Maria gives her a look that pretty much says we’ll see about that, and when Maria leaves the room the youngest wonders what she meant with that. Does Maria think they will meet Ji Hyun more often or that Hannah can’t stay out of trouble even if they don’t meet?

It leaves her thoughts within seconds, because it doesn’t take long until they start to get ready for their promotion activity for the day and the ladies excitement wells over them. While getting ready with simple make-up and simple sponsored clothes, the ladies are warming up their voices and practicing the two songs from the new single while in between looking through the cheating papers where they are told the information about the single, songs and up-coming activities that they can say during interviews, also like the professional artists they are they go through other things with each other as well to be prepared for whatever they will face now when it is 2014.


In the van heading to the last radio station after doing some other promotions and eating dinner, Hannah shows an article for Maria on her cell phone.

“Woah, they said a statement about it?” Maria starts laughing, taking the cell phone to scroll down the page.

SM Entertainment has responded to the talk about Hannah and Jonghyun’s performance at MBC Gayo Daejun, simply saying “they were requested to perform and gladly accepted it as professional performers”. Maria gives the cell phone back with a chuckle, lifting up her foot to rest it on the driver’s backrest.

Hannah bites her lip when looking down at her cell phone, suddenly curious what her favourite fan-blogger has been writing about these music festivals. There is a Korean girl who is writing a blog about Hannah, going on 5 Pieces’ events and writing her opinions and thoughts about pretty much anything that is said about Hannah. Hannah has started to take notice of her, recognizing the fan at events after that they met in Sweden after the concert; Hannah had recognized her as a Korean fan mostly because she spoke in Korean but also because she had seen her many times at Korean events so it wasn’t hard to guess she had travelled to Sweden for the concert. Later, Hannah had read the blog and found out that it was the same fan, so now she is even more sure when she spots the girl of who she is.

The blog is all about Hannah. And when looking at it now, Hannah is impressed to find it has been updated with the header being a picture of Hannah from 5 Pieces’ single that came out today (a very nice picture actually). On the left side it is a small music player with some songs of 5 Pieces, though that has been changed since last time Hannah looked as the first song playing is [Love] – Hannah hadn’t named the song she and Carolina performed on Carolina’s Music Corner a few weeks ago but simply named the episode Serenade, but once the song created headlines for being a love song to Jonghyun, everyone named it [Love] and from the Music Corner people have started to play it a little everywhere. It looks like a completely different blog until Hannah looks through what are written, seeing pictures and screen-caps from the different music festivals. She scans through what is says, the usual ‘impressive’ and ‘like expected of Hannah’ is written a lot. The fan is really cute, she writes her own opinions and has thousand of readers which is Hannah’s biggest surprise because … well, it is a blog about Hannah.

-As a lot of my readers are bursting out at questions and need of information about the Gayo Daejun for the end of 2013, even if I already have written some about each festival. I will like always give an answer to the questions I have received the most about. What should I start with?

I want to start with Hannah’s behaviour. If you are a reader of this blog for some time, you must have noticed that I am in love in everything Hannah does and also addicted to her adorable behaviour. Usually when Hannah is on the stage with a bunch of other artists she likes to stay in the back. One year she had stayed in the back all by herself with a member of FT Island had waved her over; I think she likes to be in the back, and I love the fact that fans still take notice of her. Maybe Hannah’s fans know to look at the back for her xD For each festival this time, Hannah was stuck in the back again. In fact, each time 5 Pieces was at the front she would hide behind Julia, which I find absolutely adorable and that brings me to the next topic;

KBS Gayo Daejun – 5 Pieces’ ultimate shock reaction to win the award of the year. The charismatic and fierce ladies of 5 Pieces become little lambs each time they receive an award and their sincere reactions is what makes us love them even more, right? But this time it was completely different. 5 Pieces is aware of how rare this award is, how absolutely big it is, and they were all the way in the back (shocker…) when the award was presented. They didn’t even notice they won???? They came up and looked like they were going to do an interview, and I admit my heart felt for them when Maria blurted out WHAT when they were told they had won. Their faces were … I can’t put it to word, but I have it on repeat in my head each time I close my eyes. And once again, Hannah was hiding behind Julia. The two of them were being cute towards fans, maybe expecting Maria to handle the interview (?) and I swear I had to look at the video of their reactions several of times because once they realised what was happening, Hannah leaned back to hide herself behind Julia when asking Carolina if they really had won. 5 Pieces, we feel you, really. The fact that they had those reactions makes the award even more memorable; I’m sure fans all around the world cried with them at that moment. I know I cried so long so long seeing how speechless they all were. I don’t think all five of them have cried that much before…

And if I don’t mention this I know people will bash me for not pointing it out: Jonghyun. I think he is so in love in Hannah that my heart hurts just thinking of it. He had his eyes on her the whole time, but as I have seen SHINee fans commenting it seemed like he was his usual self when he was singing and dancing to the encore – though all my attention was at that time on Jessica and Sunny taking care of the crying Hannah – and other fans pretty much took notice of that it was Hannah’s part he and some EXO members were fooling around to. But still, 5 Pieces amazing love to each other is what stole my heart that night because the way they looked at each other, cried and hugged and thanked everyone.

And the clothes, oh lord! Have you guys seen all the different outfits Hannah was wearing? A little black dress, fitting clothes, she was showing off her legs for the first time in forever and I’m pretty sure everyone standing close to her would be unable to focus on anything else than her pretty body.-

There is an update with a picture of each outfit Hannah wore at the three different Gayo Daejuns as well as the outfit she wore on MBC Drama Awards, including comments from the blogger.

-The first thing I took notice of about 5 Pieces in the past was those playful eyes Hannah gets whenever she is on the stage. She didn’t have the best voice or body at that time, but those eyes really pulled me in her performance. That she now has a perfect voice and body is pretty much the reason I admire her hard work, as it shows how hard she has fought for it. But those eyes are like speaking the words she sings, if you know what I mean? At the performance she did with Jonghyun, the y [Get Your Kiss], it is this part where she looks over Jonghyun’s shoulder (omg her hand touched his hair at the back of his neck I thought I stopped breathing) but her eyes were like smiling and playing with the camera, as if telling everyone that if she wants, he is allowed to kiss her and not otherwise. I loved their performance together and I’m honest when I say all my doubts about this couple are blown away. I have had my doubts, whether I really like this couple or not, but after the music festivals I realised they really can’t be away from each other. And the talk about Jonghyun supporting human rights and all that just gives him a bigger reason in my eyes to be with Hannah.

I mention this because I have gotten questions of what I actually thought of the performance’s message, of the couple being real or not and so on. About the performance’s message, it was a y and hot sensual performance between two amazing singers and performers, and I think a lot of people will be on their backs for getting attention that they are a couple in reality while I think they really did a great performance together. I’m not sure what the message is, other than they basically tell everyone that they can be in love and artists at the same time. That’s what I take from it. And I have said before that I think Jonghyun has a nice voice, but I’m not a big fan of his; in my eyes he is still just a member of SHINee and Hannah’s boyfriend, no big deal for me. But I like how every other artist (Trouble Maker, for example) makes the girl look ty and like a puppet while in this performance, Hannah was the one pushing him away, taking his hand away and being in control. I love how they doesn’t make her look ty, and damn, people, I must say that I was shocked to see they were fully dressed but heated up the stage the most out of everyone. For me it just proves what 5 Pieces is all along. Hihihihihihi, I am a proud fan ^^,

The last thing I will mention is what I want to say is the standing ovation of a lifetime. All of us who are used to watch these festivals know what I’m talking about, right? 5 Pieces pulled of the surprise of the century when they made this remix of all their previous hits (I think it was a five-year celebration thing they did but I have heard people saying it was the goodbye to their past image) and that they finished it with a short remix of [Daze] left us all wondering THAT’S IT? And I swear I was so close at cursing and throwing something at my TV at home when the stage disappeared. But then, [I Want a Man]… Everyone has seen it, right? Right?? If you haven’t, you are no friend of mine jk

When 5 Pieces made their appearance for that performance, the whole household of mine got quiet. I mean, like we were all holding out breath in confusion of what we were watching. My grandma was the first one to react when they started to sing, clapping her hands and laughing. My grandmother is a fan of the new song; she told me to buy the single for her. I mean… We all knew 5 Pieces was making a comeback. I was so prepared to have them shake the roof and prove to my family that [Daze] is a song you can’t help but to dance along to. But that never came, and I’m not feeling bad for it either because what 5 Pieces did made all my relatives drop their jaws in liking. My whole family has now become fans of 5 Pieces. Do you know how much that is??? They have liked 5 Pieces songs and understood the hard work and all that, but never actually enjoyed it to this level. My older brother has been watching the music video on TV all day…

I think no one expected that performance, not even the audience sitting there because they were just fanatic! But can you even imagine sitting in that crowd and suddenly face five shining goddesses that flirt with you, dancing and singing flawlessly… I mean … I’m shocked no one fainted there! And the standing ovation afterwards--

Hannah looks up when getting inside the elevator, smiling widely at the ladies. They have reached the final radio station where they will actually be on the radio and not just walk around handing out their brand new single. 5 Pieces have done great; they smile, sell their single to the staff and they do great promoting their new concept from top to toe. The managers are just smiling and coming along. After all, 5 Pieces have been doing this for over five years already, they don’t just know how to talk about their single but they also know the staff.

With a female radio DJ currently on-air, the five ladies step inside the booth during commercial to personally hand out their single. They have done the same thing at KBS earlier, going anywhere there is someone they can give their single too, someone that the agency have approved of. So the whole evening, 5 Pieces is doing the same thing; promotion. They talk friendly, a lot about their comeback and single and concept but also about the people they meet to not just promote their single but to also stay friendly with the staff and DJs. They are great. Even if Hannah can be awkward and far from being as good as some of the members to keep the flow in a conversation, she makes her part during their promotion today, coming with comments there and laughing here. They all do well; they know that whenever they look at their manager.

Five years ago, it was the manager doing the talking and the five ladies would just bow and greet as politely as possible. Now, the ladies do all the talking. They know how it works, and they do know the language, so it is no trouble at all. And everyone they meet get super happy to see them, complimenting over the surprise they got with this comeback concept, and several are even surprised that 5 Pieces are personally walking around handing out their singles – it is getting more and more of a habit that the idols only come when they have work there, which made KBS hold their breath as it was a surprise for them to have 5 Pieces come over. It is some pictures they take too, a little here and there the ladies poses together with their single in hand with the MBC logo behind them or with a radio DJ.

Either way, hours have been spent like that before 5 Pieces ends up at the radio they actually will appear on. They did make a surprise appearance over at KBS earlier, just dropping by with the single and stayed a minute longer to promote it briefly. But now, they will do a one-hour radio appearance. Before that, they go through with the staff and DJ what to say and do, and then wait for their turn to join the DJ once it all starts.

Hannah is excited. The day has been awesome with all the praise and smiling faces greeting them, and she can tell that even the staff they have met for the past five years had expected this song from 5 Pieces. Their amazement puts 5 Pieces in bright smiles.

“The first day of 2014 have almost passed by. How was everyone’s January 1st? … For this special day, we have invited special guests. They are used to put the whole world in a daze and are the big topic of the New Year with their [I Want a Man] comeback; please look forward to our January 1st Special Invitation – 5 Pieces,” DJ Younha says before the commercial starts on the radio. She smiles when the five ladies enter the booth, looking at the five ladies taking their seats; on the DJ’s right side sits Hannah, Emelia and Julia while on the DJ’s left side sits Carolina and Maria. While the commercials are going on, the ladies are getting comfortable in their seats (making sure they have water, the papers and so on) while Younha is looking through the single and showing it a little to one of the cameras filming for the live radio broadcast. Carolina and Emelia are the two talking to her, explaining things and chatting.

Hannah stays quiet, clearing and drinking water from the bottle next to the microphone standing on the table for her to talk through once it starts. She likes to promote with the members because she doesn’t have to talk much, not having a pressure on her to talk and all that. They all get quiet when the producer shows them they are about to start, and Younha introduces the program and starts to read the introduction when the commercials are all done and it is time for 5 Pieces part to start.

“To start off 2014, we have brought the most powerful and best headline-bringers of 2013 that also are the ones starting 2014 with a thrown-back concept with their new single [I Want a Man]. They break records and create trends with their music, everything connected to them become a hit, they are the most noted girl-group at the moment in the world and they got the most awards in Korean pop music for 2013 with both group activities and solo activities. At the moment, the whole world is watching them after last year’s [Daze]. Sitting here with me on the first day of 2014, it’s none other than 5 Pieces!”

“Pieces of one,” Maria warmly leans towards her microphone on the table and the ladies together do their greeting; “Hello, we are 5 Pieces.”

“You always seem to be so busy whenever I hear about 5 Pieces. You all seem to have lost weight too,” Younha comments while glancing from her left to right at the five ladies

“Ah, yes, all of us lost weight before the comeback,” Carolina answers.

“You all went on a diet?” Younha wonders.

“Actually, the thing we did, preparing for the comeback, was to not eat night snacks,” Maria answers and Younha gives out a surprised sound, asking if they just did that and Carolina mentions they love to eat at night. “We were travelling a lot too so I think our bodies couldn’t keep up with when to eat, which is why we lost weight too.”

“Aaah… really, you lost weight because of your schedule then. I heard you went on concerts around Europe and America at the end of the year?”

“Yeah, we had like- We went to four countries in like two weeks or something,” Emelia answers, her low voice soft for the radio. “I don’t think we felt it to be a busy schedule because we were mostly just playing and having fun.”

“Woah… Four countries in two weeks?” Younha is amased.

Hannah stays quiet, because she went to more countries during that period because of her book promotions, but Younha then asks the girls to introduce them selves individually and one by one they do their usual individual greetings and Younha ends their introduction with a sweet sound and whispering to the listeners that they are indeed back. Julia hits Emelia on the arm with a quiet laugh at that.

“Your new single was released earlier today and it reached the top of the charts right away. How is it to make a comeback this time?” Younha asks.

Maria is the one who answers; “Coming back with a new concept after doing a lot of individual activities and concerts abroad, I think we all were extremely, overly excited to let people know of our single. Last year we didn’t work much together in Korea, and we rarely saw each other at the dorm, but we worked a lot together for the concerts and abroad activities so somehow we are not more thrilled to work together than usually, but we are thrilled over the new concept as we really prepared a lot for it.”

“I notice you have prepared a lot. All of you are blonde as well!” Younha comments and ask questions about that.

While Emelia is answering, Hannah looks across the table at Carolina who leans away from the microphone to drink some of the drink she has been drinking all day for and cold. Hannah smiles a little when Carolina swallows and leans forward, turning away in the chair to get as far away as possible to cough without interrupting the others talking, and Hannah glances over at Julia sitting with Emelia between as Julia says something about their hair too. It is a big change for three of the members to go to blonde, while Maria and Hannah stays quiet as they were blonde before.

“5 Pieces’ new song has raised a lot of huge headlines and big talk. It is a very glamorous song. What were your first thoughts when you heard it?”

“For this song…” Maria slowly starts to say, thinking a bit before she continues (Emelia says something but no one hears because her voice was too dark); “we actually played with it in the studio when we first recorded it, agreeing that if we heard it on the radio it would be a really nice song…”

“When we first heard the song, we didn’t know it was going to be the main track of the single,” Emelia explains. Hannah nods in agreement, because when they recorded [I Want a Man] they were focused on the album track [Girls Power]. “But we were kind of cheering when we were told about it, and it was fun practicing too.”

“I think it was such a different kind of song than what we are used to that we couldn’t really see ourselves perform it, but like always, we focus to make it 5 Pieces’ style and … yeah, maybe it is,” Maria finishes off with a smile at the DJ.

“Have you watched the reaction?” Younha wonders, meaning from fans and media.

“Ever since the music video came out, we have kept an eye on the reactions,” Carolina is the one answering now, but Emelia continues,

“We have heard the song a lot today, and we have gotten a lot of comments from our fans that like it. The reaction seems really good. As it is a new concept, we worried if people would like it, but so far we have only noticed a positive response.”

Hannah only listens at them talking, Younha reading some comments that the current listeners have sent in and she says that she also only have heard a lot of positive reactions. She says that some of the staff has been singing to the song during the day too. They then play the song on the radio, and Hannah is in her own world when lip-synching to the song, leaning back in her seat and playing with her cell phone. Julia and Carolina are playing with the cameras filming them, singing and simply dancing to [I Want a Man] while it’s playing, Emelia is talking to the DJ and Maria picks up her cell phone – she writes a text message to Hannah to tell her to at least give out a sound once in a while to show she is there for the listeners – and halfway through the song, Hannah puts her cell phone away and begins to listen to the others. They are talking about the weight loss, Younha seems interested in that and compliments the ladies saying they all looked really good in the music video in the dresses.

The youngest looks over at the camera filming her, and she leans towards Emelia with a cute pout, nodding her head to Maria’s high adlib in the song they play.

“We receive a lot of comments where our listeners express their love to the song,” Younha lightly says when the song has ended and they are back live. “But woah, it is a really good song! Everyone seems to enjoy listening to it. … We mentioned solo activities earlier. I’m curious if the members kept an eye on each other during your different activities? Maria came out with a whole album; did the members watch your promotions?”

“They did,” Maria nods, “They watched every performance, and when I won and they weren’t there, I would receive text messages from the members.”

“We always keep an eye on what the other members are doing. We have that kind of friendship,” Carolina cutely says.

“Hannah was in a drama a while back too. You all watched it together?” Younha asks and the glance Maria gives Hannah lets the youngest know she should answer.

“We watched the last episode together,” Hannah’s voice is heard, “I was mostly working when the drama was airing, the other members too.”

“Aah…” Younha nods, glancing down at her papers and the other ladies does it too. “Which member was the busiest in 2013? With solo promotions, that is.”

“Um…” Hannah lowly says, glancing at the other members that also wonders about it.

“Maria,” Julia answers. “I barely even saw her a few weeks because of her promotions.”

“For me it’s Hannah. She was away the most when she was filming her drama,” Maria adds.

“Ooh, so you all consider the member you didn’t see much was the busiest?” Younha laughs lightly and the ladies smile, Carolina agreeing on that.

Taking a commercial break, they then return to promote the single. The ladies promote the main track and talk about the concept a bit, then Younha mentions that it is two songs in the single, wanting them to talk about the second track too. Emelia turns to Hannah, leaning towards the microphone. “When it comes to the second track, we would want the youngest to introduce it,” Emelia says, smiling when Hannah grimaces a little.

“Oh, why is that?” Younha asks, looking at the back of the single to see the tracklist.

“Hannah helped to write the lyrics,” Carolina proudly says and Younha sounds impressed before telling Hannah to introduce the second song.

“Um… The second song in the single is called [I’m Over You]; it is a pop-R&B song about a past relationship where the girl had left the guy after being cheated on, and he realises his mistake when it is too late so … the song reflects on that,” Hannah is saying as she remembers the description of the song and Younha asks with a hint in her face-expression if the song is based on a real-life past relationship, and Hannah just smiles. “It’s not.”

“The reason I bring up the talk about the song is because 5 Pieces have prepared a special live performance here for our listeners. Are you all ready?”

The ladies answer while heading up to take their positions. Microphone stands have been prepared in the back for the ladies and Younha keeps talking a little more while they take their positions. In a sweet voice, Younha introduces 5 pieces’ song [I’m Over You.]

Hannah is standing in the middle, as they are going full out on their new positions. Like they were seated, Emelia and Julia are on Hannah’s right while Carolina and Maria are on the left. Carolina had taken her bottle of drink with her and after drinking some she puts it down by the microphone stand. The music begins, and Emelia almost right away starts;

[Emelia] *You ask me ‘who’s that’, ask me about that, hey, (it’s crazy)

You ask me ‘who’s that’, ask me about that, hey, (it’s crazy)

You ask me ‘who’s that’, ask me about that, hey, (it’s crazy)

You ask me ‘who’s that’, ask me about that…*

It’s their first time singing on radio this year, the first time singing this song that isn’t practice, and Carolina is smiling on Hannah’s left while moving her arms foolishly to the simply melody. Hannah smiles too, after Emelia’s opening she is the one who sings, and the smile just grows while she focuses on keeping her voice low.

[Hannah] *We were, for some time

The best~ thought I had on my mind

[Julia] No flaws, no lies

Boy, I, must have been out of my mind*

[Emelia] *Now when I think of the time, when I

Almost lost it

[Maria] You showed me the right side and I,

I saw the real you*

[Carolina] *Thank you for doing it

And thank I dodged your bullet

I’m so over you,

Take a good look at me now~~*

Hannah can see how Emelia will tease Carolina later, the mascot is bouncing while her voice higher and lower on a professional singing level during her part – Just like she did when recording the song. Hannah smiles, though; she can’t help it, they have never really had this kind of song before and they all sound good singing it live on the radio. She holds the microphone with both hands on the microphone stand, and she leans a little away from the microphone to sing the chorus, the other ladies doing the harmony part a little in the background, but it sounds so good.

[CHORUS, Hannah] *I pushed you away!

I’m so over you, yes!

‘Cause honestly you wanted me to be your (dumb girl that you changed)

I know I’m now the bad girl (bad girl that you can’t change)

And I’ll never be the (dumb girl that you changed)

OOH yeah, I bet that you want me it hurts right now~~*

[Hannah] *It’s sad… You’re hurt…

Bu-hu, though, do you expect me to care?

[Emelia] You should, have seen, your tears!

To see the damage I’ve done*

[Julia] *To think that there was a time, when I

Almost lost it

You showed me the right side and yes

I saw the real you*

[Hannah] *Thank you for doing it

And thank I dodged your bullet

I’m so over you,

Take a good look at me now~~*

[CHORUS, Carolina] *I pushed you away!

I’m so over you, yes!

‘Cause honestly you wanted me to be your (dumb girl that you changed)

I know I’m now the bad girl (bad girl that you can’t change)

Mm and I’ll never be the (dumb girl that you changed)

OOH baby I bet that you~want me it hurts right now~~*

[Julia] *I know you want me back

You better face the fact

That I’m the one who got away,

[Maria] Who knows, another day,

Another place, another time, another world, another life

Thank you for making it easy to say goodbye,*

[CHORUS, Hannah] *I’m glad I pushed you awa-ay!

I’m so over you, yes!

‘Cause honestly you wanted me to be your (dumb girl that you changed)

Oh I know I’m now the bad girl (bad girl that you can’t change)

And I’ll never be the (dumb girl that you changed)

OOH Dumb girl that you changed*

[CHORUS, Maria] *You still want me so bad!

I’m so over you, yes!

You’re sad I never was your (dumb girl that you changed)

Oh I know I’m the bad girl! (bad girl that you can’t change)

Oooh! And I’ll never be the (dumb girl that you changed)

OOH baby, I bet that you want me it hurts right now~~~~~ Oh…*

*You ask me ‘who’s that’, ask me about that

You ask me ‘who’s that’, ask me about that

([Emelia] I bet that you want me it hurts right now)

You ask me ‘who’s that’, ask me about that

(You want me it hurts right now)

You ask me ‘who’s that’, ask me about that

(I’m so over you right now)*

Slowly the melody comes to an end, five girls smiling widely as they can see the staff silently applauding in the other room and Younha starts clapping her hands too, giving out some praise. They did well. Hannah can’t stop smiling. This is the comeback where 5 Pieces will be recognized as artists, not just the badass ladies from Sweden that have come to put everyone in a daze for their charismatic stage presence – they are going to show they are here to stay, as 5 Pieces.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 01st: 5 Pieces’ Hannah Finally Writes A Song For 5 Pieces

Headline 01st: SM Entertainment Comments On JjongHan Couple Performance

Headline 01st: 5 Pieces Starts Off 2014 With A Perfect Concept

Headline 01st: 5 Pieces Reveal Their Wishes To Be Healthy & Happy In 2014 On Younha’s Radio + Talk About New Concept & More

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 81: Yo, it's almost time for going back to school
Could you keep uploading a chapter twice a week please?
Chapter 81: thank you for the updates.

have a nice holiday author-nim :)

figthing! ^^
I know that it's early but Merry Christmas
Could you upload this story with more chapters please
It's Christmas break!
Chapter 79: Aren't you uploading the lyrics too?
Chapter 78: All cause of me, I requested them
Chapter 74: oh! I thought this was completed already as it says earlier that it was completed... hahhahaa anyways fighting!
atowah #7
Chapter 73: Wow wonderful story ♡
I like this idea it is amazing ;)
Fighting ♥
Thank you for this such great story... I really enjoyed reading it... :)
Could you continue updating this story please, pretty please!!!
Chapter 69: another update! :) and I must say every update is worth waiting for... keep it up! fighting! :)