Chapter 30 - Being the Best, Being Number 1

Youngest of Pieces: Five Years in History (9)

“It’s flooding.”

Hannah glances up at Maria who shows her another article written about yesterday’s Music Corner, about the song Hannah and Carolina performed that only had its lyrics to be understood as a love song written to Jonghyun. No one has confirmed it is for Jonghyun, but it is a love song and since Hannah did write it and with parts of it, everyone comes to the same conclusion. Hannah takes the cell phone the leader is holding out for her, seeing the comments on this article that are pretty much the same as on every other; ‘this song is about Jonghyun O_O’, ‘I swear to god that this is the sweetest couple on earth! They make great music about each other…’, ‘Pure Love’, and ‘in the video, was Jonghyun there in the room? Or who are talking behind the cameras? Hannah smiles at someone from time to time too… Oh jeez I don’t know, they are so cute together I can’t believe it xD’.

“What’s flooding?” Julia wonders, coming up to them while pulling on the jacket.

“The articles about Hannah’s song from yesterday; they keep flooding in,” Maria simply answers and gets her cell phone back, glancing behind Julia. “Appa, are we leaving now?”

5 Pieces have finished their dance practice for the day and they are heading home to wash up before they will head to their music video filming that starts in the late evening. By Maria’s question, that she asked their manager because Julia was getting dressed to leave, the girls are confirmed that they are leaving and Hannah gets up from the floor with a yawn, grabbing her things on the side.

“Could you all please remember to charge your phones when you get home so I won’t be panicking tomorrow when I need to get a hold of you?” Manager Lim is asking when holding up the doors for the ladies. Hannah nods wide enough for him to see while Maria almost swears when telling everyone to remind her of it.

“Is anyone of you even focusing on the video we are going to be shooting in a few hours?” Carolina turns around with big eyes, all by herself panicking.

“Ya!” Maria suddenly bursts out at them all. “We need to get the Christmas spirit fixed! Appa, you know that fake snow spray we got at home? We can spray that on mirrors too, right?”

“You can’t-”

“We have fake snow?” Hannah interrupts Carolina, looking up from her cell phone where she is writing to Jonghyun. Maria looks so excited too and no one really listens to Carolina because truth is that no one wants to focus on the music video filming when they just finished practicing for it.

The girls’ just head home, wash up and continues with their Christmas decorating in the apartment, having fun as they need to make sure their pets won’t ruin anything. And they are talkative, they just can’t stop talking about the decoration and their pets and comments they have said before and there is endless of talking. Hannah even sits on the floor laughing when Carolina is decorating the human-size Christmas tree they have in the living-room, because Ryo is such a baby about the tree – barking at it and whining. But it is so much fun the two and a half hour they are at home. Emelia takes a picture of Maria and Julia decorating the Christmas tree, Carolina is a blur moving and Hannah’s finger is seen, that Maria later uploads on Instagram to announce to everyone that finally it looks like Christmas inside their apartment. And even when they are done, heading to the music video filming set; the girls are talking about things they want to eat on Christmas Eve.

Manager Lee ruins it all though. “You are aware of that you are working on Christmas Eve?”

“No Freaking Way!”

“We can do it on Christmas Day then,” Carolina shrugs her shoulders, responding softly though Maria is just gaping that they are working on Christmas.

“We’re in Japan that day,” Hannah whispers, again busy texting Jonghyun when they now are in the car. Maria turns around in her chair, staring at Hannah and asking why they are in Japan on Christmas Day. “Um… we have some live concert there…?”

“How can we be in Japan when we are going to Gayo Daejun?” Carolina grimaces.

“The first Gayo Daejun is on the 27th,” Manager Lee explains.

And Hannah fills out; “we have the live concert in Japan on the 26th.”


“Appa would so scold Maria for the words she uses,” Julia chuckles from the back about the expressions Maria pops in with and Hannah bites her lip to not be heard laughing in agreement. Manager Lee looks in the rear-view mirror by the comment, not sure if she means he should be scolding her for the language but too aware of that he would not be able to scold Maria without being scolded back, he stays quiet. Julia and Hannah are the two sitting in the back, and Julia asks Hannah how she can know their schedule already.

The youngest smiles a little by the question when quietly answering; “Jonghyun wanted to know.”


5 Pieces go to the hair saloon first before they head to the jacket shooting to their next international single; [(Dare to) Face Me]. The jacket shooting is basically a white screen and 5 Pieces posing in front of it in some street kind of look, and during the shooting the girls are not forgetting that they soon will go film the music video – which means they are practicing the choreography each time they get behind the camera, when they aren’t posing for a picture.

It’s five in the morning on Tuesday when 5 Pieces start filming for the music video. The place is in a bar basement, looking like a hangout place with games and a bar, and a floor for dancing. Most of the things have been placed there for the filming, and the lamps have been changed for a dimly background light. Like always, one part of the set is for the staff and cameras, so only 3/4 of the bar basement will be filmed.

Hannah is walking around on the set, looking at the ceiling and up the stairs at the side that leads up to the street. The big spotlight from the camera’s side that will shine up just the place where 5 Pieces will be dancing keeps getting and off for the checking and Hannah for that keeps her back towards it after almost getting blinded at first. Her hair is wavy, long blonde and wavy for the shooting, and Hannah doesn’t dare to touch it in worries she might ruin the simple waves. For this scene the make-up is pretty simple, not too much or anything that is too noticeable either. The whole concept is simple for this scene; Hannah is wearing a black sleeveless frilled tunic, which looks like a skirt as she is wearing a gray dolman-sleeve pullover on top of it, and a pair of over-the-knee socks to the sneakers that her stylist had chosen after they had been talking about it all. She has actually fallen for the over-the-knee socks she has; Hannah had even asked the stylist what kind of clothes would fit so she can wear it more often. So the concept is very simple; the outfits are simple but still not too much. It looks good, the way you hang out with your friends after school or how you gather some of your closer friends for karaoke and fun.

“Oh, y baby.”

Hannah turns around, just to start laughing when Maria walks up to her with a boyish walk, hip-hop style with hand randomly moving, leaning back and walking with her legs wide.

“What are you doing?” Hannah laughs, taking a step back while Maria keeps moving in her boyish walk. She is wearing baggy pants (even that looks fabulous on Maria’s long slim legs) that are ripped and a cropped top under a sleeveless cardigan. Maria loves the pants; she had basically begged to get to wear pants for this video, instead of always wearing those super short skin- tight dresses.

“You look y, baby,” Maria says in dark voice to sound like a boy, but she is pouting out her lips for some reason and Hannah can’t stop laughing at Maria acting like a boy. “Hey, y, you wanna dance with me? I can show you some y moves…”

“That’s horrible,” Hannah just laughs when Maria bends her legs some more to start move back and forth in front of Hannah; really thinking she is acting out as a typical guy. Some of the people that will be in the background during the shooting are laughing.

The background people for the scene are a mix of Koreans and foreigners, just to fill out that it is an international single and for that they can’t have just Asians in the background with 5 Pieces in the spotlight – the foreign viewers will bash on it right away. When all members of 5 Pieces have gathered on the set and the director is directing everyone for how they will start the filming, the ladies greet everyone in choir though they earlier had talked to some of the background staff. The first scenes they film are everyone doing their own thing with a remix of [Daze] playing in the background. There is some dancing, others are chatting in tiny groups, some are drinking Coca Cola by the bar, and two of the ladies are coming down the stairs as the two newly arrived ones. They film each part separately to later clip it together to one scene, and the main scene is when Maria is filmed being approached by this foreign guy and they are messing up a lot because she has to act and Maria become a real diva when she overdoes it but somehow, with a lot of mistakes, they do the scene where the guy expects something from Maria by giving her attention, and she just blows him off.

“What’s the song about?” the girls were asked when doing an interview much later when they have filmed on the set for a few hours. They speak in English.

“The song [Face Me] is basically about telling guys to give girls some respect. In the video we have an example where a guy comes up to Maria and starts giving her compliments, but he doesn’t listen to her, so when she tells him she isn’t interested, he gets upset. Which is where we start the song, singing about boys expecting girls to be their accessory while we give the meaning in the song that we just walk away without a care,” Emelia is answering in a low, dark tone.

After they had finished the first scenes, it was the dance scene in the bar basement set they did. This song has no back-up dancers; it is just 5 Pieces taking on the dance-floor as they started off dancing and lip-synching to [(Dare to) Face Me]. Choreographer Kim Ji Hwa is standing next to the camera, lightly dancing along too and she knows that as soon as the director calls ‘cut’ she does her job by mentioning things to the ladies. She is like the standing point in the filming, knowing exactly what each member is going to do and she directs them endlessly, talking to two members at once and the ladies just nodding and following the directions.

There are behind-the-scenes cameras filming, and Hannah tries to avoid the cameras other than waving from a distance, but when the camera-man walks up to them during a short break, Hannah can’t run away when he focuses the camera on her and asks if it’s difficult to dance.

“Um…” Hannah wonders what to say, then answers in English; “The choreography for this song isn’t that difficult but the lamp here…” she points up behind her with her whole arm, “that yellow lamp, is very hot. It looks good, but it’s hot.”

“Very hot,” Julia comments when stepping up next to Hannah to be in front of the camera too, her short hair styled coolly and matching the street look. “We are on a strict schedule to finish the filming, so we will soon go to the next hot set.”

Julia gives the thumbs up to the camera and Hannah hurries to follow with the thumbs up too before laughing as she leans away, hiding behind Julia and listening to the director asking everyone to take their positions for them to film it again. Though they are in a hurry to finish the music video within one day, they are actually shooting the Korean and the English versions at once. So after finishing filming for the English version, they dance all over again for the Korean version of the song.aHan



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The music video filming of [(Dare to) Face Me] takes over 28 hours to film, ending in the morning on Wednesday and after that the ladies hurries home to pack their bags and head to Japan right away without having the time to wash up. Going back and forth with the English and Korean version of the song, Hannah’s head is almost spinning when they are going to the airport, and at that time they are already talking about the schedule in Japan they are going to have tomorrow.

5 Pieces has been nominated at a Japanese Music Award show, and for that they will perform there tomorrow in front of Japan’s most popular artists. They have been nominated in a total of three categories at the award show and the ladies are nervous because not a lot of artists are chosen in this other than Japanese and really the biggest foreign artists (mostly American…). Therefore, their performance has a lot of pressure.

“Where did you take off earlier?” Maria asks Hannah when they are arriving at the airport.

“What?” Hannah looks confused.

“You disappeared as soon as your solo shot were done, no one knew where you went,” Maria says, grabbing the earphones from the seat before heading out the van, Hannah already outside.

“I- Appa sent me to the agency,” Hannah answers, waiting for Maria so they can walk inside the airport together. “I had my final psychologist visit today.”

“Ooooh! Really?” Maria suddenly looks up at Hannah, “how did it go? Have you told me you were going, I can’t remember?”

Hannah smiles widely, lowering her head with a giggle as Maria hurries up to her, linking their arms to walk together. “It went well. Lee Sooman gave a call too, reminding me that I can just call if it is anything and so… I’m really happy I don’t have to do that anymore,” Hannah answers the leader while they are both walking with their arms linked after the others – a little later.

“It has just been half a year since it started; but it has worked, hasn’t it?” Maria is calmly saying. “I actually thought you would be going there for a year or something…”

“Eh, a year?” Hannah grimaces. “No… I actually thought the rest of you would go too, just because I went.”

Maria chuckles, smiling at the thought of 5 Pieces messily telling their thoughts and whatnot to the same woman who in the end just gets confused with all the talking during the five visits, but they don’t say much more about that and instead comes up to the other ladies inside the airport with their manager making sure they all have their passports ready.

“When are we going to Singapore?” Hannah wonders, “Tomorrow after the award show or the next morning?”

“Tomorrow,” Emelia is fast to answer, stretching over Julia to show her cell phone to Hannah where she actually has the flight schedule from Japan to Singapore. Hannah holds on to the cell phone to look at the details briefly, and when they all starts moving again she gives back the cell phone while keeping her head looking at one direction where there are no fans – like always, fans are at the airport. How they know 5 Pieces are leaving is really unknown and shocking…

Manager Lee raises his hand above the others to get Hannah’s attention. “I need you to go through the … um… papers for the recording later. Go through it with Julia on the flight.”

“I’m going to sleep on the plane,” Julia tells him strictly while Hannah accepts the papers he holds out for her.

“Then go through it when we land,” Manager Lee suggests with a grimace, not liking the schedule that makes his head spin too.

The papers are for a new song they will record when they go to Tokyo. It is their possible next single, so they have to go through it before they arrive at the Japanese recording studio.

Manager Lee has the demo of the new Japanese song on his tablet, so when they are going to the recording studio the ladies are listening through it and going through the lyrics as well. But the real learning starts when they arrive at the studio and have the producer helping out how it should be like. And that’s where Hannah actually guides Julia and the other members that aren’t as fluent in Japanese; she helps them to pronounce correctly when they are waiting for their turn, and Emelia does the same. It’s actually a fun song called [Let’s Go! (レッツゴー!)].

It will be a lot of promotions in the beginning of 2014 – 5 Pieces will make their pre-comeback in Korea with the single [I Want A Man] on January 1st, then their international single [Face Me] will come out in the middle of the month and sometime in February the Japanese single will be released.

5 Pieces records the song a little quickly, and when they one by one start to finish up there, they start talking about tomorrow’s music award. They all have decided to perform [Run Out], because that is the song nominated in the categories for ‘Best Pop Video’ and ‘Best Choreography’. It’s really not much new things to learn, but 5 Pieces are in the practice-room in Tokyo for almost six hours practicing the Japanese song; mostly to just remember everything and make sure they won’t make mistakes. Again the girls are talking a lot, about the song they just recorded, all liking it and they also talk about the music video they came rushing from in Korea.

All of a sudden its midnight in Tokyo, and the girls are yawning inside the practice-room. By now they are taking it easy, Hannah is sitting in the middle of the practice-room, massaging and stretching her legs and arms with Julia sitting two meters away doing the same. Hannah takes a picture through the mirrored wall of the ladies in the room; Maria in the background stretches out her whole body at all directions for the picture, while Emelia is coolly just sitting on the side and covering her face with a peace-sign while Carolina is lying down on the floor.

{Instagram, bunny92hannah: Practicing for tomorrow’s award show in Tokyo, five tired and nervous ladies… We will perform with all our might!! Good night ^^,}

She writes it in Japanese, hoping the Japanese fans will look forward to tomorrow, and she surely gets happy when there are Japanese fans responding that they are patiently waiting for it, mentioning that 5 Pieces are nominated and congratulating the girls for just that. Hannah knows it is a big deal to be nominated, all five of the ladies know that and they are honoured to be invited to perform on top of that.

With not getting much sleep when filming the music video in Korea, the ladies leave the practice-room to now get some sleep for tomorrow.


It’s Thursday. 5 Pieces go through rehearsals and awkward conversations in preparations for the Japan Music Award show, the awkwardness being endless because of the ladies attending their first Japanese award show and the language that yet is not too good for most of them causes the awkward misunderstandings.

5 Pieces look great today, all ready to perform in front of Japan’s biggest artists as well as the whole country that will be watching the show from their homes. The ladies are wearing black peplum tops in thin materials and white shorts with over-the-knee boots; the ladies practice backstage, noticing that the white shorts are barely noticed underneath the peplum top but when dancing the thin fabric of the top flies around a lot so the shorts are visible. It will look great when dancing [Run Out].

While waiting for their performance, the ladies watch the show from backstage. They are busy taking a lot of pictures together too, with all the members or just two and two. All of them have put some focus on their make-up, a little glitter on the eyeshadow and for that want to take memorable pictures of it – and they are nervous to perform tonight that they need to keep themselves occupied while waiting. Though the ladies are invited to perform, they will not sit among the other artists and watch the award show from in front of the stage; they are behind, just waiting for their turn to perform. But the ladies love it. Several of times they are just watching the screen with amaze at the Japanese artists they spot in the audience.

Hannah keeps checking the schedule too, to be ready when it’s their turn to perform, getting more and more nervous. It’s their first time attending a Japanese award show; she can’t believe how nervous she is for this even if they have performed a lot in Japan. Maybe because this is hundred times bigger than their own performances, much bigger than the performances with SM Town too because this is something that everyone in Japan wants to watch, because there are a lot of different Japanese artists present that will receive awards that are loved in this country. And in the middle of it all, 5 Pieces will appear. Or maybe she is extra nervous because several of these Japanese artists had complimented 5 Pieces earlier today, talking about not just [Run Out] and [Daze] but also about Emelia’s [Private Business] and Hannah’s [I CRY]. It’s shocking how much these artists seem to know about 5 Pieces though most of them met for the first time today.

Hannah takes a picture with Julia, the two of them leaning their heads together and Hannah showing her peace-sign while Julia holds the cell phone for her to take the picture where they look as close as sisters. She uploads it next to a picture of herself giving a simple wink while Emelia stands next to her, tall with her hair hanging down all dark and charismatic while both of them can’t help but to look nervous.

{Instagram, bunny92hannah: Backstage with the ladies. Can’t wait to perform!}

While at the same time, Maria uploads a picture of herself, writing in English that she likes the way her hair is today.

“Ooooooooooh!” Carolina gets the attention when pointing at the screen, as ‘Best Pop Video’ nominees are shown and 5 Pieces’ [Run Out] is one of them.

“Can you believe we are nominated?” Emelia chuckles, taking her seat next to Carolina loudly with eyes glimmering at the screen by the seconds their music video is shown. Hannah can’t believe it. Three nominations!

“But we have won in Japan before,” Julia lightly mentions as if it is no big deal. “We won this past summer, did we not?”

For some reason she looks at Hannah, who just nods as she remembers they were in Korea when they were told they had gotten award in Japan; they won a lot with MTV Japan. And they did win Best New Artist award a while back too. But this is the biggest award show in Japan of the year; not a lot of artists coming from Korea have even been nominated.

“And this year’s winner of ‘Best Pop Video’ goes to … ah, this is an honour for me; [Run Out] by 5 Pieces!”

“The man on TV said our name!” Maria screams loudly as soon as she hears the group’s name and she starts stomping so crazily in the high heels that their manager gets all worried with hands held out as if saying she will ruin the heels. Maria isn’t even sure what was being said. Hannah doesn’t even react to what’s going on as a staff member is by the door, waving them to hurry and the ladies jogs out of the room. During the minute they rush to the stage, Hannah slowly, so slowly, realises what happens and she just gapes at Emelia; she turns around to look at Emelia, the only member who speaks Japanese with her. Emelia hugs Hannah, looking like she is going to cry and Hannah stumbles out on the stage with the rapper’s arms around her, starting to bow right away when the spotlights shines on them.

[Run Out] is played, just a bit of it, and thousand of people in the audience are cheering by 5 Pieces’ appearance. Maria pushes Hannah forward when Emelia lets go of her, and Hannah looks at the man they walk up to; a man dressed in a suit who smiles widely, holding an award in his hands and Hannah starts to bow deeply and politely at him when he reaches out a hand to shake hers while giving the award. Hannah feel the pressure as Maria had pushed her forward for Hannah to accept the award and automatically Hannah comes in the spotlight for the microphone on the stand as well, and the ladies stands next to her. It feels like the seconds are minutes, they are so long and Hannah looks out over the whole crowd and feeling her shoulders shaking and automatically when Carolina starts saying their greeting, the ladies all together says ‘we are 5 Pieces’ in Japanese before bowing.

Maria is poking Hannah on the back before they stand up straight again, and Hannah takes a deep breath as she has to say something. She is just messy, knowing she has to speak in Japanese but not even sure what she is expected to say.

She starts off with something; “We are honoured to be here tonight, thank you so much for … inviting us and for this award. We would like to thank Avex Group, all the staff that has helped us during our promotions here in Japan and our managers…”

Hannah keeps it short, not troubled with the language at all and she says ‘thank you’ probably three times after telling everyone to look forward to their performance, then she steps aside with a bow to let the others talk but Emelia just briefly thanks everyone before they get backstage again. It all happens so fast. Before she knows it, she is backstage smiling at the cameras taking pictures of 5 Pieces with the award, and she hugs on to Carolina with the smile just growing and growing for each flash.

Not until they are in their room, the girls freaks out. They blankly screams and jumps and hug each other and their managers, just freaking out for what just happened and after a few minutes they are just staring at the award they have placed on the table. Hannah glances at her members, wanting to cry out of happiness. They receive so many awards all over the place this year, it is shocking; it should show how much attention they have gotten. The world is looking at them. She smiles the biggest smile she has without even trying when seeing Maria give out a sound and start breathing weirdly while mumbling that she can’t believe what just happened. The girls’ laugh by themselves, feeling that the five of them are the same person when looking at each other because their faces reflect the same thoughts and emotions; only turning away the focus from each other to put it on the TV-screen when hearing their song being played again.

‘Best Choreography’ – the winner is 5 Pieces with [Run Out].

5 Pieces are laughing when running out on the stage, hand in hand, bowing and Hannah covers her smile behind her hand, bowing to the duo giving them this award. This time its Carolina receiving the award, while Emelia is the one saying the speech in Japanese, laughing and for the audience to see Emelia and 5 Pieces laugh and smile so widely in the surprise to win, they just get loud. Hannah walks up behind her members, hiding when she suddenly gets all teary and she isn’t sure if she can hold the tears back. This also comes so suddenly, the emotions, and Hannah smiles when Maria looks over her shoulder and spots the youngest almost crying behind them. Maria smiles amazingly and leans over to grab Hannah’s arm and pull her to stand between the leader and rapper, and Hannah is quietly biting together while looking at the crowd; avoiding looking at the cameras and she is secretly pulling down her peplum top at the back.

“Thank you!” Emelia roars happily and the ladies bow together before getting backstage again, start all over again with their cheering and hugging.

‘Best Pop Video’; 5 Pieces got award in Japan for the song [Run Out] for the creative sets and angles they used in the promotional video, how they played with the angles and colours and effects. ‘Best Choreography’ is no question to why they won; 5 Pieces have gotten praise for it all year, not just in Japan but in other countries as well for [Run Out] having a fun dance sound and the choreography is like a female robot moving, the perfect fun yet charismatic choreography that gave 5 Pieces the same image in Japan as they have created in Korea. Two awards that not just anyone gets, but that Japan think is fit for 5 Pieces’ [Run Out] – the ladies can’t believe it when they get ready for their performance, glancing on the two awards over and over and over again just to see if they are still there.

It’s like award, award; performance, right after each other. Emelia and Hannah are both still teary when they are warming up their voices, heading to the stage to wait the last minutes for their performance.

They wait behind the stage, and when they are going to do their cheer, Julia is hugging Hannah’s hand when they all put their hands in the middle of their circle of five.

“Ladies…” Maria breathes, smiling and shaking her head as if she can’t believe it. “We have gotten two awards tonight. Let that make us more determined to have fun tonight. [Run Out] has a lot of fans out there, not let’s make sure they are fans of 5 Pieces too. Alright? Are we ready to take on the stage with Japan’s best choreography of 2013? Who are we?!”

“5 Pieces!”

“Let’s go, 5 Pieces!” Maria cheers, copying the song they recorded yesterday and the ladies laughs when shouting; “5 Pieces!”

The nervousness turn into excitement with the cheer like always, and Hannah takes a deep breath as she focuses her face and becomes 5 Pieces’ Hannah, the artist who is anyone she wants on the stage.

A video plays on the stage, the opening video showing 5 Pieces’ promotions in Japan this year with album release, arena tour amazing moments, their charismatic characters in their drama and their warmly welcome by fans wherever they go. When the video ends, the screen parts in the middle and [Run Out] begins playing with 5 Pieces walking out in their stage outfits along to the music, one confident step after the other with hip hitting to the side along to the beat. Hannah is in the middle, smiling with confidence while walking with the ladies on both sides of her walking with even more confidence.

They all make a stop and twist when Emelia coolly says *TURN MY HEART ON* and the crowd is cheering as 5 Pieces starts to dance in the middle of the big main stage, the other artists nominated tonight in front of the stage and behind them the thousand of people in the crowd covering the rest of the huge arena. Hannah can’t stop smiling, almost getting teary anew but it goes off when she starts to sing;

*Every time you open your eyes–Hope fills your heart–And you get out of your mind*

[Carolina] *Every day you get up from beeed–With hopes I might come again–YOU WANNA SEE ME AGAIN*

[Julia] *Lost in the memories–Can I hold your hand and be your guide?*

[Hannah] *Clouds fill the sky, stars get blocked from your sight–Capture my heart again, I’ll do my best to not run away*

[CHORUS, 5 Pieces] *You might think I am your sweet girl,

Or your beautiful girlfriend

Either way we, should not RUN OUT ([Emelia] TURN MY HEART ON)

I could be your sweet girl,

Or your beautiful girlfriend

[Maria] Somebody told me,

I’m too good to be true

[Hannah] My guilty playfulness is going my way

I’m not going to stay, baby we are floating on air

I could be your sweet girl,

Or your beautiful girlfriend

[Hannah] Either way I, should not RUN OUT on you now*

The ladies are having a blast performing, knowing they have gotten two awards and the crowd is fan-chanting and singing along during the chorus, some even bluntly shouting wildly. They sing the best they can, they dance as if their body-parts are supposed to break from the movements and they can hear the cheer to the music, just reminding them more of where they are. They do well, Hannah has several regrettable parts where she turns around to hold in her tears, but she pulls it through; this is after all the most fun part of the day.

 [Emelia] *Picture it whatever I say, I wrap my arms around you for real–BOY YOU ARE MY TEMPORARY GUY*

[Julia] *It is getting colder outside, [Hannah] Wrap your arms around me–And stay by my side*

[Maria] *Clouds fill the sky, Stars get blocked from your sight–Capture my heart again, I’ll do my best to not run away*

[CHORUS, 5 Pieces] *You might think I am your sweet girl,

Or your beautiful girlfriend

Either way we, should not RUN OUT ([Emelia] TURN MY HEART ON)

I could be your sweet girl,

Or your beautiful girlfriend

[Hannah] Somebody told me,

I’m too good to be true

[Carolina] My guilty playfulness is going my way

I’m not going to stay, baby we are floating on air

I could be your sweet girl,

Or your beautiful girlfriend

[Emelia] Either way I, should not RUN OUT on you now*

[Hannah] *My cold heart warms up by your love–[Maria] So it goes insane, I don’t know why it leaves a spark–You might think I am your-*

[CHORUS, 5 Pieces] *You might think I am your sweet girl,

Or your beautiful girlfriend

Either way we, should not RUN OUT ([Emelia] TURN MY HEART ON)

I could be your sweet girl,

Or your beautiful girlfriend

[Maria] Somebody told me,

I’m too good to be true

[Hannah] My guilty playfulness is going my way

I’m not going to stay, baby we are floating on air

I could be your sweet girl,

Or your beautiful girlfriend

[Hannah] Either way I, should not RUN OUT on you now

Either way I, should not RUN OUT on you now…*

“Thank you!” the girls bow together as soon as their performance ends, and Hannah looks down as soon as they are heading off the stage, wiping the tears that suddenly came out. She wipes them and breathes out, laughing when a staff congratulates them when getting the microphones.

“I love our job,” Maria laughs behind Hannah.

Nothing can live up to performing in front of a crowd that enjoys your song; everything you do on the stage. Hannah keeps wiping the tears even when there are no tears left and she hugs the ladies when they are back in their room. “This is amazing,” Hannah says and laughs again when they all agree on it.

“And we have a concert to do tomorrow,” Julia comments with a laugh, because they are moved being in Japan today and then tomorrow they will be crying on the stage because they will be in Singapore – this year has been so great in so many different ways that every day is a great day thanks to 5 Pieces’ fans – and it seems to have no end. Just tonight, 5 Pieces love it, they are so thankful to attend such an award show in Japan and then to receive two awards on top of that.

But 5 Pieces’ night isn’t over yet. Emelia is busy writing a message on their blog to the Japanese fans and also watching the rest of the show, Hannah tries to look decent with the make-up while listening to the Japanese on the TV-screen and they are all doing something while watching the rest of the show.

“The winner of this year’s ‘Most Favourite Artist’ Award goes to none other than … 5 Pieces!”

Five ladies look up at each other with jaws dropped.

‘The girl-group 5 Pieces have taken Japan with a storm this year with one hit after another including [Run Out] and [Secret Touch]. They have amazed the country with their style in music and fashion as well as their creative choreographies and stages shown during their Japan Arena Tour. 5 Pieces showed they have talent in several of areas when they came out with a music drama earlier this year, receiving more attention for their acting and playful characters as well as trustworthy and confident roles. On the stage, 5 Pieces have put the crowd in a daze with their skills in live-singing and charisma, while when meeting fans during events they have been down-to-earth and friendly, showing they are artists with many different sides that makes their fans feel safe and secure in who their idols are. 5 Pieces have charmed the world by becoming the Favourite Artist of the Year.’



- “What made me like 5 Pieces was when I saw them on the stage, performing the most charismatic song about loving yourself, and they looked so happy to be there – tonight it is no different. That image will forever remind me that I can do anything”

- “I want to hug Japan so much for giving 5 Pieces exactly what they deserve; I am moved to tears seeing the ladies in complete shock when winning award after award. Emelia looked like she was going to cry, they looked really happy. Thank you Japan and congratulations to our ladies!”

- “RUN OUT is seriously the best song of the year. It is such a flirty song – 5 Pieces should do more songs like this! BTW, they rocked that stage. Congratulations, ladies, you have now officially changed Asia! Europe next, or what do you say? ;) Congratulations for the awards!”

- “Best. Absolutely the best”

- “A part I absolutely adore is when the camera suddenly does a close-up on Hannah during their performance and you can actually see how moved she is. She sings so much in this song and her voice is flawless, her body is flawless too, and she just kills it while almost crying because they a few minutes earlier got two awards!”

- “The best look on 5 Pieces is whenever they are on the stage (small or big, no matter which country) they always look like they belong there. Congratulations”

- “5 Pieces deserves it, totally. Their performance blew me off completely, I mean, how can they do that? Dance and sing like that, perfectly, for three minutes? These ladies are perfect and Japan acknowledges it! I saw all the other artists there were really put in their daze ;)”

- “Only 5 Pieces can do this. PERFECTION with a little tear”

- “Oh my god! When they came running out with laughter, just surprised to get an award, I was laughing so much because they are so down to earth that it is sick how amazing they are! When 5 Pieces came out for their third award, I cried so much to see Emelia crying, and they kept thanking their fans so much and omg when Julia just hugs the adorably crying Hannah I couldn’t take it anymore. I saw Hannah in her first Japanese drama and I felt so bad because she had really created a name for herself in Japan before 5 Pieces was even being respected in Korea, and she has come so far and Japan loves them and I really did not expect them to win because obviously this is Japan – I am so touched by 5 Pieces’ here. I love it … Thank you Japan, for taking notice of their hard work. 5 Pieces, love you so much!”

- “Totally unexpected to have Japan give 5 Pieces three awards???? Like WTF… But still, among the nominees, [Run Out] owned the whole chart. Congratulations to 5 Pieces and Puzzle!”

- “By being the best, 5 Pieces is loved for not taking this for granted. By being number 1, these ladies take each award to their heart as if it was their first; I love the fact that they came to Japan to perform, and leave with an amazing performance and three perfect awards that they deserves so much. Being the best, being number 1 – 5 Pieces, you own it all.”

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Headline 13th: Daniel Radcliff & Emma Watson Goes On 5 Pieces’ Concert + 5 Pieces’ Reaction All Seen On Ellen DeGeneres Show Tonight

On tonight’s episode of Ellen DeGeneres Show, ‘Harry Potter’ stars Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson was guests where they talked about their lives after the successful movies. They talked about another thing as well when Ellen DeGeneres brought it up; “I sent you on a mission the other day. Should we see how it went?”

The talk show reveals a video taken of the two stars visiting 5 Pieces’ concert in Los Angeles, a short clip of them sitting in the audience during the concert and Daniel Radcliff is really enjoying it even if he can’t seem to understand the lyrics. The two stars head backstage afterwards too, stopping outside the dressing-room when hearing the voices of 5 Pieces. After the video has been shown, the focus is back in the studio where Daniel Radcliff points at the picture shown in the background they took with 5 Pieces during the visit.

“Their songs were really fun. You saw me dancing and singing along,” he tells them and Ellen comments that he looks to really have a good time.

Emma Watson friendly says with a big smile; “Daniel didn’t know the songs, but all the people there were singing and dancing and jumping and before I knew it, he was shouting along and jumping next to me.”

“Ah, really?” Ellen laughs as Daniel Radcliff demonstrates the shouting he had done at the concert and the audience for the show laughs as he looks at them. “I need to tell our viewers this again, that I know that 5 Pieces are huge fans of ‘Harry Potter’ and when 5 Pieces’ concert was scheduled here in California, they personally invited me-“ she makes a dramatic pause for the audience to cheer that she was invited, “-but I planned a surprise instead as I couldn’t be there myself.” Ellen turns to the two smiling guests. “How was it to meet 5 Pieces after the concert, they got surprised, we saw that?”

“Oh yes, they got a big shock to see us,” Daniel Radcliff answers with huge eyes. “It felt weird to be approached that way by them after we had watched their concert and we actually admired them, so we … got a surprise over their reactions as well.”

“But they are really sweet,” Emma Watson adds, “All five of them had this aura around them that was really great and we understood it after watching the concert, but they were so down-to-earth and sweet that after talking with them for a few minutes we felt really close to each other.”

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Monday, Headline 09th: 5 Pieces Get The Christmas Spirit Up When Decorating Their Apartment In Korea Together


Headline 10th: ‘Joe – Déjà Vu’ Is On The List As One Of TOP100 Books Of 2013


Headline 11th: “5 Pieces – Stories from Japan” 2013 Japan DVD Release With Footage From Birthdays, Drama, [Knockout] And More


Headline 12th: 5 Pieces Performs On Music Award Show In Japan + Receive ‘Favourite Foreign Artist’, ‘Best Pop Video’ & ‘Best Choreography’

Headline 12th: Hannah Writes A Touching Message To Japanese Fans On Twitter


Headline 13th: Daniel Radcliff & Emma Watson Goes On 5 Pieces’ Concert + 5 Pieces’ Reaction All Seen On Ellen DeGeneres Show Tonight

Headline 13th: Hannah’s [Love] Song To Jonghyun Spreads To The Online Charts In South Korea!

Headline 13th: BLACK & WHITE Tour Reaches The Final Stop For 2013 – Singapore


Headline 14th: Maria & Hyunsuk Couple Doesn’t Appear On This Weekend ‘We Got Married’ Due To Abroad Activities

Headline 14th: 24.000 Fans Sings Along With 5 Pieces For BLACK & WHITE Concert In Singapore

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X. devonalias

Thanks for commenting so much wintertmm~~ ^^,

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Chapter 81: Yo, it's almost time for going back to school
Could you keep uploading a chapter twice a week please?
Chapter 81: thank you for the updates.

have a nice holiday author-nim :)

figthing! ^^
I know that it's early but Merry Christmas
Could you upload this story with more chapters please
It's Christmas break!
Chapter 79: Aren't you uploading the lyrics too?
Chapter 78: All cause of me, I requested them
Chapter 74: oh! I thought this was completed already as it says earlier that it was completed... hahhahaa anyways fighting!
atowah #7
Chapter 73: Wow wonderful story ♡
I like this idea it is amazing ;)
Fighting ♥
Thank you for this such great story... I really enjoyed reading it... :)
Could you continue updating this story please, pretty please!!!
Chapter 69: another update! :) and I must say every update is worth waiting for... keep it up! fighting! :)