Chapter 22 - Change

Youngest of Pieces: Five Years in History (9)

After Singapore yesterday, Hannah came back to Korea and went straight to the practice-room for their fourth dance-practice of [Girls Power]. They filmed the result, so they today during the meeting can watch it. Hannah takes too much notice of the clothes she wore; sweatpants and tank top with a loose top over. It looked weird because she hadn’t removed the make-up from her schedule before that – not because anyone else took notice of that – and because they all were wearing the same kind of high heel boots. The meeting is about the music video for [Girls Power] again; it’s boring and long and Hannah doesn’t listen to even half of it. She do notice though, that the members have a better attitude about the whole choreography and it all now when they have seen the result of their practicing; Carolina still doesn’t like it, but she has kept quiet about it so far. The ladies seem more interested to what they do after the meeting; they record another new song to fit their comeback concept.

It’s two new songs actually. The first one is named [I Want A Man], definitely not the ‘girls power’ kind of song but instead a mix of pop, R&B and “funk” (Hannah doesn’t know what that means), but has this band-theme with a soul and jazz music. Hannah thinks the whole band-theme concept they seem to go with (back to the basics kind of style) isn’t something 5 Pieces is used to. To do the actual music is fun, she realises that because when doing [Girls Power] in the studio the girls liked to play with their voices and take on the challenge even when doubting the style; with [I Want A Man] today when they record it the girls are just going wild with their vocals, going full-out on the soul hidden inside and it is just so much fun – and the song and music is actually very likable to the ears that all five ladies can’t help but to dance along in the studio during the day.

The second song is different, something more of a style 5 Pieces is used to. Hannah hadn’t known that Emelia and Carolina had been given a demo to compete against each other with who can write the best lyrics for it, and ended up writing it together so it now has become the song named [The Best].

Hannah is sitting in the sofa, wearing a brushed fleece logo-print sweatshirt in navy blue and ivory that she got from a fan and a pair of distressed blue jeans that Emelia had taken from her and that Hannah this morning stole back. She is stretching out tiredly, an arm stretching over Julia who is sitting next to her, yawning before she giggles as Julia starts stretching out her body too, groaning tiredly towards Hannah as if imitating her and they both giggles. They are tired, they have been at the agency all day; first the meeting and then hours in the recording studio for the two songs. Hannah, Julia, Carolina and Maria are all sitting in the sofa in the recording studio, stretching out their legs over the floor and looking really lazy while Emelia is recording some parts for the song.

“Could you redo *GO*?” Hyekyung asks Emelia after pressing a button to connect with her in the booth. Emelia practices the part he mentions, Hyekyung repeating it for her to know what he means and Emelia does it again. “Okay. Do that.”

“It better turn out well,” Maria says; she is talking about [Girls Power]. “I would never work my of for a song we just throw in the garbage bin, you know? It isn’t 5 Pieces style at all but since Hyekyung Oppa wrote it, I think it’s worth it. And the actual song is something we stand for, right? It’s just the choreography we can’t adjust to and the concept is the back-in-time style; which, the concept isn’t bad it’s just that we haven’t done it before. You know what I mean?”

She leans forward a bit to look at the ladies sitting next to her. Hannah nods without looking at the leader, Carolina tries to focus on Emelia’s recording.

“5 Pieces haven’t had that sound before,” Julia agrees. “But I don’t care; my parts are still auto-tuned so…”

Hannah laughs at the comment, staying quiet while the others keep talking but she shows reactions to it all.

“Yeah but we recorded [I Want A Man] – if we heard it on the radio, belonging to another artist with great voices, it would be such a classic piece, you know?” Maria is getting excited in the conversation. “It has that vibe in it that really can’t fail, but we are just insecure in it fitting us.”

She keeps talking and Hannah really tries to figure out what Maria is actually saying; does she like their new songs or does she think they would work better if someone else sang them? The conversation keeps going but Hannah is so focused trying to hear it if it a positive or negative critic from the members that she can’t really hear what they say. Hannah isn’t sure what she thinks of [Girls Power]; at the moment she is just thinking of all the blisters on her feet.

Hyekyung turns around in his chair to look at the ladies when Emelia is done recording. “Who is up next?”

Maria jumps up from her seat, snatching the paper from the table. “Oppa, what were you thinking when you did [Girls Power]?”

“I was thinking of you, ladies,” Hyekyung smirks, raising his hand to do a high-five with Emelia. “It is a fitting song for 5 Pieces’ 4th album. Everyone thinks that.”

Carolina reaches up her hand. “I don’t.”

“Just shut up,” Maria mutters at Carolina, turning back to the producer. “You know I love you, Oppa, right? But don’t you think this is a little too much for us? I mean, this is 5 Pieces – not some burlesque Pussycat Dolls.”

Pete laughs so loudly at her comparison and Hyekyung looks speechless at that, while Hannah and Julia looks surprised at each other before Pete’s laugh hits them too. Maria just shrugs a shoulder in her diva way before heading inside the recording booth. Hyekyung doesn’t turn around but looks at the other members while Emelia takes the seat Maria left in the sofa. “You all think of the Pussycat Dolls when you hear [Girls Power]?” he asks them, his voice and face looks completely lost and Hannah shakes her head.

“I think it is more of a thing you haven’t heard anyone else do before,” Julia answers, stretching out her arms with a yawn. “It’s not like the Pussycat Dolls at all. Not even close.”

“Maria is just tired,” Hannah nods in agreement to her friend sitting next to her. “She can’t think straight.”

He sighs when turning around, pressing the button to talk about [The Best] with Maria. Julia leans her head on the side, resting it against Hannah’s shoulder and Emelia is sitting with her legs over the other members. It’s true that they don’t know how to describe [Girls Power]; it is such a challenge that they can’t say it is their kind of song other than the lyrics, and Hannah doesn’t think the ladies actually want to perform it. Do they want to have a y concept? Leather fight clothes that shows more skin than what it covers, high heels and shaking… Hannah is doubtful; she sits there and frowns at the thought of how their album will turn out to be like. The other songs haven’t turned out to be bad at all, they have recorded songs that have this soul image that can work really well performing with a band, but just the main-track so far, is it really a challenge they are ready for?

Park Hyekyung is a respected producer for the members. They have worked together for five years and they have a close relationship, skipping the super politeness that 5 Pieces uses towards other producers; Hyekyung says he likes it because 5 Pieces speaks their minds with him, they don’t hesitate to give their opinions about the music they do together and he has a vision where 5 Pieces does all the work, and he just helps out a bit on the way. He definitely has a strong opinion for the ladies just because he is a genius and 5 Pieces know he never fails to do something that the audience wants; they have faith in each other. 5 Pieces believe in their producer because he knows what the fans wants and Hyekyung believe in 5 Pieces because they have strong opinions that are worth listening to. He still challenges them, like with this new song; Hyekyung believes 5 Pieces can pull it off even though the ladies don’t; but just because he has made the song for 5 Pieces, the ladies complains but still work their off for it.

For a late meal, Hannah goes with Julia and Manager Lim to get food from a restaurant nearby. The weather is alright, it isn’t really cold but definitely far from warm, there have been clouds covering the sky all day and the poor Koreans have started to dress warmly though Hannah and Julia are stepping outside without jackets – the night air is chillier than during the day, but compared to what the ladies were used to in Sweden, this is great weather for November. Julia is also in a long-sleeve, plus she is wearing a cardigan, so she doesn’t freeze while their manager has put on a thicker jacket; he is prepared for winter. Though there are fans outside the building waiting to spot an idol (Hannah can’t figure out how there always seem to be fans outside), they seem to get quite excited when Julia and Hannah come outside with their manager, swiftly passing the fans to go down the street; followed by a bunch who find the ladies more interesting than SM Entertainment’s building.

“Is your wife coming on Thursday?” Julia wonders when feeling the fans are a little further behind so they can talk without anyone eavesdropping.

“I told her you all want her to,” Manager Lim smiles.

“It’s just dinner, right?” Hannah wonders, knowing what they are talking about. On Thursday, they are celebrating 5 Pieces’ five year anniversary since their debut with [Moon Child] in 2008. They will do interviews and have a dinner with all of the people that have helped them; producers, choreographers, managers, stylists, some family members of their managers and stylists have been invited too. Stylist Yong Hyun will bring his boyfriend, and Manager Lim will bring his wife who is as much mother to 5 Pieces as Manager Lim is their father. It will be a family dinner, according to Maria; their Korean family.

“My wife got very happy over the invite,” Manager Lim tells the ladies, putting his hand on Hannah’s back for her to hurry her steps a little as he is very well aware of the fans closing in behind them. A few meters more and they walk inside the restaurant, and of course the fans wait outside. “She is worrying over what to wear; my wife…”

“If Maria could decide, everyone would come in pyjamas,” Julia chuckles, standing in line to order. Hannah stays behind her manager, her eyes focused on the cell phone in her hands. “Your wife looks pretty no matter what she wear, tell her that.”

“You don’t think I have tried?” he smiles. “She is like any other woman on that part.” He always gets this warm smile when he talks about his wife, and after all these years being married it really amazes the ladies to see they still love each other, how they care for each other. Even Hannah smiles when she hears him continue to talk about his wife in a low voice while helping Julia to order their food.

After ordering, Hannah waits in there while Julia and Manager Lim goes across the street to get some coffee drinks, and when they come back their food is done. Hannah had just stood there, pretending she is not aware of the fans outside while she is busy texting with Jonghyun. When the others came back she put her cell phone back in her pocket, took two of the white plastic bags while Manager Lim paid and headed out with them. They don’t talk much on the way back because the fans know no boundaries there; Manager Lim is too busy trying to stand between the fans and cameras from the two ladies. Only reaching halfway, Hannah’s pocket begins to vibrate like crazy, and she just knows who is calling her. She struggles to have both plastic bags in one hand when fishing up the phone with her free hand, quietly answering the call and hurries her steps just a little to get inside. Her boyfriend is always talkative on the phone.

Reaching the building Hannah and Julia stands next to each other while their manager opens the door for them all to slink inside.

Hannah is on the phone as long as possible, which means when she is getting closer to the recording studio she finishes up the call to get inside where they all are hungrily grabbing for the food. Within minutes everyone is sitting down around the big table in the room, drinking their coffee drinks (Hannah and Maria are children who drink water instead of coffee) and eating from the delicious meal of rice with black bean paste and vegetable. Jonghyun texts her again though; he just can’t stop.

“Have you told him he isn’t invited?” Emelia asks when seeing Hannah smile at her cell phone. Hannah looks up, looking confused as she hasn’t listened to the conversation going on. “To the anniversary dinner”

Hannah grimaces; putting down her cell phone at the rapper’s comment and without a word continues to eat.

“Why isn’t he?” Maria mumbles with food in , putting another spoonful of food in before she continues; “I told Hyunsuk he could come.”

“Oooooh,” Pete sounds impressed. “You invited Kwon Hyunsuk? Your We Got Married husband? Really?” He looks at Emelia to add; “And Hannah can’t invite her boyfriend?”

Hannah can’t help but to smile. Truth is that Jonghyun is working that time, she did ask him; he had asked her why she hadn’t asked him to come so she asked him and he was happy but said he was working. He played her. But the conversation isn’t about Hannah and Jonghyun; it’s about Maria and Hyunsuk. Like Hannah has mentioned before; this family love to tease each other. Maria is unwavering, just eating her food and all relaxed over the teasing as they ask her if she has feelings for him, if it is a date, if it is this and that and so on. Hannah can’t stop smiling though; she is more aware than the others over this “married couple”, maybe because she have worked with Hyunsuk and then Maria has told her some secrets from time to time. Hannah knows that Maria isn’t as calm on the inside as she is on the outside when they now: Which is why Hannah doesn’t speak a word.

The food is delicious and the ladies seem to have been hungry because they eat just as fast as Pete does. Hannah eats a little too fast too, but not even half as much as the other members. She is still struggling with that; eating as much as everyone wants her to, while she feels full just thinking of the amount of food they want her to eat. Carolina more than gladly starts to eat of Hannah’s food while they talk about the event party 5 Pieces are having on Saturday.

On Thursday, 5 Pieces will celebrate with their family. But on Saturday they are having an event with 200 fans, a celebration party; they have prepared gifts, Emelia’s photo book will be signed and given away too, they will have games and music and celebrate 5 Pieces’ fifth year anniversary – just 5 Pieces and fans. It’s exciting; fans have been commenting on their blog and twitter to congratulate their five years together, and Emelia had written an update on the blog to express how thankful 5 Pieces is to be able to have this anniversary, letting the fans know that they wouldn’t have come this far together if it wasn’t for all the fans.

“This month will be crazy for you, though,” Hyekyung comments when most of them are done eating. Hannah has sat down in the sofa, one knee up by her chin and she is really full even if Carolina has eaten 3/5 of her food. They are all relaxed and leaning back now, just taking it slow after the meal. “You’ve looked through your schedules?”

Maria is fast to start counting on her fingers; “We got MAMA in some country, MelOn in Seoul, our concert in Sweden and France – this is mixed up like hell – and then Tough Rapper and I are finishing our promotions… and Baby have her European book tour.”

“I’m going to Japan too,” Hannah mentions.

“When?” Maria looks very interested, though it is just for a second because when Hannah answers Sunday and Wednesday, Maria keeps talking about all other things.

5 Pieces stays in the studio for three more hours before they head home to get some sleep. Hannah is tired by that time, imagining her body being tired because it need to get used to that she doesn’t have a hectic schedule as she had when she filmed the drama recently. When she comes home she just lies down on the floor to cuddle with Michin and Ryo, who excitedly runs around to greet all ladies and to jump on Hannah’s back when she lies there on her stomach. Julia lies down on top of her, making Hannah laugh and making Michin start playing with Hannah’s hair.

“Who is going to bed?” Emelia asks them all while heading to the stereo in the living-room where Hannah and Julia are lying on the floor.

“I am!” Hannah barely can make a sound from the floor and she groans with a laugh when Julia rolls off her, both of them laughing like the weird girls they are. Being tired, the girls laugh a lot. Ryo barks in excitement since they laugh so much and Carolina laughs too when asking what they are doing.

“They have gone crazy,” Carolina tells Maria before getting inside the kitchen to find something to eat.

“Carolina!” Maria shouts out and looks inside the kitchen, hearing Emelia start to play music. “Don’t you dare eat something, drink water instead”

Emelia has connected her cell phone to the stereo, passing by song by song in search for a special one. Julia loudly sings to some songs she passes; only starting to sing when she has changed the song so it makes her and Hannah once again start laughing like crazy. Emelia stops on one song, and Maria turns away from the kitchen to begin singing Carolina’s opening part in [Girls Power], snapping her fingers nicely. Hannah and Julia can’t stop laughing when Emelia turns the volume up and all of a sudden it is a show in the living-room.

To be honest, they are playing around to the song, fooling around with the choreography. This is the typical 5 Pieces that haven’t showed their confidence in the song yet. How they all just begins grabbing the end of the sofa to pretend it is the chair for the choreography, to overdo their movements the way you fool around to music, it is just so typical for 5 Pieces. Hannah knows they are growing on the song, on the song that is, but the choreography; they are making fun of it. Hannah does it too. She gets up on her feet and starts dancing, and eventually the girls have found their positions for the actual choreography, just the part where they turn to each other to make some weird “y” thing isn’t part of it. They have fun to the song, knowing the choreography and messing around; being comfortable dancing like this in their own living-room with just themselves and their pets as witnesses.

Through the whole song they dance. Getting more and more into the actual choreography and less messing around towards the end, but Hannah don’t think anyone of them will actually admit that.

With just a few seconds left of the song, Julia takes a seat in the sofa. Hannah follows and soon the ladies have sat down, all staying quiet. Emelia has lowered the music, taking her seat too with a sigh. Hannah looks at them all, seeing her members take glances of each other and in between look away to nowhere. She can’t help but to wonder if they all have the same thoughts going through their minds.

“Ladies…” Maria starts off in a low voice, crouching with Ace in her arms, “we have been doing this for five years. Music, performing – we are celebrating our fifth year in Korea! Can you believe it?”

She doesn’t wait for anyone to comment, as she continues right away;

“I know we all are just hoping for the choreography to be changed, or the concept or something – anything – to be changed for this song. But I must agree with our producers, with Hyekyung Oppa. We have done … how many songs, for the past five years, who have actually had the same concept? What’s the actual difference between … [Original] and [Daze]? Both are charismatic songs, they are both about being yourself and not be ashamed of your own beauty. It is three year’s difference between when the songs were released.”

“So you say we should undress and go against what we are standing for?” Emelia is fast to say against her. Hannah isn’t surprised Emelia says something; she and Maria are the fastest speakers in the team.

Maria looks like she is also struggling with her own words, like she is sad to admit it. “No, hell no, no way! We have been going with the same concept for the past five years – five years is super unbelievable long if you think about it – and we have only once really shocked our fans and that was when we came out with [I Love You] in 2011! No one expected us to go for the typical cute style, did they? That shock gave us the first big award. Remember when we were told to not expect an award at that time? Do you remember how shocked we were? Or when we were told at the beginning that we wouldn’t be able to perform at music programs? They even banned us for some time! Are we banned now?”

“Yes, we ‘make impossible things possible’. What’s the point?” Julia sighs.

Hannah bites her lip over the attitude from the friend sitting next to her. She could see the memories Maria brought up. How DBSK and other seniors stood up for 5 Pieces back in 2008 because the audience would do their best to not let 5 Pieces be able to perform. For [I Love You] their own agency told them to not expect anything at MAMA, and 5 Pieces had come there with excitement to just be able to attend and to perform, and they walked away in tears after winning Artist of the Year. That definitely is one of their biggest accomplishes.

Maria looks hopeless when being questioned again.

“We didn’t get an award because we went for the typical cute concept,” Maria says clearly for them, leaning forward with a serious face-expression. “We got that award that year because no one expected us to go for that kind of a concept and we managed to prove not just them, but ourselves, that we could turn even the silly cute concept for [I Love You] into 5 Pieces’ concept. We made it ours, and that is why we won. Our fans don’t love us because we stick to the same concept, or that we challenge ourselves by going a little more daring by taking on boxing gloves in our comeback. Our fans love that we can be given a challenge, and we turn it into 5 Pieces’ style.”

“So you’re expecting us to throw off our clothes and make it 5 Pieces’ style?” Emelia rolls her eyes, still thinking of [Girls Power].

“Come on!” Hannah can’t help it. She is annoyed at her member’s negative attitude when Maria is being a great leader. “Is this seriously us? We doubt a concept we have never tried before, and no one is excited for it? Captain is right; [Girls Power] isn’t anything we have ever done before, but was [Daze] that when we first heard it? Oppa produced this song to us, and the lyrics and actual song fits 5 Pieces’ image so much that other songs fades behind it. Who says we have to wear tiny leather outfits to the song? We’re 5 Pieces! All we need is the confidence and clothes that we have approved off, and the choreography will turn into what we make of it.”

“Since when did our baby turn out much wiser than you?” Maria says while patting Emelia on the leg, smiling so widely at the youngest. “Ladies, seriously, we just need to make it our style. Nothing is impossible, right?”

Emelia sighs and falls down on the sofa, hiding her face behind her arm.

“It’s not my style,” Carolina opens .

“It wasn’t my style either,” Maria smirks. She looks to have come up with something, “Until we danced to it just now.”

Emelia lifts up her arm a bit to look at the leader, who notices how the members all look at her with questioning looks by her words.

“You don’t get it?” Maria laughs, almost jumping in her seat. “What is the thing our fans love the most when we perform?”

“Our chemistry…?” Carolina tries.

“No! They can see how much fun we have on the stage, how we deeply enjoy every part of performing in front of our fans. That’s what we need to do. We need to enjoy the dance, the meaning of the song, and when we do that, we can show it to our fans. They will love our new style if we show that we are comfortable doing it; if we love it.”

“But we have already concluded that we aren’t comfortable doing it…” Julia mentions.

Maria grabs a pillow to toss it across the living-room table at Julia sitting on the other sofa. “What do you practice for, stupid?” she asks lightly. “We just need to make it 5 Pieces’ style then. Ladies, we are 5 Pieces no matter what concept we have because we do it our way. If we have come as far as we are preparing for our FOURTH album, jeez, then we definitely need to do something that is a big challenge to live up to it.” It gets quiet after she has said that, and Maria looks from Emelia lying next to her to Carolina sitting by herself, over to Julia and Hannah. “None of us is getting sleep tonight until it has been decided that we will work as a team for this, to do it our style.”

Emelia sighs again and gets up on her feet, reaching out her hand in the air above the table. “Let’s make it 5 Pieces’ style then,” she mutters.

Hannah stands up on her feet and Maria does it too with a big satisfied smile in her face, throwing her hand over the rest while looking at Carolina and Julia. Julia gets up slowly, looking like she has no other choice, while Carolina takes some seconds to think it through. Maria asks her; “What happened to the team-spirit, mascot?”

It is one of the first time Maria actually calls Carolina for ‘mascot’ (Maria don’t think she is the group’s mascot) and maybe it is just those words that is the reason Carolina stands up, or Carolina just decides to give it a try, but all five member stands there with their hands on top of each other’s in the middle.

“If skinny-legged Maria can pull off the choreography the way she says, then anyone can do it,” Emelia is cheering them on. “I’m not going to miss that. Captain, the cheer now so we can go to bed”

“It’s true; if I can do it, anyone can. But we do this together,” Maria reminds them, “Now, my tired ugly little ladies; who are we?”

“5 Pieces,” they answer with no energy at all.

“Ya! If we are going to celebrate our fifth year together in two days, we better get some change in those voices. Who are we?!”

“5 Pieces!”

They throw up their hands tiredly though their voices had more power in them, and Maria tells them all to hurry in bed. Hannah turns to Maria when they are all heading upstairs. “You really think we can pull it off, the new concept?”

“I have no idea,” Maria sighs, turning Hannah around to guide her up. “But those American teachers still have faith in us, don’t they?”

That means they have a chance, right?

Hannah likes Maria’s pep-talk. The members maybe are too tired to show it, but Hannah thinks they as a group can do this. They have managed to turn concepts into their own style before; why not this time? Or maybe she was the only one being fooled by Maria’s talk, she doesn’t know. Hannah goes to bed thinking of this talk, of how they might look like and wondering when their comeback even will be – probably in 2014. Parts of the song are stuck in her head, she sings them in her mind over and over again: the high tones of 5 Pieces singing in the chorus *it’s my passion, your emotion, GIRLS GOT THE POWER (GIRLS POWER)*


In the morning, 5 Pieces spend several hours in the recording studio for another song, only when that is done they arrive late for another album meeting. Hannah notices a difference in the ladies today. They have more confidence today that they will pull this track off, that they will spend nights and hours practicing until they can play professionally with the choreography. Their music has soul in it, something that makes them think they are getting to show their artistic side in their songs, and the rest of the concept is still a challenge they need to embrace better. But Maria’s pep-talk worked. They are determined.

Hyekyung is at the meeting too, as the producer for the group. Manager Lim is also there like always and of course all the other people who have any say in the production of the album. Hannah knows about half of them, others are people she has never gotten to learn as they only meet like this or they haven’t worked together before. Either way, Hannah knows to stay quiet during these meetings, knowing her members speak well enough for them all.

“Among the songs you have recorded so far… [I Want A Man] was recorded yesterday. The American dance team has listened to the demo for the past week and has come up with choreography for it, so for the next three days you will learn the choreography for that…”

Another soul-filled song; 5 Pieces is meeting up a live band after this, a band they will work with for the whole album. They will do live performances together and possibly the tour connecting the album later too. It will be drums, trumpets, piano and a lot of fun. Hannah is curious about it; maybe a little excited too, but mostly just curious. She can see them perform [I Want A Man]; the band, that is, as she doesn’t know what concept that song will have as it is different from [Girls Power]

The topic moves on, and Hannah listens to them talking about a lot of things. Eventually, Hannah is just confused. She hears [I Want A Man] being mentioned more than [Girls Power] and somewhere in the meeting realises that these people had come to some decisions before 5 Pieces had arrived. Apparently she isn’t the only member not quite understanding what is going on as Maria asks about it too.

“Nothing has been decided about [I Want A Man] yet, but it has been decided that we will put [Girls Power] aside for now,” one of the men tells them.


Hannah can just feel how her eyes waters when she opens her eyes the widest and just stare at him. They aren’t doing the song? Hannah feels so confused that she gets so many different emotions running through her body. Will the members be happy or upset over this? They won’t do the song, but Maria had such a great talk about it yesterday…

“Wait, hold it,” Emelia hold up a hand. “We are doing what, exactly?”

“For the promotions-” the man stops when Maria is about to interrupt him, only to have Manager Lim quiet her down. She glares at their manager, and then tells the man to explain this decision while she leans forward with her arms on the table, staring at the man. He clears his throat, clearly not comfortable with Maria staring at him, as if she will cut him or something if she isn’t satisfied with his explanation. He touches his tie a bit when clearing his throat once again. “You have recoded a pop-R&B song with Park Hyekyung here,” he says with a hand-motion to Hyekyung who nods and the ladies nods too without knowing which song he means because they have recoded a lot together. “The song is called… [I’m Over You]. A very good song, if I may add. We have decided to put that song in a pre-single to promote before your album release-”

“What about [Girls Power]?” Maria isn’t patient with his slow way of talking. Hannah still looks shocked, now over the news about [I’m Over You], thinking that they can’t put that song as a main-track in the single. It’s no dance track.

“[Girls Power] will still be part of your fourth album, we are just putting it aside for now to focus more on the pre-single,” he explains while moving his hands, still talking slowly. “Can I move on now?”

The girls nod, breathing in to let it sink in that their determination is not in vain.

“Your schedule for November is packed, which means in late December you will film the music video.”

A music video for [I’m Over You]. Hannah takes a glance at Hyekyung. Among all songs they have recorded, they have chosen the only one Hannah has written the lyrics for. Hannah is already imagining interviews where she has to answer questions about the song; what was her inspiration to the lyrics, if she had a pressure to do well after doing [I CRY], her thoughts of writing a song for 5 Pieces… It was a long time ago she wrote the lyrics, worked on the song with Hyekyung. She can’t even remember the details to it.

During the meeting they go through the concept, possible wardrobe and music video ideas for the song. It doesn’t take all too long though it feels like it, and once the meeting ends the ladies head to one of the bigger rooms to meet the impressive band they will work with.

It doesn’t take long for them all to begin playing. Hannah can’t even remember their names but they are great musicians who seem to learn by ear how to play [I’m Over You] – only later she finds out they have been practicing it a little during the day – and the ladies begins to sing to it too. For some reason, beginning to play like this together makes them all get closer, Hannah doesn’t get it but they all have found this one thing they have in common (music) and she realises most of the people in this room believe they will do well working together.

Maybe making a comeback won’t be all bad.

At the end of the day though, the girls meet up with their manager in the room they earlier today had a meeting. Just their manager is there, as he has personally asked the ladies to come. The girls are loudly talking in mouth on each other about the day, slowly getting quiet when Manager Lim wants them to listen. Emelia’s first comment to him is that he has brought pictures with him.

“Yes… It’s from your Calendar 2014…” Manager Lim answers and looks at the picture in his hand before he puts it down on the table, turning it for the ladies to see.

Hannah leans over the table to see 5 Pieces stand next to each other in the calendar picture, friendly posing. Hannah remembers how the ladies were standing everywhere for their different calendar pictures; their usual positions where mixed up that they stood everywhere. In this picture they stand next to each other starting with Julia on their right, with Emelia next to her, Hannah in the middle, then Carolina and Maria on their very left.

“What do you think of your positions here?” he asks them, pointing at the picture.

“I’m in the middle,” is Hannah’s answer and she leans back, satisfied by saying that; she doesn’t like being in the middle.

“What does it matter where we stand?” Emelia asks, grabbing the picture before Carolina can. “Are we changing positions or something?”

She glances up at the manager, and Emelia is the first one to read his face-expression, and she just starts laughing. With their fifth year anniversary, 5 Pieces will start change their positions; going from Maria-Emelia-Carolina-Julia-Hannah where they have looked to be going from the tallest to the shortest (SM had thought Hannah and Julia would grow more when they first debuted…), and SM has taken the chance with 5 Pieces’ fifth year to change this. Hannah can’t stop grimacing about it.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Monday, Headline 04th: 5 Pieces’ Hannah Goes Personal About ‘Joe’ And Her Family In Recent Interview


Headline 05th: Popular Singapore News Program Airs Footage Of Hannah’s Visit + Exclusive Interview


Headline 06th: 1st Arena Tour BAD GIRLS DVD – Bonus A + B Released With Interviews, Behind The Concerts & More

Headline 06th: Fans Tell IU To Stay Away From SHINee’s Jonghyun Since He Is Taken

Headline 06th: Emelia Performs [Missing] On Show Champion


Headline 07th: 5 Pieces Share Funny Stories From Their Five Years In Korea

Headline 07th: Puzzle Congratulate 5 Pieces’ 5 Year Anniversary Around The World

Headline 07th: Hannah and Julia Gathers Strength In The Practice Room On Hannah’s Instagram

Headline 07th: Emelia Shares Her Self-Taken Photographs From 5 Pieces’ Schedules In 5-Year Anniversary Photo Book

Headline 07th: 5 Pieces Bring Their Family Team To Luxury Dinner For 5th Year Anniversary Celebration Dinner

Headline 07th: Actor Kwon Hyunsuk And Child Actor Kim Kyung Ho Snaps Pictures With 5 Pieces At Anniversary Dinner

Headline 07th: SM Entertainment Announces The Final Three Stops For BLACK & WHITE Tour

Headline 07th: 5 Pieces Watches The Last Episode Of Hannah’s Drama Together


Headline 08th: BLACK & WHITE Tour Will Finally Reach Canada!

Headline 08th: Maria Says Goodbye On Music Bank While Emelia Performs [Missing]


Headline 09th: Maria & Emelia Performs [Classic Girl] On Music Core + Emelia’s [Missing] Stage

Headline 09th: Hyunsuk Gets A Surprise On Set When Maria Visits In ‘We Got Married’

Headline 09th: 5 Pieces Celebrate Their 5 Year Anniversary On Party With 200 Chosen Fans

Headline 09th: The 200 Puzzle Were Given Gifts Personally From 5 Pieces During Tonight’s Party


Headline 10th: Watch Pictures From 5 Pieces’ Fifth Anniversary Party On SM Town’s Page

Headline 10th: Tokyo Gets Their Wish True When 5 Pieces’ Hannah Does An All-Day Book Promotion

Headline 10th: Maria Says Goodbye On Inkigayo With Final [Classic Girl] Performance

Headline 10th: Emelia Expresses Her Thoughts Of Solo Activities In Recent Interview

Headline 10th: 5 Pieces’ Maria Sends Her Gratitude For All The Love Given To Her Solo Activities

Headline 10th: Episode 5 Special Acapella Of [Oppa] With 5 Pieces To Celebrate 5th Anniversary


Monday, Headline 11th: Emelia’s Photo Book Is Best Seller In Korea


Headline 12th: Maria & Hyunsuk Head To Jeju Island To Film We Got Married


Headline 13th: EM To End Solo Promotions After Five Weeks Due To Abroad Activities

Headline 13th: Emelia Says Goodbye With [Missing] On Show Champion

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X. devonalias

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Chapter 81: Yo, it's almost time for going back to school
Could you keep uploading a chapter twice a week please?
Chapter 81: thank you for the updates.

have a nice holiday author-nim :)

figthing! ^^
I know that it's early but Merry Christmas
Could you upload this story with more chapters please
It's Christmas break!
Chapter 79: Aren't you uploading the lyrics too?
Chapter 78: All cause of me, I requested them
Chapter 74: oh! I thought this was completed already as it says earlier that it was completed... hahhahaa anyways fighting!
atowah #7
Chapter 73: Wow wonderful story ♡
I like this idea it is amazing ;)
Fighting ♥
Thank you for this such great story... I really enjoyed reading it... :)
Could you continue updating this story please, pretty please!!!
Chapter 69: another update! :) and I must say every update is worth waiting for... keep it up! fighting! :)