Chapter 18 - We are SM Town~

Youngest of Pieces: Five Years in History (9)

It’s Friday morning, a week where Hannah has been working on the drama every day, and today she is filming her last scenes. She is supposed to be at a meeting for 5 Pieces’ fourth full-length album in the morning, but because it is the last day filming with the crew and cast, Hannah goes there even when she isn’t filming and she takes along different drinking beverage for everyone to keep up the hard work during the day. When she first came in the morning, several of the crew was surprised and confused as she wasn’t supposed to be there, but staying in the background and not interrupting anything, they really liked how she was there with them. And like always, Hannah can’t be somewhere without actually doing something, so when she wasn’t walking around kindly giving the beverage to everyone, she would help out with props and talk to the staff on the side, showing that she really has enjoyed this time together. One of the female staff actually starts crying when Hannah is talking to her, saying it has really been fun to get to know her. What made her start to cry was that Hannah remembered what kind of beverage she likes; and she had once spoken bad about Hannah as idols don’t always have a good reputation on the drama filming set.

The director is the one who makes Hannah tear up though. When he saw Hannah being there even when she wasn’t supposed to, he just commented that he sensed her presence because no one makes the set as bright as the blonde girl. She doesn’t know why it had her tear up, but she is really thankful that he gave her the chance to do this, how he has proudly talked about her these months and really helped her out. Hannah has gotten a lot of bruises doing this drama, but it was really been worth it.

Hannah’s last scene of the day is actually in a café, where she is filming a scene for episode 13 (her last episode, but in the actual drama not her last scene). She is acting with Lee Philip, the handsome Korean-American actor who is playing her older cousin in the drama – the one who comes in with wonderful information and saves the day when Hannah’s character got kidnapped. The scene is just of the two of them sitting there at the café and talking. Hannah is wearing a yellow satin-lining lapel parka with sash, a pair of skinny jeans and faux-leather high-heel boots that makes her feel super tall. Her hair has been styled with heavy locks and a little more side parted than usually, but it looks classy and good for the ending of the drama.

Her character in the drama will be convinced by her cousin to go back to America and work there, and when her husband (Kim Jaejoong) is done with his mission in Korea, he will go there too. Earlier this week they filmed the ending scene for Episode 15 where Jaejoong’s character is in an apartment that is supposed to be in America, and he is waiting for someone, and when Hannah’s character comes inside, everything will be good and okay and they will look happy to the ending.

“It is your last day?” Lee Philip looks surprised when he hears it between the takes. “Oh my, am I the only one who thinks the filming has gone by really fast?”

He is a really calm person, not just on screen but he is always really calm and speaks softly. The first time they filmed together he had commented that he had tried to be as graceful as Hannah for their characters who are supposed to be related. It is fun. Hannah agrees with what he says, saying she is sad it is coming to an end already. They both smiles up at the director who has his own comment on the subject; Hannah rests her chin on her hand against the table, smiling from her co-star to the director while they begin talking about the scene.

Earlier this week, the whole cast had gotten together for some interviews, laughing and showing even more of themselves as a cast to the drama. Hannah is actually surprised by how the viewers of the drama keeps complimenting them, how the interviewers comment on the cast’s chemistry and repeating the question how it has been to work together. These couple of weeks the drama has been airing has passed by so quickly, that all the summer she spent preparing for the drama, how the preparations somehow felt longer than the actual filming. Hannah regrets that it has passed by so quickly, but she is actually satisfied with what she has accomplished with this drama; her acting, all the thing she has learned, how she has been treated, the way she has worked hard to be seen in a good way for both the cast and the staff, how she has worked her hardest all this time to show herself in the best way possible. She has done well; Hannah can say that to herself when no one is listening.

Hannah’s last hours on the set are really great. She is invited to a Halloween party next week with them all, so it isn’t a real goodbye, but Hannah can’t help to wrap her arms around the stylist who has been so kind to her all this time. Hannah is lucky to get a picture with Lee Philip too when their scene ends, one with just the two of them and one with the director too. The picture with all three of them together, Hannah uploads on Instagram.

{Instagram, bunny92hannah: Filming with the handsome Lee Philip and director Hong Wan Young ^^,}

Other than a speech, it isn’t much celebration for Hannah’s time there, and she loves that. She gets to spend her day with the staff; they keep talking about how much they will miss her the last two weeks filming the drama and when they all ask her to say some words, they also take turns sharing their experience of working with Hannah and they are really, really nice. Hannah really does her best today, not to do well with her character but to really be a good co-worker in the drama; she even play games during the day with the staff, cheering them on and having fun.

And like always, she has to leave too soon. Still satisfied with her day and that the staff keeps saying they will see her next week (its fun how the drama for Hannah has ended today but still not just ended somehow), Hannah leaves the set thinking she has done well with ‘미스터와 미스’ and she keeps spacing out thinking about it. Though she is going to the apartment, packing and getting something to eat before she head to the airport to go to Japan where SM Town is going to be tomorrow, Hannah is barely even present when doing all that. The other members are going to Japan in the morning, the same as SNSD and SHINee while the rest of SM Town have gone there today for rehearsals, and Hannah is going there now in the evening for a radio program where she will talk about her book, SM Town’s concert tomorrow and 5 Pieces’ activities in Japan this year.

The blonde-haired girl arrives at Gimpo Airport in a completely new outfit; sponsored clothes from a brand their stylist is working with and that Maria has been modelling for the past two months. The white v-neck t-shirt is hidden underneath a big, shapeless black drawstring hooded pullover that is one of the most comfortable fabric and style existing, while the black brushed fleece skinny pants are tight and cold in the chilly late October weather – within days the weather has gotten colder, the feeling that winter is around the corner – but the skinny pants look gorgeous (even on Hannah’s short legs) and a pair of new contrast-trim zip-up ankle boots in brown just because the black pair at home did not fit, the 10cm high heels makes her legs look very nice in the skinny pants. To finish up the look, Hannah has a lot of accessories from the brand; almost every finger carries a ring, beside from her usual two rings on her left ring-finger she has added a wide metallic ring on her forefinger and her right hand has a thin little finger ring, two black rings on the middle finger and a wide ring on the forefinger; her left wrist wear a white silver watch, a black braided bracelet, one small bracelet and two other kind of bracelets while her right wrist only wears one bracelet. It is a really cool look overall, and it is a sponsored outfit that she will wear for her small schedule in Japan later this evening, though she has to remove all her accessories when going through security at the airport. She knew that, but had put them on to not forget them.

Like always there are fans at the airport. Today, Hannah thinks it has been chaotic at the airport as most of the SM Town members have been going here, and a little part of her is happy she isn’t there with her members; it would be chaotic if they all went there together. Instead Hannah can go with her manager, not having to use security when going from the van inside the airport, and even if there are a lot of people there freaking out that Hannah suddenly enters and try to push forward, Manager Lee is fast to take Hannah through it all, to reach the gate with just a bunch of people filming or taking her picture. Taking picture and being filmed from a few meters distance is alright for Hannah, especially now when she is so dressed up, but right when entering the airport it was people right next to her wanting to take a picture a little too close, and that is just going too far – it went fine though.

After coming through the security, Hannah is busy putting on all the accessories, waiting for her manager to come through too. while standing there, she can’t help but to smile at the big crowd of fans gathered at the other side of security, wanting her to look up and take notice of them, and with a small smile in her face being seen the fans shouts even more. Hannah puts on the last ring, looking at her manager who comes up to her, asking if she has forgotten something.

“No,” she answers, waving to the crowd before turning around to talk with her manager. “You should’ve asked that before we came inside, Oppa.”

“I did ask; you didn’t hear,” he answers. Hannah pouts at his mood, nudging him on the side with her elbow.

“What happened with the mood?” she mutters at him, still pouting and aware of the fans getting further behind them.

Manager Lee sighs, mumbling that he gets a headache because of fans, and Hannah pats him on the back to comfort him, trying to put him in a better mood by saying he will get a good night sleep in a very nice hotel tonight. He groans tiredly hearing that, whispering that he can’t wait. She doesn’t add that they have work to do before that.

On the flight to Japan, Hannah goes through some questions she might be given, practicing her Japanese too though her Japanese already is pretty good. She keeps smiling, thinking of the drama filming because that is still at the top in her mind. Before going to the airport she had sent a text message to Shin Minah, writing that she has filmed her last scene now, and Minah had answered that they will still meet at the Halloween party next week.

It’s unbelievable how these weeks have passed by. And just a few days ago she confessed it all to Honggi, while she hasn’t uttered a word to her members about it. She hasn’t really had the time to talk to her members lately; it is either talk about concert, their comeback preparations, Maria’s amazing comeback or Emelia with hers. Hannah gets happy whenever she hears about the things her members do, but thinking back to last Sunday when Emelia was upset at her, Hannah realises her members doesn’t know what the youngest is doing. Do they know about all the hard work she has put in to this character and drama? How she has gone from the drama set to the stage just for her members, while other idols skip out their group activities because of their drama filming. Like with SHINee’s Minho and f(x)’s Krystal, who both can’t come to the SM Town concert due to their drama filming; while Hannah has filmed a lot during the weekdays to be able to work on other projects during the weekends. She doesn’t complain about it, she has loved her schedule even if it has been hectic and nonstop, but that her members (Emelia) doesn’t understand it makes her a little sad.

Now when the drama filming has come to an end, Hannah will still have a lot of things to do. She hasn’t looked through her schedule, but she knows she will join in on the comeback preparations. This up-coming week won’t be much though because Maria will go to China for her solo concert, it will be Halloween and … Hannah really doesn’t know how her schedule is like.

Getting of the plane in Japan, Hannah is walking close to her manager to ask him about the schedule. He had taken a nap on the flight, commenting that it is the only relaxing time of the week, and as soon as she mentions next week he seems to get in a very good mood.

“Your schedule is empty on Tuesday; the rest of the week is a few meetings and recordings for the album – and next Sunday you are in Singapore,” he tells her while showing the schedule on his cell phone. “It’s the calmest week for you this year.”

“And you’re happy for that because……?” Hannah giggles.

“I don’t have to stay awake at night at some drama set,” Manager Lee says with a bright smile.

Hannah raises her eyebrows at him, and is just about to say something when loud screams out of nowhere breaks out. Her manager almost laughs at Hannah’s frightened look at the people standing behind a blue band; they have waited for her, the greeting of Japanese fans. Hannah hadn’t expected it (maybe because she comes and goes between Korea-Japan so often that she never gets much attention at the airports) and she has to calm herself a bit at it before she remembers what she was about to say. She turns to her manager, still walking; “You were sleeping on set every night, Oppa.”

“True, but now I can sleep in a bed,” he smirks and guides her through the airport. With the airport secured and fans standing on the side welcoming her, Hannah smiles and waves at them during her way out.

Japan always has a warm welcoming, Hannah thinks. Once when she was heading back to Korea, fans had met her at the airport; she had talked to them because it was just a few people standing there, and one of them was eating something from a food stand outside and the fan had run out to buy it for Hannah just because the blonde girl couldn’t stop looking at it. They can talk to each other. Even when she couldn’t speak Japanese that well, when she was doing her drama back in 2010, fans would gather around where they filmed and simply converse with Hannah in between. She didn’t go run away when spotting a fan of hers standing there because at that time it was kind of new to have fans; it was fascinating. Maybe Julia is right after all; Japan has a special spot in Hannah’s heart. She is sure she is warmly welcomed, anyway, because when she arrive at the broadcasting studio, everyone treat her kindly and ask if she want something, if things are okay if they do it this way and so on. The radio host is all shaky the first minutes talking with Hannah, and the blonde girl can’t understand why.

Manager Lee is just smiling. He knows that Hannah doesn’t need guidance at these kinds of things. She always seems to know what to do when going to Japan; how to speak to the people, always being respectful and smiling. She makes others be comfortable even if they are nervous around her.

The radio program goes well. It is a one hour special with Hannah and it seems to be a lot of people listening as they keep getting comments on the fan-board and calls during the segments. Hannah speaks the language well too, though she a few times says ‘um…’ just to not mix up something. It is here Hannah is wearing the v-neck t-shirt, not hiding it under the hooded pullover, and she looks surprisingly cool in the outfit – Hannah is impressed. It could be something to wear on the stage, even the host had commented on it during one of the commercial breaks.

“A lot of our listeners have sent in the same question to us, so I guess I just have to ask it because I am a little curious too. Hannah, are you releasing a single soon?”

“Ah!” Hannah remembers and she laughs when the host surprised asks if she had forgotten about it. “I didn’t forget, I just … had a little memory loss with everything we have been talking about.” They have talked about SM Town and 5 Pieces’ activities in Japan, yet she forgot to bring up her single.

“So you are releasing a single?”

“Yes. I have done so many things in Japan so far; acting and working with 5 Pieces, but I have yet not released a solo song. So, fitting for the winter, I am coming out with my absolute first Japanese single on November 18, which features the two songs I promoted in Korea last year,” Hannah answers as if she is talking to a friend, an older friend who she speaks respectful to. Like a senior perhaps, a close senior.

“And you have already released a short PV for [I CRY] – the song that brings tears to everyone hearing it – so I am wondering how it came that you decided to release this single?” the host comments and asks, her whole face squeezes together in curiosity when putting the focus to Hannah. They show so many expressions in their voices when talking that Hannah just smile at first.

“Last year when we came out with it in Korea, I didn’t expect the song to become so popular, and this year when 5 Pieces was doing our Arena Tour, the fans seemed to like the song a lot. While thinking of releasing my first single in Japan, I wanted it to be something personal, and that is the most personal song I have ever sung,” Hannah answers and adds a cute smile when saying; “I hope you will play it a lot on the radio when it comes out”

The host laughs and claps her hands, saying they will play it every day and every hour; Hannah hurries to put out her pinkie, to promise it, and the host says she has some sense there.

That one hour goes by so fast. They talk about Hannah’s book after the single, after that the host has asked Hannah if she could sing a little of the Japanese version of [I CRY] for listeners to get itchy fingers – for the selling to go better once it comes out – and Hannah maybe hasn’t practiced the Japanese version still remembers a bit of the chorus to tease for the listeners. After the radio program Hannah takes a promotion picture with the host and some other solo pictures for maybe magazines (Hannah doesn’t even know what the pictures are for) and she leaves with her head down, bowing to everyone and thanking them for their hard work and again keeping the mood up when telling them the usual phrases. And when leaving the building, Hannah is met by some fans that even this late have been standing outside in the cold to maybe, perhaps, see her. Hannah gets such a surprise to see them that she doesn’t hesitate to write some autographs and accept some presents that fans always seem to bring along.

“Are you coming tomorrow?” Hannah asks the fans in Japanese (she is wearing the drawstring hooded pullover now), “To our SM Town concert.”

“I am!” one in the back raises her hand. “Me and my friends are going with my mother.”

“Ooooh,” Hannah smiles, signing a poster of herself that a fan has in a notepad, and Hannah glances up at the next person who asks for a picture, and Hannah tilts her head to the girl’s when taking the picture together. Another fan during that time says he wanted to go to the concert but the tickets were sold out, but he says he is still happy because his money was spent on 5 Pieces’ most recent concert in Japan. “Did you like 5 Pieces’ concert then?”

“Oh yes! It was completely the best concert ever! You all looked hot and cute and I got my friend to become totally your fan,” the boy answers, squealing when Hannah laughs at his excited answer. He seems very girly, she likes it.

“Where are the other ladies?” one of the girls asks in a low voice and the girl standing next to her quietly holds out a book for Hannah to sign.

“They are still in Seoul,” Hannah kindly answers while writing her autograph, trying to not notice her manager nudging her from behind. “They are coming in the morning, so don’t worry.”

Eventually she smiles to them all, apologizing when saying she has to go now, telling them all to get home safe before she gets inside the van to head to the hotel where the rest of the SM Town family who are in Japan at the moment are in as the rehearsals have ended.

Manager Lee checks them in at the hotel while Hannah walks to the elevator to wait there, and when he comes to her he hands her the key-card and begins talking about the morning, when to leave and when to wake up and just gibberish in Hannah’s ears as the doors to the elevator opens and standing in there is two members of EXO; Kai and Baekhyun looks completely shocked, frozen where they are standing when seeing Hannah and Manager Lee in front of them. Hannah finds her smile when melting in the surprise, but it is Baekhyun who reacts first, bowing and greeting both Hannah and her manager politely as a junior, and Kai follows his brother to not seem impolite in front of Manager Lee.

“Where are you going?” Hannah asks at the same time as Baekhyun asks if they arrived just now.

“We are going to the restaurant in the back,” Kai answers Hannah’s question, stepping forward to stop the elevator-doors from closing. “You want to come along? The agency is paying.”

“Oh,” Manager Lee raises his eyebrows at the last words, passing Baekhyun to get inside the elevator while the boys step out of it, “I guess some bad influence have moved passed to the rookies now.”

He looks at Hannah as if she is the guilty one, but she just rolls her eyes at him, saying she has nothing to do with it and Hannah decides to go with the boys to the restaurant – the only thing she can do in the hotel-room is to sleep, as no ladies are with her, and Hannah isn’t that tired just yet – while Manager Lee has longed for a hotel room all week so there is no way he will go to the restaurant when he is this close to the bed. Hannah takes a seat around a table with Kai and Baekhyun after ordering something to drink; the tables are all parted with a paper wall in between, making it more private but each table has a seat for four people. A waitress took them to their table and explains what they have. Kai looks like a question-mark as the waitress speaks fluently with no stop at all as if she doesn’t understand the three guests are all foreigners, and Baekhyun gives more comments than necessary that makes Hannah wonder if he is showing off his Japanese.

“What are you having?” Kai asks Hannah when the waitress seems to be done talking in his ears, and Hannah laughs at his try pretending he understood exactly what she just said.

Hannah looks at the waitress and orders curry and rice in Japanese, the waitress nods and asks if she wants anything more but Hannah is okay with that; Baekhyun comments that it sounds good but he would want to try something else. Kai ends up ordering like Hannah, and Baekhyun orders a lot, explaining for Hannah that Chen is coming too.

“How was it at Tokyo Dome today?” Hannah wonders while they wait for their midnight meal.

“It was hot,” Kai is fast to answer, laughing and hitting Baekhyun on the arm even if Baekhyun hasn’t said anything. Kai reveals the reason; “Baekhyun and Chanyeol ran into an old lady backstage, and Baekhyun apologized in Chinese to her!” He laughs even more and Baekhyun leans back in his seat, laughing too while Hannah is lightly laughing and shaking her head.

“It was Chanyeol who ran into her,” Baekhyun explains but Kai laughs even more and says it was Baekhyun who did it because Chanyeol was chasing him in the corridor since Baekhyun had taken his cap. While the two boys are loudly laughing, Chen comes inside and asking coolly what all the noise is about, not first seeing that Hannah sits there because of the paper wall, but the moment he sees her he quickly quiets down and quietly greets her, bringing a chair from another table to sit next to Baekhyun instead of on the empty chair next to Hannah. Baekhyun and Kai are just about to for it when Luhan comes jumping over to them, smilingly greeting Hannah when naturally taking the seat next to her. Chen is fast to ask where the food is to not be teased for not sitting next to Hannah.

With all the boys there she suddenly feel a little out of place; they say jokes and laughs and she doesn’t get the point in it, so she just smiles at them and really trying to figure out what the point with the jokes are. When the food comes most of them quiets down to eat, but there is constant talk around the table. Hannah is surprised by how much they eat. They order more food, even finishes off Hannah’s meal, and she makes them laugh when they see her face-expression.

“They don’t feed you during the days or what?” Hannah smiles at them after that Chen has started to try grab non-existing food from an empty plate.

For two hours they sit there, chatting and eating. Hannah doesn’t eat that much, but she do get to order the second time for the boys in Japanese and it is actually quite fun to sit there and listen to their conversations. Like always with EXO, their managers comes to remind them of the time and that they have work tomorrow. Hannah is fast to tell the boys that she is going to sleep, so when she leaves her seat the others are fast to do it too, suddenly very obedient to listen to their manager just because Hannah says it.

When she enters the hotel room, a big room that she tomorrow will share with one of the members, Hannah finds herself feeling very alone. Usually she would’ve been with her members now, maybe they would try to watch a movie together but end up either sleeping or talking. It’s completely quiet in the room, even when she turns on the TV it is quiet in there because the only movements comes from herself. The girl who loves being alone, is suddenly in need of company. She sits down on the bed, just spacing out at first. It takes minutes before she prepares to go to bed and lies down under the quilt, staring at the latest text message from Maria. The ladies have gone to bed at home beside from Maria who has pre-recorded this weekend’s music programs all day long. Maria isn’t constantly texting Hannah the way Jonghyun is, but Maria does it once in a while just to see how the youngest is doing and maybe to tell her something. Hannah had written to her earlier when she was eating with the members of EXO what she was up to, just to let the leader know she is around good people and that she even is eating (the eating part seemed to have interested Maria the most as her last message contained a lot of random letters expressing how happy she is Hannah is eating).

Food and family are the two things Hannah always is reminded of by the people in her surrounding. Lately it has been too much talk about food and no talk about her family (she is overjoyed with the family part) and even if the youngest has been eating more than usually lately, they still want her to eat at every possible chance.

Lying there in the hotel bed, Hannah thinks that these two days they will be at Tokyo Dome to perform; she can easily sneak away or somehow avoid eating up because there is so much happening backstage. The same thing she did last weekend. Jonghyun caught her last weekend in Beijing, and he said he would tell the other ladies, but Hannah hasn’t been scolded by the members so she guesses he never told them.

Hannah rolls around to lie on the side, putting the cell phone on the other end of the double-bed and staring at it tiredly. Thinking of Jonghyun, she is reminded of the headline that came out at the beginning of the week. A paparazzi had captures pictures of her and Jonghyun after Maria’s concert, when they were outside waiting to leave; pictures taken from a distance with Jonghyun’s back covering Hannah most of the time but the pictures could show them holding their arms around each other, how they talked to Hannah’s manager and when they hugged it looked like they were keeping each other warm. The comments about those pictures are endless; some actually likes to see that Hannah and Jonghyun dare to hold on to each other out in public while others complain that they shouldn’t do those things outside. Hannah thinks the negative comments are just jealousy, some are jealous of Hannah being with Jonghyun while others are jealous of Jonghyun being with Hannah – it is never someone who is fully satisfied. Jonghyun seemed to have liked it though, as he sent the article to Hannah and then wrote that coming out with their relationship maybe wasn’t so bad after all.

Half a year ago, Hannah was terrified when articles started to spread out that they are possible dating. It all started with a picture of Hannah and Jonghyun’s sister when they had met the year before spreading online, just hanging out, and by that people started the rumour that the two idols might be more than friends. In a few days it was everywhere, articles spread like crazy that they are possibly dating, coming with “evidence” and all that. Hannah was in Japan at that time, freaking out when the agency, Jonghyun and her members all were suggesting them to come out with the truth. She has always known Jonghyun don’t want to hide his relationship to his fans, but he kept it hidden because of Hannah – and they both understood each other and compromised about it, also when the articles came out they had to compromise. Hannah had gotten her will through and they managed to keep it a secret from their fans for almost three years; Jonghyun convinced her to come out with the truth, and they both wrote a letter confessing they have been a couple for a while. Since 5 Pieces was working in Japan that time, doing their Arena Tour and having a schedule every single day, she felt heartbroken when the Japanese fans showed such dissatisfaction with the news; they showed up signs telling them to break up, they stood outside an event instead of coming inside as if saying “we only come in if you are single” and it was just so crazy. Not once during that time did Hannah think she has to break up with Jonghyun to make them satisfied, she was just heartbroken that her fans would react that way.

But it’s better now, several of months later. Maybe their fans just had to let it melt in; the fans had absolutely no issue imagining them being in a relationship or dating, as long as it was kept as imagination. Hannah doesn’t get that. Some fans asked her what Julia thinks of it; in 5 Pieces, Hannah and Julia was a popular “couple” because they shared bedroom a while back and they always stand next to each other. Yet, Hannah think that if it came out the two of them were more than friends, fans wouldn’t like that either. Maybe imagination is much better than reality, no matter how many times fans keep saying “I wished they were real”; once it become real, they don’t like it anymore, instead saying “I can’t believe it”.

Hannah closes her eyes with a sigh. Fans make no sense at all.

Maybe they all have this love-and-hate relationship, because no artist would be where they are if it wasn’t for fans. Everything comes with a good and bad side; Hannah smiles in her sleep thinking about that.


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Hannah is hiding backstage for SM Town’s concert in the morning while waiting for her members to arrive. She is sitting in a room and going through performances on her cell phone of the Japanese songs they will perform today; wearing an oversized printed tank top and a pair of drop-crotch print pants in black, Hannah hides next to a fan to stay cool. Tokyo is much warmer than Seoul, and though it isn’t summer weather the air is still warm.

Hiding in the room doesn’t really go that well; Manager Lee always knows where Hannah is, then staff drops by the room when getting something to drink, DBSK’s Yunho comes by two times, Super Junior’s Shindong walks by and sees Hannah in there so he comes inside to ask why she sits here all alone and it is just a lot of people dropping by all the time. Not until SNSD’s Taeyeon comes by and begins talking, Hannah realises that if SNSD is there; 5 Pieces is there, so Hannah walks with Taeyeon some rooms away where it is a lot of noise as the whole SM Town now seem to have gathered. Hannah spots her members right away, but greets the members of SNSD first as she notices everyone is heading straight to work.

“With rehearsals starting, you ladies need to practice your songs,” Manager Kim says. Hannah sees that Manager Lim isn’t there (he rarely comes along on abroad activities) so she listens to Manager Kim who is the second in charge after him. “Oh, good you’re here, Hannah. The five of you, go through the songs, okay? The language and the steps, now.”

Hannah looks at her members who are putting their things away in the dressing-room, yawning and looking tired after the flight. Their stylists are packing up the clothes and making sure everything is there, and Hannah just takes a seat, putting her earphones and cell phone away while waiting for the ladies to bring up the subject. She smiles when Carolina grabs a chair to sit in front of Hannah, but it is not today’s concert the mascot brings up to talk about; it is the meeting they went on yesterday when Hannah was on the drama set.

“We’re doing a video for [Girls Power],” Carolina says with a sort of wicked smile. “I couldn’t believe it. The others couldn’t believe it.”

While Carolina keeps talking, Hannah tries to remember how the song went, and just when she thinks she is just about to remember it, Maria steps up and hits Carolina on the head to make her stop talking. “You make no sense,” Maria complains at the mascot, standing there and nods at Hannah. “Baby, you know that crazy high-tone song we recorded with Oppa a while back? That’s the song SM wants us to have. They kept talking about 5 Pieces getting award at Women’s Voice and that we still haven’t had a concept that is directed towards girls, though we have a strong image on that point. [Girls Power] got that concept they have waited for; which means, our fourth album will possibly be named that too. Can you even imagine us singing that song live, while dancing? How the heck are we supposed to dance to such a song?”

As if they all had planned to one by one approach Hannah with this news, Emelia pushes her to fit next to Hannah in the sofa, playing the song on her cell phone. Like always, Emelia seem to have everything.

“We’re doing this as our comeback?” Hannah gapes at her members who all nod in response; she isn’t sure if it is grimaces of excitement or worries in their faces.

“That was my reaction too,” Maria tells, “the crazy one here-” Carolina, “-says our voices are awesome in the song, as they played this on the meeting; I hadn’t heard the complete version before and it does sound awesome. But can you seriously imagine a feminine 5 Pieces in ty outfits-”

“NOT TY!” stylist Yong Hyun shouts from across the room and Hannah leans back when Maria moves closer to whisper;

“They have already come with suggestions on the outfits, and I am not pleased. We need to make a stand to not wear leather clothes and look like some Cat Woman wannabe; 5 Pieces is not ty,” Maria sounds like she is warning Hannah, and the youngest doesn’t even dare to not her head in agreement, worried she might be put to the blame if she do. Maria sighs out of frustration, stands back up straight with a hand on her hip. “We can make that song work without ty outfits-”

“Stop saying it is ty, you little diva,” Yong Hyun complains, the ladies all turning to look at him. “5 Pieces is going just as classic for their comeback as you are in your latest music video; don’t forget who dresses you, lady.”

Maria gives him a smile and a wink, but when glancing back at Hannah she looks sceptical about it. Hannah gets worried at that. All of them surely find the song great, but they all stick to the thought that it is not 5 Pieces’ type of track. And it is strong, Hannah hear Emelia comment; the lyrics are strong about girls having the power and the way it is put, Emelia don’t think Korea is ready for five foreign girls in leather sing like that. Hearing all the things the ladies say about the song, about doing a music video for it and actually have it as their comeback track. It worries Hannah for what their comeback might look like, and even as the ladies begin to practice their Japanese songs that they will perform at tonight’s concert, she keeps thinking about it.

According to the ladies, at the meeting they talked about a music video and also about making more music that will fit the concept; 5 Pieces’ fourth album will be all about girls’ power. Hannah loves the concept of the album, but the concept of the actual song from what she has heard isn’t really making her excited for it, and that is why she can’t drop the thought, worrying of one thing after the other about this song. How will the choreography be like for the song? Is it true that 5 Pieces will wear clothes as bad as Maria says, or is it the stylist who has worked with them for the past five years she should believe in? Anything with leather makes Hannah doubt the stylist though.

Emelia pushes Hannah from behind on the shoulder, and in shock because Hannah was in other thoughts, the blonde girl turns around with big eyes, asking what it is.

“Focus,” Emelia answers, nodding at the front, and Hannah turns back around.

5 Pieces is on the stage, doing their first rehearsals and Hannah finds herself spacing out a little too much. The staff asked if they are ready to start and Hannah hadn’t reacted while the others did, so the staff asked her if she is ready too but Hannah didn’t respond to it, which is why Emelia did what she did. Hannah takes a deep breath and nods in response, clearing and making sure the headset microphone sits correctly by as the music for 5 Pieces’ Japanese hit song [Run Out]; the iest song of 5 Pieces so far, though it isn’t really “y” but it has a more show-your-s-line-figure choreography. Hannah really loves the song because it is said to be 5 Pieces’ breakthrough song in Japan, but the tone is light and she sings a lot in it.

As the song begins and the girls start dancing, Hannah sings in a low voice. The girls tend to do rehearsals seriously, but Hannah is frowning a little as the back of her mind keeps staying curious about their comeback; she can’t help but to think about what she was told before.

She has felt a small excitement to finish the drama and begin focusing on 5 Pieces once again, but hearing what kind of concept they will have she more and more want to avoid it. It’s true; she can’t see the ladies perform in leather and act overly y in tiny leather outfits. She knows the girls are growing up, but that kind of concept isn’t anything they have signed up on yet.

Hannah steps to the side when Julia tries to get through. Hannah has no idea of where in the song they are; she glances at the other members, following the movements for the chorus and realises that her body has been moving automatically even if her mind has been somewhere else, and she is just about to sing a part that isn’t hers, and in time realises that so she just bites on to her lip and lowers her head, continuing without mistakes. She tries to come up with where in the song they are, but she can’t really grasp the song until it is coming to an end. The staff move their hands to keep it going, and the girls shift positions for song number two right away – their first Japanese song this year that came out in January; [Sleeper]. It is more of the usual Japanese pop song, but Hannah is just as lost in this song as she was in the first.

After a messed-up greeting they prepare for the actual concert and their latest song [Knockout] rehearsal, 5 Pieces is getting off the stage.

Hannah is taking off the headset microphone when she has gotten off the stage, looking up at Emelia turning around to face her, also getting her microphone off. “So,” Emelia mutters, leaning her head down to get the microphone cord away from her neck, “being lost is a little of our thing, I guess?”

“What do you mean?” Hannah frowns.

Emelia smirks. “I couldn’t focus yesterday when I was promoting my single,” the rapper explains. “All because of that meeting, you know; I kept getting frustrated and confused at how our comeback might turn out to be like.”

Hannah nods in agreement, sighing as she realises it is a little obvious between the members of their worries for the next album, but she stays quiet when giving the headset microphone to the staff, waiting for Emelia to give away hers to keep company back to the room. Hannah suddenly wants to spend time with her members, to talk with them, to figure out more about their comeback; what do the members expect from it and what do they want it to be like? Finishing off her drama she has so much to share with them, so much she wants to catch up on; it comes like a sudden urge in her body when realising that just now. But she doesn’t mention that, instead she asks Emelia how her solo promotions are going – her single [Missing] – and Emelia, like the ladies always are like, begins talking without hesitation. It makes Hannah smile, to hear her childhood friend talk in a positive way about her promotions, even if Emelia has to add that her solo comeback is faded behind Maria’s glory.

“My glory is so big you have no idea, pale-face,” Maria says behind them. When Hannah turns around, the leader open up her arms as if embracing the sun (though it is a ceiling in the way), and Hannah laughs when seeing Donghae walking behind Maria copies her.

In a deep manly voice, Donghae imitates; “My glory is so big you have no idea…” He laughs when joining up next to Maria, putting a friendly arm around her. “What are you talking about, Maria? Your glory is nowhere to be found next to me.”

Hannah laughs at them comparing their “glory”, shaking her head as she can hear them continue their game behind her and she smiles even wider when spotting a dyed-blonde head look out from the dressing-room across from 5 Pieces’. Emelia suddenly grabs Hannah’s arm, pulling her to their room while Hannah keeps smiling at Jonghyun who puts on a black cap while smiling back at her, from a two-meter’s distance when passing by just smiling at one another until Emelia has pulled Hannah inside their room. The rapper reminds her to try keeping her mind on the concert; not a future comeback or y boyfriend. Hannah only smiles at the “y boyfriend” part, which Emelia of course has to notice.

“My Japanese ,” Julia mutters when coming inside the room after them, sighing as she takes a seat around the table. “I need to learn the lyrics all over again because my head can’t remember the Japanese. It .”

“We can go through it if you want,” Hannah suggests when taking the chair next to her, “I need to refresh my memory too.”

Emelia scoffs at them both, telling them to practice the next songs so they won’t mess up to that. Following Maria inside the room is Donghae and Onew, both male idols begins singing Emelia’s latest song, just as they had greeted Maria by singing [Princess] to her. Hannah pursues her lips when Julia gets busy to be social with them, and Hannah moves to a corner to practice the lyrics for their next songs. It takes just a few seconds until more voices comes inside the room; Yuri and Tiffany enters, talking in loud voices so Hannah can’t focus and instead she sits there, listening to all the conversations going around in the room.

No one has time to talk for long as the rehearsals are on-going; Emelia gets up on the stage soon to rehearse her Japanese solo song that came out back in July-August. She gets a wild roar from the members in DBSK and Super Junior who watches it from the side, cheering her on and messily trying out a head-banging. It’s like all worries are gone by the time 5 Pieces begins the rehearsal of their next part. They are in synch and harmony for the rehearsals, as if they have warmed up to be used to the stage, the songs, the language and each other. Hannah gets in a better mood as the day goes by, talking to almost everyone she meets backstage and she is also pushed in for a picture with Taeyeon and Julia that the SNSD’s baby-face uploads on her Instagram. Not even when they eat Hannah is worried about the day. She is too busy giving comments to whatever Taemin says that within forty minutes she has eaten up the food she and Emelia has been sharing. In other words; the time backstage with SM Town is the best.

Eventually they are all dressed up for the concert. 5 Pieces are in their [Run Out] outfits; a black playsuit identical to each other except for small details in either the sleeves or the neckline, and the same pair of over-the-knee boots. Hannah’s sleeves are long for this outfit, and her hair has been wavy from the roots out to the tops, which will give her a sweet look for when they later will perform [I Love You] (Japanese Version), but to this outfit now lets her look like a girl you don’t want to mess with; at least that is what Yunho tells her.

Backstage they are fooling around with the other artists. Chasing each other, kicking each other, laughing at each other and just being silly with one another – that is SM Town, no matter which group you are in or when you debuted. On stage, everyone is charismatic and professional, making the enormous audience at Tokyo Dome let out their crazy fanatic feelings to every song that is being performed.

When 5 Pieces is coming up on the stage for their third round, to perform [For a Lifetime] (a Japanese OST song from last year with Emelia & Hannah that they this year have performed with 5 Pieces for their Arena Tour) and the Japanese Version of [I Love You], the audience goes wild. The moment the beat for the [For a Lifetime] music begins to play, the fans shout loudly and Emelia’s low voice begins to say something. Hannah is standing next to the stage with Julia (the other ladies on the other side), and they wait for the lights flickering to the music cools off, and Emelia is heard saying clearly *this is … 5 Pieces* and Hannah brings the microphone up to her lips to sing out *here we go again!* and more sounds to the music begins as the ladies walks up on the stage. Hannah keeps the microphone to her lips, Emelia goes *say what, say what – for a lifetime* in her cool low voice and Hannah fills out *heeey* and the song takes off. The fun song, filled with charisma, makes the hands of the audience go up in the air while 5 Pieces walk around on the stage. Hannah sings first, singing one line before doing some weird dance, continuing to sing with a smile at the fans right in front of her. The song was made for the duo, so it is mixed with rap and the base high tones that Hannah does, but since it is a performance with all five members in 5 Pieces the parts have been split up between them.

But the whole performance is fun. Hannah walks around with her arm linked around Julia’s, the members do hand-motions to each other and they are jumping and shaking and letting loose on the stage for the song, letting the audience join in too and it is the song Hannah smiles the most in because it is so much fun to perform.

They are out on the extra stage when the song ends, and the girls move positions just a little before their cute song begins to play and the fans cheer once again. For the cute [I Love You], Carolina accidentally sings a part in Korean instead of Japanese, and Julia can’t stop laughing about it because Julia had been worried for doing the same mistake (she is happy another member did it instead for her) and when Julia turns to Emelia, laughing at their mascot, Emelia smirks too.

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Headline 25th: 5 Pieces’ [Princess] Maria & The [Missing] EM Performs On Music Bank

Headline 25th: Carolina & Julia Look Lovely At SNSD Yuri’s Movie Premiere

Headline 25th: 5 Pieces’ Hannah Brings Beverage & Play Games With Staff On Her Last Filming Of ‘미스터와 미스’


Headline 25th: SM Entertainment Shares Pictures Of Hannah With Cast Members From Her Final Day Filming

Headline 26th: Music Core Airs Maria & Emelia’s Individual Pre-Recorded Performances

Headline 26th: ‘We Got Married’ Couples Hang Out In Tonight’s Episode

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 81: Yo, it's almost time for going back to school
Could you keep uploading a chapter twice a week please?
Chapter 81: thank you for the updates.

have a nice holiday author-nim :)

figthing! ^^
I know that it's early but Merry Christmas
Could you upload this story with more chapters please
It's Christmas break!
Chapter 79: Aren't you uploading the lyrics too?
Chapter 78: All cause of me, I requested them
Chapter 74: oh! I thought this was completed already as it says earlier that it was completed... hahhahaa anyways fighting!
atowah #7
Chapter 73: Wow wonderful story ♡
I like this idea it is amazing ;)
Fighting ♥
Thank you for this such great story... I really enjoyed reading it... :)
Could you continue updating this story please, pretty please!!!
Chapter 69: another update! :) and I must say every update is worth waiting for... keep it up! fighting! :)