Chapter 15 - Famous

Youngest of Pieces: Five Years in History (9)

Dressed in a dirty ribbed tank top, Hannah pulls her wet hair on one side, focusing her eyes on Kim Jaejoong who is talking to her. He is in a black t-shirt, a gray hoodie and black sweatpants, being his visual-looking self while Hannah is really struggling to be the gracious wife of his. They are acting out a scene for their drama, where Jaejoong’s character and the team have saved Hannah’s character after she was kidnapped, and they had been running and fighting, then they were safe, then they got attacked and now Hannah and Jaejoong’s characters have gotten away and are trying to figure out who within the team could’ve sold them out as their safe house was compromised – they are supposed to be in a hotel room, washing up. It’s like a whole episode of just running and fighting, angrily trying to figure out what is happening, but it will be a lot of moments between the secret agent team that Hannah think the fans will like. Like the scene they are filming now, where the “married couple” is washing up after getting away from the bad guys.

“Cut!” the director calls out and Hannah right away loosens up her body. Jaejoong smiles at her briefly before they both go to see the scene they just filmed, just to go back and re-do it.

They continue with the scene, where Jaejoong pats his hand on the bed for Hannah to sit down next to him and she sits down with one leg put up on the bed to face him. With the magic of make-up, she has gotten a fresh bruise over her eyebrow from the fight that in this scene Jaejoong will clean up. The funny part is Jaejoong trying to open the first aid kit that ruins their first try for the scene and Hannah laughs so much at his bad try to open it that she lies down in the bed. Jaejoong laughs too when the staff steps up to help him, and he tries it several of times before they try the scene anew. Hannah makes the most NGs in this scene, because she leans back one time when he touches her forehead, one time he touches her so carefully that it tickles and frankly, Hannah isn’t that welcoming to these kinds of scenes where they need to be intimate and have this married-connection. Even if it is Jaejoong who she has been acted with for some time now, she can’t help but to be awkward for skin-contact, though acting together seems to turn out well as they are said to have good chemistry on screen.

“You’re going to Japan again?” Jaejoong asks when they are almost done shooting for the day. Hannah giggles at the tone in his voice. “Weren’t you there just this past weekend?”

“I go there a lot, almost every week,” Hannah answers with a smile. She looks up at the stylist who helps Hannah’s hair to stay wet between the scenes.

“And next week she will begin going to China all the time,” the stylist chuckles.

The blonde girl smiles even bigger. Her book ‘Joe – Déjà Vu’, the second in the series, came out in Korea back in July, and today it is released in English in Korea, Japan and China (later this month it will be released in a few more countries). Hannah will promote the English version in China while SM Town goes there next week and the other day she had a meeting to go through the promotions, just to know what to expect. But today and tomorrow, Hannah is going back to Japan again, this time on her own and not for any kind of promotions or drama filming; it is a music video filming for her Japanese debut single. She won’t promote the single when it comes out, but she think fans will still like it as it will contain her two solo songs from last year; [Butterfly] and [I CRY]. The music video was no hesitation for the record label; they HAD to have [I CRY] as a Japanese Version, so Hannah is going to Japan after today’s drama filming to shoot the promotional video.

The filming is done in Korea and Hannah bows on her way out, wishing everyone a good continuing on their filming this week. Jaejoong speaks to her in Japanese, just because she is going there and he is fluent in the language, and Hannah bows an extra time to her senior before leaving with a big smile. Manager Lee is going with her to Japan, and they head to the airport straight away to not miss the flight.

She might be busy, but she is not too busy to keep a track on everyone else. Maria won on today’s M Countdown, and SHINee had their comeback performance. She has time to watch their performances when she is on the way to the airport, taking turns to send text messages to them too, congratulating SHINee on their comeback and Maria for her Triple Crown win. And next week Emelia is making her comeback too with [Missing]. Things seem to go well for them all.

What Hannah has been troubled with for a few weeks is if she can even visit SHINee at the music programs. She knows she can go visit Maria and Emelia there whenever she has the time, but if a picture of her with SHINee pops up of her supporting their comeback, won’t people just think she is there for Jonghyun? Hannah don’t want her fans to think she supports them just because her boyfriend is in that group; they are all friends and co-workers, and it is common for SM artists to visit each other during comeback performances. SM Entertainment have shown a picture taken at M Countdown where SHINee surrounded Maria after her win, they were all posing together to show that Maria is the princess as in her song, and it was a funny picture that no one gives too much attention to. If Hannah would take a picture, with all her members and SHINee, people will still spot her and Jonghyun, whether they are next to each other or not. She even asks Manager Lee for his opinion, though she changes her mind of asking him when he straight on says she can’t go there to support SHINee if she don’t want people to talk about it. But then again, if she doesn’t go; what will people think like then?

“For being busy, you sure manage to keep your head on other things,” Manager Lee sighs when pushing Hannah’s shoulder for her to keep walking.

She has landed in Japan, and the first thing she does is to pick up her cell phone where text messages are waiting to be answered. Like always she lets her manager guide her out the airport. “You do know women always have a lot going on in their heads,” Hannah comments at her manager without looking up from her cell phone.

“Oh, you’re on that track again, Hannah?” he chuckles and shakes his head. “I really don’t know what they teach you ladies in Sweden…”

Hannah laughs and glances up at her manager, just to see him shake his head more clearly to her. “Watch out, Oppa; I might tell Maria,” she playfully threatens. The leader is the best threat there is.

They go to the house that has been prepared for the filming. It’s amazing. Hannah just walks inside and realises the outside is the face of a human; the inside has so many different rooms that you can’t believe it is the same house. Too bad she won’t use that for the PV. They have prepared the two rooms, the biggest ones in the house, and the first thing Hannah does is to greet the Japanese staff and director that will help her create a decent PV. The Korean music video for [I CRY] was very simple but it had a lot of work put in behind it where Hannah had to cry for hours. The Japanese version will be pretty much the same as the song was loved because it wasn’t any complication with it, as the lyrics and music said enough. The concept is the same but the setting different. Hannah looks forward to it, though she isn’t sure if the Japanese fans will get used to have a different version come out a year and a half after the original.

Hair and make-up first, Hannah gets a very natural look. Her blonde hair says enough to the stylist; just give it some waves and make it look bigger, style it up a little messy too and her make-up is simple with the skin covered to look smooth and perfect and her eyes just the right amount to form her eyes, a little smoky and her lips have a soft light lip-gloss. For the outfit, it can’t get simpler; a long white man’s shirt with long sleeves and absolutely nothing else. Hannah even gets her nails fixed there, from top to toe; all white.

Like with every outfit she tries on, they take a picture of it. Hannah can’t help but to take pictures of herself in the outfit while waiting for the filming to begin; its fun to see that her latest pictures before these ones are from earlier today, when she had taken a picture of herself wearing the bruise from the drama filming. It is two completely different concepts; one of a dirty blonde girl after fighting and one of a flawless blonde girl in white.

Hannah stands next to the director on the set, letting him explain the scene for her and for each thing he says he asks her two questions; if she is okay with it and if she understands. Hannah hasn’t worked with him before but he seems really nice and because she isn’t fluent in Japanese he seems like he needs to make sure she understands every single thing he tells her. Hannah understands what he says and when he repeats his questions she laughs and nods, saying she understands and coming with her own comments, even repeating his words to let him know she do understand. And once all of that is being said and done, they can begin the filming.

The blonde girl stands in the middle of the white set, the walls and floor and ceiling all covered in white, the floor also covered in fake snow and there are also snow cannons for the scene. The fake snow is not the more comfortable thing to walk on, but Hannah manages to step to the centre of it and face the camera, director and staff. She smiles embarrassedly, tugging a little in the long shirt (she wear safety pants, and the shirt is really long but it is a bad habit of hers) and while the director talks again to her, Hannah ends up squatting down to hide her bare legs, her smile widens as some staff notices her embarrassment. She had to use make-up on her legs to cover some bruises from her filming, but for the PV it will probably not be shown.

“Will you let me get in the mood?” Hannah whispers to the director who suggests them to start when she can’t stop smiling. “I’m not supposed to smile, am I?”

He laughs at her and they decide to practice the scene for her, by playing the music to let Hannah get in the mood. Once the music for her Japanese [I CRY] is heard, or just the piano of the song is heard, Hannah gets in the mood. It’s the kind of song that has only one mood for her; it’s the song that changed people’s opinion about her. 5 Pieces’ cute and innocent Hannah became 5 Pieces’ cute and emotional Hannah. Maybe not a big difference, but people did see her in a different way when the Korean song came out. She wonders if the Japanese song might have the same impact on the Japanese listeners if the song plays on the radio…

On the white set, they film Hannah standing there, of her sitting there, with her singing the song or just letting her voice fill the room. Once they begin filming, Hannah gets in the mood. She doesn’t smile or laugh as much as she did before, not even in between when they check what they did, and she thinks she is focused, very focused, because this is the second music video she makes to the song.

The white set has lights making it look dim, and with the fake snow falling it looks really pretty; Hannah’s favourite is when she sits down, hugging her legs and the rain is falling while the camera is doing a close-up on her sad face before it zooms out to capture the whole picture.

When they are done filming this scene, the staff begins to move cameras to the other room, but Hannah stays behind to be photographed to the single cover. She gets more makeup in her face before the photographer guides her through what to do. The photographer had introduced herself earlier, taking random pictures during the making, but now it is real professional, beautiful pictures being taken where Hannah’s face is the focus. Everything has to be perfect. The photographer controls every single straw on her head, even telling Hannah to widen her eyes just a little, just a little, little, to let them look bigger. Hannah ruffles her hair some more, holds both fingers hidden in it while looking in the camera for the picture, the photographer saying ‘nice’ with a flash from the camera.

The next scene is in the dark. Hannah films once in the white outfit she has been wearing, but then goes to another room to change appearance a bit. Part of her hair gets in a braid from the top of her forehead down the side, the rest of the hair in another kind of braid, and the end of her hair is messily put under the black long shirt she now puts on. Her nails get decorated over the white polish, not anything colourful, and her make-up gets a little thicker before she head back out to take more pictures for the cover, now dressed in black.

Among the pictures they take, her absolute favourite is the one she takes wearing black and she has her hands covering her face but she has her eye peeking out at the camera. She likes the way it comes out as a picture where you want to hide yourself, and her eye reflects the sadness and secrets she don’t want to be revealed.

The filming for that scene wearing black is the surrounding completely black. The one light shines up Hannah, shoulder and up, in a black room, where she sings and being emotional in the song. That scene takes the longest to take. They re-do it over and over again, of Hannah just blankly standing there and staring at the camera, of her standing there and the focus is on tears she lets come out, of her singing and not knowing what to do, close-ups and full-picture. What can not be forgotten during the whole PV filming is Hannah checking the lyrics on a paper between the takes, as she a few times makes mistakes; she is more used to the Korean version. The director comments over and over again that her crying is the best part of it, even calling her crying “flawless”. The crying is the last thing they do, when its morning and they have been filming all night. They make sure the make-up sticks when Hannah cries the first takes, but then they want the make-up to be running down to show the not-so-perfect side, and Hannah continues to cry endlessly that her nose gets all running. She is awkward crying when being surrounded by people just gazing at her, but she has done many scenes by now where she cries and it seems easier to let it just begin and get filmed. The hard part is to stop crying.

One thing Hannah is kind of happy over during her crying-scenes is that Manager Lee is hiding somewhere, to not distract her. It’s easier to focus with the people she isn’t used to be around. For one of the last parts, when the director asks Hannah to come see what they filmed, the girl stands there with a stylist checking her make-up, and Hannah is just biting together to not waste any tears, though she keeps crying. The director is fast, letting her go back for them to finish filming while she is still crying. She is grateful for his hard work.

Not until lunch, the words Hannah for the past few hours have been longing to hear are being said.

“And that’s a wrap!” the Japanese director calls out and the staff begins cheering. Hannah smiles and applauses them for their hard work, while the tears keeps rolling down her cheeks. She can’t stop crying, she is exhausted and she just wants to wash up and get some sleep. A staff wraps a blanket around her and gives her a pair of slippers for her bare feet and Hannah is just busy bowing and thanking everyone for their hard work. She shakes hands with the photographer and director before she gets to go change clothes, not for a second forgetting to be polite with everyone.

Hannah is surrounded by the strangers that she has been working with for a day. She locks herself inside the bathroom to change clothes and wash her face, put her hair up in a pony-tail after the stylist helped taking out the braids, but Hannah takes out the pony-tail to hide her messy hair under a cap instead. She pulls on her cropped baggy pants, sneakers, loose tank top and long cardigan. She takes a walk around the place to say her final goodbyes to those who are still there packing up before she leaves.

“What do you want to eat?” Manager Lee asks when they are in the van, a driver getting them out on the road.

“Ramen,” Hannah breathes out. She has been eating fruit and drinking yoghurt during the filming, not able to eat real food in the night, but she really want to eat the real Japanese ramen. Manager Lee smiles and asks the driver for the best ramen restaurant nearby.

Hannah is really tired from staying awake all night, crying so her eyes are puffy and red, her body exhausted and her cell phone filled with text messages from the latest two hours. It only takes minutes before the driver stops the van, pointing over at a tiny restaurant. “It isn’t big or crowded with people, but they do have the best ramen in the area,” he tells them.

Wearing her cap, Hannah walks with her manager to the restaurant. Manager Lee had slept during the night, so he is talkative while Hannah quietly eats the delicious ramen that only can be made in Japanese. Her manager brings up the talk about her drama, about the last episode of Life of Pieces that aired last night (that they missed), about his mother and tonight’s filming. Hannah only says ‘mm’ or ‘I don’t know’ to comment, too tired to really think of the things he says. Manager Lee doesn’t mind; he is the same to her when she is talkative. It’s strange how close you get when working together like this. It’s not always just the two of them, but someone Hannah has around her more than anyone else lately is her manager; last year during her solo promotions it was the same. Hannah wouldn’t say they get along all too well, they fight quite often about food, but he is more like an annoying friend of your sibling or something, who have been told to protect you and you just can’t get rid of him.

After eating, they go back to the van to go wait for the flight back to Korea. They are both quiet until they reach the van.

“Aren’t you curious about the reviews about your book?” Manager Lee asks Hannah as he opens the slide-door for her. Hannah gets inside.

“No, not really,” Hannah mumbles with a sigh when sitting down, waiting next to the van for him to sit down too, “I read enough about it when it came out in Korea.”

“You aren’t the single curious about what China’s biggest magazine wrote about it then?” Manager Lee wonders, and then tells the driver they can go. Hannah frowns under the cap, not because they are leaving Japan already but because he says ‘biggest magazine’. Manager Lee smiles just a little. “You’re not curious what they say about your ‘wild fantasy about a fierce and hot unknown world at the centre of Seoul’? Did you know there are a lot of people trying to connect K-Pop idols to your book characters? I had no idea about it before actually…”

Hannah ends up smiling at him telling her about the reviews either way.

She is always interested in what other people think of the things she comes out with, whether it is music or something written in a fantasy novel. But reviews in magazines aren’t what interest her; it is comments about those reviews that she wants to read. She gets comments on twitter about it though, fans in China and Japan are already commenting about the English version that has come out, saying they have waited and some asking if there will come out another book. It’s strange. The book came out yesterday, and they are already asking for a third?

“Oppa, could we stop by a book store?” Hannah quietly wonders.

He smiles so big at her, almost as if that was his plan all along. “So you are curious?” he teases her in Korean, and then talks to the driver in Japanese. Hannah can’t help but to smile a little as they head for a bookstore, wondering how Japan will think of it. She knows her fans like the book; she has seen little girls walk around with it at signings (thought that was the first book that came out last year). She tries to remember if she will have book signings in Japan soon. This time the driver follows them inside as it is inside a mall and they need some guidance. Before even stepping outside the van, Manager Lee hands Hannah a pair of sunglasses, to which Hannah just gives him a stare.

“We are going to be indoors, Oppa… It is weird wearing sunglasses indoors,” she tells him.

“People will recognize you, and you’re not wearing any make-up,” he tells her, waving the sunglasses in front of her so she will take them.

Hannah shakes her head. “I’ll take a mask instead,” she tells him and reaches her hand in to her bag to take out a mouth mask instead. What a style; mask, cap, cropped baggy pants, cardigan and sneakers. No make-up and her hair is a mess. Definitely not like an idol, and she is going inside a mall – hopefully no one will recognize her.

She walks close to her manager, trying to catch as much of her surrounded as possible as she never goes to the mall if it isn’t for promotions and then it is so crowded that you can’t really go anywhere. Inside the mall it isn’t a lot of people at all, and Hannah is smiling behind the mask when the driver points over to where the book store is. You can see the bookstore from a distance, because there is a huge poster on the glass leading inside of Hannah and her book. She giggles and hurries her step inside, following her own picture and the unique style writing ‘JOE’ to a shelf with the two books of the novel that has come out. The first one is in English and Japanese while the second one is in just English. An own section; a whole shelf from the floor up to her chest with the books – of her books! There are plenty of them, and though it looks like the store promotes it wildly, it doesn’t seem to sell well. Hannah pouts a little behind the mask thinking of that, but she feels so happy to just see her book in a store like this.

“The shop-assistant said they had to fill up the shelf four times yesterday; apparently it was a line for it,” Manager Lee says when he comes up to Hannah and the driver. “The best seller an hour after release. It’s impressive in Japan, Hannah.”

She pretends to not hear him, very happy she is wearing the mask hiding her smile. She picks up the new book, quietly looking through it. Written in English, she can read it almost better than if it had been in Swedish. She has it in English at home already, but it is fascinating to see your own book in a store. The store is playing a song of One Direction (she has no idea of which song, but she remembers Maria once said it is One Direction’s song) when Hannah turns the book around to look at the back. Her own book – she is so fascinated by it.

They haven’t even been there for five minutes until a woman who had been standing by the cooking books steps a little closer to ask if Hannah is the author of the book she is looking at. The shop-assistant have been watching them too. Hannah never knows how to react on questions like that, so she just asks back how the woman would guess that.

“You look exactly like that girl,” the woman points a finger at Hannah, her eyes small when trying to look closer at Hannah without moving closer, and Hannah wonders exactly how she could see that as the girl is wearing a cap and mask, hiding everything beside from her eyes. Or, it isn’t that hard to guess when a blonde girl is standing below the poster of a blonde author. The woman seems to get her answer before Hannah says anything. “If I buy the book, could I have you sign it for me? My brother-in-law would love to get a signed copy of it…”

Hannah doesn’t even know if the woman knows her name, and she turns to her manager for help. Manager Lee helps before she even looks at him, apologizing to the woman by saying Hannah can’t do that.

“Oh, why not? That’s too bad… My brother-in-law is a big fan of you. His daughter even went to your concert last weekend.”

Hannah’s eyes must look totally surprised to hear the woman knows who she is, because the woman laughs and waves her hand, saying “of course I recognize you, I watch your drama with the pretty-boys. You look pretty even if I can just see your eyes.” Hannah is so surprised and impressed and shocked to be recognized by an older Japanese woman in a bookstore without being dressed up or wearing make-up that she do sign the book once the woman have bought it. And while they do that, more people appear. Hannah has no idea of how they found out, but more people come both inside the store and stands outside, cell phones up in the air to take pictures of her. Even the shop-assistant asks for a signed copy.

Manager Lee reacts right away that they can’t stay, so while the dumbfounded Hannah is signing the book for the shop-assistant, Manager Lee tells her they have to go. She signs the book and then gets dragged towards the stores exist, just to stop. Where did the crowd come from?! Within minutes the whole floor seems to have gotten filled, voices being heard and for the first time in Japan, Hannah is panicking by the surrounding. She hears her name being called, someone shouting ‘5 Pieces’ and it’s almost as if she is going to hear footsteps run her direction or something. Not for a second have she imagined this to happen. How long have they been in here, a few minutes? Manager Lee and the driver are taken back by it too, but where the crowd gathers, also the security need to come to see what is going on. Hannah gets to walk to the back of the store, the security talking to them and trying to reach a solution to how to get her out of there.

How did this happen? Hannah had no idea this was possible in Japan. And while they stay in the back of the store, it seems to just get louder and louder outside. Hannah is looking at her manager and the security with innocent eyes. She wouldn’t have come if she knew this would happen. Fans are pressing themselves against the glass-walls around the store, trying to capture pictures and videos of Hannah between the bookshelves.

More from the security arrives, and Hannah hears that the police is coming, which makes her loose her mind completely. The police? She has been in here for twenty minutes now!

“They are filling up outside the mall too,” the security tells Manager Lee who steps up in front of Hannah when a huge camera appears over some shelf further away.

She is pushed in a corner. Hannah doesn’t know how to react; she goes from her heart racing in panic to just look around with big eyes, not knowing where all these people came from. It’s almost as if they had been lurking around the corner, and when she walked inside the store they came out to catch a picture. Hannah looks at her right, seeing the glass-window behind a bookshelf where fans are waving and pressing themselves closer, and just for a second she wonders if they will break the glass. Hannah waves briefly to them, but is fast to cross her arms over her chest when the fans begin to scream just because she waved.

It takes fifteen minutes for the police to come inside the mall, and Hannah looks apologetic at them as they try to grasp the situation while solving it. What will work is for Hannah to get out of there. The problem is for Hannah to come through the crowd. Hannah never knew fans were like this in Japan. She has never expected such a reaction from them. She just came to see her book…

In the end the driver gets a police to him out to take the van to the parking underneath, and the police and security will guide Hannah down there for them to leave. It doesn’t really help that the store is playing 5 Pieces’ [Secret Touch]; the whole mall sounds to be singing along brightly. Manager Lee puts a protective arm around Hannah, and she keeps her head down when the police begins telling people to step back, to create a path, and soon the police is really fighting to stay strong against the wave of fans pushing closer. It’s worse than at airports. There is screaming and shouting, of pain or happiness, it’s hard to hear, but Manager Lee keeps Hannah’s head down and makes sure no hand tries to reach over to grasp her. It’s chaotic. Hannah is panicking again, her swollen eyes from the night wants to cry again just because she has spent four hours crying already.

It feels like an hour until they reach the stairs, and Hannah stumbles the first steps from being pushed out in the mall, a little giddy from it that makes her manager worryingly ask if she is okay. She nods and holds on tightly to his arm to just keep walking. She wants to get inside the van, away from the panic. Her head has started to hurt from the chaos in the mall, as if she has been hit with something hard on both sides of her head.

But still she doesn’t forget to be polite to the security and police that helped them to reach the van. They even have security guide them out to the road; following the police car. Just outside the parking lot, right outside the building, fans are again. They are cheering and waving to the van following the police car, and Hannah is just staring out the window in shock.

What just happened?

As the van gets further away from the mall, Hannah starts to frown, thinking of what actually happened. She even turns to look strangely at her manager, and then she looks out the window. She can’t grasp what just happened; there is no way she can. The radio is playing 5 Pieces’ [What Would It Look Like], and the only sentence Hannah says during the ride to the airport is to ask the driver if he can turn on something else.

Overwhelming: That’s the word she would describe what just happened. It takes a long time until her heart has calmed down, and by that time they have reached the airport.


The flight home feels to take more than two hours. Hannah is still taken back by what happened at the mall (honestly, she has never witnessed such a thing before, not without 5 Pieces doing promotions together), and she takes her mind off it leaving the airport going to Seoul by talking on the phone with her Korean little brother Kyung Ho, who she will meet up once she has gotten some rest. He is talkative like always, making her smile without an effort.

Being tired and exhausted, Hannah heads straight to the shower when she comes home. She takes a long warm shower, calming herself and almost falling asleep, and gets dressed in a black sleeveless tiered minidress that is their stylist’s latest attempt to make her wear dresses/skirts, and to not leave her legs too bare she pulls on a pair of thin, black over-the-knee socks that actually came as a full set with other colours and styles from a fan. Hannah hasn’t worn it before, but she finds the bag of the socks next to her wardrobe and tries them on to the dress and just decides to wear it. Only when she has gotten dressed and lies down tiredly in her bed to check her cell phone she notices that she has some missed phone calls.

She calls back to Jonghyun right away, lying there on her bed and yawning. He answers after several of tones.

“Hi. How is it going?” Hannah kindly asks him, lifting up her foot in the air to look at her leg. Black makes you look slimmer, she guess it is the same for over-the-knee socks.

Nabi, are you okay?” he ignores her question. “I saw the pictures and videos from Japan. I can’t believe what happened.

“What are you talking about?” Hannah mumbles. Is it a rumour going on?

The police! You were escorted out from a mall? Hannah, do you have any idea of how worried I was when you didn’t pick up? I thought you had gotten hurt or something! And you didn’t text when you landed in Korea. Are you in Korea? Did you catch the flight?

At times, Hannah has no idea of how she survives with such a worried boyfriend. She calms him down by explaining what happened, while she with her other hand picks up her laptop to search for what he is talking about. And true, there is even an article about her being escorted out from a mall, after her “secret” visit. And once again SM Entertainment have surprised by their quick comment about it, as a representative apparently have said for the article “Hannah had some free time during her latest visit in Japan and decided to see how it goes for her newly released book. She did not expect to take any attention with her brief visit and was very surprised…”

Who told them that?

Hannah shakes her head at the article, still being on the phone with Jonghyun, who now is talking about his day and his schedule promoting [Everybody]. He can’t talk for long, so when finishing up, Hannah packs her back and gets ready to leave. She will meet Kyung Ho at the agency. It’s only Maria who isn’t home; Carolina is in the office, staying occupied with music, while Emelia and Julia are both watching TV and talking about next week’s SM Town concert in Beijing (maybe they are warming up their brilliant Chinese), but the point is that no one cares that Hannah takes Ryo with her. The puppy had been walking by the stairs when Hannah came downstairs, and following her around cutely that she decides to take him along. He gets very happy in the hall when Hannah takes the leash in her hand, almost jumping next to her in excitement to come along; she knows he will have a lot of fun playing with Kyung Ho.

It is Manager Lee driving her. He seems tired now, muttering about things he has to do at the agency and trying to figure out what time he will give her a ride home.

Hannah is hugging Ryo in her arms when they reach the agency, seeing a small crowd of fans standing outside the building like always. Manager Lee drives as close to the doors as possible, and when Hannah open her door, the fans actually takes a step back though their hands are reached out with the cell phones. They give her space for a change, keeping a pretty good distance while giving her comments, saying she is pretty, that they like her dress, saying her dog is cute, asking her to congratulate Maria on her win on M Countdown yesterday… She can’t hear even half of it when hurrying inside, almost running as she isn’t sure if they will keep that distance or suddenly appear closely next to her. An after-effect from Japan.

While waiting for Kyung Ho, Hannah gives a call to someone before she goes to a room near the recording studio where she meets Park Hyekyung. Tomorrow the group is recording another song, like they did at the beginning of this week after their concert in Japan. But the song they will record tomorrow is the reason Hannah asked to meet the producer a little quickly.

“I hope you haven’t come to turn it down, Blondie,” Hyekyung says in a try to sound worried.

“No. I just hope you won’t give me the credit for the song,” Hannah answers, taking a seat on a chair while letting Ryo run up to Hyekyung to greet the genius, who chuckles when greeting the puppy. “I don’t know why you decided to record this song all of a sudden though.”

Hyekyung smiles at her. “It wasn’t my idea – they looked through some tracks and thought it had a good sound and the lyrics was good. No one cares that it was written four years ago, you should know that.”

Hannah sighs, her shoulders falls down as she leans forward. Four years ago, she had been assigned to write a song (5 Pieces had a lot of different lessons during that time, and to learn more about how music works they were often given this kind of assignment) based on a demo and had gone to Hyekyung for help to correct it as she has no knowledge in writing at all. They worked on the song for a few hours in two weeks, but then it got forgotten until last week when Hyekyung gave Hannah a call to say they will record it tomorrow; the whole group. According to SM, the song will fit the girl-group. Hannah can’t even remember the song, she just wants to make sure the producer won’t write that Hannah was the one writing the lyrics; instead he has written both of their names, as he did help her out with it.

Hyekyung looks up and down at Hannah, commenting on her outfit. She has put on a distressed denim jacket in light blue over the dress, but it is the dress and over-the-knee socks he comments on, saying she is actually taking on some fashion. Hannah grimaces, not planning on telling that it was Yong Hyun who got her the dress.

She sits there with Hyekyung, even when Kyung Ho comes they sit there, just to talk and hang out. Kyung Ho is as always talkative and playful; he talks to Hannah and Hyekyung while he plays with Ryo. Like close friends hanging out. It is a good way to relax before Hannah will head home and sleep, so she is eager to record songs the up-coming two days.

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Headline 08th: Avex Trax Releases 5 Pieces’ [Man! I Feel Like A Woman] PV + [Knockout] PV Drama Event Version For Their Japanese Fanbase

Headline 08th: Japanese Chocolate CF Releases Version 2 With 5 Pieces’ Hannah

Headline 08th: Emelia’s Photo Book ‘Five Years with 5 Pieces’ To Be Released On November 7


Headline 09th: Emelia Confirms Exclusive Footage To Be Revealed With Anniversary Photo Book Next Month

Headline 09th: Maria Performs [Princess] On Show Champion

Headline 09th: 5 Pieces’ Maria Performs On KBS 2013 Asia Song Festival With Two Solo Tracks

Headline 09th: Shin Minah & Hannah Gets Into The Team Spirit In Episode 6 Of ‘미스터와 미스’


Headline 10th: English Version Of ‘Joe – Deja Vu’ Released In Korea, Japan & China

Headline 10th: Kim Jaejoong Says It’s A Joy Working With 5 Pieces’ Hannah In ‘미스터와 미스’

Headline 10th: Chinese Magazine Crowns 5 Pieces Hannah’s Book ‘Joe – Déjà Vu’ “Best Of The Year” On Day Of Release

Headline 10th: 5 Pieces’ Maria Wins Triple Crown With [Princess] On This Week’s M Countdown

Headline 10th: Maria & SHINee Gives A Funny Pose Together Backstage At M Countdown

Headline 10th: ‘Life of Pieces’ Airs Last Episode With Maria’s Solo Comeback + 5 Pieces’ Goodbyes

Headline 10th: 5 Pieces Thanks Fans For Following Their Reality Show For 4 Years, Write Letters To Staff & Viewers

Headline 10th: 5 Pieces’ Reality Show ‘Life of Pieces’ Airs It’s Very Last Episode Ever

Headline 10th: SBS Airs ‘미스터와 미스’ Drama Episode 7 Where The Mystery Is More Exciting Than Ever

Headline 1oth: Prepare Yourself For Next Week’s Episodes Of ‘미스터와 미스’


Headline 11th: Shin Minah Talks About Her 8-Year Younger Co-Star Hannah

Headline 11th: Maria Performs [Princess] On Music Bank

Headline 11th: 5 Pieces’ Hannah Overcrowds A Mall In Tokyo, Police Escorts Her Out


Headline 12th: EM Releases New Single [Missing] MV Teaser 1

Headline 12th: SM Entertainment Announces 5 Pieces Emelia’s Solo Comeback With MV Teaser

Headline 12th: Maria Is A [Princess] On This Week’s Music Core

Headline 12th: ‘We Got Married’ Episode 48 With “Model Couple” Airs

Headline 12th: Maria Says “Rivalry Within The Members Can Only Be Spotted When Trying To Promote 5 Pieces Better Than The Others”

Headline 12th: 5 Pieces’ Maria Touches Listener’s Hearts On Radio When Revealing 5 Pieces’ Pure Friendship


Headline 13th: Maria Dresses Up As A Dark [Princess] For Her Inkigayo Performance


Monday, Headline 14th: Kim Jaejoong & Hannah Looks Lovely In Couple Version Of Their Japanese Chocolate CF

Headline 14th: Second MV Teaser For EM’s [Missing] Is Out

Headline 14th: Hannah Fights Dressed In Black For ‘미스터와 미스’ Recent Still Cuts


Headline 15th: ‘Dispatch’ Ranks 5 Pieces Highest Among Girl-Groups 2013

Headline 15th: Rumours Spreading Says Idol-Couple SHINee’s Jonghyun & 5 Pieces’ Hannah Have Broken Up

Headline 15th: 5 Pieces Announces Fun Competition For Fans To Join 5 Year Celebration Party On November 9

Headline 15th: Did 5 Pieces’ Hannah & SHINee’s Jonghyun Break Up?


Headline 16th: Sources Says Idol-Couple Jonghyun & Hannah Have Parted Ways Due To Busy Schedules Abroad

Headline 16th: EM Releases [Missing] MV!

Headline 16th: Maria Performs [Princess] On Show Champion + EM’s Comeback Performance [Missing]

Headline 16th: 5 Pieces’ Emelia Talks About The Members’ Individual Popularity, Ranking Hannah Highest

Headline 16th: (Drama Spoiler) 5 Pieces’ Hannah Dances Loose When Cooking In Tonight’s ‘미스터와 미스’ Episode 8

Headline 16th: Lee Philip Makes His Appearance When His Younger Cousin Played By 5 Pieces’ Hannah Gets Kidnapped In ‘미스터와 미스’


Headline 17th: SM Entertainment Denies Rumours; “Jonghyun & Hannah Are Still Going Strong”

Headline 17th: Maria Says On Talk Show That Her Family Monitors Everything She Does From Sweden

Headline 17th: Maria & EM Turns M Countdown Into Their Playground With [Princess] + [Missing]

Headline 17th: 5 Pieces’ Julia & Carolina Go To The Premiere Of MBLAQ Lee Joon’s Movie ‘An Actor Is An Actor’

Headline 17th: 5 Pieces’ Blog Paralyzed With Fans Wanting To Know About Hannah & SHINee Jonghyun’s Relationship

Headline 17th: The Agents Of ‘미스터와 미스’ Gets Into Deep Trouble In Episode 9

Headline 17th: Prepare Yourself For Next Week’s Episode Of ‘미스터와 미스’

Headline 17th: Japanese Chocolate CF With Hannah & Jaejoong Releases Longer Couple Version

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X. devonalias

Sorry for the long wait! I have ... been busy ^^, Forgetting to update, sorry sorry sorry!!

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Chapter 81: Yo, it's almost time for going back to school
Could you keep uploading a chapter twice a week please?
Chapter 81: thank you for the updates.

have a nice holiday author-nim :)

figthing! ^^
I know that it's early but Merry Christmas
Could you upload this story with more chapters please
It's Christmas break!
Chapter 79: Aren't you uploading the lyrics too?
Chapter 78: All cause of me, I requested them
Chapter 74: oh! I thought this was completed already as it says earlier that it was completed... hahhahaa anyways fighting!
atowah #7
Chapter 73: Wow wonderful story ♡
I like this idea it is amazing ;)
Fighting ♥
Thank you for this such great story... I really enjoyed reading it... :)
Could you continue updating this story please, pretty please!!!
Chapter 69: another update! :) and I must say every update is worth waiting for... keep it up! fighting! :)