Shared Beds

Love and War on the Court
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“Okay everyone,” Kyungsoo gently shook the members who fell asleep. “It’s time to eat dinner together.”

“We have to eat dinner together?” Xiumin asked incredulously. “By the way, Chen, wipe that nasty piece of drool off.”

Chen swiped at it and rubbed his hand on Xiumin’s shirt. “That’s disgusting! YOU’RE SO DISGUSTING!” Xiumin shoved Chen away from him.

Chen shrugged and walked out the door. Everyone else began to wake and followed suit.

“Hey panda,” Kris shook Tao, “get up.”

Tao groaned as he opened his eyes, “What do you want, ?”

Kris rolled his eyes, “Stop calling me that.”

“Stop calling me panda,” Tao pouted as he stood up and stretched.

Kris shook his head and left the room. Tao scrambled after him as he was the last one left.


“Everyone, play nice,” Kyungsoo said warningly. He did not want a food fight to break out in the public restaurant.

“What could go wrong?” Tao muttered.

“Don’t forget who threw the first piece of frosting,” Kris reminded Tao.

Tao flushed, “Sh-shut up! You threw the spatula first!”

“On the ground,” Kris said as he picked up a cooked piece of meat off of the grill.

“By the way guys,” Kyungsoo suddenly spoke up. “This meal is being split evenly.”

“What?!” Chanyeol exclaimed.

“What about basketball funds!” Chen said as he grabbed more pieces of meat off the grill.

Xiumin took his chopstick and fought Chen for the pieces of meat, “Stop being such a pig!”

“The funds already cover the resort stay and the various activities we have planned. There isn’t enough to pay for outside meals,” Kyungsoo concluded.

“Everyone, eat evenly,” Suho firmly stated.

“Not fair because Tao eats a ton,” Baekhyun pouted.

Tao smiled happily because he would get more for his portion of eating.

“Then we should split it based on how much each person eats,” Kris suggested when he saw Tao smile.

Tao glared at Kris, “What? How can you determine how much each person eats and then split the bill?”

Kris shrugged, “Maybe it’s only you that has to pay more than everyone else. I’ve seen you at lunch and in foods class. You eat everything and anything.”

Tao scoffed, “Please, we’ve only

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Chapter 37: i really appreciate this story very much,

Chapter 37: Hello update this pleaze ... i read this throughout the day and sacrificed my own preference just to read this because i find it cute pleaseee have mercy with the tbousand people waiting for your update
ToAwesomeForYou #3
Chapter 37: This story is sooooo good!! I hope you continue it even though it's been two years now!
Gagaga #4
It's 2016 already
IheartKPopandJPop #5
Chapter 37: I really love this story hopefully one day you continue writting it.
exoration #6
Chapter 37: Yyayayyyy BEST STORY YAHHHH!!! Please update soon :3
ushiii #7
Chapter 37: is this fanfic still going? I hope so becasue its reallu good ;O;
Chapter 37: THIS IS SO CUTE HOLY PANDA-- ALL YOUR TAORIS STORIES ARE CUTE ASDFGHJKOZXCV i miss your stories, you're like made to write about fluffy things god you're in my top 3 favourite authors ; o ; I HOPE YOU CONTINUE *ugly sobbing*