Couple Wallpapers

Love and War on the Court
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Tao woke with a start in the middle of the night.

Kris shuffled in bed and ruffled Tao’s hair, “It’s okay. I called your parents already.”

Tao groggily nodded and closed his eyes again, “Mmmm.”

Kris rubbed his thumb along Tao’s cheek, “I love you, babe.”

To his surprise, Tao replied with a yawn and a lazy, “Love you, too, babe.”

“Probably because you’re half asleep,” Kris chuckled, knowing Tao would be more defensive when he was awake. Ah, Kris was going to have a field day teasing his little panda.


“Get off me!” Tao squealed when he woke up.

Kris sighed. He knew that was going to happen in the morning. “What if I don’t want to?”

Tao wriggled his way out and ran to the bathroom to hide his blushing face. Did what just happen yesterday really happen?

Kris sent Tao a photo and frowned when he saw his contact name on Tao’s phone. “Tao!”

“What?” Tao said as he trudged into the room.

“I think you need to change my contact name,” Kris pointed to Tao’s phone.

Tao snatched his phone, “No.”



“Look what I have you under all this time,” Kris let out a horrible pout as he showed Tao his phone.

“Please don’t do that. You look horrible.”

“Babe, change it.”

“No. Stop it with the weird face.”

“I’ll stop when you change it.”

Tao’s face got red after he changed the contact name from ‘’ to ‘Babe <3’. “There! Happy?” Tao tossed his phone over to Kris to double check.

“Come over here,” Kris patted the space beside him on his bed.


“Check your messages.”

Tao let out a scream when he saw the photo. “You ert!”

Kris woke pretty early in the morning, so he spent his time staring at Tao. He then decided to peck Tao on the cheek and take a photo of it. “It’s my wallpaper,” Kris grinned.

“Oh my God! At least take it off your lock screen! What if someone sees it!”

“Isn’t that the point?”

“Noooo!!! No, it’s not!”

“Whatever babe, you know you love it.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Bet you want anyone who finds it when I lose it, to know that I’m already taken when they return the phone to me.”

“No, how’d you even think that up?”

“Because I’m so handsome, they’d probably flirt with me or something.”

“Flattering yourself again.”

“Saying it like it is.”

“I’m making breakfast,” Tao said as he tossed his phone onto the bed.

Kris lay down and turned the screen on. He let out a triumphant grin when he saw the new screensaver. “Let’s get matching phone cases, babe!”

“NO!” Tao yelled as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

“He says ‘no’, but he really wants one,” Kris chuckled to himself.

Kris quickly sent out a message to his basketball team members to meet up at a restaurant of their choosing later that evening.


“Hey, babe,” Kris said as the two cuddled on Kris’ couch in front of the television.


“Let’s go buy couple phone cases.”

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Chapter 37: i really appreciate this story very much,

Chapter 37: Hello update this pleaze ... i read this throughout the day and sacrificed my own preference just to read this because i find it cute pleaseee have mercy with the tbousand people waiting for your update
ToAwesomeForYou #3
Chapter 37: This story is sooooo good!! I hope you continue it even though it's been two years now!
Gagaga #4
It's 2016 already
IheartKPopandJPop #5
Chapter 37: I really love this story hopefully one day you continue writting it.
exoration #6
Chapter 37: Yyayayyyy BEST STORY YAHHHH!!! Please update soon :3
ushiii #7
Chapter 37: is this fanfic still going? I hope so becasue its reallu good ;O;
Chapter 37: THIS IS SO CUTE HOLY PANDA-- ALL YOUR TAORIS STORIES ARE CUTE ASDFGHJKOZXCV i miss your stories, you're like made to write about fluffy things god you're in my top 3 favourite authors ; o ; I HOPE YOU CONTINUE *ugly sobbing*