Shut Up and Kiss Me

Love and War on the Court
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“Wait, why am I filming this?” Chen blinked. Chen tossed the camera to Kai. “Later! I need to go make out with my Xiumin!”

“Xiumin?” Chen slowly approached the fuming Xiumin.

“What?” Xiumin crossed his arms after taking another sip of his drink. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have more important things to do?”

Chen looked guilty. “Come on, Minnie. I’m sorry… I love you?”

“That doesn’t sound sincere,” Xiumin stomped off to the dance floor. Why did he have to have such a weird boyfriend? Xiumin sighed when he felt others sidling up to him, but ignored his annoyance. He needed to dance to let off some steam.

“Get off!” Chen glared as he shoved the people around Xiumin away. Chen dragged Xiumin to a couch. “What are you doing?”

Xiumin rolled his eyes, “Please, Chen. You were gone this entire party. I think I deserve to have some fun on my own.”

Chen gave Xiumin a puppy face, “I’m sorry, Xiumin.”

Xiumin looked away. Chen grabbed Xiumin’s arm. “I only love, yoouuu. I love you. I love you.” Chen shook Xiumin’s arm playfully. “Xiuminnieeee, I love yoouuuu! I said I’m sorry.”

“Whatever,” Xiumin let out a small smile.

Chen peeked at Xiumin’s face, “Is that a smile I see?”

“No,” Xiumin tried to contain his smile.

“Can we make out?” Chen grinned.

“No,” Xiumin replied bluntly.


Kai looked down at the camera and back up to scan the crowd. Kai gasped when he saw Kyungsoo surrounded by two guys. Yes. Surrounded. By only two guys… How was Kyungsoo to breathe with that many people closing up on him, trying to hit on him?

Kai ran off to drag Kyungsoo away from the two guys. “Soo!” Kai chastised. “Don’t you understand anything? Stay away from bad guys!”

Kyungsoo frowned, “What do you mean by bad guys?”

“Those guys!” Kai exclaimed.

“Those guys?” Kyungsoo asked. Kyungsoo turned around to look at the guys he was talking to earlier. “They’re good guys.”

Kai turned Kyungsoo around to face him again. “What do you mean good guys!” Kai scoffed. “They were about to eat you alive! Good thing I got here in time!”

“Jongin,” Kyungsoo sighed. “I can fend for myself. You’re overthinking things.”

“No, I’m not,” Kai pouted. “You’re an innocent lamb, ready for the taking. You don’t know anything about wolves.”

Kyungsoo kicked Kai’s knee and stomped off. “That’s lamb for you,” Kyungsoo fumed.

“Owww!” Kai hopped around clutching his knee. He could only watch Kyungsoo continue to talk to the two guys again. Kai’s eyes widened when one made a move to touch Kyungsoo’s shoulder. While Kai hopped over, the two began to touch Kyungsoo more intimately. Kyungsoo was trying to back away when Kai came in time to shove the other two away. “Stay away!” Kai glared. “He’s mine!”

“I’m not yours,” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.

“You aren’t?” Kai blinked. “But I thought…”

“Why are you so stupid?” Kyungsoo asked.

“No, I’m not…” Kai trailed.

“I don’t know why I love you,” Kyungsoo sighed and lunged for Kai.

Kai was surprised when Kyungsoo latched his lips onto Kai’s lips. Kai opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows at the two guys left hanging. Kai pulled Kyungsoo away without breaking their kiss.


“Ugh, it’s so hot in here!” Baekhyun grumbled and flapped his hand in front of his face.

“Is it because you’re so short you can’t breathe down there?” Chanyeol joked.

“Do you want to start something, you freaky giant?” Baekhyun snapped.

“No,” Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “I was just talking truth.”

“Ugh!” Baekhyun punched Chanyeol’s stomach. “You’re so annoying!”

“Woah there, little guy,” Chanyeol held Baekhyun off.

“Little? LITTLE?!” Baekhyun shrieked as he slammed Chanyeol against the wall.

“Yes, little,” Chanyeol taunted. “Can you even reach me from down there?”

“You’ll find out,” Baekhyun growled and jumped.


“Lu,” Sehun held Luhan’s hand tightly.

“Yes, Sehunnie?” Luhan turned to Sehun.

Sehun pulled Luhan to a couch. The

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Chapter 37: i really appreciate this story very much,

Chapter 37: Hello update this pleaze ... i read this throughout the day and sacrificed my own preference just to read this because i find it cute pleaseee have mercy with the tbousand people waiting for your update
ToAwesomeForYou #3
Chapter 37: This story is sooooo good!! I hope you continue it even though it's been two years now!
Gagaga #4
It's 2016 already
IheartKPopandJPop #5
Chapter 37: I really love this story hopefully one day you continue writting it.
exoration #6
Chapter 37: Yyayayyyy BEST STORY YAHHHH!!! Please update soon :3
ushiii #7
Chapter 37: is this fanfic still going? I hope so becasue its reallu good ;O;
Chapter 37: THIS IS SO CUTE HOLY PANDA-- ALL YOUR TAORIS STORIES ARE CUTE ASDFGHJKOZXCV i miss your stories, you're like made to write about fluffy things god you're in my top 3 favourite authors ; o ; I HOPE YOU CONTINUE *ugly sobbing*