
Love and War on the Court
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“Would you like me to wrap up these chocolates?” the cashier asked.

Tao nodded his head, “Yes, please.”

Tao carried the wrapped chocolates home and ran up his room, slamming the door shut.

“Was that Zitao?” Mrs. Huang wondered.

“Maybe he’s worried about his present for his boyfriend,” Mr. Huang shrugged.

“Ooooh, how adooorable!” Mrs. Huang squealed.

Tao tossed the present he just bought for Kris into the corner of his room and hid under the covers. “All you get are chocolates, ,” Tao muttered.


Kris smiled as he carried his presents for the Huang family. Kris arrived at the Huang household and pressed on the doorbell. He shuffled his feet back and forth while waiting for someone to open the door.

“There you are!” Mrs. Huang beamed when she opened the door. “Hurry, come in! It’s freezing outside!”

Kris entered the house and looked around. It was his first time coming when it was dark and the place was beautiful. Lights and decorations adorned the house. “It looks beautiful,” Kris complimented.

“Oh, thank you son-in-law!”

“Moooommm!” Tao yelled out as he went down the stairs.

“What? What’d I do this time, Huang Zitao? You need to stop yelling at me! I am your MOTHER!”

Tao stomped his foot and stormed to the living room, muttering how if she was his mother, she should side with him and stop calling Kris son-in-law.

“Ooh, are those presents? You didn’t have to, honey!” Mrs. Huang turned her attention back to Kris.

Kris shrugged, “Well, it’s Christmas after all.”

Mrs. Huang pointed to the Christmas tree in the living room, “Just put it under the tree, dear. We’re going to open the presents together tomorrow morning!”

Tao rolled his eyes as he turned up the volume to the television. Kris put the presents under the tree and settled in the couch next to Tao. Tao kicked Kris with his foot, “What are you doing?”

Kris laughed when he saw Tao’s socks, “A different pair of cat socks?”

Tao blushed and retracted his foot, hiding them under his legs, “Shut up.”

Mr. Huang joined the two and sat on the other couch. “The food should be ready soon,” Mr. Huang informed.

Tao nodded and Kris thanked Mr. Huang. The three watched television for a bit before Mrs. Huang called everyone up to eat.

“The food’s ready! Set the table for me, Zitao!” Mrs. Huang called.

Tao got off the couch and went over to set the table.

While eating, there was a nice silence for several minutes, according to Tao, until his dad suddenly spoke up, “So, Kris.”

Kris looked up, “Yes, Mr. Huang?”

“Oh, you can call me father-in-law,” Mr. Huang smiled.

“And me mother-in-law,” Mrs. Huang added.

“Oh, uhh, okay… father-in-law and uh… mother-in-law,” Kris said.

“Daaddd! You’re just the same as mom! He’s not my boyfriend and definitely not my fiancé or husband!” Tao bit vigorously into his chicken wing.

“Oh, do tell me when you plan on marrying! The wedding will be absolutely wondrous!” Mrs. Huang added, ignoring Tao’s mini tantrum on the side.

Kris laughed, “Well, I’m not sure about that yet, but Tao’s right. We’re not even going out yet.”

Mrs. Huang nudged her husband and whispered, “Yet,” with a gleeful smile.

“So what do you like about our little Zitao?” Mr. Huang questioned.

“That’s easy. Everything.” Kris smirked at the blushing Tao.

“Sh-shaddup,” Tao muttered.

“And you, Tao?” Kris smiled. “What do you like about me?”

“N-nothing!” Tao stuttered as he reached for another piece of chicken. “Wh-what’s there to like?”

Kris leaned over and brushed his thumb over the side of Tao’s cheek.

“Wh-what are you d

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Chapter 37: i really appreciate this story very much,

Chapter 37: Hello update this pleaze ... i read this throughout the day and sacrificed my own preference just to read this because i find it cute ..so pleaseee have mercy with the tbousand people waiting for your update
ToAwesomeForYou #3
Chapter 37: This story is sooooo good!! I hope you continue it even though it's been two years now!
Gagaga #4
It's 2016 already
IheartKPopandJPop #5
Chapter 37: I really love this story hopefully one day you continue writting it.
exoration #6
Chapter 37: Yyayayyyy BEST STORY YAHHHH!!! Please update soon :3
ushiii #7
Chapter 37: is this fanfic still going? I hope so becasue its reallu good ;O;
Chapter 37: THIS IS SO CUTE HOLY PANDA-- ALL YOUR TAORIS STORIES ARE CUTE ASDFGHJKOZXCV i miss your stories, you're like made to write about fluffy things god you're in my top 3 favourite authors ; o ; I HOPE YOU CONTINUE *ugly sobbing*