
Does He Like Me?

Tao opened the door to the restaurant Kris told him to meet him at. He checked his appearance in the mirror and smiled, he made sure to look publicly acceptable due to the restaurant being high class.

Tao walked up to the girl in the black blazer and black slacks, she looked up at him and gave him a smile "Welcome to LOUS, just you?" she asked, reaching for a menu.

"I'm meeting someone, his name is Kris."

The woman checked her clipboard with a list of names on it then nodded "Right this way." she guided Tao to the way back of the restaurant, a man in a white dress shirt, black tie, and black slacks sat at a table, stirring his soda with a straw. It was Kris.

"Here you are," the woman said, Kris looked up and smiled "someone will be by momentarily."

Tao looked at his outfit, it was a black sweater and blue jeans, then looked at Kris' "I guess I didn't get the memo to wear fancy clothing."

Kris shook his head "You look fine, amazing actually, please sit down."

Tao nodded and pulled his chair out and sat down, he slid in and sighed.

"How was your trip over here?"

"I took a bus, it smelled." Tao answered.

Kris chuckled.

"Are you two ready to order?" a manly voice answered.

Tao and Kris looked up at the waiter. His black hair was styled neatly like it was done by a professional, his outfit comprised of a red blazer, black t-shirt, and black slacks. Underneath his clothes was a chiseled body, a six pack and a single tattoo on his left pectoral muscle.

Tao looked down at his menu in front of him, he wanted a cup of coffee for a drink. Kris kept staring at the guy, who was staring at Tao with a creepy smirk. 

"Can I have a cup of coffee to start please?" Tao asked, he looked back up at the waiter, he wasn't interested in the guy at all.

"Of course, cream and sugar as well?" the waiter asked.

"Yes, please."

The waiter wrote down Tao's drink order then looked back up at the two, Tao was reading his menu and Kris was secretly giving the man a glare "Are you two ready to order dinner, or do you need more time?"

Tao looked at Kris "You ready?"

Kris shook his head "No."

Tao looked up at the man and gave him a smile "Not yet, sorry."

"It's no problem, I'll be back with your coffee." the waiter gave Tao a smile and walked off to fetch Tao's coffee.

Kris looked at Tao who was reading the menu, looking for something to eat. He looked down at his menu, not really focusing on the writing though. He looked back up at Tao "You knew that guy was checking you out, right?"

Tao nodded, still looking at the menu "I did, but I'm hanging out with you so I don't care."

"But did you think he was cute?"

Tao nodded "Very."

Kris nodded and sulked "Then you should be on a date with him, you certainly like him."

Tao looked up "What?"

"If you like him why don't you ask him out, it seems to want to you so he will definitely say yes." Kris answered, slowly getting more angry.

"Why are you saying such things?"

"You think he's cute and-"

"Kris, are you jealous?"

Kris clinched his fists and rose from the table, he grabbed his black blazer and took out his wallet, he put down a hundred dollar bill. He his heels away from Tao.

"Where are you going?" Tao asked.

"To leave you and Mr. Let Me You so you two can have your special time."

"You are jealous!" Tao stated, he pointed accusingly at Kris.

Kris had no emotion in his voice "Are you stupid?" he never turned to face Tao, he walked out.

Tao leaned over and grabbed the hundred dollar bill, he looked at where Kris left and sighed. He shook his head and slouched in his seat "And the regular Kris is back."

The waiter came back around with Tao's coffee "Here you go sir," he noticed that Kris was gone "is your friend in the bathroom?"

Tao shook his head "He had business to attend to, I'm eating alone tonight."

The waiter nodded "I see."

"Can I order now?"

The waiter nodded again and took out his notepad. Tao ordered his meal and the waiter wrote it down, he then walked away with and walked back ten minutes later with Tao's meal.

Tao finished his meal slowly, he gave the waiter the hundred dollar bill and got change back. There was another slip of paper, it was the waiter's number with a little message it read: "If you want to see me again, call me at this number" then below was the waiter's number.

He now had a reason to see Kris again, he doesn't keep money he hasn't earned. Tao crumpled the waiter's message and threw it in the garbage before exiting the restaurant.

Yoohyun sat on a bed, playing with someone's puppy. A man walked in with a notebook full of song lyrics, it was Jonghyun's special song book.

Jonghyun gently pushed his pet out of the way and sat next to Yoohyun "Now let me tell you something, Yoohyun," he opened to the page he was currently on "I never let just anyone look at my special book." Yoohyun nodded and leaned closer to get a look at what was already written. Jonghyun smiled and pointed at the number of tries he attempted at the chorus "I can never get this right, I keep changing my mind."

"Well, is this a song written about someone you like?" Yoohyun asked.

Jonghyun nodded.

"Then close your eyes and think about that person, use the chorus as a way to describe your feelings towards them." Yoohyun added "Do you see this person?"

Jonghyun nodded "Sometimes, but I want to see this person more and more."

"There!" Yoohyun added with glee "Now try to use your longing to see this person more and more as the chorus, write from your heart."

Jonghyun smiled "That's perfect!" he started writing words in his song books.

Yoohyun looked around the room, the puppy was resting on her mat. He rose from Jonghyun's bed and walked over to her, he got on his knees and started petting the puppies head gently.

Jonghyun smiled and continued writting in his book.

A hour later the song was finally finished, but Jonghyun wouldn't let Yoohyun see what he wrote, he said it was a secret. Jonghyun gave Yoohyun a ride home and then drove back home.

Yoohyun dialed up Kyungsoo, a huge smile on his face.

A sleepy Kyungsoo answered "Hello?"

"I hanged out with Jonghyun!"

"Yay..." Kyungsoo didn't really care right now.

"He was so close to me, I could smell his cologne."


"His puppy is so cute too."

There was no answer.


All Yoohyun heard was quiet snoring in the background, Yoohyun chuckled and ended the call. He slipped off his jeans and put on his sweatpants, he crawled under his bed's covers and turned off the lamp next to him. He fell asleep not long after with a huge smile on his face.


Enjoy? Maybe Kaisoo in next chapter!? Upvote!

1) Should I add the waiter back in later chapters?

2) Bias in Kpop?

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Chapter 8: //omg i love BtoB's WOW//
Chapter 1: Omg. My bias in Exo is Tao. My fave couple in Exo IS TaoRis!! I will not say WAS they will always be one in my mind :)
Chapter 7: Dino? Is it Jonghyun? Donghae? Hahaha probably not Amber. Lol maybe Jonghyun he's in the cast right?
ZackeryFrost #4
Chapter 40: Great ending. Actually I was disappointed a bit. But with the fact that you (Author-nim) made the ending a real-to-life one, That made me really happy. By the way I've read all of your stories. Especially The Highschool Romances trilogy. I really loved that story! Please continue writing the best stories! Fighting!~
Chapter 38: I was totally satisfied with the taoris ending, it's different and I like it.
Chapter 40: Ok, take your time c:
Chapter 40: A Sequel would be nice. But, I liked the ending to the original. But, I will still, read the sequel.
coolskyblue07 #8
Chapter 40: Okay, I'll be waiting! ^^
Chapter 37: oh,,that's was not an end that i expected it to be.. taoris hmp. well at least they are still friends

Chapter 4: oh that was bad..a rjection letter,,ahah..nice one yifan,,