
Does He Like Me?

Tao gave the customer a smile and handed her the receipt saying: "Have a good day, enjoy your bouquet!"

The woman smiled back and threw her thirty nine sense in the "Tips" jar. Tao bowed his head with thanks and watched her off, when she left the building Tao his heels to his manager.

"So he hit Kyungsoo."

His manager nodded and sighed "Kids these days, why must they result to fighting?"

Tao shrugged his shoulders "Heck if I know."

"Did you call the police?"

Tao shook his head "I just gave Kyungsoo an ice pack and sent the two of to my bedroom, they interrupted a date I was on."

Tao's manager smiled "You were on a date!?"

Tao nodded.

"With who!?"

"Remember the guy who bought those bouquet, the one that was a little cold?"

The manager nodded saying: "He asked you out!?"

Tao nodded.

"And did you two have fun?"

"Well, after the incident Kris and I decided to take a rain check on the date. So we have another one next week."

Suddenly the door to the flower shop opened, a young man in a bright blue hoodie and denim jeans walked in. His hands were in his hoodie pockets and he locked around like he was scanning the area.

The manager and Tao eyed each other then gave the man a smile "Can I help you?"

The young man came up to Tao "Do you have tulips?"

Tao nodded and motioned his hand towards the tulips in the far corner of the store "Right over there, do you need help?"

The man shook his head and walked to where Tao said to go, he disappeared behind the shelves. Tao and his manager looked onto a small T.V. which showed the entire store in different camera angles, in one of the four squares the man appeared.

He was running his hand through the tulips, he looked at the prices and smiled. He grabbed a single tulip from a bouquet and stuffed it into his hoodie pocket, surprisingly it fit. However, he didn't stop then, he grabbed the entire bouquet and started taking flower after flower and putting it into his pocket.

Tao looked over at his manager, she nodded. Tao pushed a red button underneath the counter, it was a secret 911 button. Now all Tao had to do was keep him busy-and in the store.

When the man came back into view, he gave Tao a smile "I couldn't find what I was looking for, thank you anyway."

"Wait, sir!" Tao called.

The man tensed up "Y-yes?"

Tao took out a clipboard with a blank piece of paper attached "We are having this promotion where we give away a free chocolate bar if a customer, or viewer, tells us about our work ethics and the condition of our store."

The man rubbed his forearm.

"It would only take a moment, and then you get to take a chocolate bar of your choice." Tao added.

The man sighed and shrugged his shoulders "I guess I'll do it."

Tao smiled and took a pen from the jar of utensils "Ok, so start."

The man pondered on what to say "Well-you are very polite and asked if I needed help."

Tao pretended to be writing down what he said, but he was waiting for the police to show up. Suddenly a siren sounded in the distance, Tao looked up from his clipboard "I wonder what happened, I hope whoever it is is okay."

The man nodded and cleared his throat "The store is very clean, I didn't see any dirt or other residue on the floor."

Tao nodded and eyed the police car stopped in front of the store "Very good." Tao pretended to write more and looked back up at the man "Now I have one more question to ask."

"W-what is it?"

"Do you look good in a dull color? To be more specific brown, or maybe black and white. Oh maybe black and white strips!" Tao answered.

"W-why do you need to know that?"

Tao pointed to a figure standing behind the man.

The man turned and he came face to face with a policeman. He looked back at Tao, who gave him a smile. The man tried to make a run for it, but the policeman caught him with ease.

A boy with dirty blonde hair watched the scene from inside a bus, he looked over to a boy who had dark brown hair and started talking to him.

The policeman handcuffed the man and brought him out, Tao watched him put the man in his car. Tao sighed with relief and suddenly an hand grabbed his wrist.

Tao turned his head and smiled "Kris."

A worried look was on Kris' face "What happened!?"

Tao shook his head "Nothing I couldn't handle."

Kris sighed and released Tao "At least you're alive, that's all I care about."

Tao smiled and took a step closer to Kris "Were you worried about me?"

Kris eyed him then rolled his eyes.

"Go." a womans' voice said.

Tao turned around to see his manager with a smile on his face "What?"

"You can leave early today, I'll watch the store for the rest of the day." the manager eyed Kris "You have fun with your friend here."

Tao nodded and interlocked his arm with Kris' "Want to go get some coffee?"

Kris smiled and nodded.


Enjoy!? Sorry for the long wait!? Lazy these days....I also put a small cameo of Oliver, since some of you don't like him and some of you do, I hope you enjoyed it. It doesn't effect High School Romance what-so-ever.

1) Enjoy?

2) What member of EXO would you marry?

3) Did you find Oliver's small cameo?



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Chapter 8: //omg i love BtoB's WOW//
Chapter 1: Omg. My bias in Exo is Tao. My fave couple in Exo IS TaoRis!! I will not say WAS they will always be one in my mind :)
Chapter 7: Dino? Is it Jonghyun? Donghae? Hahaha probably not Amber. Lol maybe Jonghyun he's in the cast right?
ZackeryFrost #4
Chapter 40: Great ending. Actually I was disappointed a bit. But with the fact that you (Author-nim) made the ending a real-to-life one, That made me really happy. By the way I've read all of your stories. Especially The Highschool Romances trilogy. I really loved that story! Please continue writing the best stories! Fighting!~
Chapter 38: I was totally satisfied with the taoris ending, it's different and I like it.
Chapter 40: Ok, take your time c:
Chapter 40: A Sequel would be nice. But, I liked the ending to the original. But, I will still, read the sequel.
coolskyblue07 #8
Chapter 40: Okay, I'll be waiting! ^^
Chapter 37: oh,,that's was not an end that i expected it to be.. taoris hmp. well at least they are still friends

Chapter 4: oh that was bad..a rjection letter,,ahah..nice one yifan,,