
Does He Like Me?

[Two Weeks After Event at Audition]

"What did you get?" Yoohyun asked.

Kyungsoo sighed and showed Yoohyun his grade on the test they had took last week, he barely passed. Yoohyun took a look at his then showed Kyungsoo his grade, it was twenty points above Kyungsoo's.

"You got a 90!? Are you like a genius, I didn't understand any of the material. How did you get a 90!?"

"Since Jun.K is a history major, I made him look over my paper. I basically started all over and he helped me through it."

Kyungsoo gave Yoohyun a glare "You got a hot, smart, and talented guy to help you!? I asked my mom, but she didn't know anything about this stupid material."

Yoohyun eyed Kyungsoo "You think Jun.K is hot?"

Kyungsoo nodded "Yeah, don't you still like him though?"

Yoohyun shrugged his shoulders "I don't know anymore, I think-I don't know."

Kyungsoo sighed and rose from his desk "Well, it's time for lunch. I'm going out to eat with Jongin, want to come with?"

Yoohyun shook his head "I might be hanging out with Jonghyun or Jun.K today, so no thanks."

"Alright, have fun." Kyungsoo replied, he gave Yoohyun a wink and walked out of the classroom.

Yoohyun gathered up his school materials and put them in his backpack, suddenly a dark figure appeared behind him. Yoohyun head rose, he had a weird feeling he was about to get scared.

Before the dark figure could move Yoohyun his head, it turned out to be Jonghyun. Yoohyun sighed and gave the latter a smile "Were you trying to scare me?"

Jonghyun sighed and said "I tried to."

Yoohyun giggled and turned around "Try again."




Jonghyun didn't say "Boo" or anything like that, Yoohyun turned his head a little to find Jonghyun gone. Yoohyun turned his body around and looked around the room, he couldn't find Jonghyun anywhere.

"Now where did he-" before Yoohyun could finish, Jonghyun popped out from behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. He nuzzled his head into Yoohyun's neck and started to make zombie sounds. Yoohyun was shocked, but he started to giggle when feeling Jonghyun against his neck "T-th-that tickles, Jonghyun!"

Jonghyun stopped and just rested his head on Yoohyun's shoulder, he took a deep breath and held Yoohyun tighter. He started swaying back and forth, Yoohyun smiled and let Jonghyun control the swaying motion.

Yeah...I don't think I love Jun.K anymore...

Tao ran his hand through his hair, he had recently gotten a letter from his mother. It was money. His mother gave him money every month for his rent, he didn't like it. He had a job, he didn't have to pay much for his rent, and he just put most of her money away in his saving account. She usually gave him about four hundred dollars.

Tao's family is somewhat wealthy, not as wealthy as Kris', but they earned that money. Tao's mother used to be a cook for this very wealthy family in Seoul, and she got paid about two thousand a month; now she's a cook at some high class restaurant. Tao's father had recently passed away due to cancer, but he used to be a teacher at a high school.

Tao wasn't that emotional, all he did when his father died was go to his funeral. He missed his father at times, but he wasn't crying over it.

"Are you done yet?" someone asked.

Tao nodded "It was just some money from my mother, so are you ready to get beaten!?"

"Sure"The voice answered sarcastically.

Tao turned to see Kris waiting impatiently on the couch, two controllers laying next to him. He was only wearing sweatpants, he had stayed the night yesterday due to his work schedule.

Tao sat down next to him, sitting on the blanket Kris had slept with, and grabbed one of the controllers. They were playing Super Smash Bros.

Kris had to talk Tao through since the game was in English, Tao eventually got the hang of it. Tao picked Zelda and Kris picked Samus, the two decided to be on a team and fight two computer enemies.

When the game had started Tao was just pushing buttons and saying "Why does my girl change into a guy!?", "Is she a witch!?" and sometimes "She has a bubble!"

Kris smiled at his comments and continued fighting the enemy. Kris sometimes paused the match, making Tao wonder what had happened. He would complain about the game not working, Kris couldn't stop laughing.

Tao realized it was Kris who was doing it and punished him by pausing the match himself and running out of the room with his controller, Kris chased after him, he left his controller on the couch.

Tao hid behind his bedroom door, Kris tip-toed inside the room. Tao tried to muffle his giggles, but Kris already knew where he was. Kris pulled back the door and attacked Tao with a hug.

Tao broke into laughter, Kris reached for the controller, his other arm still around Tao's waist, Tao wouldn't let go of the controller. Kris eventually gave up and sighed "Are you done playing the game?"

Tao nodded.

Kris nodded as well and released Tao "Want to go out?"

Tao's eyes widened "What?"

"For dinner"

Tao nodded and said "Sure."


Enjoy!? A Lot of you want 2Hyun...so I decided...

1) Do you like Yoohyun?

2) Would you ever date a member of EXO? (If so, who!?)



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Chapter 8: //omg i love BtoB's WOW//
Chapter 1: Omg. My bias in Exo is Tao. My fave couple in Exo IS TaoRis!! I will not say WAS they will always be one in my mind :)
Chapter 7: Dino? Is it Jonghyun? Donghae? Hahaha probably not Amber. Lol maybe Jonghyun he's in the cast right?
ZackeryFrost #4
Chapter 40: Great ending. Actually I was disappointed a bit. But with the fact that you (Author-nim) made the ending a real-to-life one, That made me really happy. By the way I've read all of your stories. Especially The Highschool Romances trilogy. I really loved that story! Please continue writing the best stories! Fighting!~
Chapter 38: I was totally satisfied with the taoris ending, it's different and I like it.
Chapter 40: Ok, take your time c:
Chapter 40: A Sequel would be nice. But, I liked the ending to the original. But, I will still, read the sequel.
coolskyblue07 #8
Chapter 40: Okay, I'll be waiting! ^^
Chapter 37: oh,,that's was not an end that i expected it to be.. taoris hmp. well at least they are still friends

Chapter 4: oh that was bad..a rjection letter,,ahah..nice one yifan,,