I just want you to severely hurt them with your car

Does He Like Me?

[Short Chapter]

Kyungsoo ran his hand through his hair as he waited for Yoohyun, their movie had ended a while ago. Jongin had to go home to watch over his ill sister, so he had to get a ride from Jonghyun.

Kyungsoo was getting very impatient, he tapped his foot and sighed If they don't come out in ten seconds, I'm going in.

Kyungsoo counted to ten in his head and sighed, he opened the door to the movie room and found it empty. Kyungsoo's eyes widened. Yoohyun and Jonghyun had already left.

"Are you looking for someone?" a familiar voice asked.

Kyungsoo turned to see a tall and slender boy standing shyly before him, his blonde hair was hidden under the movie theater hat he was given. He smelled faintly of cologne.

Kyungsoo finally recognized him "Oh, you're the guy in my English class! Byun Baekhyun right!?"

The boy named Baekhyun nodded "Yeah, I'm that guy." he giggled and asked his question again "Are you looking for someone?"

Kyungsoo shook his head "It seems my friends ditched me, so I have no ride home."

Baekhyun twirled his hoodie strings "Well, I'm going home and we leave close to each other. Do you want me to drive you home?"

Kyungsoo smiled "Sure! Maybe you can run my friends over too!"

Baekhyun's eyes widened "W-what!?"

Kyungsoo chuckled "I'm joking," Baekhyun nodded and chuckled with him "I just want you to severely injure them with your car." Baekhyun stopped laughing and watched Kyungsoo walk away.

Tao sighed as he unlocked his door to the apartment, he had just put away his mother's money into his account. Tao flipped the light switch up, the lights in the kitchen .

"You're back." a voice called from behind him.

Tao turned his head, he smiled "Hey, Kris."

Kris smiled and walked in with Tao.

"Were you waiting for me?" Tao asked as he took off his shoes.

"I was coming back from the bar-" Kris answered.

"And you drank to much, correct?" Tao finished.

Kris nodded.

"You can stay here tonight, I don't have work tomorrow so maybe I can teach you not to drink." Tao added.

Kris chuckled and said: "Good luck with that."

Tao eyed Kris "I'm serious."

Kris nodded "I know."

Tao looked down "That is how my big brother died."

Kris' smile vanished.

"He was drunk and he was driving, he killed himself and this woman when the cars collided." Tao added, he kicked his shoes over to the side and walked into the kitchen.

Kris stayed silent and followed Tao.

"He was a kind guy though, he never did drugs, never smoked, never got detention, never got in trouble, was popular, and very smart. He was at the bar with his friends, he didn't usually drink alcohol, but his friends pressured him to. He died a hour later."

Kris looked down.

Tao looked up at Kris "I don't want that to happen to you, Kris."


Tao's dramatic story...and you met Baekhyun!

1) Are you excited about Baekhyun!?

2) Would you be friends with an idol? (Even if you LOVE them)

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Chapter 8: //omg i love BtoB's WOW//
Chapter 1: Omg. My bias in Exo is Tao. My fave couple in Exo IS TaoRis!! I will not say WAS they will always be one in my mind :)
Chapter 7: Dino? Is it Jonghyun? Donghae? Hahaha probably not Amber. Lol maybe Jonghyun he's in the cast right?
ZackeryFrost #4
Chapter 40: Great ending. Actually I was disappointed a bit. But with the fact that you (Author-nim) made the ending a real-to-life one, That made me really happy. By the way I've read all of your stories. Especially The Highschool Romances trilogy. I really loved that story! Please continue writing the best stories! Fighting!~
Chapter 38: I was totally satisfied with the taoris ending, it's different and I like it.
Chapter 40: Ok, take your time c:
Chapter 40: A Sequel would be nice. But, I liked the ending to the original. But, I will still, read the sequel.
coolskyblue07 #8
Chapter 40: Okay, I'll be waiting! ^^
Chapter 37: oh,,that's was not an end that i expected it to be.. taoris hmp. well at least they are still friends

Chapter 4: oh that was bad..a rjection letter,,ahah..nice one yifan,,