The Day He Walked In

Does He Like Me?

"Thank you, come again" Tao said with a smile. He gave the bouquet of flowers to the middle aged woman.

"I will, have a good day, Tao" she added and placed a couple won in the tip jar.

Tao smiled seeing the tip jar almost half way full, signaling something very important to Tao. He bowed his head with excitement "Thank you, noona"

The noona smiled back and turned around to the door and walked out, her heels making a 'clack' sound as she took her steps. Tao grabbed the tip jar and shook it around happily.

I finally have enough for the medicine that Kyungsoo needs, you are doing great Tao, just a little more and you can get him a personal doctor. Just hang in there.

Tao turned around to his manager who was watching him with a smile  "Noona, is there anything else you need done before I go?"

The noona shook her head "I can handle the rest on my own, have a good day, Zitao"

Tao bowed ninety degrees and took off his working apron "I'll be leaving then, see you tomorrow, noona!"

Tao was almost to the bathroom to clean himself up when the door to the flower shop opened, the bell sounded signaling a new customer. Tao sighed and turned around, he put his apron on again "I got this one, noona!" he called.

"I don't think you want me to have this one, Zitao, you'll enjoy cashing this young boy out" the noona called back.

Tao sighed and chuckled "That's my manager, always trying to set me up with any guy that walks in" he said to himself.

Tao slipped on his apron and tied it behind his back, he walked to the cash register "Hi, how can I help you?" he asked cheerfully. He rose his head to see what noona was talking about, his mouth dropped when he saw the man.

His dirty blonde hair was styled to perfection like a stylist did it. His body structure was tall and muscular with what looked like a tattoo on his left pectoral muscle, Tao noticed it since he was wearing a white dress shirt and the rain outside revealed some of his slightly tanned skin hidden under the shirt.

"Nice tattoo, hyung" Tao said as he turned his cash register back on, he had his own cash register. There wasn't that many employees hired, the manager, Tao and this woman in her early twenties who only showed up on weekends.

The handsome hyung looked down to his chest and nodded "I know"

That caught me off guard, he sounds a bit selfish. Tao regained his posture and gave the hyung a smile "How can I help you today"

"Well if you're done trying to flirt with me, I would like to place an order for next Friday"

Tao gritted his teeth and breathed out of his mouth Since when was I flirting with him!?

"You comprehend?" the selfish hyung asked.

Tao nodded and crouched behind the counter, he popped back up with an order form "Just fill this out" he slid the form and a pen towards the hyung.

The hyung sighed and grabbed the pen, he started filling the sheet out. Tao turned to his manager who couldn't hide her smile, he shook his head and turned back to the hyung.

"Here" the man said with no emotion, he slid the paper and pen back to Tao.

"Ok," he looked at the name signed at the bottom "Mr. Wu Fan, your order will be in by next Friday." He checked the number printed on one section "We will call you if it comes sooner, have a good day" Tao gave the paper to his manager and turned back to Mr. Wu Fan.

"Anything else?" Mr. Wu Fan asked.

Tao shook his head and started to untie his apron "Have a good day" he said and started walking towards the bathroom, he couldn't seem to untie the apron.

"Stop" Mr. Wu Fan's voice called.

Tao turned his head "Yes?"

"You're making the knot worse, come here" the latter said with a sigh.

Tao took a step back so that Mr. Wu Fan could work on the knot.

"You could have easily grabbed two ends and wiggle them to loosen the knot, but you picked at it which made it worse" Mr. Wu Fan stated.


"Yes, everyone should know that" Mr. Wu Fan added.

Tao lowered his head in shame I should have known that.

"There, I untied it" Mr. Wu Fan said, he wiped his hands on his designer jeans and sighed.

Tao slipped off his apron "Thank you, Mr. Wu Fan-"

"Don't call me that, kid, my name is Kris"

Tao bowed his head "Of course, sorry, Kris"

Kris sighed "I'll be going now, call me if the order comes in early" Kris his heels and walked out the door, Tao watched him off.

"Spoiled brat" Tao muttered to himself before walking into the bathroom.


First chapter! Woot! Like it!? The other characters will be added soon! Next chapter hopefully will be up soon!

1) Enjoy?

2) Bias in Exo?



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Chapter 8: //omg i love BtoB's WOW//
Chapter 1: Omg. My bias in Exo is Tao. My fave couple in Exo IS TaoRis!! I will not say WAS they will always be one in my mind :)
Chapter 7: Dino? Is it Jonghyun? Donghae? Hahaha probably not Amber. Lol maybe Jonghyun he's in the cast right?
ZackeryFrost #4
Chapter 40: Great ending. Actually I was disappointed a bit. But with the fact that you (Author-nim) made the ending a real-to-life one, That made me really happy. By the way I've read all of your stories. Especially The Highschool Romances trilogy. I really loved that story! Please continue writing the best stories! Fighting!~
Chapter 38: I was totally satisfied with the taoris ending, it's different and I like it.
Chapter 40: Ok, take your time c:
Chapter 40: A Sequel would be nice. But, I liked the ending to the original. But, I will still, read the sequel.
coolskyblue07 #8
Chapter 40: Okay, I'll be waiting! ^^
Chapter 37: oh,,that's was not an end that i expected it to be.. taoris hmp. well at least they are still friends

Chapter 4: oh that was bad..a rjection letter,,ahah..nice one yifan,,