My Weird Friends

Does He Like Me?

"I'm home, Kyungsoo!" Tao called from the front door to his apartment.

"I'm in the bathroom, give me a-"

"Guess what I got!" Tao yelled to Kyungsoo.

"Finally, I hate being dizzy"

"Well, take this for today and you should be able to go out to eat with me tonight" Tao said as he set the bag of medicine on the circular table in the kitchen.

A short seventeen year old boy walked out with a green wool blanket wrapped around himself, his black hair was a little messy due to his nap he had just woken up from.

"How was work?" Kyungsoo asked, he took the bag from the table and opened it. "You got the right one this time" he added with a smile.

"Work was fine, I-oh guess who I saw today!" Tao answered.

Kyungsoo started turning the lid to open it. He looked up "Who?"

"This really cute guy, tall, handsome, y, and a complete selfish bastard" Tao said with a smile.

"And you're happy he's a bastard?"

Tao sighed and shook his head "I never said I was happy. In fact, I'm the exact opposite; he is a complete jerk"

"And you like him for that?"

Tao shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, isn't that sweet, Tao has a little crush" another voice teased from the entrance of the apartment.

Tao his heels and sighed "Hey, Yoohyun"

The boy named Yoohyun walked inside, he wasn't alone though, another boy was behind him on his phone. Yoohyun nudged the boy in the stomach lightly, the boy looked up from his phone.

"Hey" he greeted, he returned to his phone.

"Sehun, if you keep looking at that screen-"

"Shut it, Luhan is going to call me in a second" Sehun interrupted, he walked back out the door to fully concentrate on Luhan.

Luhan and Sehun were lovers, they started dating early last year and have been since. Sehun and Luhan were like twins, they did everything together and knew what the other one was thinking. Sehun was younger than Luhan, but he was taller and more mature than his hyung. 

Sehun opened the door with his free hand and stepped out into the sunshine, the sunlight hitting his blonde hair perfectly. His pale white skin shining from the same sunlight. Sehun knew he was attractive and he owned it, just last year he was the superlative for the best looking at his school.

Luhan on the other hand wasn't anything like Sehun, despite their similar facial features they are quite different. Luhan had the same hair color as Sehun but his was dyed, his original color was a dark brown. He wasn't tall but he wasn't short either, he was average height but also quite immature at times. However, that's what Sehun feel for. 

Inside the house Tao, Yoohyun, and Kyungsoo were talking about the guy Tao ran in to at work. 

"His name is Kris," Tao explained "I swear, he looks just like a model"

"Maybe he is a model" Yoohyun added.

"Maybe, but are models jerks and full of themselves?" Tao asked.

"Have you seen my brother in law?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Chanyeol isn't as bad as this guy," Tao answered "Chanyeol actually is a nice person if you get on his good side. This guy isn't someone to mess with, even when I complimented his tattoo on his chest he thought I was flirting with him"

"Were you?" Kyungsoo asked.

Tao didn't answer him.

"He was" Yoohyun answered.

Tao shook his head and turned to the table to where Kyungsoo was already taking the medicine. Tao waited for him to swallow the pills and then took the glass of water from him, he brought it to the sink and washed it thoroughly.

"I love you more, Luhannie~" Sehun cooed as he walked inside the apartment.

"And that is my cue to leave, I hate lovey-dovey talk" Yoohyun said as Sehun walked inside.

Yoohyun couldn't admit it, but he wanted a lovey dovey talk with the person he loved. Who was that person? Well, he would never tell anyone unless they were holding a gun to his head. It was a huge secret.

"I'll see you in school, Kyungsoo" Yoohyun said before exiting the apartment. He and Kyungsoo were both seniors at high school and in the same class.

"Bye, Yoohyun" Kyungsoo called back to his dongsaeng.

Tao sighed and had an amazing idea "Who wants to prank call Kris?"

Yoohyun peeked his head into the house "Oh you so like him"

"Go home, Yoohyun!" Tao snapped back.


Woot! Finished!

1) Like the new characters added?

2) Who do you like better, Yoohyun or Oliver? (You must have read High School Romance to have answered this one!)

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Chapter 8: //omg i love BtoB's WOW//
Chapter 1: Omg. My bias in Exo is Tao. My fave couple in Exo IS TaoRis!! I will not say WAS they will always be one in my mind :)
Chapter 7: Dino? Is it Jonghyun? Donghae? Hahaha probably not Amber. Lol maybe Jonghyun he's in the cast right?
ZackeryFrost #4
Chapter 40: Great ending. Actually I was disappointed a bit. But with the fact that you (Author-nim) made the ending a real-to-life one, That made me really happy. By the way I've read all of your stories. Especially The Highschool Romances trilogy. I really loved that story! Please continue writing the best stories! Fighting!~
Chapter 38: I was totally satisfied with the taoris ending, it's different and I like it.
Chapter 40: Ok, take your time c:
Chapter 40: A Sequel would be nice. But, I liked the ending to the original. But, I will still, read the sequel.
coolskyblue07 #8
Chapter 40: Okay, I'll be waiting! ^^
Chapter 37: oh,,that's was not an end that i expected it to be.. taoris hmp. well at least they are still friends

Chapter 4: oh that was bad..a rjection letter,,ahah..nice one yifan,,