Chapter 20.

The Heart Never Forgets


"I'm here! What's the job?"

You were rather fluent in English despite living in Australia for only two years.
You have always been good with languages..

Your only regret is that your parents cannot witness your success, since you would never go back to Korea. 

Something that you were thankful for is that the discrimination against you was relatively little. 
It has made your life relatively pleasant and you've made a couple of new and good friends. 


Pat looked into your eyes,  smirked and exclaimed, "You are going to KOREA!"





"Let's welcome B.A.P!!!"

"We are B.A.P! Hello it's B.A.P! "


"So here are some questions that the fans have specially asked each of the B.A.P members"


'This is for YongGuk... B.A.P has been very successful since their debut.
How do...or where does B.A.P's co-songwriter/producer/leader Bang Yong Guk get his inspiration for writing these hit songs?" 

Ughs... I stared at YongGuk Hyung in pretence of interest, with a wide smile..
This is the kind of question he would go on and on.. 


"Thank you Yong Guk.. Next! HimChan!
Babys have all recognised your beautiful features and perfect selcas that you had diligently updated on social networking sites.
What's your beauty secret, or rather fans wants to know your perfect selca taking tips!"

He smirked at that compliment. 
"The fans of course,..I think of them as I take the selca and it comes out beautifully.." and winked at some random direction. 

This Hyung... 

The MC laughed, " Thankyou HimChan-goon "

"Daehyunnie!" I snapped out of my thoughts, her voice sounds like,.. 
Ah.. FOCUS! I lightly shook my head. 

"Huh? "

I realised the question has been asked. 

Everyone was staring at me, my throats instantly feels dry and my skin feels clammy. 
"Sorry.. Can you repeat the question?"

The MC stared at me quizzically. 
She smiled before looking at her cue cards and repeat the question. 

"It is a scenario question..
Imagine that you have a girlfriend, and both of you had a fight, and let's say... that she comes back, what will you do??" 







"Why do you look so pale? Aren't you happy? You're go back to your home country! " 

No... I came here cause I want to leave my home country !


"Oh yes.. I guess I was too excited.. Wheee~"

You rolled your eyes slightly and twirled your finger as you said whee, but deep down you're filled with millions of worries.


You made your way to the boss's office. 
You knocked on the door and a deep voice bellowed. 

"Come in," he looked up, "Ah.. Just the person I want to see, take a seat."

You gingerly made your way to the seat while your mind was busy coming up with excuses. 
You've got to decline this offer!

"Pat must have told you about the project," he paused and you nodded. 
"This project is to reach out to our younger audience. Apparently, our statistics shows that we are lacking younger readers. 
We have already lost to NEWSUS in terms of businessmen, we need to drive up our sales... " you nodded. 

He's probably going to ask you to do Kpop. 

"So.. You'll be doing Kpop news! "
Your mind did a Ding Deng Dong (sound they make in korean variety show whenever the person wins)

"Pat has graciously opened up a position for you in this project since she'll be doing Hollywood stars. " 

Thanks a lot Pat.. /groans/

"This means you'll be staying in Korea and you can send us the news once a week. Doing Interviews....-" 

You didn't listened anymore, your ears perked up when he said that you'll be staying at Korea!


He was thrown off by your sudden change of expression. 

"Is something wrong?" 

You fiddled with your fingers. 

"Is there any other journalist who can go instead?" 

He stared at you dumbfounded, "You're the only Korean in the company, " 

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. 

Fate is playing games with you.
Almost like teasing you.  

"Is it okay Miss Baek? "

Think it through, girl.
This must be how things are going to end up happening. 
Look, Korea is so big, you wouldn't meet him...right? 
Yes, you're a journalist and doing Kpop reports.. but.. 
Oh why is things becoming like this? 
You knit your brows into a tight knot. 
You feel your head boiling and your heart worrying. 

Both of you has finally achieved your dreams, and this is it. 
This is the ending. 
After two years of pain you're going to go back.. 

" Ji Yeon? " 
You broke off your thoughts.. 

" Is it okay with you? Is there something wrong? " 

You waved your hand dismissively, " Yeah.. I'm sorry. I was just thinking through some stuff. " 
You heaved a sigh before meeting his eyes, " When will I be flying off? " 

" In... Three weeks time? " he continued, " You'll have time to finish your current assignments, and maybe settle your apartment and such." 

You rolled your tongue pushing the right side of your cheek. 
This must be a joke. 

" And... if its successful, we'll go with this project full scale.
The company will perhaps open up a branch at Korea, and reach out to the Korean market.
If things are going well, you'll have a fairly good promotion. " he winked at you. (A friendly wink) 

It may be a joke. 
But.. it was really a tempting offer. 

Your dream is realising.
But it'll be next to Daehyun. 
Wow.. how long has it been since you've said his name...
You sighed as your footsteps gets heavier. 
What should you do? 

You pulled the straps of your bag closer to your chest. 
It's summer in Australia but yet it feels so cold all of a sudden. 

"I... I.. " 
I never thought if she'll come back. 
What will I do? 
I don't know. 
The MC looks uncomfortable with my long pause. 
She chuckled nervously and tried to help, 

" The fans have asked a question that puts Daehyun at a difficult position. 
It must be difficult to imagine since a fight could be anything.. and.. it may be awkward...  " 

I was still staring into space. 
Do I dare to dream that she'll come back.. 

" Ah... Daehyun-goon, shall I ask another question..? " 

" I will.. " 


Remember you're on TV.. 
" I will..." 


Daehyun ah...It has been two years. Have you forgotten me? 

" I will make up with her and get back together "

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I am also busy with work and all, I'll update as quickly as I can, really:))) Thankyou dearies :D


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vivibest21 #1
Chapter 17: Omg im reading chapter 17 in the train! I just cant stop cryin why do you this to me?????
This chapter was beautifulllll
sapphire11 #3
Chapter 53: Omo....this is all channie fault..
Daemibaby #4
Chapter 51: Hello i read you're fanfiction since a week and.. i swear i cry i laugh i was sad and same time soo happy i usaly sleep not good..but since i read you're fanfiction i sleep very very well have nice dreams and no horror dreams like couple if years in the past my dreams were the real hell and i don't want too sleep i always stay until i sleep with tears in my pillow...thanks you and daehyun i can finally sleep without tears... i really really love youre story its like i read my thoughts... thank you very very much.. please write this for a long time i hope you're months get better no stress or something... I'm looking forward for the next chapter.... ps: sorry for my bad english.. I'm always support you.. you're the best
Chapter 51: This chapter was beautifulllll <33
I hope your months get better from now T.T don't be so saddddd
Mangegardien #6
Chapter 51: Stomach is growling... You never know...

Thank you for updating, and congratulations for your uni =)


Ok . My emoticon is horrible, but it's my creativity mood right now with my maths lessons =P
Mangegardien #7
Chapter 51: Mangie is a nice sasaeng, but still a sasaeng... Though she chose the wrong person because she should be after purplegyu... I need to tell her.

Ahahah I'm not confused at all because I know who was talking with who (or more accurately I guessedit because you haven't told me anything) but it's nice not to say it now.

Ahahah maybe Dae was just hungry and he wanted to go to a late night restaurant and now his.
Mangegardien #8
Chapter 50: Is it this chapter confusing people ? Case it's not really confusing. It's totally normal Jiyeon doesn't feel good enough to be revealed as Daehyun's boyfriend, when we all know how fans usually react when you tell them their biases have girlfriends. And it's a happy ending.. Well a happy ending chapter okay, but still it's fluffy and stuff and it's adorable and you just want to hug them both because they're adorable (... yeah yeah more than I am XD).

I look forward to reading the next chapters, cause right now there are some black holes I need to understand ^.^'
sarahsohn77 #9
Chapter 50: HanBYUL...... I don't like this (even though I actually love hanbyul haha) himchan needs to get a girlfriend haha