Chapter 11: Mission #1 P2

The Heart Never Forgets


"TO CELEBRATE THE RETURN OF NOONA" yelled the two maknaes.

Your heart burnt with guilt.

You gave a weak smile with your head buried beneath their embrace. 
You were holding back your tears, you cannot show them any single drop, not before you leave.
You wouldn't have the heart to anyways. 
You struggled out of them embrace, pretending they were suffocating you, when in actual fact, guilt was killing you inside out that you feel you don't deserve their love. 
"Aish, these morning babies, let me gooooo," you whined.

"No!!" They all cheekily replied you.

"Ahhhhhh!!" You pretended you were gonna bite on the nearest hand to you.

"Ji Yeon-ah! Don't eat my hand!!"
Youngjae did a piercing scream.

You smirked, "Ahh, our princess must be hungry" YongGuk played along.

"Yes~~~! AHhhhhh" You opened your mouth wide as if you were going to eat them up!

Hysteric yells and gasps were made aloud, and the boys scrambled to their seats.

You giggled,  " That's my boys~"

You took the seat next to Daehyun and Zelo as usual.

"Wah~ Noona, your breakfast smells so deeeelicioussss"

You giggled.

"We will eat the food well! " Six hungry B.A.P aliens greeted before devouring the food as if they haven't eaten for years.

You were smiling at all their hungry expressions, unglam eating practices, emotions was riding on the line.

You shook off the thoughts, keeping the smile and ate your plain rice.

"Eish, Ji Yeon , why are you eating plain rice?" HimChan noticed and began to feed you eggrolls.

"Say Ahhh... "HimChan with one hand cleverly grabbing the eggroll using chopsticks without any contents spilt while the other hand under.

You smirked, knowing Daehyun was giving his shocked face. 
You opened your mouth wide as the eggrolls entered your mouth.

With your mouth full, "Thankyou HimChannie~"

"Eish, its oppa!! "

"Yah! Hyung! Why are you feeding her?!?!!"

Youngjae smirked and took the cue, "Come, Ji Yeon , eat some vegetables.  SAY AHHHHH..  "

You hurriedly swallowed the remaining food and proceed to accept the approaching vegetables offered. You were about to eat, before Daehyun shoved his mouth infront first to eat the vegetables.

"YAH! DAEHYUN! That was for me! " you pretended to be angry, "Youngjae, I want more! "


Everyone took turns to feed you while watching Daehyun being protective of you. 
Your Busan prince was turning into a red tomato, with smokes forming and dissipating from the top of his head. 

Breakfast was filled with so much laughter, just like old times.

Everyone was busy chattering with their mouth full while you kept silent and observe them.

"This is the last time," you thought, "You'll never get to feel this feeling anymore. Remember them well... "

Someone poked you, you knew it was Daehyun.

You ignored. 

He kepts poking you..

"Yah... JAKI~"

"Jaki! Jaaaakiiiii!! Ja ja ja ja ki! Ja ki ki ki~~"


He brought his mouth close to your ears, "Shall we.. "


"Shall we what??"

"Shall we...?"

You chuckled, "No."

He pouted, you tapped his lips with your chopsticks and teased, "I have already made plans... for us"

Your face was beaming at how his expression change from dark to bright. 

" Yes my love, the last event I can plan for you...," you silently thought. 

Another short update! Where should they go? :) 
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I am also busy with work and all, I'll update as quickly as I can, really:))) Thankyou dearies :D


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vivibest21 #1
Chapter 17: Omg im reading chapter 17 in the train! I just cant stop cryin why do you this to me?????
This chapter was beautifulllll
sapphire11 #3
Chapter 53: Omo....this is all channie fault..
Daemibaby #4
Chapter 51: Hello i read you're fanfiction since a week and.. i swear i cry i laugh i was sad and same time soo happy i usaly sleep not good..but since i read you're fanfiction i sleep very very well have nice dreams and no horror dreams like couple if years in the past my dreams were the real hell and i don't want too sleep i always stay until i sleep with tears in my pillow...thanks you and daehyun i can finally sleep without tears... i really really love youre story its like i read my thoughts... thank you very very much.. please write this for a long time i hope you're months get better no stress or something... I'm looking forward for the next chapter.... ps: sorry for my bad english.. I'm always support you.. you're the best
Chapter 51: This chapter was beautifulllll <33
I hope your months get better from now T.T don't be so saddddd
Mangegardien #6
Chapter 51: Stomach is growling... You never know...

Thank you for updating, and congratulations for your uni =)


Ok . My emoticon is horrible, but it's my creativity mood right now with my maths lessons =P
Mangegardien #7
Chapter 51: Mangie is a nice sasaeng, but still a sasaeng... Though she chose the wrong person because she should be after purplegyu... I need to tell her.

Ahahah I'm not confused at all because I know who was talking with who (or more accurately I guessedit because you haven't told me anything) but it's nice not to say it now.

Ahahah maybe Dae was just hungry and he wanted to go to a late night restaurant and now his.
Mangegardien #8
Chapter 50: Is it this chapter confusing people ? Case it's not really confusing. It's totally normal Jiyeon doesn't feel good enough to be revealed as Daehyun's boyfriend, when we all know how fans usually react when you tell them their biases have girlfriends. And it's a happy ending.. Well a happy ending chapter okay, but still it's fluffy and stuff and it's adorable and you just want to hug them both because they're adorable (... yeah yeah more than I am XD).

I look forward to reading the next chapters, cause right now there are some black holes I need to understand ^.^'
sarahsohn77 #9
Chapter 50: HanBYUL...... I don't like this (even though I actually love hanbyul haha) himchan needs to get a girlfriend haha