I know who it is... I think

Boku wa Romeo! HSJ FanFic

2 weeks since Mizuki met him, no more notes. She checked that same park at the end of her road every day, but nothing. She was starting to think that maybe it was all a dream. Walking home on a late afternoon, she was caught up in thoughts of that night and what happened, also why the note had no follow up? She was walking around with her head in the clouds as normal, when she reached the park.

‘Today, I won’t look for you.’ She instructed herself sternly. She kept walking looking only at her house, taking one step at a time, she moved past and then further away from the park. She got to her front gate. ‘I did it.’ She said pleased with herself, but the thought crossed her mind once more. ‘What if he’s there?’ She looked down the street and into the park. ‘You…’ Mizuki saw someone in a dark jumper with his hood up, immediately she ran down the road dropping her bag half-way. In flash the person turned around and revealed his masculine face. Mizuki stopped. She looked at him he was familiar, but it wasn’t who she had guessed it to have been. He moved quick and ran out of the side gates, Mizuki still looking into the park, she panted. ‘It isn’t Ryosuke?’ She looked down with a sad expression. She didn’t even want to chase after him, she wanted for it to be Ryosuke so badly she had dreamt of this moment every day for the past 2 weeks. She turned around and walked back towards her house. Slowly she made it to her bag which she picked up and threw over her shoulder, lost in thought once more.

The next day at school, Mizuki told Hikari, Midori, Eri and Abbi what happened. Midori walked over to her desk and took out an A5 sized notebook and put it on Mizuki’s desk.

‘Take a look.’ She nodded.

Mizuki opened up the book to find the names of lots of boys wrote down in a long list, separated into 4 sections; A, B, C and D. Mizuki looked back up to Midori. ‘What is this?’

Hikari and Eri were also intrigued as they had never seen it either.

‘It’s my Book of Boys. It’s has a ‘Profile’ of all the boys in our year.’ She smiled.

‘This is why your failing almost everything isn’t it Midori-chan.’ Hikari said amazed.

Midori giggled. ‘Yes, I spent the whole of our first year observing and writing it down in this little notebook.’

‘And it has everyone in here?’ Mizuki asked.

‘Yep… every boy, from class A-D’

‘Okay…’ Mizuki suddenly remembered. ‘I don’t know his name just his face!’

‘It’s okay Mizuki-chan… I said ‘profiles’ right therefor there are pictures too!’

Mizuki looked through the pages and already she found the same face. ‘That’s him!’ She pointed to the masculine face. ‘It’s him, it’s Keito Okamoto! From Class A’ Mizuki thought a little. ‘But I’ve never met him why would he like me?’

‘Appearance…’ Hikari suggested.

‘Seen your exam scores?’ Midori added.

‘Maybe you’ve bumped into him… really think Mizuki-chan’ Eri said.

Mizuki sat back and looked up at the ceiling. She thought and thought… ‘I got nothing?’ she finally announced.

‘What’s this you’re talking about?’ Chinen interrupted.

‘It’s the guy that Mizuki’s fallen in love with’ Midori answered straight on.

‘Wait! I haven’t fallen in love with him. He’s a suspect.’ Mizuki looked away.

‘A suspect… Okay Mizuki-chan.’ Chinen smiled.

‘You’re really happy today Chii…’ Hikari smiled to him.

‘Happy to be with you…’ He tried to say smoothly. He put his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek before he caught attention of Daiki and Abbi walking through the door holding hands.

‘Well they move fast…’ Midori giggled. ‘Holding hands after just 2 weeks.’ She smiled.

‘I wonder why Chinen’s so happy.’ Eri queried Hikari.

‘I gave him what he wanted…’ Hikari smirked.

‘!’ Mizuki, Eri and Midori shouted. Midori continued. ‘I didn’t write him down as the… ‘ addict’ type.’ She pulled over her book.

‘No… idiots!’ Hikari took her book away. ‘He wanted a kiss.’

Eri and Midori fell off their chairs. ‘You haven’t done that yet?’ Eri said. ‘You’ve been together almost a year?!’

‘Yes and I felt I didn’t need anything physical as we love each other but I got the hint last week when he spent all of our date trying to kiss me.’ Hikari looked at him. ‘I love him even more now.’

‘Ahh~’ Mizuki shot up pointing at the door.

There stood Keito Okamoto. Staring in at her, but when he realised she saw him he ran again.

‘Honestly… ran again!’ Mizuki went to sit down.

‘What are you doing run after him!’ Eri yelled.

‘Yeah you might have scared him away with the whole ‘Ahh’ thing!’ Midori added.

Mizuki ran out the classroom and down the hall as she turned the corner someone grabbed her arm.

‘What are you doing I need to catch him.’ She yelled.

‘You’re going to be late for class though, Mizuki.’

Her heart pounded she knew that voice.

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Yangmei #1
Finally, a Japanese fanfic <3 <3 <3 Totally subscribing and I read half of the first chapter, sounding good ^ w ^ I don't have time to read it now but will do later, I promise.
Whaaa(:<br />
Alot of chapters are up already ^^. Thanks.<br />