A Confession?

Boku wa Romeo! HSJ FanFic

Entering Mizuki’s house, Ryosuke looked around to the all the family photos, and hundreds of pictures of Mizuki as a child.

‘Cute…’ Ryosuke said to himself.

‘Take a seat here and I’ll make a drink, do you want anything?’ Mizuki said, still holding tight onto his hand.

‘I’m fine,’ he sat on the sofa still clasping her hand too.

‘Okay I’ll go put my stuff down then…’ as she went to walk away Ryosuke held her hand tighter, ‘Ryosuke?’

He pulled her back. ‘Sit down’ He said looking up at her.

‘Um, okay…’ She sat beside him, but nothing more was said.

Both of them were curious as to what the other was thinking. As they became closer together, they shared one thought the same, they wanted to keep hold of each-others hand.

‘Mizuki… I don’t know why but I always act like this around you…’ He stopped. ‘It irritates me…’ His arrogant tone came back for a split second.

‘I don’t know what you mean?’

‘Well, for one your hair is what attracted me to you at first, and then the park where…’ Ryosuke stopped and looked at her.

‘The park…’ Mizuki repeated, She had a flash back to that night… ‘The park…’ she said again, ‘was that you?’

‘I don’t know what you mean?’ Ryosuke tried to change the subject… ‘See this is what I mean I get sort of impulsive with you.’

Mizuki moved closer to him, then moved back again and covered her eyes, ‘there say whatever you want.’ She smiled. ‘Now you don’t have to worry what you look like when you think you say silly things.’

Ryosuke smiled. ‘I’m sorry.’ He grabbed her arm and pulled her too hug him. ‘Don’t cover your eyes. I don’t care what I look like in front of you anymore.’

 Mizuki sat back up to face him, and closed her eyes. Ryosuke smiled again and leant forward as he got closer and closer they felt a connection, as their lips were about to touch.


‘Oh, crap is my phone…’ Mizuki got up and walked over to her bag by the door. ‘Hello? Oh hi Hikari, what’s up?’ Mizuki paused and looked at Ryosuke. ‘You want me to come over… but I thought you were with Chinen?’ Mizuki moved her eyes to the floor. ‘Right well, I’m busy at the moment… with what? Well…’ before she could finish, Ryosuke got up and grabbed his bag and left without saying anything. ‘Umm… sorry can I call you back.’ She ran out after Ryosuke. ‘Wait. Don’t leave, I don’t want you too.’

‘Go out with your friends… they’ll wonder where you are if you don’t.’

‘But I’ll tell them I’m with you, and…’

‘And what, they’ll just scold you again like last time in the school…’ Ryosuke looked down, ‘its fine… it’s not like we were doing anything important.’

‘Nothing important…’ Mizuki started to cry… ‘Well if it was nothing important then I will go.’ Mizuki started to walk away. She turned to face him and said ‘don’t talk to me anymore, since it’s nothing important.’ She turned and ran down the street with her phone in her hand, into the park and back out. She didn’t know what just happened. Her tears were still flowing. She ran towards Hikari’s little ramen shop and didn’t look back.

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Yangmei #1
Finally, a Japanese fanfic <3 <3 <3 Totally subscribing and I read half of the first chapter, sounding good ^ w ^ I don't have time to read it now but will do later, I promise.
Whaaa(:<br />
Alot of chapters are up already ^^. Thanks.<br />