Yuya's Heartache

Boku wa Romeo! HSJ FanFic

Mizuki, Ryosuke and Yuya rushed towards the hospital in Ryosuke’s family car. Yuya sat looking out the window, thinking that he’d left Midori at school. Mizuki was in tears being comforted by Ryosuke neither had the time to tell Yuya what had happened. Arriving at the hospital Mizuki ran to the front desk.

‘Midori Matsumoto, where can we find her?’ She said upset and rushed.

 Yuya stopped shocked. When the nurse told them where she was Yuya ran ahead and didn’t stop until he reached the ward. ‘Midori.’ He stopped looking at the unconscious Midori in a head cast. Hikari was sat next to her holding her hand. ‘What happened Hikari.’ Yuya starred at Midori’s frail face but didn’t come closer.

‘She… on her way to the cafeteria at break… fell down 2 flights of stairs and hit her head. They’re worried about brain damage Yuya.’ A tear fell down Hikari’s cheek she tried to stay calm as she looked at Yuya.

‘Brain damage?’ Yuya repeated what he couldn’t believe today they were finally going to be connected physically. ‘Why didn’t you contact me?’

‘You didn’t answer your phone!’ Hikari let go of Midori’s limp hand and stood up angry.

‘It’s in school…’ Yuya looked at Midori. ‘I was so anxious… I let my bag at school.’

‘You idiot!’ Hikari hit him across the head. ‘She could have died and you were busy thinking about getting laid!’ Hikari was speaking from her gut and not her head.

‘I know, I never… I never thought anything would ever happen.’ Yuya finally walked towards Midori. ‘Why did this happen… to Midori.’ Yuya started to sob. ‘She’s kind, sweet and wouldn’t hurt anyone… so why did this happen!’ Yuya got angry and started hitting the wall.

Hikari pulled him off and to the floor. ‘Stop it. Just stay here and wait until she wakes up. That’s all she’d want.’

Yuya looked at the now hysterical Hikari that was hugging him, scared for Midori. And he knew exactly what he had to do. So he stood himself and Hikari up, ‘go home, get rest and don’t worry… I’m going to stay here, tell mum everything…’ He smiled at her to reassure her.

Mizuki and Ryosuke walked through the door. Mizuki finally composed herself and looked at Midori, ‘Maybe we should leave…’

‘Thank-you for bringing Yuya.’ Hikari said moving away from him and towards the door.

‘Take her home please.’ Yuya looked at Ryosuke and nodded at him.

Ryosuke nodded back, he knew that Yuya wanted to stay with Midori. And he knew that he would do the same for Mizuki. He grabbed Mizuki’s hand, ‘She’ll be fine.’ He smiled and nodded to Hikari hinting they should leave them together.

Hikari looked at Yuya. ‘Will you be okay?’

‘Of course go home.’ Yuya smiled.

After everyone leaving Yuya turned around and looked down at Midori, a tear ran down his cheek once more. He sat beside her and held her hand, he felt the rings in his pocket; he took them out and starred at the little black box. Opening it up he saw the inscription, he picked up her hand and put the ring on her finger, and put his on his. He kissed her on the forehead and held her hand tightly.

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Yangmei #1
Finally, a Japanese fanfic <3 <3 <3 Totally subscribing and I read half of the first chapter, sounding good ^ w ^ I don't have time to read it now but will do later, I promise.
Whaaa(:<br />
Alot of chapters are up already ^^. Thanks.<br />