Looking to the Future

Boku wa Romeo! HSJ FanFic

Everyone sat in shock at the confession.

‘I’m sorry,’ Mizuki grabbed her phone off the table and ran out the door.

Ryosuke sat staring at the space where Mizuki had stood. ‘She loves me?’

‘Right, I’m confused… was she think Ryosuke was Keito for a moment there?’ Midori stupidly broke the silence.

Yuya flicked her in the forehead, ‘I love you because you’re so stupid.’ He smiled and grabbed Midori closer kissing her on the cheek.

Midori blushed at Yuya but was still lost at what actually happened.

‘No Midori, she loves Ryosuke… honestly, it was obvious.’ Eri looked away at the distant minded Ryosuke.

With that Ryosuke stood up suddenly in high spirits and sprinted towards the door.

‘Finally I thought he wasn’t going to leave then…’ Hikari smiled. She held Chinen’s hand tightly. ‘She’s finally admitting it…’

‘I still don’t get it?’ Midori answered back.

‘Moron…’ Eri said laughing.


Running down the street and finally arriving at the park where she first felt this feeling of love for Ryosuke. She sat down by the climbing frame and as she looked up to the sky a tear fell down her cheek.

‘Mizuki!’ Ryosuke was running down the road towards the park. ‘Please be there.’ He said to himself quietly.

Mizuki heard Ryosuke’s voice and got up to move towards her house. She walked quickly but quietly hoping he wouldn’t catch her. She saw the gates and walked faster. She smiled as she went to the gates, she thought she had gotten away. But Ryosuke grabbed her arm from the side, she hadn’t noticed Ryosuke standing wait for her to come out.

‘Why are you running?’ Ryosuke asked her pulling her back into the park. ‘What kind of person confesses then runs away?’ Ryosuke smirked. ‘Are you not normal?’

‘What kind of person is horrible to someone feeling this low?’ Mizuki bit back at him. ‘Honestly I don’t know what came over me all of a sudden.’

‘Yeah, it was weird. Do you usually stand up and just confess in front of the whole world like that?’ Ryosuke laughed and let go of her arm after arriving back to where he had blindfolded her before.

‘So you ran after me to take the mick?’ Mizuki turned. ‘Charming… I should’ve known. I’m going if you’re just going to stand there and be like that.’ Mizuki’s tears started again as she felt she was rejected she started to walk away.

‘You know,’ Ryosuke grabbed her from behind. ‘I thought you liking me wouldn’t happen, ever, I thought my obnoxious side would surely put you off.’ He hugged her tightly around the waist and leant his head on her shoulder. ‘That’s why I blindfolded you that day…’

‘Not for a game?’ Mizuki giggled, being in Ryosuke’s arms settled all her feelings and let her relax. ‘But I like the obnoxious you too. I liked you way before any of this, when you first touched my hair I felt something…’ Mizuki looked forward smiling. ‘That obnoxious you, that you only showed me, I’m glad I saw it.’

Ryosuke smiled their faces next to each other looking towards the future. ‘But seriously, what is with you and games?’ Ryosuke laughed. ‘Do you want to play one?’ He moved his hands lower down her body. But Mizuki didn’t resist, so Ryosuke stopped in shock. ‘Do you actually…’

Mizuki stopped him, turning to face him and putting her finger to his mouth. ‘See you later.’ She walked away from him giggling to herself.

‘Hey! Don’t stop like that, I don’t understand?’ Ryosuke caught up with her, grabbed her hand and walked down the street to their houses.

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Yangmei #1
Finally, a Japanese fanfic <3 <3 <3 Totally subscribing and I read half of the first chapter, sounding good ^ w ^ I don't have time to read it now but will do later, I promise.
Whaaa(:<br />
Alot of chapters are up already ^^. Thanks.<br />