The shocking truth

Boku wa Romeo! HSJ FanFic

Two weeks since Midori and Yuya admitted how they truly felt. They had been on many dates, and truly trust and understand each other more. Sat in English bored as Midori always is, she looked out the window up to the sky, she thought about how Yuya was going to meet her today and how they had planned to go to the amusement park this weekend. Her phone vibrated on her lap, and she shook her head to gain concentration, she looked at the now lit up phone facing up at her, she looked around the room to make sure Junno-sensei was elsewhere and checked her phone.

‘I’m outside your school gates, ask to use the bathroom. Yuya’

Midori smiled to herself, then quickly looked out the window to a smiling Yuya waving his phone up to her. Worried she looked over at Hikari who was messing around with Chinen, raised her hand, stood up and said, ‘Junno-kun, I need to pee.’

‘Charming as ever Midori…’ He smiled. ‘Go ahead.’

Midori quickly got up and left the classroom… walking until she approached the stairs and then ran down and out the front of school, quickly changing her shoes along the way. Yuya saw her coming and smiled even brighter than before. Midori ran towards him and into his arms, she smiled at him.

‘You’re here.’ She looked up at him firmly gripped onto his uniform jacket.

‘Sorry, I couldn’t wait until later, I wanted to see you now.’

Midori kept smiling. She realised that they were in plain sight and quickly pushed him behind the school sign, which thankfully was tall. ‘Sorry… if Hikari saw… I wouldn’t know what to say.’ She said looking towards the ground.

Back in the classroom, Junno-sensei had noticed Midori out the window. ‘Ahh young love…’ He walked closer, too which the rest of the class got up and stood closer. ‘We’ll leave her for a bit then I’ll tell her off when she comes back.’

‘Oh… a kiss’ Daiki ran towards the window and smiled. ‘Cutee~’ He turned to Abbi. ‘Abbi-chan remember our first kiss…’

Abbi blushed. ‘Dai-chan…’ She smiled to herself.

‘Ahh first kisses are good!’ Chinen sat back down in his seat looking up to the sky.

Hikari looked out the window at Midori still kissing the unknown boy. ‘Who is she with anyway…’ she turned to look at the class. ‘Does anyone know?’

The whole class shook their heads and looked puzzled.

‘Who could it be?’ She stood angry that her best friend hadn’t told her she had a boyfriend.

‘Oh!’ Daiki started. ‘Look the uniform isn’t that from the all-boys school down the road?’

‘I know someone from there’ Kei stood up. ‘Yabu Kota…’ He looked out the window.

‘Oh yeah I know him he’s friends with my brother.’ Hikari replied. ‘My brother…’ She realised and looked back out the window. ‘It couldn’t be?’

‘Kei, you’re really gay aren’t you I mean not that I care we’re twins after all.’ Kita stood up and put her arm around him playing.

‘Better than having a gang-banger boyfriend like yourself… Kita.’ Kei replied.

‘Gang-banger! Koki may look rough but, he’s a softy…’ Kita put her fist to his head. ‘Don’t insult him anymore!’

‘Wait… Did Inoo-kun just admit he’s’ Daiki looked at him.

‘I don’t know what I am, but I liked Yabu-kun in Junior High.’ Kei admitted feeling a little at ease. ‘and… He, well, He’s also, but I don’t know what I am so nothing happened.’

‘Yabu, liked Kei, but Kei was being a ‘phob’ and totally rejected him, but always talks about him and how he wants to see him… I think he’s gay, but he seems ashamed.’ Kita added.

‘You know Kei, it doesn’t matter, I know gay people who live happy together. It’s cute actually.’ Eri said smiling at him.

‘Well, I don’t know.’ Kei sat back down and started drawing again. ‘I just don’t know…’

‘Love problems don’t they just sometimes…’ Junno-sensei said. ‘But at least I know that not all of my students are perfectly happy for once, chin up Kei-chan!!’ He walked past and patted him on the shoulder.

So  much was going through Hikari’s mind she wasn’t even listening.

‘Hikari-chan… Are you okay?’ Chinen went to put her arm around her.

But Hikari ran out of the room heading for the front gate, she was determined to find out who Midori was with.

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Yangmei #1
Finally, a Japanese fanfic <3 <3 <3 Totally subscribing and I read half of the first chapter, sounding good ^ w ^ I don't have time to read it now but will do later, I promise.
Whaaa(:<br />
Alot of chapters are up already ^^. Thanks.<br />