The Ferris Wheel

Boku wa Romeo! HSJ FanFic

Yabu and Kei

They sat next to each other cutely, after getting a funny look by the guy running the Ferris wheel, Kei seemed awkward again.

‘Are you still not all into the idea of this Kei?’ Yabu asked looking down to the floor.

Kei realised Yabu could see right through him. ‘Don’t be…’

‘Don’t lie.’ Yabu lifted his head. ‘If you’re not, tell me now…’

Kei looked at Yabu’s considerate eyes, ‘stop doing things for me.’ Kei looked away. ‘I’m horrible I say I want to be with you and then I treat you like this.’ Kei’s eyed started to well up. ‘You deserve better, I’m sorry.’

Yabu lifted Kei’s head. ‘You’re the best.’ He leant his face closer to Kei’s.

And the couple shared their first kiss.

Kita and Koki

‘I can’t believe that runt is actually gay… I thought you were taking the piss…’ Koki chuckled to himself.

‘Don’t talk like that about him’ Kita hit Koki over the head, ‘I support him fully. He’s my brother so if you don’t like it… don’t date me.’

‘You know I wouldn’t break up with you.’ Koki gave Kita his puppy dog eyes.

‘I know that’s why I know you’ll stop taking the piss out of Kei.’ Kita spoke confidently as ever.

‘Sorry.’ Koki put his arm around Kita. But the thought of Kei being gay still couldn’t leave his mind.

Eri and Ueda

‘Eri, you know… I really hate leaving you for my courses out of town.’ Ueda sadly said with his arm around her.

‘It’s part of your course. I completely understand.’ Eri smiled. ‘I can see you anytime… just buy me a pop-up book from Osaka.’ She giggled hugging his waist.

‘Anything you ask for Eri.’ Ueda smiled.

Mizuki and Ryosuke

Sitting awkwardly like always, Ryosuke asked Mizuki. ‘So how was your first Amusement park date?’

‘I liked it.’ Mizuki said smiling.

Ryosuke started to feel impulsive again… he had to look away from her.

‘Ryosuke…’ Mizuki was curiosity was on his red face.

‘What, uh I mean… yes?’ Ryosuke spoke nervously.

Mizuki giggled she was glad she wasn’t the only nervous one. ‘I’m happy.’ Mizuki laughed some more. ‘I’m really happy it was you Ryosuke.’

‘Marry me…’

Mizuki sat in shock. ‘What?’

‘Wait I’m sorry… Nothing’ Ryosuke’s impulsive side started to speak!

Mizuki thought she heard right but didn’t want to make too much of a fuss over him being nervous. ‘You’ll have to kiss me first.’ She smiled.

But Ryosuke cut her smile short by kissing her intensely.

Mizuki didn’t expect him to actually kiss her. She was left in shock looking into space ‘Fuu~’

Ryosuke laughed at her. ‘Fuu? What was that?’ He laughed a little more.

Mizuki laughed as well, she felt she didn’t need to feel embarrassed or nervous around Ryosuke anymore.

Midori and Yuya

‘Yuya don’t you think it’s really mature that Daiki and Abbi have already given themselves to each other completely.’ Midori smiled looking out the window in a daze.

Yuya leant forward and put his hand on her leg. ‘Would you like to?’ He moved his hand up to her shoulder and kissed her.

‘What here?’ Midori was shocked at Yuya for thinking of such a crazy idea. ‘Idiot that’s illegal’

‘Not here! I don’t want our first time to be cheap or meaningless.’ Yuya looked into her eyes. ‘To be honest Midori, I’ve been holding myself back. I want to always hold you and kiss you. I love the face you make when you blush,’

‘Yuya I…’

‘Don’t, tomorrow after school I’ll pick you up and prepare everything.’ Yuya smiled looking at Midori. ‘I honestly love you.’

Hikari and Chinen

Hikari and Chinen both sat on the floor as Hikari hated heights but loved the feeling of the cabin moving.

‘Hikari…’ Chinen looked over to her. ‘Can I hug you?’

Hikari smiled and nodded to him.

Chinen moved closer to her and tightly held her close. ‘Don’t ever leave me.’

‘Where would I go?’ She smiled hugging him back.

Chinen started to move his hands up the back of Hikari’s top. Hikari was shocked at him, but didn’t say a word. ‘Just tell me no.’ He said looking intensely into her eyes. She looked away and hugged him tighter. Chinen carried on up and ran the tips of his fingers around her waist putting her in an upright position. He then started to kiss her neck gently.

Hikari started to feel Chinen’s heat inhabit her body. ‘No, not now’

But chinen carried on, he pulled his hands down the front of her and went to undo her jean button.

‘Chinen, I can’t’ Hikari was now pressed up against the bench, hot and flusterd. Although she knew this feeling was right with Chinen she knew she had wanted it to be more special. ‘Please stop it, now.’ Hikari started to cry.

Chinen felt Hikari’s tears hit his face. He hugged her close, ‘I’m sorry Hikari, I don’t know what’s come over me lately… everything you do makes me want this… I’m such a bad boyfriend.’

‘It wasn’t you, Chinen don’t act like that… act like you!’ Hikari acted scared of him now. She put her hands to his cheeks, ‘I wanted this too, but please stop pretending to be like that you think I need some shallow deep voiced, trying too hard to be y guy, when I have the most perfect guy for me right here?’ she kissed him deeply. ‘The guy I fell in love with, might not be the iest, or the hottest guy in the bedroom. But because it’s you, I’ll love every minute of it’

Abbi and Daiki

Daiki was excited looking out the window.

‘You’re like a big kid sometimes you know…’ Abbi smiled and then touched her stomach looking out the window.

‘What’s wrong are you feeling ill?’ Daiki quickly changes sides and sat next to Abbi putting his hand on her stomach. ‘You should have said, we should’ve left earlier.’

A tear fell down Abbi’s cheek. ‘I’m not feeling sick.’

Daiki wiped away the tear with his finger gently. ‘Then what’s wrong?’

‘If I tell you, we might break-up…’ Abbi wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt. ‘And I really love you…’

‘We won’t break up. Because I love you more than anything in this world’ Daiki kissed her gently on the forehead.

Abbi looked away, worried about what she was about to say she took a deep breath, and looked Daiki straight on. ‘I’m, going to leave.’

Daiki grabbed her hands, ‘Why?’ He then put his hand on her shoulders and pulled her towards him. ‘What did I do? You said you loved me? How can you leave?’ Daiki held her closer.

‘I’m so sorry I wanted to make today a great memory… and now I’ve ruined it.’ Abbi’s tears began to flow faster. ‘I’m so, so sorry Daiki…’ She sniffed trying to compose herself a little. She pulled away from him and then smiled. ‘But I will always love you Daiki Arioka… always.’ She put her hand to his cheek, a tear hit her finger. ‘Don’t, you are so much more, when you smile.’ She put a smile on her face. ‘Please smile for me Daiki.’

Daiki looked at her… still he could feel his tears uncontrollably falling down both cheeks. He remembered their first meeting as soon as he saw her he knew she was the only girl that he’d ever love. He smiled at her brightly wanting her last memory to be of happy. ‘You’ll never be gone.’ He kissed her gently. ‘As long as I live, you will always be in my heart’ Daiki stopped smiling the ferris wheel was coming to an end and so were they. ‘So why, are you being forced to leave?’

Abbi looked down to her slightly bloated stomach. ‘It’s my choice… I’m not going to ruin the rest of your life for my mistake.’

‘What was your mistake?’ The Ferris wheel stopped one by one letting everyone off. The atmosphere became thicker.

‘I think I’m…’ Abbi paused looking at Daiki’s cute face, she shed her last tear and told him, ‘I’m pregnant.’

With that the cabin door opened. ‘The rides over’

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Yangmei #1
Finally, a Japanese fanfic <3 <3 <3 Totally subscribing and I read half of the first chapter, sounding good ^ w ^ I don't have time to read it now but will do later, I promise.
Whaaa(:<br />
Alot of chapters are up already ^^. Thanks.<br />